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Games that no one has played on NeoGAF except you


I have fond memories of these:

Shufflepuck Cafe


North and South


Here's mine:


It was an arena-type FPS where you spent most of the game running backwards while shooting the hordes of enemies that would spawn. It's been a while, but I remember it having some sort of upgrade system, and it had something like three different levels. I bought it off the developer's website, and it looks like that site is still operational.

I played the demo.
Bug Bomber (C64, Amiga)

This was fairly obscure even when it was released. What initially looks like a blatant Bomberman rip off was actually an odd mixture of Bomberman and a real time strategy game. What was clever about it was that there was a resource system that let you lay eggs that spawned minions to patrol your area of the maze. You essentially battled it out with AI controlled proxy armies to wear down and kill your opponents. Very unusual and clever little game.
Lifesigns: Surgical Unit.

An odd mix of Phoenix Wright and Trauma Center. Has some silly anime tropes, but is steeped way more in reality than both of those. Quite fun. I'm replaying it now on my 3DS XL!



I enjoyed this more than Pokemon as a kid

I played this a ton, both via emus and the original copy I own. I played the Rokusho version though cause FUK MEDABEE :p

And yeah, totally owns Pokemon.


SalsaShark is the only other gaffer I know that had played this.

I remember playing this in 1997, and getting stuck at one point where you needed a password. I didn't have it written down anywhere, so I actually called one of my friends long-distance because she didn't have internet; but knew the password.

Dumb, dumb game.


I don't know anyone else IRL that has played the Creatures series but me. Those games are still so impressive today from an AI perspective.
I played it, though I think I never "finished" it - wasn't it educational software? I only bought it because the box was so awesome :D

Here's another try:


I played that as well. A lot of other weird German advertisement adventures because they were free and came on some shitty magazine disc I bought.

Ahh going through this page it's a nightmare


Victor Loomes

BiFi Adventure




Das Erbe




Namco's take on Space Harrier for arcade and MD/Genesis






another one I thought of..


Here's Taito's imitation of Galaxy Force, a game I first heard about in EGM.



Neo Member
Heres a couple other uncommon games:


made by a developer you may have heard of...


thing I remember most about it was the instruction manual. It had old fashioned copy protection (whats the first word in the third sentence of page 42, etc) and in order to stop you from just photocopying the manual, it was like black ink on extremely dark brown paper and almost impossible to read.

Keef the Thief was pretty great. The writing was bitter and funny, and the plot (such as it was) simply followed Keef on his purely selfish quest to become the immortal god-emperor of this fantasy world.

As I recall the history of the game, Naughty Dog were tasked with making a fairly generic fantasy game, and so during development they put in snarky dialog and textual descriptions of everything, knowing that it would all be replaced. But the dark humor worked so well that they left it in.

I actually had a chance to annoy one of the upper-ups at Naughty Dog a few years ago, and I wasted their time asking about Keef the Thief, and whether they could see any way to turn this into a modern game. It turns out that the old-timers there still remember Keef fondly, but shockingly a remake isn't near the top of their list. Oh wells.


My submission is Crystalis for the NES:


It was actually one of the more complex and interesting games I recall playing. It stole a ton from Zelda, but had far more of the Action/RPG mechanics of something like Legend of Mana. And I've never seen anyone else mention it, ever.
My submission is Crystalis for the NES:


It was actually one of the more complex and interesting games I recall playing. It stole a ton from Zelda, but had far more of the Action/RPG mechanics of something like Legend of Mana. And I've never seen anyone else mention it, ever.

Hell yes! Crystalis was a damn good one. Even thought I played it ages ago I still have some pretty fond memories of it. Neat take on post apocalypic setting as well.



My submission is Crystalis for the NES:


It was actually one of the more complex and interesting games I recall playing. It stole a ton from Zelda, but had far more of the Action/RPG mechanics of something like Legend of Mana. And I've never seen anyone else mention it, ever.

Great game from what I've read, but I only tried it once many years ago.
Will have to play it again.

side note:
It's a shame that Crystalis II never saw the light of day on Neo Geo CD.

The weird thing about G-Police is that they thought a fairly complicated game about piloting futuristic attack helicopters was going to be a number 1 Christmas smash with mainstream appeal like Tomb Raider, and then they were baffled when predictably it was a damp squib. Must have done something right seeing as it spawned a sequel. Also one of the only games I can think of on the Playstation that let you set graphics options beyond what the console's GPU was capable of like a PC game. I remember getting a dual shock pad halfway through playing it and being blown away by the virtual cockpit with the right stick.

Honey Bunny

Anyone else play this? I recently learned it was only released in Europe


Supernatural medieval third person action game. You're a knight fighting against humans and demons. Spooky. I remember enjoying it quite a bit.




Many have played Rayxanber II / III on PC-Engine CD, but what of the original?
It was only made for FM Towns, and compatible with the Marty.







Or how about the most shameless ripoff of R-Type ever?





I feel that this thread's purpose is to reveal industry workers and to spill what they're working on.

I had this one on Playstation. It was an import, and one the ones that I found to be utterly indecipherable. Only thing I remember about it was enjoying the games' soundtrack quite a bit.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
My submission is Crystalis for the NES:


It was actually one of the more complex and interesting games I recall playing. It stole a ton from Zelda, but had far more of the Action/RPG mechanics of something like Legend of Mana. And I've never seen anyone else mention it, ever.
I LOVED Crystalis. I still remember the walking music and hum it quite often to myself. This was one of the best RPG/Zelda-like games on the NES.
I had this one on Playstation. It was an import, and one the ones that I found to be utterly indecipherable. Only thing I remember about it was enjoying the games' soundtrack quite a bit.

It played very similarly to Valkyria Chronicles actually. I managed to finish the game without knowing that I could strafe. It made the second playthrough much easier.


you can't put a price on sparks
Here's mine:


It was an arena-type FPS where you spent most of the game running backwards while shooting the hordes of enemies that would spawn. It's been a while, but I remember it having some sort of upgrade system, and it had something like three different levels. I bought it off the developer's website, and it looks like that site is still operational.

i played this game. i reviewed it a long time ago http://squackle.com/8055/screwed-up-chronicles/review-deadhunt-pc/

it was fun, although it was very hard at a certain point in the game, and sort of grindy for no reason.

This game came with my Compaq Presario... I think it might have been late 90's when I got the PC.

I played through it multiple times... it was the only game I had at that time. I have no idea what the critical consensus on it was, all I remember is that I had a great time with it and ended up being quite good at it!

I don't mean to be a bother, but you should try and put your images in quotes. Just put
on the front of the image URL and [/quoe] at the end. It's much easier on the eyes. And I spelled that second "quote" wrong because it messes up what I was trying to say when it gets posted. Fix the spelling on that one and it should be fine.


How about Hybris for Amiga



And its sequel Battle Squadron - The Destruction of the Barrax Empire!



R-Type Leo



gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I played this when I was a kid.

Although technically against the spirit of the thread, I didn't imply I was the only one to have played it. ;)

I think I can safely say that not many people here have played the 1996 release of Fable ...
I just came to post this. Still have both the box and everything from the game. A truly underrated gem.

Nice! I borrowed the game from a neighbour, so it's well and truly been lost to time. :(

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Many obscure ones so far. Out of those listed, from memory, I've played Dragon Valor, Dark Savior (it was disappointing compared to Landstalker, the controls were bad), Grandstream Saga, Vanguard Bandits, Kartia, Shadow of Destiny and a couple others, these games aren't that obscure.

Not sure if other people have played this....it's pretty hard.
Lomax! Yeah, my brothers have it.

I had yet to find a post about Terra Phantastica on GAF until I googled it and came up with an image linking to a GAF thread that gave me a virus warning. It's a really great Saturn SRPG, perhaps better than Shining Force III. [...]
Japanese speakers who love SRPGs may want to try this out on PC (via emulator). It doesn't really seem to be known in Japan either.
Whoa, bold words, friend. I wish I understood Japanese, I'd definitely have to try that... any chance of a fan translation patch like the last two Shining Force 3 scenarios?

LOL I remember that from my youth. My older brother had a SMS and rented that a few times.

My submission:

Journey to the Center of the Earth, 1988, Chip Software

I played the French translation, for some reason my dad bought it along our very first PC (I think he later recalled that some salesman managed to swindle him by selling him that crappy game hahaha), a 286, back in the late 80's, but it was so hilariously bad. Confusing interface, shitty controls and really really really awful sound effects that were actually comical. My brothers and I would sometimes launch that game just to laugh at it.

Info is bare-boned on the Internet but I found this (there's a link to a magazine review scan too, giving it 20% lol): http://www.lemon64.com/?mainurl=http://www.lemon64.com/games/details.php?ID=1387


Another round from me.


The prettiest breakout clone of the 90s.

Prehistorik 2

An awesome platformer with tons of secrets and good difficulty.

Moraff's Anything (Entrap in this case)

However this Moraff person was, they were really prolific about their ugly games.


I'm sure a handful of people here have played it, but not enough and its kinda underrated. surprisingly good compared to the dozens of knockoff plaformers in the early 90s. it got a japan-only sequel some time later but it wasn't as good ... game is definitely worth checking out if you're wanting to try out old and rarer school snes/sfc stuff

and the soundtrack was amazing in parts.



Since this thread has started, I've successfully played (and completed) 99% of the games listed in this thread, if you are planning on naming a game, I suggest you just save yourself the time and not post it.

Morrigan Stark

Arrogant Smirk
Fellow Québec GAFfers might remember Videoway? I wonder if anyone else remembers their shitty games. Most of them were knock-off of very old PC and arcade games like Qix, Boulder Dash, Arkanoid (called Styx, Taupe or Fou Brique respectively) or straight ports (I doubt they actually acquired the copyrights, lol) of Burgertime, Q*Bert and I think Lode Runner too.

But there were also originals! Like this shitty-ass adventure game called Temporel Inc.

And lo and behold someone made a PC remake, LOL:
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