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Games that no one has played on NeoGAF except you


Not sure of the popularity level but it remains my favorite survival horror game thanks the incredible HP Lovecraftian influence. So much more interesting than mutated genetic zombie bullshit.




And as for the even more obscure, my first PC platformer:


Finally, 'Wrath of the Gods', a educational point & click adventure game with digitized sprites that recreates various stories from Greek mythology;


I'll be very surprised if anyone's played that last one. Here's a trailer for it; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSb6VstOyv4

I have! My English Teacher in the 9th grade gave anyone extra credit to whoever could beat it. I only got to the part of crossing the river in to Hades I believe.


Finally, 'Wrath of the Gods', a educational point & click adventure game with digitized sprites that recreates various stories from Greek mythology;

I'll be very surprised if anyone's played that last one. Here's a trailer for it; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wSb6VstOyv4

Seriously, I have no idea how my parents managed to gift me that back in 1994/95, in Brazil. I remember never being able to finish the game and getting stuck after the minotaur training (jumping over a bull or something (?)). Great memories, botay, thumbs up!

Cock of War

I used to really like Hammerfist, pretty sure I completed it. Really huge boss enemies and a neat mechanic where you could swap between the slow fighty guy and fast jumpy woman.

I played the hell out of the Detective but never really got anywhere. It wasn't even fun really, I just played it compulsively due to how original it was. About the furthest progress I made was find the secret passageway in the kitchen or whatever.

I used to be obsessed with Nightbreed as a kid due to this game, even though it was mostly awful and the film is pretty bad too (I actually ended up seeing the recent director's cut due to this, which amusingly was probably even worse than the cinema cut). Midwinter's been mention loads in this thread already, the sequel was good too.

Yeah, a friend of mine had this, we spent ages playing it mainly due to the (at the time) neat graphics and the character switching novelty.

Tried to read the whole thread, didn't realise Midwinter had been mentioned ;) Yeah Nightbreed, pretty cheesy but goddamn its got the awesome David Cronenberg as an iconic serial killer!!!

Another one
Pyrotechnica by Psygnosis



Blew my mind back in the day


Seeing as people have actually played Blue Stinger, I need to go more obscure...got it. Turbografx 16.


Loved every minute of this game, in all its difficult glory.

Don't forget the original coin-op.


Edit: I forgot one that's similar to Bloody Wolf and MERCS:

Thunder Zone / Desert Assault




Another one

Irem's Blade Master / Cross Blades!






These first two are very common, but the third one isn't.

SpellCaster ( Kujaku Ou in Japan)

Mystic Defender (Kujaku Ou 2: Geneishiro)

Plus the (very unofficial) spiritual successor: Shinrei Jusatsushi Tarōmaru which tranlates to "Psychic Killer Taromaru" or "Spiritual Assassin Taromaru" on Saturn (and ST-V arcade) a game that's possibly even more rare and certainly more obscure than Radiant Silvergun.







full playthrough of this beautiful, difficult and obscure game http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FpJwF-QgFUk


I have a rather extensive CD-I collection from my childhood that I bet most people haven't played. 99% of them are complete trash. I have all three of the CD-I Zeldas as well as Hotel Mario and played them all to completion as a young kid. Zelda games are unplayable trash, Hotel Mario is respectable.


A totally decent puzzle game.



A totally somewhat kinda decent platform game.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Just read the ENTIRE thread and wow these are some obscure videogames.

Legend of Legaia

Played for a couple minutes. My cousin owned it.

One of my favs back in the day: Overblood

Aunt got it for me for my birthday. Played 10 minutes.

Here's some more


Played the demo.

Played for 5 minutes when it was briefly the cool hipster thing on /v/




Got mediocre reviews but I loved it.

Hell yeah. Music was great and the versus mode was fun!

(Toy Commander)

This was the bee's knees, no way am I alone. I BETTER NOT BE ALONE IN-FACT.

Played the demo quite a lot.

(Thousand Arms)

Played the demo. First exposure to dating sim.

My 4 submissions:




and I will be most impressed if you get this one and have also beaten it:



Certainly not one of those games that nobody has played, but,for those of you that loved Area 88, better known in the western world as UN Squadron in arcades and on SNES, you'll probably like this too:




Sadly, it was never put into any Capcom collection.
Shows my age (38) but when I was still using a pre-windows PC running DOS 5.0, there was a qbasic compiler built into DOS and it came with code for two games. Most people had no idea this was in there. You opened qbasic, opened the code and executed it.



Holy shit I forgot all about these. My cousin and I played those a lot.
Damn I feel old now.
The Guardian of Darkness for the PS1. At the time I thought the whole exorcist detective concept looked very promising, but the game was seriously hindered by the awful controls, the worst camera ever and lackluster presentation. I don't think I've ever saw this game being mentioned on an Internet forum, so I think it is relatively obscure.


Cyber Doll for the Sega Saturn.
Basically it's a Japanese Cyberpunk RPG. You play this cyborg who gains in power by destroying enemies and taking their parts. Your stats improve by equipping new arms, legs, and even brains (???). Battles are sort of like Front Mission on more of a flat plane. You can destroy your enemy's arms to limit their weapon usage, their legs to stop mobility, or their head & chest to destroy them entirely.

The prologue is nuts and oddly enough, entirely in english (with JPN subtitles).
There are apparently some pictures from an artbook floating around on the net. I'd link to them but there's a NSFW image among the bunch.


The Clash!!

Its "clash" system is still one of the most satisfying things I've ever experienced in an action game. I loved the game wish it had more enemy variety and better use of space, but every single battle was fun thanks to the clash effect, looked and felt spectacular.

I don't know a single other soul who played it. Maybe Gackt scared them away? I donno, he fits here.
I have a rather extensive CD-I collection from my childhood that I bet most people haven't played. 99% of them are complete trash. I have all three of the CD-I Zeldas as well as Hotel Mario and played them all to completion as a young kid. Zelda games are unplayable trash, Hotel Mario is respectable.



A totally somewhat kinda decent platform game.

(holy shit) I've played that game. Not very long though, but I remember it.






Saw the MD version in an early EGM. Never played it back then since AFAIK it never came out stateside. Not sure about the coin-op.
Many years later I finally got to try both. The game kinda sucked, yet it was hilarious at the same time.

It's just one of those obscure games that stuck in my head.
Cyber Doll for the Sega Saturn.
Basically it's a Japanese Cyberpunk RPG. You play this cyborg who gains in power by destroying enemies and taking their parts. Your stats improve by equipping new arms, legs, and even brains (???). Battles are sort of like Front Mission on more of a flat plane. You can destroy your enemy's arms to limit their weapon usage, their legs to stop mobility, or their head & chest to destroy them entirely.

The prologue is nuts and oddly enough, entirely in english (with JPN subtitles).
There are apparently some pictures from an artbook floating around on the net. I'd link to them but there's a NSFW image among the bunch.

I wanted this game until I saw that intro. "AIDS" was just too much for me. I should probably just get over it because I would likely really enjoy it.

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Sunk so much time into this game. Never won. Mainly just flew around the different planets or flying into the sun. - Starglider 2


Shit, yeah. This and Sword of Damocles had me hooked.

Anyone remember these?

Renegade and it's sequel, Target Renegade, loved these games, Like a Double Dragon/ Streets of Rage kind of game.




Indeed! Looked much better on C64, mind.

Check earlier in the thread. :p Cinemaware were superb.

Just played this this past weekend. Super fun.

Dragon Breed



Druid by Firebird for the C64.



I loved this game when I was in high school. Your basic Gauntlet clone action game.

I totally forgot about that! I had it on the C64. Those cute little fireballs... aw.

Are you actually me? That's pretty much a list of all the games I played the most on my C64 and Amiga, especially Exile. Usagi Yojimbo was a game with incredible potential and it's always surprised me no one else tried to rip off its ideas (remember the Ninja village?).

Zeewolf was a massively overlooked and superb game (although it was buggy as fuck towards the end missions), and Zeewolf 2 was even better with the whole swapping vehicles thing.

The main thing that sticks in mind with the Supercars games was the highly dubious "FONDLE" cheat mode...

Mindwinter was a totally different game (by Mike Singleton of Lords of Midnight fame) played from a first person perspective. Hunter was from an odd third person perspective and really was Grand Theft Auto 3 before Grand Theft Auto 3.

Who are you and how did you get into my brain? You are correct about EVERYTHING. Yojimbo was superb, I absolutely loved the whole honour mechanic. Zeewolf 2 was infinitely better; really loved the music. Midwinter was great, but Midwinter 2 went above and beyond.

Okay, GAF... Still no claims from anyone having played Panther or Enigma Force on C64...?

I'll also be mildy surprised if anyone has played this, too:

The weird thing about G-Police is that they thought a fairly complicated game about piloting futuristic attack helicopters was going to be a number 1 Christmas smash with mainstream appeal like Tomb Raider, and then they were baffled when predictably it was a damp squib. Must have done something right seeing as it spawned a sequel. Also one of the only games I can think of on the Playstation that let you set graphics options beyond what the console's GPU was capable of like a PC game. I remember getting a dual shock pad halfway through playing it and being blown away by the virtual cockpit with the right stick.
Joining the G-Police club here, one of my favourite PS1 games! Only game (together with it's sequel) I know about too with the graphic settings on a console.


Anyone played Dyslexia Beater for the Sinclair Spectrum?


Loved it as a kid, didn't realise at the time that my parents bought it to fix my confusion with d's and b's... I guess maybe it worked on me, didn't have a prodlem after that.



Okay, GAF... Still no claims from anyone having played Panther or Enigma Force on C64...?

I'll also be mildy surprised if anyone has played this, too:

Never played Panther as far as I know, but I played Enigma Force. Actually had to look at Youtube to remember it. Persion Gulf Inferno, however, I have played a lot. Actually played it just some months ago last time. Got a room where I store some c64s, Amigas (even the CD32), Vectrex etc. Great stuff! :D

Screaming Meat

Unconfirmed Member
Anyone played Dyslexia Beater for the Sinclair Spectrum?


Loved it as a kid, didn't realise at the time that my parents bought it to fix my confusion with d's and b's... I guess maybe it worked on me, didn't have a prodlem after that.

I haven't playeb it, dut that GIF is giving me a dit of a heabache.


Unconfirmed Member
Well I doubt there is a game out there that no one else on Neogaf has played, but here is probably the rarest game in my collection.


My uncle gave it to me and well didn't play it much to be honest. Then two weeks later the whole stealing scenes from other games came out and the game was pulled from stores.

Thank you so much for posting this, I'd never heard of it. Anyone else who isn't familiar with it should read this thread at least: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=310683. It's amazing.


Awesome beautiful game, mix of strategy and adventure. Visuals inspired by David Lynch's film.

Not only I've played it many times, it's one of my top games of all times. It's really pity nobody else tried to blend so many genres and do it in interesting Universe. Love this game!
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