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GAF Votes FOTY 2012 Thread: Fail Of The Year

the industry is becoming a failure itself. look at all the shit we have to choose from this year.

nobody can claim innocence here either. from the publishers leeching our pockets, developers laying off employees/stealing assets, journalists selling out, and the gamers for being so fucking entitled to their expectations.
Wii U - Launched requiring two fucking updates that took an absolute age to download. 6 years late to the party and missing features present in PS3 and 360. Region coding and a derivative sequel as the main launch window title.


Mass Effect 3 ending gets my vote.

While Doritosgate was pretty newsworthy, ME3 was such a crazy event that it really deserves the mention.


the industry is becoming a failure itself. look at all the shit we have to choose from this year.

nobody can claim innocence here either. from the publishers leeching our pockets, developers laying off employees/stealing assets, journalists selling out, and the gamers for being so fucking entitled to their expectations.

Certain things cross the line. Bugs left unfixed, framerate issues.


With less than 5 weeks on the market in only one region (NA), how exactly can the WiiU be considered the fail of the year for the entirety of 2012? Really, nothing this year has been a bigger failure in your eyes? Nothing at all?

And the fact that is actually selling well, with the exception of Europe which has become FIFA Land.


I'd say EvilLore going to Europe for three months and seemingly not getting one slice of ass.

JUST KIDDING =P Correct me if I'm wrong though.

Gamewise, I'd go with Schilling, THQ/Darksiders II & developers chatting it up with us and then disappearing after the release and the RE6 vitriol.


too many to name

terribly disappointing sequels (ME3, D3, RE6)
38 studios
SK vs Epic trial
sonys horrible mismanagement of every aspect of the vita
nintendo's awful marketing leading to consumer confusion surrounding that new wii controller thingy



This. One hundred percent this.


Wii U - Launched requiring two fucking updates that took an absolute age to download. 6 years late to the party and missing features present in PS3 and 360. Region coding and a derivative sequel as the main launch window title.

Okay, lets sort this out:

1. Update took 30 minutes. I didn't like it at all, but lets not go overboard.

2. Missing features? Like achievements? You can keep them.

3. Region coding does suck, but that's going to be par for the course moving forward.

4. NSMBU is possibly the best 2D Mario ever.


1. Resident Evil 6 ; What a shame that main entry ended up being such a disappointment. I can't even understand how Capcom put this game out.

Honorable mentions:

Mass Effect 3


Its only GAF relate but this thread was a major failure on part of Afro Gunsou. He pretended to be Jerry Jewell a voice actor and then fabricated this huge rumor.

There should be a GAF related failure of the year for moments such as this.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
The Vita's performance has been really bad, and I even own one. I knew what I was getting into, but I did it anyway. Foolishness reigns.

Still, 38 Studios has to be the lord over all this year. A real shame for some involved.


Its only GAF relate but this thread was a major failure on part of Afro Gunsou. He pretended to be Jerry Jewell a voice actor and then fabricated this huge rumor.

There should be a GAF related failure of the year for moments such as this.

Haha I completely forgot about that

A GAF fail thread of the year vote would be pretty funny but also a gigantic flamewar waiting to happen.

My vote goes to the Bayonetta 2 announcement thread nonetheless


Honorable Mentions

- War Z
- 38 Studios

Winner (Loser)

- Doritogate : This one embarrased an entire industry. They are not likely to recover.


I think War Z probably takes the crown for the developers being unable to recognise (or being willfully blind to) the fact they even have a problem.
38 Studios for sure. The War Z debacle is still too fresh in people's minds to evaluate properly. Dyack would probably make a good Failure Of The Generation; everything that happened to him in 2012 was the sum of many years of performance.

SFXT gets an honorable mention for being the zeitgeist of the industry: the way the PS3 exclusives were presented, DLC gems being strictly superior to default ones, the on-disc DLC, Cross Sexual Assault, the marketing leading up to the release, jab fighter x timeout, the Rolento hard lock, Ono being hospitalized. And that's just off the top of my head.


38 Studios, even though Reckoning was a decent attempt. I initially bought into Curt Schillings bullshit, but his failings cannot be overstated enough. Absolutely fucking awful treatment of those who busted their asses for him and his millionaire 'dream.'


RE6 was a messy game but people (me included) have fun with it. It's not a total waste. ME3 had fun gameplay as well, even if the story fell to pieces at the end, some folks are having fun with the multiplayer so it's not completely awful either.

WarZ on the other hand, had a stellar fail of the year, even if this happened in early 2012, the whole shadiness, overall assholery of their "devs" and all the shit that has befallen on Valve for allowing such a ripoff, it has to win on a landslide. Period.
1. I think Rockstar snubbing PC gamers RE: GTA V was a real poor show.
2. Greenlight

People voting WarZ are crazy. That story will be forgotten in a day or two. Bunch of people hopping on the bandwagon hoping the blood of a few hacks will be spilled:
1. WarZ - I remember drooling over the screenshots before I knew anything. I'm proud I did my small part in actively dismantling that game over the past 24 hours.
I vote for Curiosity.
Good choice!

Surprised so few people are voting for Sony All Stars Battle Royale, is it literally that nobody cares about that game? I think it sold less than 10k in its first month.


It's a toss-up between War Z and ME3's ending for me. I'm gonna vote for MASS EFFECT 3 however, because I have a feeling War Z is merely topical at the moment, and that in the scheme of things, ME3's ending was a bigger deal for me.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Surprised so few people are voting for Sony All Stars Battle Royale, is it literally that nobody cares about that game? I think it sold less than 10k in its first month.

It wasn't THAT bad, it just wasn't good. A lot of apathy.
Top Vote: 38 Studios - The entire mess, from not paying the people they hired, overspending on the visionary MMO that never got released, borrowing money from Rhode Island and ending up getting sued? It's a lesson to be learned on how not to run a studio, or how to run a studio into the ground.

Honorable Mentions
WarZ - Big fiasco at the moment, but we haven't seen the entire fallout yet, which is why I'm not voting for it. It's also the most fresh in people's minds.

Street Fighter x Tekken - The deplorable DLC, content on-disc fiasco along with the mismanagement of releasing the DLC/Vita copies and not patching the game makes it a disaster. The game could have been fun, but the corporation behind it made it suck.

Doritosgate - Don't even need to explain this one.

Bayonetta 2 Epic Tears - This one is less the gaming industry and more the gaming community. The breakdown over Bayonetta 2 exclusivity was just horrifying to watch.

Deleted member 47027

Unconfirmed Member
Just seems like a massively missed opportunity that will probably be laid to rest now. Hard to justify another one on that performance.

It's a good start, but the competition, despite being old stuff, is still leagues ahead. I'm really interested if they make a sequel, how it pans out - because there's a lot of good ideas, it just wasn't fully executed. And that horrid UI...


On a personal level, Halo 4.

In term of real world ramifications, tied between 38 studios and Dyack. WarZ gets the honourable mention.


Actually yeah, the 38 Studios fiasco.

I will go with this also...,the E3 presentation was good,the hype was tamed but there,we even had Curt Schiling discovering GAF and posting here and the end product was pretty good as well,with a promise of future games and a MMO that could of been good...then it all crumbled into the business/financial hell of things...

ME's ending doesn't rival because the overall game was pretty good with great Multi and DLC.


Wow, there really are so many this year, I'd forgotten about many of these. I can't choose. Was anyone actually looking forward to The War Z? I hardly heard of it until all this shit went down, so to me it's not really a big deal; it's not like a known dev/pub is pulling these shenanigans.


Wow, there really are so many this year, I'd forgotten about many of these. I can't choose. Was anyone actually looking forward to The War Z? I hardly heard of it until all this shit went down, so to me it's not really a big deal; it's not like a known dev/pub is pulling these shenanigans.

There are two MAJOR issues at play and neither are about disappointment with the game.

1. The question over how Steam approves games for their services. This would have been a huge fail if Valve had not stepped forward. Regardless, there are big questions starting to pop up (also with how Greenlight is being handled).

2. WarZ is creating brand confusion with DayZ, a really popular game on these forums. It could end up having a huge impact on when and how that game is released stand-alone.


WiiU - Completely failing at properly marketing a system. No more powerful than current systems. The controller has yet to show any promise, and lacks the hype the wiimote had.

Resident Evil 6 - Its been hard to watch one of my favorite series of games turn into the train wreck that it is. The series has completely forgotten what made it so great to begin with, too lost on trying to make it marketable to the right audience.

Curt Schilling - Not his studio. Just him. This gets my vote for sure. While the other two in some ways were a bigger fail, this one actually cost people their jobs, including a friend of mine (who was only there 8 months). Such a complete clusterfuck.
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