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GAF Votes FOTY 2014 Thread: Fail Of The Year



Unconfirmed Member
Gamergate by far. An appalling and embarassing movement that put mainstream acceptance of gaming back years while silencing many strong voices within the industry and making others scared to pursue careers in the industry.
+1 to that. Gamergate is an embarrassment to the gaming world.


Practically every fall game coming out broken is the only choice.

Heh, I got Horizon 2, GTA V, and Sunset Overdrive so far.

All have worked great for me. I seem to have dodged a ton of bullets this fall.

I think "practically every" may be a bit over the top. I know there was DC, Unity, and MCC. Were there more? I didn't buy every game, so I'm sure I'm missing some.

Edit** I didn't play "gamergate" a ton of attention. I feel like I'm missing something, lol
Totally going with Destiny on this one.

There may have been bigger debacles this year, but none had as much hype behind them as that one.


Gamergate/Quinnspiracy. It caused a lot of damage to the gaming industry because of the actions of a lot of it's members. It also actually made people leave or stopped them from entering the gaming industry in the first place.


Such as...?

He's right though, it's revealed that the customers can be absolute shitheads that can distinguish their anus from their heads.
Yeah if AAA blockbuster games are targeting these guys, they kinda deserve the broken slotmachines they get.

If I have to explain why, you either don't know much about it (ignorance is bliss!), or we're just not going to see eye to eye.


Neo Member
Sony and Microsoft for letting so many games get released broken or buggy. Its ment to be plug play not buy game download patch 50 times and hope its all good.


The fail was strong this year. Gamergate for me. It's almost too bad that Ubisoft won't win for their truly garbage output this year but GG was so huge and it broke into mainstream.


He's right though, it's revealed that the customers can be absolute shitheads that can distinguish their anus from their heads.
Yeah if AAA blockbuster games are targeting these guys, they kinda deserve the broken slotmachines they get.

The fact that we have a lot of bigoted/sexist/terrible people in our community.

I was wondering more about the 'industry' part. The two main exposés that occurred in the past 110 days were Warner Bros. with their video-content restrictions for Shadows of Mordor and Ubisoft's specifically timed review-embargo, neither of which were directly linked to any action taken by GamerGate as a group.

The Shadows of Mordor thing has a tangential link due to TotalBiscuit being one of the(possibly the) first to bring it up. But that was him, on his own, doing his usual thing.
Halo MCC

Wow yeah I guess ignorance is bliss. Never entered a Gamergate thread and don't plan too. It's gone main stream? Never heard of it outside of GAF thread titles.
I was wondering more about the 'industry' part. The two main exposés that occurred in the past 110 days were Warner Bros. with their video-content restrictions for Shadows of Mordor and Ubisoft's specifically timed review-embargo, neither of which were directly linked to any action taken by GamerGate as a group.

The Shadows of Mordor thing has a tangential link due to TotalBiscuit being one of the(possibly the) first to bring it up. But that was him, on his own, doing his usual thing.
Not Mordor related, but Gamasutra had written about this sort of thing earlier this year. Also has a retrospectively amusing TB cameo.
Gamergate, and call the award the "NeoGAF Trophy Of 'Oh My God I Can't Believe Something This Stupid Could Ever Happen In Gaming' Fail".

Honorable mentions:
Everything Ubisoft (other than Far Cry 4)
"Overhype/Underhype" extreme dichotomy (Titanfall, Watch Dogs, Destiny, AC:U vs Mordor, DA:I, Bayonetta 2, MK8, etc)
PSX Final Fantasy VII non-announcement
I realised EA is doing much better this year. They didn't get much flak, did they.. Unless that always online SimCity thing was this year. Can't remember.
Sims 4 was just ok, but yeah Ubisoft beat them out of the park with 2 terrible games. EA will probably be glad to not win "Worst Company of the Year" for 2014.


Gamergate set the idea of being an adult gamer back another decade. Embarrassing beyond belief.

That and all the games that shipped broken and dropped in price before they got fixed. My own fault for pre-ordering I guess. I'm looking at you, Driveclub.



All of these other fuck ups result in nothing but broken games that will probably be fixed eventually. Gamergate has caused real negative impact on so many peoples lives it overshadows everything else.


Was destiny a letdown for many? Sure. But as big of a fail as games that don't work for months or companies that have committed PR suicide? I don't see that...

My vote is for ubisoft.


I've got an IDE that can generate an app that run Tetris and it runs better than that.
I mean it's literally harder to shit Tetris than it is to make it run properly.
Ubisoft managed to do it how?


Gamergate aka horribly sexist babies who terrorize other people because of their luxury toys.

Or as Alexander put it: "a petri dish of people who know so little about how human social interaction and professional life works that they can concoct online ‘wars’ about social justice or ‘game journalism ethics,’ straight-faced, and cause genuine human consequences. Because of video games."


Big publishers put their foot in their mouths or release mediocre "blockbuster" games every year. Gamergate is in another class all on its own. Fail of the decade.
Absolute nadir of everything to do with video games as of late award: GamerGate

Worst publisher: Ubisoft

Except as bad as the latter is, it cannot hold a handle to the former.


Last year was easy to choose thanks to MS. What a trainwreck.

It's either AC:U or MCC. There's really no excuse for either game to perform as horribly as they did.

I'd have to see Destiny's post-launch online numbers before saying it was a Fail. As far as I know, the online does work (unlike MCC). So it's not like the game was unplayable, just that the game was/is a massive disappointment for many.

IMO, GamerGate's affect on the industry is completely overblown. But it's not surprising many of GAF list it as their FOTY. I've kept up with it here & there, and I don't think it's reach goes much outside online communities. The death threats & such are, of course, disgusting. As far as damaging Gaming's perception to the masses? Nah, I don't see it.
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