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Gal Gadot Wonder Woman costume revealed

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I'm just waiting for this movie to revise WW's origins to make her Kryptonian....



I love it. It is a great introduction to the costume and allows for it to change by the end of the film or going forward. It feels very Amazonian.


The outfit is unexpectedly good. Love the shoulder strap and how subtle and seamless that "W" symbol is.

Prove me wrong, Gal Gadot. Her muscle mass ain't an issue with me. I'm still worried her English-speaking abilities isn't fast or good enough to put in a decent acting performance just judging from her 2014 English interviews. I know Diana will be a foreign visitor, but let's not make the English language her major nemesis.


I.... am honestly not really seeing the difference ._.?

Because you're looking at pictures and not a side by side comparison and that WW pic is likely been played with in Photoshop. Lawless was physically bigger back then than Gadot is now and I doubt she hit the gym half as hard (assuming she went to the gym all that much in the first place) to get where Gadot is now muscle wise, if at all if anything she'd have to get thinner since she was naturally bigger.



I'm just waiting for this movie to revise WW's origins to make her Kryptonian....

Since it doesn't look like they're doing anything with the prequel comic that was used to explain the ship and its revealing that Kara Zor-El was on it, it wouldn't surprise me if they do give her Kryptonian roots.
It's funny how the people who think her high heels look bad are saying, in the very same posts or sentences, that they almost didn't notice them (the high heels). Is it really a problem if it's barely noticeable?


She looks fine for Wonder Woman. Maybe a little less muscular than I'd expect, but Gadot looks like she could fight like Princess Diana if she also happened to have the powers, and the armor looks almost practical if we're sticking with the stipulation that it has to look like the comic's (Which is kind of at odds with practicality).
The outfit is unexpectedly good. Love the shoulder strap and how subtle and seamless that "W" symbol is.

Prove me wrong, Gal Gadot. Her muscle mass ain't an issue with me. I'm still worried her English-speaking abilities isn't fast or good enough to put in a decent acting performance just judging from her 2014 English interviews. I know Diana will be a foreign visitor, but let's not make the English language her major nemesis.

Yeah, that's a good point. Part of the problem with Pacific Rim, in my eyes, was Rinko Kikuchi's struggle with the language barrier. You could tell her acting was affected by her rather loose grasp of English.


Such an odd stance to have. I mean really....there's nothing that tells you Snyder would have it any other way. It's just unwarranted skepticism....just to have it.

What? "We'll see?" How's that an odd stance. There's a lot they can get wrong with WW here. And for a lot of people, they've already fucked up with the Sexy Halloween costume.
She looks fine. There not too much athletic actresses out there sadly.

Being an athlete isn't a big deal but having the right body type/frame is IMO, important. There's even models that would be physically more fitting, hell they cast one back in 2008 with Megan Gale who's acting experience was about as limited as Gadot's when she was cast but damn if she wasn't nearly physically perfect and with the workout she would've had probably been the closest we'd gotten though it's probably a good thing that JL movie never got off the ground since IMO her casting was the only bright spot, if she wasn't too old for it now I would've been PO'd they didn't give her a chance. Maybe I'll need some actual footage but Gadot has yet to sell the look of being physically powerful to me but that has more to do with her body type/slight frame which she can't help.



Taking the law into his own hands isn't authoritarian?

He could just use money to build the police force, run for mayor, etc.

No, not in his case. If he were taking the law into his own hands in order to seize power and control others, yes. But he subverts or ignores the letter of the law to punish the guilty. He doesn't gain or want a position of authority.


She doesn't look the part. She looks more like a cosplayer. I don't think I would have recognized her as Wonder Woman if I had not been informed.


Her chest is larger, but... other than that... ?______?

That really does seem to be the main issue with some people I think but some don't want say it out right. At least that's what I'm seeing when I read complaints some have and have had for a while when they talk about Gal Gadot not looking the part, someone might be better, etc. I wish people would be just honest about it and say what they really have an issue with instead of dancing around it.


What? "We'll see?" How's that an odd stance. There's a lot they can get wrong with WW here. And for a lot of people, they've already fucked up with the Sexy Halloween costume.

Because you mentioned the fighting. Which is an area Snyder gets right. Including females.






*edit- Though I agree that Jessica Biel looks nice.

But that's silly to compare a picture of that pose versus a more similar pose-


^- Bikini picture only for muscles.
Does she have a piercing in that last pic?


girl #2 doesn't have a belly button. Would not bang.


Her chest is larger, but... other than that... ?______?

And again, you're taking pictures without any reference. Megan Gale is/was physically bigger than Gadot and like Lawless or even Lynda Carter has an hour glass body shape to Gadot's "banana/rectangle" body shape.

That really does seem to be the main issue with some people I think but some don't want say it out right. At least that's what I'm seeing when I read complaints some have and have had for a while when they talk about Gal Gadot not looking the part, someone might be better, etc. I wish people would be just honest about it and say what they really have an issue with instead of dancing around it.

Oh, STFU with this. Gadot was 5'8"/5'9" and 110 pounds before shooting maybe 120 now if she's lucky, Lawless was 5'9.5"/5'10" and around 140 pounds, Gale is/was 5'11" and around 135 pounds. N-A-T-U-R-A-L-L-Y B-I-G-G-E-R than Gadot, their having bigger breast is a result of their body type, bringing up breast size in relation to my post is a bullshit deflection.


Do people who have a problem with Gal as WW also have just as much of one with Jason Mamoa as Aquaman?

That's the one casting choice that really baffled me aside from Eisenberg as Luthor. Costume aside, AM is supposed to have bright blonde hair. Blonde hair in Mamoa would look rally awful.
Mamoa and Eisenberg castings are as baffling (maybe more for Eisenberg) as Gadot's. Mamoa certainly won't be pulling off a blonde wig but at least he'll be there physically, I think people care a lot less about Aquaman who is seen as a joke in the mainstream. I'm gonna guess Snyder wants him to be a menacing "bad ass" who is "super cool" and whatever.


Wow.. So no colour at all? She's just wearing all brown? Or is it due to the filter they've put on her?

Just seems like as if they got rid of Supermans red and blue, and gave him a brown suit instead.

Edit: didn't see the lasso at first. Good to see she still has it, and here's hoping it does end up glowing gold.


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not

JESSSSSSS. I was worried they were gonna pants her up.......thank god they went more warrior than whatever the hell pants Wonder was trying to be.

Ugh.... who asked for mini-skirts? I can't take this seriously... Give her pants please.

You are a very sick person.
Wonder Woman with pants......no way only when she isnt in Wonder Woman mode.
Once Wonder Woman is Wonder Woman, fuck dem pants!!!!

Weird not to have Wonder Woman on the cover of a Wonder Woman comic.

Hahaha a man after my own heart!


Unconfirmed Member
Wow.. So no colour at all? She's just wearing all brown? Or is it due to the filter they've put on her?

Just seems like as if they got rid of Supermans red and blue, and gave him a brown suit instead.
It's just the filter. She has a dark red top and dark blue skirt. There's some pics earlier in the thread of the image brightened up.


Another big factor I think is that Gal Gadot looks great with 'no makeup' makeup.
WW should not be wearing eyeliner.
I think that pic of Gal is pretty iconic. For some reason I'm more drawn to that than typical Wonder Woman, though I've never really paid much attention to the character over the years to be fair. I think she looks really sleek and memorable and will actually look great on film and in action.


Wow.. So no colour at all? She's just wearing all brown? Or is it due to the filter they've put on her?

Just seems like as if they got rid of Supermans red and blue, and gave him a brown suit instead.

Oh and surprised they didn't include the lasso in the shot too. Here's hoping they haven't gotten rid of that.

Isn't the lasso on her right hip?


Wow.. So no colour at all? She's just wearing all brown? Or is it due to the filter they've put on her?

Just seems like as if they got rid of Supermans red and blue, and gave him a brown suit instead.

Oh and surprised they didn't include the lasso in the shot too. Here's hoping they haven't gotten rid of that.

Seems it's the filter. When removed or the picture just brightened in general you see the color. There's a copy of that in the thread.

Here's how the image looks without the red filter.

Here it is brightened.

Brightened image shows the red/blue better.

Her face...it's large. I also find it unattractive.

I am otherwise completely ambivalent to this character/actress/hero and film, for now, I guess.
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