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#GamerGate thread 2: it's about feminism in games journalism

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What's likely, every media source that has reported on GamerGate (aside from Brietbarf) didn't bother with any fact checking, sourcing information or looking up verifiable history of the hate parade, or that there's a bunch of assholes on Reddit who know better?

More people bought the Wii Fit Trainer Amiibo.


More people bought the Wii Fit Trainer Amiibo.

That makes the Wii Fit Trainer the queen of ethics.

Man, even dropping in to say a bunch of garbage that person managed to say a bunch of stuff about wanting to discuss things but managed not to list a single ethical topic to talk about. A lot of noise with no meaning behind it, making it a fantastic analogy for that hashtag crusade.
That makes the Wii Fit Trainer the queen of ethics.

Man, even dropping in to say a bunch of garbage that person managed to say a bunch of stuff about wanting to discuss things but managed not to list a single ethical topic to talk about. A lot of noise with no meaning behind it, making it a fantastic analogy for that hashtag crusade.

It's a common thing to see in conservative arguments. They demand the opposition talk, but don't really make any real point to talk about. It's all just noise, so they can drop talking points and keep spewing so much chaff that you can't debunk them fast enough.


So, I mean, at the root of it, I get the "Deal with the moderates! Don't focus on the extremes!" argument. These people see themselves as those moderates and feel they're as much victims of the extreme people and actions as anyone else.

But that's absurd. Most people with ignorant arguments based on misinformation don't get addressed in any kind of media, as a general rule. Sometimes founding a movement on that ignorance and misinformation will get you some coverage, but not when it's accompanied directly and immediately by something much more important and, when it comes down to it, newsworthy. In this case vicious threats and harassment.

"Someone is Wrong on the Internet" or even "A Lot of People are Wrong on the Internet" just aren't stories that get much play. But the reality is those stories were written months ago. Occasionally even in the MSM. "They don't seem to be bringing up any real ethics issues except the ones they're creating" was occasionally at least a half-paragraph in the GG stories.

This whole line of reasoning of course entirely depends on having the awareness to realise that GG's hissy fit was based upon almost entirely imagined garbage, so in the end it's not surprising that most haven't worked through it.

Your shitty tantrum not being newsworthy isn't a blacklist.
#GG now backing child porn would be the nadir of any other movement in the history of the world, but they have hit bottom and kept digging so much that I can't claim this is the nadir.

To be clear, #GG people are either claiming Patreon hates disabled persons because they don't want to support a site that has child porn or are just dismissing the issue of child porn on 8chan or are huge pedophiles on paper.


What's likely, every media source that has reported on GamerGate (aside from Brietbarf) didn't bother with any fact checking, sourcing information or looking up verifiable history of the hate parade, or that there's a bunch of assholes on Reddit who know better?

Oh man, too good and spot on.

It's like climate change deniers thinking it's the scientists that are out there lying to them for financial gain. Corporations with billions to gain off exploiting the environment? No they stand for the people. It's gotta be those greedy assholes who want research grants.


Rather than discuss with supporters of GG the issues that the majority were bringing up with regards to gaming journalism,

GamerGate's first attempt at bat was to link the harassment of a non-journalist for receiving a positive non-existent review for a free game. That was literally the first tweet made by its creator. Until Leigh Alexander and Brianna Wu came along (who, surprise surprise, were also not journalists) that was GamerGate.

The movement was not co-opted, or corrupted, or fundamentally misunderstood. The movement was those things from the outset.


Just be careful not to voice your distaste in games with lolicon aesthetics.

I made the mistake of saying so once in this thread, and got swarmed by the loli-defence police on gaf.



Those tumblr images remind me of the first enemy I ever made on Twitter. Akemi Mokoto/Otaku2012. He hates any form of political correctness, he hates America and believes Japan to be the holy land, he attacks on race, ethics, gender and so on. Loves lolicon of all sorts but hates pedophiles. He hates everything and everyone unless it comes from Japan. He's easy to bother though because he believes one of the ultimate insults is "weeaboo". He lacks any and all self awareness on why anyone would think he's close minded, dumb, or even a pedophile and believes no one can refute him on anything because "they'll just fall back on the old hate speech complaint". He calls himself the equal opportunist offender and will spout all kinds of racist things or anything opposing to your views. I also wouldn't recommend visiting his Twitter either with all the lolicon.

But yeah... Sorry if I'm derailing. The tumblr image just reminded me of that really annoying person and all this talk about 8chan and lolicon and CP. But I wouldn't be surprised if he was a GGer in the end.

Stop It

Perfectly able to grasp the inherent value of the fishing game.

Well that's obviously going to happen.

As for the poster itself. Saying "We are not the ones who use harassment, you do" is a tired and nonsense argument but here we are anyway.

Funny how these peoople who claim this along with "It's really about ethics in watermelon carving" produce no evidence of either, ever. Citation needed indeed.

If it wasn't so repetitive and tedious it would be funny. Of course the best bit, the actual stream of hate against anyone against their crusade of being able to hate for the sake of it continues unabated.
It's great to see that MrBtongue is making more videos. I expect GG thought he was one of them because he argued against Bioware/Kuchera/PA's claims of "our artistic integrity means you can't criticise the flaws in our writing, you're just acting like pathetic entitled gamers, stop crying because you didn't get a hapily ever after ending".
I really wish we had more critics of his calibre. He's done some great videos comparing games criticism with other media criticism.

I foolishly read some of the comments. TB and his GG goons are out in full force, with claims that gamergate have done all this wonderful stuff to improve ethics in gaming journalism. Like, erm, Kotaku have added a link to their ethics policy (but we still think they are still corrupt), and WB did that brand deal which we exposed (but didn't do anything to stop it except one snarky tweet - serious criticism and actual journalism on that issue required Jim Fucking Sterling, son).
He's also still claiming that gaming journalism should held to the same standards and "objective/neutral voice" ideals as political journalism. He even linked to a video of a university ethics professor as a kinda "Gotcha! This guy proves you can't have friends in the industry or advocate for a politcal view in journalism""

Pretty much all videogame "journalism" is opinion pieces, and the "journalists" are actually pundits. It would be a wasteland if the objective/neutral stance was used. Maybe this is TB's machiavellian plan. When all the opinion is removed, he can dominate the market with his proven excellence in reviewing the graphics options.

He's probably have to take down most of his videos though. For example, his opinions pieces on modern military FPS genre are clearly advocating a position (invisible instakill walls are lazy game design), which a true journalist should never do (according to the video he linked).
Oh, but then he's not a journalist is he...

I see he's deleted his ongoing claims that all those harassed women are just making it up, or that the people harassing them are not from GG. So much for his apology for the "[Sarkeesian] is still breathing" comment. He shows all the remorse of my kids when I catch them sneaking into the kitchen for some chocolates. Pity no one can punish TB like I punish my kids, "If you do something naughty, no more videogames for you".

...KiA headline: "Neogaf anti-gg threatens to take away our videogames"

I know Boogie's a subject we're adviced against discussing,

but LOL @ TotalBiscuit's outright lies about why he got banned from GAF.

For those unfamiliar: Boogie got banned for alluding to suicide while posting in this thread; which is why moderators advice against discussing his position.
I feel like complete shit having read about 8chan. All I can say with certainty is that I hope whosoever is responsible faces the responsibilities therein.

And I really, really hope Dan wasn't desperate enough to use the subject matter as a weapon against GG/8chan. That would literally make him just as bad.


I feel like complete shit having read about 8chan. All I can say with certainty is that I hope whosoever is responsible faces the responsibilities therein.

And I really, really hope Dan wasn't desperate enough to use the subject matter as a weapon against GG/8chan. That would literally make him just as bad.

I hope dan did not expose 8chan for that reason to.I think the FBI may look at the site in more detail if people report this stuff to them. I do not want to talk about this to much anyway.
What makes you think he's trying to make a buck off this? DId he start a Patreon or something?

He's pandering to a crowd he knows he can monopolize off of by making videos that agree with them. His whole issue with 'games journalism' can be seen as him trying to sway customers towards him and away from established mediums. That's why nothing he says about games journalism should be taken with much authenticity because there's an inherent bias.

But of course if GamerGate was about ethics then there wouldn't have been a GamerGate to begin with.

Edit: Was TB always active in youtube comments?

Edit2: Another post by TB from youtube comments taken from KiA. He tries to claim he doesn't benefit off this while those clowns are parading around it with how awesome and honest he is.

I feel like complete shit having read about 8chan. All I can say with certainty is that I hope whosoever is responsible faces the responsibilities therein.

And I really, really hope Dan wasn't desperate enough to use the subject matter as a weapon against GG/8chan. That would literally make him just as bad.

Did something happen to 8chan?
so wait were their ethical concerns dismissed out of hand by "people who aren't very good at their jobs" or were their ethical concerns addressed with updated rules as one of their many many real victories that totally exist

i always forget which part of the founding myth is the canonical one depending on the argument being made at that moment
You're the Yaoi fan though

I have no idea what Yaoi is, I'm just asuming it's something disgusting

Despite what some people might say, there's nothing disgusting about consensual love between two men. :)

so wait were their ethical concerns dismissed out of hand by "people who aren't very good at their jobs" or were their ethical concerns addressed with updated rules as one of their many many real victories that totally exist

i always forget which part of the founding myth is the canonical one depending on the argument being made at that moment

no, Kotaku made an effort to make their ethics policies more public, but they appear to be one of the biggest targets yet, so who the fuck even knows
He's pandering to a crowd he knows he can monopolize off of by making videos that agree with them. His whole issue with 'games journalism' can be seen as him trying to sway customers towards him and away from established mediums. That's why nothing he says about games journalism should be taken with much authenticity because there's an inherent bias.

But of course if GamerGate was about ethics then there wouldn't have been a GamerGate to begin with.

Edit: Was TB always active in youtube comments?

Edit2: Another post by TB from youtube comments taken from KiA. He tries to claim he doesn't benefit off this white those clowns are parading around it with how awesome and honest he is.


I like how he says he has nothing to gain while slandering the people who are his direct competitors.

Does TB have a team of people searching around comments that could have been vaguely related to him? It's starting to get weird how he keeps showing up everywhere.

Sou Da

You're the Yaoi fan though

I have no idea what Yaoi is, I'm just asuming it's something disgusting

I think somebody posted child pornography there for whatever reason.

Edit: Or whatever Sou Da says. I don't know what hebephily is and I don't really want to find out.

yeah, I'm not googling that. :p

EDIT: Alright.

Most of the response to this was: "You can't prove that there's CP there without being a pedophile yourself!" and "THE OPPOSITION probably spread that CP, it's all anonymous so you can't prove that this ambiguous OPPOSITION didn't do so."
he does employ a dedicated PR person, who seems to be doing a real bang-up job in actually performing PR given some of his recent statements.
Did something happen to 8chan?

Dan (Foldable Human) wrote a medium article about the fucked up shit posted on 8Chan, including blurred out images and I'm guessing links (I have no desire or intention to read the article). Now GGers are running around wanting to report him and anyone who tweets about the article for distributing child porn (and getting mad that those folks didn't repoert it to the 8Chan admins, you know cause those admins totally are un the ball on that :|), whilst simultaneously defending 8Chan. Also someone of them do this whilst simultaneously claiming there is no CP on 8Chan

Basically to GG 8Chan is innocent but Dan and co they're the real criminals and need to be taken down.
He's pandering to a crowd he knows he can monopolize off of by making videos that agree with them. His whole issue with 'games journalism' can be seen as him trying to sway customers towards him and away from established mediums. That's why nothing he says about games journalism should be taken with much authenticity because there's an inherent bias.

But of course if GamerGate was about ethics then there wouldn't have been a GamerGate to begin with.

Edit: Was TB always active in youtube comments?

Edit2: Another post by TB from youtube comments taken from KiA. He tries to claim he doesn't benefit off this while those clowns are parading around it with how awesome and honest he is.


People who are not very good at their jobs = game journalist = people TB would love if they would go away so he can get some more youtube money.

Fuck TB.
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