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Game Informer August 2012 - next Gears of War


European pre-madonna
This is epic's swansong prequel to their beloved franchise ala halo reach, and after they will proceed to sign a long term binding contract with activision


People have been suggesting/hoping this may be a FPS - how would that work?
Would the game still feature gears mechanics (cover system, roadie run, executions, evade/roll, meat shield etc.) all from a first person perspective?
Or would people want it to just be a normal FPS with its own control scheme and mechanics but just have it set in the gears universe?

Im kinda excited by the idea of a Gears FPS but not sure how id like it to play.

A BulletStorm Gears allows for crazy new weapons in lieu of the TPS Gears staples.

Most probably FPS if SP campaign is built around one main character as the cover suggests (4 co-op is still possible if mechanics allow for it, Bulletstorm dash and wire were not suited for co-op), and MP could be just on serviceable side because MS has Halo 4 to cover for 2013.

that said the Gears 3 story DLC was great, and I'll gladly push 60$ into MS pockets for a bigger side story.

Storywise, the character being escorted handcuffed by Onyx Guards during a Locust attack puts him de facto in the higher levels of the COGs. Even Marcus was left to rot.
Said it before, open world prequel. Set during emergence day. Start with investigating incidents involving strange creatures/earthquakes...go into emergence day end with Fenix going to jail.


Emergence day prequel could be good, would also like it to be from different characters perspectives rather than Marcus/Dom combo. Hoping they can make the story and environment have a more gritty look to it.

Did not enjoy the Gears 3 campaign, the DLC was okay, more like the DLC and less like the actual campaign would be good.





Platinum Trophy: Learned to Shit While Upright Again.
Wait August 2012?, Shouldn't it be July 2012 cover

I have June's copy, it's Elder Scrolls Online

Whatever month we are in, we get the copy of the following month


The armor looks more like Adam Fenix's than Marcus's, but the character also appears to be wearing a bandana...

Also, since those are Onyx Guards and Adam Fenix was kidnapped by Prescott, it's entirely plausible.

If it is though, I'm not sure how they'd get past the fact that he was trying to find a peaceful solution to ending the war. One minute peace loving hippie, next a ruthless killing machine?
If Microsoft wanted it kept a secret they wouldn't have given a cover story to the world's #1 game magazine.
Pretty shitty cover all things aside.
Yeah but at least they've picked up on Edge's slack. It'd be interesting to know how cover negotiations are handled. To my understanding there was a special concept art for Edge's Bioshock cover (which they then ruined with a silver background)



A BulletStorm Gears allows for crazy new weapons in lieu of the TPS Gears staples.

Most probably FPS if SP campaign is built around one main character as the cover suggests (4 co-op is still possible if mechanics allow for it, Bulletstorm dash and wire were not suited for co-op), and MP could be just on serviceable side because MS has Halo 4 to cover for 2013.

that said the Gears 3 story DLC was great, and I'll gladly push 60$ into MS pockets for a bigger side story.

Storywise, the character being escorted handcuffed by Onyx Guards during a Locust attack puts him de facto in the higher levels of the COGs. Even Marcus was left to rot.

So basically a unique FPS with its own mechanics that just happens to be set in the Gears universe?

Id be very surprised if that pic isn't of Marcus in the cuffs. I think its Marcus without his armor (hence the different look).
Marcus was like the star quarterback of the COG when he abandoned his post. He was the son of Adam Fenix, a world famous scientist that was awarded the equivelant of a Nobel prize for his creation of the Hammer of Dawn.
Marcus was a son from a famous and wealthy family who chose to slum it as a Gear and was a decorated war vet who won medals for courage and honor during the pendulum wars. He was Hoffman's favourite before he abandoned his post to save his dad. Most Gears would be shot on site for such desertion but not Marcus. He was given a trai, hence the Onyx guards by his side.


So basically a unique FPS with its own mechanics that just happens to be set in the Gears universe?

Id be very surprised if that pic isn't of Marcus in the cuffs. I think its Marcus without his armor (hence the different look).
Marcus was like the star quarterback of the COG when he abandoned his post. He was the son of Adam Fenix, a world famous scientist that was awarded the equivelant of a Nobel prize for his creation of the Hammer of Dawn.
Marcus was a son from a famous and wealthy family who chose to slum it as a Gear and was a decorated war vet who won medals for courage and honor during the pendulum wars. He was Hoffman's favourite before he abandoned his post to save his dad. Most Gears would be shot on site for such desertion but not Marcus. He was given a trai, hence the Onyx guards by his side.

Epic release the Slab as a book about Marcus time in prison.

Having Marcus or Adam makes no sense as their respectives actions and whereabouts are already canon and don't fit with non stop grunt killing.

But, this character is clearly introduced as someone whose path is quite similar.
If he was a deserter or traitor he would be left to die, so reasons why he's kept alive will probably offer a fresh glimpse at the events during the war.


Please don't be a FPS.

Why on Earth would you guys want Gears to devolve into that?

Because People Can Fly made the awesome BulletStorm which happened to be a FPS.
And because having a "B" team at Epic doing a Gears game featuring a "B" team in a prequelesque game where from the start you know how it ends does not do justice to the millions selling franchise.

So I suppose EPIC and PCF are confident they have something good and fresh to offer rather than give us a glorified DLC and risk Reaching their franchise.

I'm afraid is not marcus :p

I don't think EPIC is paying Karen Traviss to write books and games to ask her to rewrite on the go stuff she's just made canon.

Marcus, Adam, Hoffman etc... side stories are out question. We already know what they did, ate or what they thought while shitting or fucking during the war.

Best guess is this game introduces some fiction that will fuel the next-gen Gears trilogy.


I believe that the Gears of War formula has outlived its cool factor. All the games are a vomitous blur.

A new one won't fix anything.

Unless it is a launch title for the next sexbox.


Unconfirmed Member
Please don't be a FPS.

Why on Earth would you guys want Gears to devolve into that?

Exactly. And some wondered why I made a thread saying I wasn't excited about E3, or videogames in general, anymore.


Exactly. And some wondered why I made a thread saying I wasn't excited about E3, or videogames in general, anymore.

Most of us did not want a Gears game this soon, but EPIC chose to keep PCF running when Activision would have flushed the team after BulletStorm bomba.

When you look at it, it's a win-win.
EPIC / MS will make bank = win
PCF makes a new game/ Gamers rejoice = win


I could but I won't do it :p

Only a few days more to know who he is.

Is the guy called Fred?
or is he afraid? survical-horror game in Gears Universe?
you start up chained, get to flee and then have to find your way out the city before it's vaporized. Seldom use of iconic Gears weapons, story twists etc...


So it IS Adam then!

You never said it wasn't a Fenix :p

Adam Fenix survival-horror game? During his time between he is picked at his mansion and transfered to the island? City under attack, has to find a way out, gets busted at the end? sucky if I may say.

I think the original trilogy played the Brothers/Family ties thing to death.
I want fresh blood, fresh stories.

But the time during a war makes survival horror game mechanics a good fit. People, medics, food, weapons and ammo become hard to come by if you're left alone.
Something similar to ODST maybe ?


ODST is still one of the best Halo games released, it's literally perfect and the way you do a spin off/prequel set in an established story.

I want to play as different characters, one investigating reports of strange creatures attacking civvies, one one investigating the rising level of earthquakes, one fighting through the streets during emergence day and the last one as fenix leading to the events that caused him to be jailed.


Ok I'm late to this but:

1) I don't know who is to blame here either GI or MS but couldn't this have waited til monday? It would have been a big surprise finish for MS that no one would have seen coming.

2) otoh for myself personally, I just feel cheated now. Gears 3 is still quite new in all our minds and after having "finished the fight" once again a new game comes out so quickly. Although, for myself I am tired of Gears now so I guess I am abit biased; the only reason I played Gears 3 was because it was the last one -_-

EDIT: I'm a member already? That was quick! :D


Super pumped and excited :)

really interested in what Epic & PCF have for the Multiplayer aspirations of this game, is this going to be a GoW3 add on? (similar to ODST)
or will this have its own MP component? thats what im interested into knowing.

Even though i love Gow3 there is lots of great & open possibilitys for Epic & PCF to explore

: A revamped, back to the roots version of GoW1 sounds mouth watering
: New direction with new weapons and gameplay that we have never seen before (PCF Bulletstorm twist on GoW)
: Or the most probable, a GoW3 addon.

also lmao at the thread derailment, Kinect in Gears is already a failed concept which Epic themselves canceled (Gears of War: Exiled?) also Milking? how is this even a problem yet when Gow3 original was to release in April 2011, so more a new Gears in presumably late 2012- 13 sounds good to me.

This aint Call of Duty with 9 title iterations, even Uncharted has had 4 titles from 07-011 so kill that noise


This aint Call of Duty with 9 iteration, even Uncharted has had 4 titles from 07-011 so kill that noise

not to argue your point, but it's only partially valid. Uncharted and Call of Duty were never announced or packaged as a trilogy. Gears was. Gears is a money tree, and now there's a 4th prequel game.

Gears of War = Star Wars. There I said it. That's not Fenix in cuffs, it's Jar Jar.


If Gears 3 Sells Well, Cliff Bleszinski Says Another Game is, “Business 101″
RipTen: You guys are talking about this being the end of a trilogy, the last of three parts. If the fan interest is still there, considering the impact of the characters you have developed and the following they have, are you open to continuing the brand in some way?

Cliff B: Well, there’s always the Peter Jackson route, right? Do The Hobbit or something like that. I mean, we’re business people. Gears 1 and 2 sold about 6 million copies, so if this game comes out and, God willing, sells 8 or 10 million it would be completely dumb to not do another one, right? It’s just business 101. So, I mean, the key is figuring out what’s appropriate. What makes sense for this connected world that we’re moving into? So, that remains to be seen. That’s the million dollar question.
He said this back in July 2011.
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