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Games that ooze style (other than Persona 5)




LET IT DIE, senpai

It's so overflowing with style that the song for the PS4 theme is some random fantasy anime song.


I remember El Shaddai looking pretty crazy. Never got around to actually playing it though.

I was racking my brain trying to remember the name. This game was really underrated. Not a great game but overall a really enjoyable experience. It was designed to look like a stained glass fever dream.
Kirby Planet Robobot has a surprising amount of style, not only in the game itself but also in the menus, etc.

I didn't even like the game that much but it sure was beautiful.
Danganronpa 1 & 2.
No More Heroes.
Killer is Dead.
SMT3, DDS1 & DDS2, Raidou 1 & 2.
Metal Gear AC!D 2.
The Wind Waker.
Jet Set Radio.
Persona 4.


Viewtiful Joe comes closest I think. A few of my friends actually compared the styles of VJ and P5 and while I don't think they're quite that close, they both exude incredible style.

P4G is good, it's the obvious stepping stone from OG P4 stylistically that later led to P5.

Killer7 is hit or miss. I played it in front of a few friends and there were certainly mixed reactions. I love it though.

Jet Set Radio is aesthetically awesome. In fact, I'd argue that's the best part of the original JSR. It's so stylish.


I'd say Jet Set Radio. Even more OG than that, the Genesis Sonic games had pretty good style re: level title cards, etc.

The font and graphic treatment is so tasteful compared to the "attitude" of the mascot himself.


I can't post images now but I also remember Puppeteer being a great stylish game that nailed the theatrics aspect of it.

I also make a call for Yakuza 0 GAF to bring the gifs, especially the total domination one.

DMC is stylish as long as you can play it very well.
Final Fantasy XIII. The menu UI and the way they show the character images animate as you select them was nice to look at and navigate. The use of unique artwork in the various menus looked snazzy to me. Each of the online shops also has their own unique design aesthetic which reminded me of Persona 4's shop overlays.

I'm enjoying P5 but sometimes the style is overbearing at times. I think I preferred P4 a bit because it was easier on my eyes and not as overly-flashy with the stylish effects. Too busy at times imo.

Sorry I can't post any images.


Giger created backgrounds for Dark Seed. You better cherish that game and style, as the artist is no longer alive



Are there any other games that come close to P5's style? What other games have cohesive visual design, great UI, a unique soundtrack, or an overall sense of "cool" to them?

My answer is Sonic. The Sonic franchise in general has generally sold itself on style. Sonic is "cool" and Sonic is "fast," and each game builds on this overall concept in a way that bleeds through into the gameplay and presentation.



Persona's always had pretty cool UI, that said playing Persona 5 reeeally made me want to play the Sly Cooper series again lol -- a lot of similar motifs, and I also love their punchy comic book style.

Oh! Sly is a great answer. Based on the first game and what I've seen of the second it absolutely is packed with style.


On the phone, so no pics.

If we're strictly speaking about UI, FFXIII takes the cake. I love P5's, but to be honest, the UI may be a bit too heavy. Ff13's were very clean while still stylish.

If we're talking about style in the gameworld and art, Nocturne is still miles ahead of everything not SMT:

Shin Megami Tensei Nocturne did a great job of selling its bleak, desolate atmosphere at all times.



I think Sonic 1, 2, 3 and CD (especially CD) fit the bill, very stylish character design and environments, great music. More importantly it's all coherent, something you most certainly can't say about the stuff that came afterwards.
Sonic Adventure is a laughable example.


Max Payne 2: The Fall Of Max Payne.


It has a nice 'noir' feel to it, it has much more style than Max Payne 3.


The answer is Ghost Trick.


As for Sonic...I suppose you could make a case for him? The art style has been wildly inconsistent ranging from awful to bland, but the pop art aesthetic the older games have is pretty damn stylish. Generations had it in its menu title cards, and Taxman seems to push this style as well in the mobile ports and Sonic Mania

There OP, I didn't just laugh off the Sonic suggestion with a wacky gif. Because it can be stylish, and it should be, it just isn't most of the time.


Okami is another game I can think of that just oozes style. I was blown away by the visuals of that game back in the day.
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