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GAFs biggest angry/rage moments


[] hurts itself in its confusion!
[] hurts itself in its confusion!
[] hurts itself in its confusion!
[] hurts itself in its confusion!
[] hurts itself in its confusion!
[] hurts itself in its confusion!
[] hurts itself in its confusion!


Also I remember playing Ninja Gaiden on OG Xbox and getting served quite late in the game,
I threw my controller and it hit the Xbox and gave me a yellow light circle

Felt like a jackass afterward

Yiazmat is a nightmare. His HP is over 50 million, meaning that the battle can and will last for upwards of 3 hours (this is to date one of the only bosses in the series that allows you to save during it and come back later), and to make matters worse, your damage caps out at 6999 per hit once he's at half health.

By far his most annoying and infuriating tactic though, is casting Reflectga on your party when he's on his last legs, usually the second before you use Renew.

This restores his health back to full.

I think I actually bit my controller while fighting him.


I still have a scar on my knuckles from punching the TV because I was so pissed off at the computer in Bulls Vs Blazers. I was like 10 or 11. Sports games in general when I was a kid pissed me off. Fucking cheating computer opponent!

Sometimes Battlefield 3 pisses me off and puts me in a bad mood. For some reason that game just makes me want to send irrational hate-mail like an immature jerk. I don't though.

Super Mario 3d Land makes me want to throw my 3DS.


I never had a single one, it's just a game why would I rage? People should look a little deeper into things if they get physically violent to the point of throwing controllers.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Ooh... this thread.

So, like, where do I start?

Eh, it's better not to say anything :3



Yiazmat is a nightmare. His HP is over 50 million, meaning that the battle can and will last for upwards of 3 hours (this is to date one of the only bosses in the series that allows you to save during it and come back later), and to make matters worse, your damage caps out at 6999 per hit once he's at half health.

By far his most annoying and infuriating tactic though, is casting Reflectga on your party when he's on his last legs, usually the second before you use Renew.

This restores his health back to full.

I think I actually bit my controller while fighting him.

Noo the memories are coming back

The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician

Yiazmat is a nightmare. His HP is over 50 million, meaning that the battle can and will last for upwards of 3 hours (this is to date one of the only bosses in the series that allows you to save during it and come back later), and to make matters worse, your damage caps out at 6999 per hit once he's at half health.

By far his most annoying and infuriating tactic though, is casting Reflectga on your party when he's on his last legs, usually the second before you use Renew.

This restores his health back to full.

I think I actually bit my controller while fighting him.

What the fuck?


Grand Slam Tennis on the Wii, was literally the hardest I've raged at a game, controls just didn't seem at all responsive or easy to use, even with the MotionPlus... then I played it a day later and it suddenly clicked and the game became really fun and ultimately really easy.

Yiazmat is a nightmare. His HP is over 50 million, meaning that the battle can and will last for upwards of 3 hours (this is to date one of the only bosses in the series that allows you to save during it and come back later), and to make matters worse, your damage caps out at 6999 per hit once he's at half health.

By far his most annoying and infuriating tactic though, is casting Reflectga on your party when he's on his last legs, usually the second before you use Renew.

This restores his health back to full.

I think I actually bit my controller while fighting him.

You seriously shouldn't be using Renew, like, ever in Final Fantasy XII. Curaja is more cost effective and is way more than enough healing--Yiazmat won't let the difference between 90% full and 100% full mean anything (his regular attacks have a decent chance of inflicting instant death).

Yiazmat is annoying, but I've always considered him more tedious than frustrating (though the last few health bars he gets kinda nuts).

But the damage cap is just nonsensical bullshit.


The Light of El Cantare
Any instance in which I encountered a Shiny Pokemon only for it to escape or get KOed.


Every Mario Party. Getting my stars stolen. Chance Time. Bonus stars. Sheer rage.

Really, most multiplayer N64 games took a toll on my controllers.


brazen editing lynx
My brother deleted my nearly finished file in Final Fantasy VI Advance. All I had left was to do some grinding and then tackle the final dungeon. I was fucking pissed when I booted up the game and saw three empty files. I loved that game to death, but I still haven't touched it since. I'm waiting for the inevitable remake before I give it another try.

Also Mario Kart. Fucking rubber banding bullshit. I rage so much yet I still love it. It boggles my mind.
I find it difficult to allow myself to break a disk I paid $30 for, much less entire systems that cost hundreds.

Something about having to work for that money.

So I usually turn to alcohol. The cause and the solution to all of life's problems.
When My 5 year old nephew deleted my perfect mario64 save. Never have I wanted to strangle a child more in my life.

Haha still a conversation 15 years later...
Playing Street Fighter 4 online. Nothing comes even close. Getting thrown 3 times on wakeup, Ryu's trade shoryuken to Ultra, every fight against Blanka ever (just try blocking that shit online with any consistency).


Final boss of NMH 2.

Extremely cheap move which could kill me in one blow. Died way to many times :(

GAHHHH Batt Jr was incredibly frustrating -_-

2 hours of ever rising rage as i kept fighting and failing against him. Did not want to stop because i knew if i did i would probably not touch the game for a while and that would make it even harder to beat him when i do. By the time i finally killed him after those 2 horrible hours my arm felt worse than it did from playing Red Steel 2 on Athletic Mode.

His first form was cake but that 2nd form was pure distilled cheapness.
MW3, I ended up chucking my controller across the room and it broke in half. Popped the game out immediately and listed it on eBay.
The most recent thing that comes to mind is the last boss in Final Fantasy XIII-2. Maybe it because it was so late at night when I finished the game, but it was soooo frustrating.


If i'm really frustrated I'll throw my controller into a soft chair because breaking stuff you paid good money for is retarded.


will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
I went through a good 2-3 keyboards when I was a teenager due to punching them all the time when I fucked up in a game...

If i'm really frustrated I'll throw my controller into a soft chair because breaking stuff you paid good money for is retarded.

...Then I bought a decent keyboard and this kicked in.

Azure J

Every moment of true bonafide nerdrage I can remember having in multiplayer games usually boils down to having a root cause in my younger brother:

Mario Karts 64 - 7 - Brother specifically goes out of his way to hinder me the most because out of all 5 of us siblings, I am the one who's played these games longest and know some extreme levels of bullshit to deal with passersby. Gets exceedingly big headed when his hurt/heal strageties work.

Pokemon - Only plays matches against me when he has hard counters to what I'm rolling with. Gets exceedingly big headed when it all works out.

Super Smash Bros. - Plays guaranteed counter picks to my style and is happy as shit to the point of extreme gloating when he takes a round from me (I'm a hardheaded "win with your own shit" kinda guy). Gets absolutely livid when I figure him out calling for a change of game or leaving altogether when he can't win enough.

Ultimate Marvel VS. Capcom 3/Super Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition - The complete inverse of the Smash segment of this post except with his trademark arrogance on full blast.

It's crazy. I have healthy rivalries with the oldest sister in my family and we can have good ass times winning wonderfully or losing horribly, but when he gets involved, it's only a matter of time before I feel like its a chore or just unfun to play him at which point he gets all offended and it becomes a mess of rage and poor judgement... Like, flinging a 360 controller with the intent of picking up and going right back into things for my run back, only to see that it wasn't the sofa the controller landed... It was the side of his laptop's screen and the LCD was busted. :lol

I rage weirdly. I'll swear a bit then more and more. Then I'll go quiet as I get more and more annoyed till I snap, I just chuck the controller down and turn off the console hurriedly and without shouting say 'fuck that!'

Pretty much the same here. :lol
Oh wow, this thread is like confession time... forgive me GAF, for I have sinned... repeatedly.

- Gameboy Color. Repeatedly smashed batteries out of back after failing to catch the fleeing dogs on Pokemon Gold/Silver. Luckily Game Boys were built to last.
- Numerous PS2 controllers... can't remember exactly why though.
- Original DS Phat, threw it off a wall after failing Mario Kart DS... Baby Circuit 150CC I think. Caused the two screens to be hanging by a thread... actually worked around it for a few months, until it just totally separated.
- DS Lite. The Spirit Tracks flute sections. Beyond fucking infuriating. Repeatedly stabbed DS touch screen until it got permanent black lines.
- PSP. Threw off a wall because disc drive wasn't working, then screen shattered. Oh the irony.
- Guitar Hero II. Various points during Expert. Did a full on Guitar Smash against my wall. Controller works fine.
- 360 controllers (various). Losing at Halo 3 multiplayer online. Getting my ass kicked by my brother at Tekken 6.
- iPod Touch. Red Dead Redemption multiplayer. It was nearby. Threw at wall. Screen shattered.

... I really have lost a lot of money to sheer, pants on head retarded rage. I never hurt nobody though, and it's got a hell of a lot better since. I no longer want to kill my brother whilst playing Smash Bros... it's all fun, isn't it?


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Remember FFXIII coming to 360?

I felt like yoshichan at that BETRAYALTON.
Haha, same.

Well, here we go... I guess? It's impossible for me to remember all of it, but here are a couple of things that are in the back of my mind.

Also, I might as-well get these comments out of the way: "You're retarded", "Seek help", "Wow bro, you could've donated all that money spent on stuff to needing kinds in Africa."

These games made me break the following stuff:

Starcraft II
A ridiculous amount of stuff. A mechanical keyboard, over 5 regular ones, three mice (one Sensei, two Microsoft Intelli 3.0), two chairs, and lots, lots of other stuff.

World of Warcraft
PVP-server, Alterac Mountains... fucking Undead kept following me into this cave and eventually killed me. I punched my laptop that I had gotten free from school so fiercely - I destroyed it. Also: lots of keyboards, and a Steelseries mousepad

My Ice-mat, two keyboards, a mouse, my PC-table

Tekken 4
Destroyed a phat PS2, the Tekken Tag Tournament disc, two Dual Shock 2-controller

Tekken 5: Dark Resurrection
1 PS3 controller (SixAxis; shit quality anyways)

Tekken 6
The disc, a HORI-stick, two PS3-controllers

SF3: Third Strike
Killed a TV, and snapped a PS1-controller in two

Street Fighter 4
A bunch of random crap

Ate the cover and broke the disc in two

World of Warcraft

Metal Gear Solid 2
Shitty European Extreme-design. Two PS2-controllers (one time on Olga and the second time against those flying robots on the Plant-section).

Punched the screen of the (first) Gameboy and destroyed it

God Hand
A Dual Shock 2 and a DS3-controller.

Devil May Cry 4
Echidna boss-fight on DMD. Didn't get SSS-ranking and decided to punch my teeth so hard that one tooth broke. Also destroyed a DS3.

Diablo 3
Destroyed my soul

Dark Souls
My finger... long story :p Some of you know what happened.

I don't take pictures of my rage-material but I've saved some controllers/posters/random stuff that I broke inside this bag (it's a fucking mess :lol):



Soooo have you already looked for help yet? Well at least people are breaking stuff they bought *I hope* and not people -.-/

There's nothing wrong with all that rage.
Getting mad or pissed is ok, getting to the levels of destruction. Eh... Go buy a punching bag and save some money


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Soooo have you already looked for help yet? Well at least people are breaking stuff they bought *I hope* and not people -.-/
Me and my cousin once had a Tekken 6 session that lasted for 300 matches without barely any breaks. I ended up slapping my cousin in the face... I regret that slap, yet to this date :(
Yoshichan, you make me feel better... never physically hurt anybody over gaming I don't think. Freaked them the fuck out, and my brother still refuses to play Tekken with me, but I'm glad I'm hurting stuff I paid for, then it's on my head really. Wouldn't ever touch anybody else's stuff.


I don't think I have had real serious rage since like Quake 3 Arena. Diablo III came pretty close a few times, but nothing like the dark dark bad days of Q3A back when we were fresh out of high school.
Way back in the day I left my gameboy at my friend's house while we went out for a little while, I came back to discover his nephew started a new game save on my Pokemon Red and delete all my Pokemans! Needless to say I was pretty pissed and I had to put a whuppin on him, he ran to the kitchen to get a knife... no one was stabbed, but I haven't been much of a pokemaniac since.
I've got two broken dual shocks sitting near me. One from a few too many close loses in Blazblue, and I think the second might be from the same thing. Fighting games are the only ones that get me this mad. But I get real mad.


[] hurts itself in its confusion!
[] hurts itself in its confusion!
[] hurts itself in its confusion!
[] hurts itself in its confusion!
[] hurts itself in its confusion!
[] hurts itself in its confusion!
[] hurts itself in its confusion!

This. Holy shit- never have any luck when that arises.
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