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Game of Thrones *NO BOOK SPOILERS* |OT| Season 5 - Sundays on HBO [Read the OP]

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Maisie is such an amazing young actress. That takes real talent to convey so much raw emotion without saying a single word. Her and Sophie Turner has been amazing this season.
Whenever people say "unpopular opinion: x" without explaining why they hold that opinion, I never know if they're asking to be challenged or just acknowledged.



But seriously, that scene was not good! It felt so forced. I don't if it was the directing or her, but the way it was shot made it feel like they were trying to force the point of it down our throats to the point where it was not authentic at the slightest. The people watching the show are not idiots, we know what she is going through. We don't need the director spoon-feeding us the point of the scene.

Edit: I know I can't exactly pinpoint what I think is wrong with the scene because I don't exactly know myself, but what I do know is that it did not feel natural. Sorry if I can't give an exact reason why. Now that I think about it, it's might be more of the directing that I'm having issues with, but the acting felt as though it was not right either. Like I said, it's hard for me to say.

Whenever people say "unpopular opinion: x" without explaining why they hold that opinion, I never know if they're asking to be challenged or just acknowledged.

Sorry, I should have explained myself first.
Maisie is the best character on the show. Her interactions first with the dancing master, then with the people she was escaping with, then with Tywin Lannister, and really her breakout performances with the Hound last season. She has been steller from the jump, keeping up even with the most hardened of actors out there. Haven't had a moment yet where I looked back and thought a particular scene wasn't well done yet. Can't say that for most of the people on the show.

I think the other top performers were Eddard stark and Tywin Lannister. Always commanding a scene perfectly. Now they are all gone, and really no one out there to fill the void yet to be honest.
But seriously, that scene was not good! It felt so forced. I don't if it was the directing or her, but the way it was shot made it feel like they were trying to force the point of it down our throats to the point where it was not authentic at the slightest. The people watching the show are not idiots, we know what she is going through. We don't need the director spoon-feeding us the point of the scene.

Edit: I know I can't exactly pinpoint what I think is wrong with the scene because I don't exactly know myself, but what I do know is that it did not feel natural. Sorry if I can't give an exact reason why. Now that I think about it, it's might be more of the directing that I'm having issues with, but the acting felt as though it was not right either. Like I said, it's hard for me to say.

It was a great scene, a short clip of her removing her existence and everything that signifies it.

This is the first time since her fathers death that she's stopped to cry. Out of all the bullshit she's gone through this is the first time we see her take a moment to remember, and to show just how hard it is to let go of the people and things you love regardless of how strong she has been up to this point.

The only downside to the whole scene was that there was a convenient hole for needle to fit in among the rocks and rubble.

People need to remember that she's just a child, and she's one hell of a strong one at that.

Nothing is forced down your throat, in all of the past episodes we watched her grow up, forget the past and move on. This one very brief moment where Arya suddenly has emotion and people crying that it's being forced down our throats. Give me a break. The scene was great, the acting was fantastic.
Sorry, I should have explained myself first.

No worries. For what it's worth, I mostly agree with you. Maisie's stiffness worked better when she was turning her nose up to being feminine and catty to Sansa. It doesn't work as well with more nuanced moments.

I find it forgivable, though, because of how interesting her character arc and the faceless men are.
Damn, you can see the sparks flying between Cersei and Margery, love it.
I'm curious to see what the Sparrow brings to the table.

Loving Jon, I'm assuming he's going to bite the dust this season, that will be a sad episode.

I don't envy Sansa, I wonder how she'll handle the situation. She has the worst luck with husbands lol.
I mean, it couldn't possibly be worse than those 2.

Tyrion as awesome as ever, "I hear sucking dwarve cock brings even more good luck".

I knew Arya wouldn't give up her sword.
"Cunt!" Lol, love her.


...and that, kids, was the first time I sucked a dick for crack
I suspect Margaery will be dead this season. She'll be labeled a traitor somehow, especially with Jaime trying to kidnap his daughter away from the Tyrrell family. The Lannisters are stirring up a lot of shit between the Tyrells. I don't see it ending well.


I suspect Margaery will be dead this season. She'll be labeled a traitor somehow, especially with Jaime trying to kidnap his daughter away from the Tyrrell family. The Lannisters are stirring up a lot of shit between the Tyrells. I don't see it ending well.

The daughter is with the Martell's in Dorne. Two different families.

I think the Tyrells will fall when King's Landing is inevitably invaded by one of the new players.

Edit: I also think these radical believers in the Seven could be used against the Tyrells by Cersei. All she would have to do is paint her as a heathen enough and encourage them to do something since they seem to be a growing movement and a pivotal part of the story's future. They came out of nowhere this season and Cersei is already making friends with them.
I suspect Margaery will be dead this season. She'll be labeled a traitor somehow, especially with Jaime trying to kidnap his daughter away from the Tyrrell family. The Lannisters are stirring up a lot of shit between the Tyrells. I don't see it ending well.

Jamie is stealing his daughter from the Martells in Dorne, not the Tyrells. But I agree, trouble seems to be brewing for Margery.


I suspect Margaery will be dead this season. She'll be labeled a traitor somehow, especially with Jaime trying to kidnap his daughter away from the Tyrrell family. The Lannisters are stirring up a lot of shit between the Tyrells. I don't see it ending well.
Myrcella is being held by the Martells in Dorne. I do agree about Margaery being in trouble though. She's always been very clever, but trying to get Tommen to send Cersei away seemed kind of half-assed. It just pissed her off even more. If you're dealing with Cersie you either kill her or leave her alone.


Jamie is stealing his daughter from the Martells in Dorne, not the Tyrells. But I agree, trouble seems to be brewing for Margery.

If Jaime upsets Dorne enough, it could be a huge mistake for the Lannisters. Another enemy that has numbers and a strategic advantage in territory seems like a horrible mistake. I just want to see Dorne more since it looked so beautiful.

They seem to be the sleeping giants in this world. Don't piss them off.

Then again, I'm not impartial since I made my team in MLB 15 The Show the Dorne Vipers. :D


This was my fav ep in a while, a lot of great scenes and touches. The tension between Cersei and Margaery was great.

Yup, definitely starting to pick up again. The subtle scenes this past episode were amazing compared to most shows where you need action all the time because the characters aren't complex enough to warrant subtlety.

They also continue to drop some hints that has me excited for the future.

I think the best part though is that we now get to see so many new places we only heard about in the past. Being able to see some of these locations for the first time is really neat.


So envious of Tommen it's not even funny.

Too much happiness for him, this is not going to end well.

as I've seen in this whole series, it seems like always there is too much happiness is just because to let the audience get fond of someone and then kill them in the most unexpected way.. so yeah, I don't see this going for long


People who are complaining that nothing is happening are way too spoiled by Red Wedding, Prince Oberyn, etc.

Personally, while all those surprises and twists are great, I don't think they've made the show better or worse and I don't depend on them for my entertainment and appreciation of the show.

Just sit back and enjoy the ride and stop waiting for that "oh shit" moment.
- Gotta say, Jaime's plan is pretty fucking stupid. I don't want it to work because of how half-assed it actually is.
- I think Margerey needs to go by the end of this season, too much arrogance. Make horrifying and surprising GRRIM.
- I find the idea of Stannis finally rallying up the Wildlings to fight for him for their free land, and then going south to see Sansa is already ruling Winterfell and had Roose and his misfit son killed. Would be really cool.
- The amount of villains seem to be decreasing quite a bit. Lannisters got wrecked last season, and Cersei seems to be getting madder, drunker and losing power despite her lust for it. The Boltons other than an asspull are likely to get wiped out this season. That leaves Walder Twat Frey, and the Brooding and completely stupid Iron whatever they're called (Theon's family).

Either someone new and crazy is going to appear out of nowhere, or winter is finally coming along with the White Walkers soon enough.
liked this episode.

what is the deal with guy who drank the water and died? He drank the water then prayed to the wrong god, is that it?

I hope that she gets into training sooner rather than later, I don't want to see a season long initiation.

Was also hoping to see some more dragons this episode, so was a little disappointed in that.

I wonder what Jorah the Fedora is going to do, I liked him but this will end badly.
People who are complaining that nothing is happening are way too spoiled by Red Wedding, Prince Oberyn, etc.

Personally, while all those surprises and twists are great, I don't think they've made the show better or worse and I don't depend on them for my entertainment and appreciation of the show.

Just sit back and enjoy the ride and stop waiting for that "oh shit" moment.

I think last season spoiled a lot of people and they expect to have as many crazy episodes, because a shit load happened last year. Joffrey was killed, Craster's Keep deserters, Oberyn and The Mountain, the trial itself, the attack on The Wall, Bran and the tree, Tywins death, Lysa flying etc. Everyone usually expects the 9th episode to be the one, last season it was the second, fifth, eight, ninth, last. There was always something really big happening.
- Gotta say, Jaime's plan is pretty fucking stupid. I don't want it to work because of how half-assed it actually is.
- I think Margerey needs to go by the end of this season, too much arrogance. Make horrifying and surprising GRRIM.
- I find the idea of Stannis finally rallying up the Wildlings to fight for him for their free land, and then going south to see Sansa is already ruling Winterfell and had Roose and his misfit son killed. Would be really cool.
- The amount of villains seem to be decreasing quite a bit. Lannisters got wrecked last season, and Cersei seems to be getting madder, drunker and losing power despite her lust for it. The Boltons other than an asspull are likely to get wiped out this season. That leaves Walder Twat Frey, and the Brooding and completely stupid Iron whatever they're called (Theon's family).

Either someone new and crazy is going to appear out of nowhere, or winter is finally coming along with the White Walkers soon enough.

the bank of bravos might come knocking? Also, they have barely touched the white walkers for a couple of seasons, I thought they were pretty close to the wall, had to be within a couple of days because of how far Sam Tarley ventured out.
Can't believe Jorah is STILL around. And his plan to get back into Dany's good books (I assume that's what this is) seems like it's just going to be a waste of time anyway. Ahaha.


Unconfirmed Member
even though the scene was shown last episode and it is simply context of her thoughts during that moment, free of spoilers?

In this thread people like to think the books don't exist, so yeah it is just better if nothing book related gets posted here even if it's without anything spoilery like what you posted.


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
I was wondering about that, it really didn't seem like he said it loud enough for her to hear, not from that distance.

I think that moment was her recognizing who he was... or that he was significant. Clearly those people have supernatural powers.


Some ambiguity at the end when he says
"I'm taking you to the queen."

But if you saw the trailer,
Jorah was fighting in the pits, so he obviously doesn't take Tyrion back to Westeros.


Hopefully Sansa doesn't team up with Reek. That would make me root for the character where as I'd rather go on taking great joy from his suffering. Fuck that guy. His being mentally and physically dissected doesn't change the fact he was the smuggest asshole douchebag in Westeros before he became a traitorous murderer of orphans that couldn't deal with his daddy issues.
I think that moment was her recognizing who he was... or that he was significant. Clearly those people have supernatural powers.

Yeah, it's like she sensed it more than anything. Or it's foreshadowing something.

Yeah, it was definitely weird, I don't think she noticed him say anything and it reminded me of the stares that Melisandre gives, just far more intense.

Actually, Melisandre usually gives looks of intrigue, where as this one had a doom about it.
Easily the best episode this season so far. Some may be saying that this season doesn't have a main arc yet and we're just watching the remaining characters all do different things. That's not why I was bored with the first 2 episodes. For me, Ep. 3 reminded me why I like this show so much with things like the realization of Littlefinger's scheme to wed Sansa and what putting her in that environment could mean (reunion with Theo.. err, Reek?) Seeing Margery call Cersei "mother" and taunt her in the nicest way possible was very satisfying after how shitty Cersei had been to everyone when she was Queen. Stuff like her allying herself with the religious fanatics is what makes this show great for me.. it's all the political maneuvering with double crosses and alliances you never saw coming. Where Ep. 1 and 2 minus Jon Snow's promotion felt like very brief looks at each character without any actual substantial revelations or progression, Ep.3 was full of satisfying scenes that moved the pieces on the board so to speak. Just a few issues:

- I'm glad we got to see some actual Arya scenes. It's still makes for as frustrating a watch as her roaming the city when she wasn't allowed in for no reason. The faceless training is weird and obtuse where people apparently can't explain anything with words and just give blank stares.

- I liked that Arya showed emotion when thinking about getting rid of Needle, but the way it was filmed made it look like they were waiting for her to get the waterworks going. It might have been more effective if they flashed back or something.

- I wish they would've had Sansa compose herself a little bit more when finding out who she was being wed to. I thought she had turned a corner and was ready to take control and play the game but as soon as she was faced with difficulty she broke down yet again into that cry voice. It's like when Littlefinger said dying her hair doesn't change the fact she's a Stark, she remembered "Oh yeah.." and reverted to "i'm just a shhtupid little girl with shhtupid dreams" mode.

Aside from that... Jon Snow in command was very cool. I used to not care at all for the character but now him+Stannis might be the most interesting thread this season. I'm glad Jorah kidnapped Tyrion since maybe he knows a shortcut and we won't have to waste anymore episodes with them still on the road, despite the buddy comedy vibe I was enjoying between Tyrion and a perfectly good faced Varys. I want to see what Franken-mountain looks like too.. the way that scene was shot with Kyburn writing the letter, I was waiting for the cliche of him slowly sitting up on the operating table.
One possible shitstorm to look forward to is that both Stannis and Brienne are heading to Winterfell, with Sansa and Theon trapped in the middle.

There's gonna be fireworks!

I hope.


I think Cersei's plan with the Sparrows may be to pit them against the Tyrells using Loras. She wants something from Littlefinger and he would have all the dirt on Loras through Olyvar.


I thought it was Cersi but everyone in the thread thinks it's Dany, which makes sense.

They're on another continent so it's definitely Dany. Also, Jorah loves Dany and that's all he really had going for him, so he thinks giving her a Lannister would get him back in her good graces. I doubt they know about Tywin yet and that Tyrion is running from his family, so what better gift for Dany than a member of the family that helped overthrow and kill her family? Normally would be a good hostage or trophy.

I think Cersei's plan with the Sparrows may be to pit them against the Tyrells using Loras. She wants something from Littlefinger and he would have all the dirt on Loras through Olyvar.

That's what I said as well. They make a point to bring the Sparrows (thanks, forgot their name so I just referred to them as radical believers lol) into the fold and introduce us to them, but also show Cersei attempt to befriend them which I'm sure we'll see evolve later in this season. They show all of this in the same episode that Margaery insults Cersei in as she gloats over her influence, so you know this shit isn't going to just go away, especially with Cersei's obsession over the prophecy. I didn't think of Loras being the key but that makes a lot of sense after the prostitution scene, but she has to somehow make sure this relates to Margaery since she's the real target. Maybe she can get information on Loras and Renly and could prove that Margaery knew he was gay before marrying Renly which would piss off the Sparrows.

All the Sparrow stuff definitely seems linked to that storyline though.


Good episode. I'm a little worried about where they're headed with Sansa's arc as I'd rather not see her victimized by some cruel bastard again. Maybe she'll be capable of manipulating or controlling Ramsay though. That'd be interesting to watch.

Uh shouldn't these sparrow people not be cool with the fact that Cersei is a brother fucker?

That's just a rumor as far as most people know. Although Lancel is one of the sparrows and he does have some dirt on her that he even confronted her with in Ep1 (?). Iffy alliance for her IMO.


Uh shouldn't these sparrow people not be cool with the fact that Cersei is a brother fucker?

Is there any way to confirm that on their end though without getting themselves killed for sure? It could technically go that way, but I think Cersei will give them enough support that they'll be too busy going after other people.

Would they go after the King's mom for that rumor or follow Cersei as she attempts to turn Margaery into a villain and gain credibility that way?


Good episode. I'm a little worried about where they're headed with Sansa's arc as I'd rather not see her victimized by some cruel bastard again. Maybe she'll be capable of manipulating or controlling Ramsay though. That'd be interesting to watch.

That's just a rumor as far as most people know. Although Lancel is one of the sparrows and he does have some dirt on her that he even confronted her with in Ep1 (?). Iffy alliance for her IMO.

Oh I'm betting the house that Sansa has something up her sleeve. Besides, as much of a slimeball as Littlefinger is, he constantly talks about his love for Sansa's mother and he wants revenge for her death. He won't let anything happen to Sansa
but I have been wrong before.
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