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Games you remember, names you don't

There was this game, I remember seeing my cousing showing it when I was alot younger, it had 2 pyramids in each side and was being played on space i think it was a CTF game on the pc.

When I later asked him about it he told me counter-strike.. :(, but I am sure it is not CS.

Sounds like Unreal Tournament, the map Facing Worlds. Probably can find a YouTube video of it to verify.


there was a block puzzler game i used to place on pc maybe 20 years ago as a kid. pretty generic/basic game, you move the blocks around in order to get through each level. but for some reason no matter what i google search i can't find the damn game.

I'm not surprised from that description!

Still, I can have a few guesses:

Bolo Adventures
Rescue Rover

There's one more in the back of my brain but I can't tease it out yet. Whenever I think of it I keep coming up with the name X-Box, but I don't think that's quite right! In case it sparks anyone else off, that one had a very 'vector graphics' look, with squares you push around containing arrows showing which way they could be pushed.


there was a block puzzler game i used to place on pc maybe 20 years ago as a kid. pretty generic/basic game, you move the blocks around in order to get through each level. but for some reason no matter what i google search i can't find the damn game.
Sounds like a Sokoban clone.


Sounds like a Sokoban clone.

I didn't think so, actually; the description sounded to me more like the blocks were being moved to facilitate travelling through a maze rather than being moved to specific destinations; the latter's such an important distinguishing feature that I would imagine he'd have mentioned it.

Edit: On which note, Cyberbox was the title I was thinking of overnight for the other game I wanted to put on that list.
Randomly thought of some bootleg game, quite recent I think that features just a load of assets form different IP's. Mario and everything, should remember the name but I can't. Cheers!
The second, Genesis game, maybe it's Ex-Mutans.

As for the first, top down one, could you remember something more? Was it a vertical shoot'em up with an airplane or similar flying vehicle, were you driving a car and such or was the player character walking on land like in mclem's Total Carnage example?

holy shit, that's the one. you guys are gods.

as for the SNES game... it was vertical. I'm pretty sure it's on foot. I also remember it having a Desert Strike/Jungle Strike-esque death cutscene. I'm sure this one will never be solved hahaha.


This is a game played on my computer (prob a Windows PC) around 1990. It was a first-person experience oddly familiar to Surgeon Simulator 2013. You were a doctor and you went into a hospital and visited a few patients. You'd read patients' charts and give them exams and then try to diagnose their condition. You may end up giving them surgery to remove an appendix or something. You'd perform surgery by grabbing items with your mouse. Any ideas?


This is a game played on my computer (prob a Windows PC) around 1990. It was a first-person experience oddly familiar to Surgeon Simulator 2013. You were a doctor and you went into a hospital and visited a few patients. You'd read patients' charts and give them exams and then try to diagnose their condition. You may end up giving them surgery to remove an appendix or something. You'd perform surgery by grabbing items with your mouse. Any ideas?

Propably Life & Death


Neo Member
There was a game i'm pretty sure was on snes and it was side scrolling co-op shooting game that had you against aliens..or robots...or alien robots i can't remember. Iirc one player was red and the other was silver and they wore space armour. I remember one bit had you climbing up the right side of the screen whilst being attacked by a boss.

I think Star was in the title somewhere but i can't be too sure.


There was a game i'm pretty sure was on snes and it was side scrolling co-op shooting game that had you against aliens..or robots...or alien robots i can't remember. Iirc one player was red and the other was silver and they wore space armour. I remember one bit had you climbing up the right side of the screen whilst being attacked by a boss.

I think Star was in the title somewhere but i can't be too sure.
Gunstar Heroes, maybe.
There was a game i'm pretty sure was on snes and it was side scrolling co-op shooting game that had you against aliens..or robots...or alien robots i can't remember. Iirc one player was red and the other was silver and they wore space armour. I remember one bit had you climbing up the right side of the screen whilst being attacked by a boss.

I think Star was in the title somewhere but i can't be too sure.

Sounds like Super Probotector (Contra 3). Stage 3 has that exact scenario you described with the robot attacking you while climbing.



Looking for the name of an old strategy game where you build yourself a dock and build an army of boats. You can have fishing boats and boats gathering gold on the different beaches/islands. Weapons are cannons and arrows.

I also remember that you could build your own maps.

This game is only on the sea! At least 10 years old. Classic RTS top down view.


American Football game for early-ish consoles featuring zombies, monsters, etc. NOT Mutant League Football as far as I can tell.

Sideline-esque view of the field if I remember right.

Sorry I don't have more. Vague memory.


American Football game for early-ish consoles featuring zombies, monsters, etc. NOT Mutant League Football as far as I can tell.

Sideline-esque view of the field if I remember right.

Sorry I don't have more. Vague memory.

VERY outside chance, given that when I first saw it I thought it was a American Football game (knowing, at the time, very little about American Football): Grand Monster Slam?

(Also a possibility: M.U.D.S)
There was this 3DS game that sort of looked like Nights into Dreams or Gravity Rush, where you were flying through the air shooting at things. There were diamonds.

Edit: Somehow, out of pure coincidence, I found it.

It is called "Rodea the Sky Soldier" and it looks dope.


American Football game for early-ish consoles featuring zombies, monsters, etc. NOT Mutant League Football as far as I can tell.

Sideline-esque view of the field if I remember right.

Sorry I don't have more. Vague memory.

I'd watch a couple more videos of Mutant League Football just to be 100% sure.

Other than that it could possibly be:
Blood Bowl (1995)
Pigskin 621 A.D. 9 (1990)

They aren't exactly what you describe but are close, people miss-remember stuff so you never know =P


VERY outside chance, given that when I first saw it I thought it was a American Football game (knowing, at the time, very little about American Football): Grand Monster Slam?

(Also a possibility: M.U.D.S)

Neither of those :( but thanks!

Also later than Atari...was thinking somewhere between genesis and Saturn time frame (which I guess is questionable if it qualifies as early).


I once played a SNES game and forgot the name...
it was some sort of puzzlegame where ants played with Dominos.

Thanks in advance :)


I'd watch a couple more videos of Mutant League Football just to be 100% sure.

Other than that it could possibly be:
Blood Bowl (1995)
Pigskin 621 A.D. 9 (1990)

They aren't exactly what you describe but are close, people miss-remember stuff so you never know =P

It looked a lot like the last blood bowl screen ("turnover") at:


Except, obviously, much older and worse graphics

Edit: it was pigskin! You're awesome.


There was a game i'm pretty sure was on snes and it was side scrolling co-op shooting game that had you against aliens..or robots...or alien robots i can't remember. Iirc one player was red and the other was silver and they wore space armour. I remember one bit had you climbing up the right side of the screen whilst being attacked by a boss.

I think Star was in the title somewhere but i can't be too sure.

Super Probotector? Contra 3 reskinned for Europe


Posting here because it got lost at the Steam thread.

Does anyone know the name of this game, I really cant remember now. It was free to try during a random weekend earlier this year (I think - or maybe later last year)... It takes place at a forest at least the first stage, and then there is a portal where people come from, and the gameplay is your unit moving through "tiles", and each one of these is a battle that you have to place "monsters" to destroy the enemy units. I remember you start going up a giant tree in this stage.

It has more of a cartoon-ish artstyle. It has been bothering me for some time now... :/

Edit: Nevermind! Just found it randomly looking through Adventure games on Steam's catalogue. lol Its Might & Magic Clash of Heroes btw.


Neo Member
There was a game i'm pretty sure was on snes and it was side scrolling co-op shooting game that had you against aliens..or robots...or alien robots i can't remember. Iirc one player was red and the other was silver and they wore space armour. I remember one bit had you climbing up the right side of the screen whilst being attacked by a boss.

I think Star was in the title somewhere but i can't be too sure.

I know this goes against your description but part of this reminds me of Alien Storm on the Mega Drive. Red Character and a Silver robot but no climbing against the wall.


Crunch King

Neo Member
Hey GAFfers, got another one that hopefully some of you can help me with.

I remember playing this game on PC in the mid 90s, it might have come on a trial disc with the computer (Packard Bell) but I honestly don't remember.

It was a puzzle game of sorts. The main character was an old professor with crazy hair in a lab coat, a typical Einstein knockoff, and he helped you through the game. Players could choose from a variety of everyday items as well as walls and building blocks to finish puzzles, but unfortunately I don't remember exactly what the puzzles were.

Also, I think maybe players could create their own levels? Sorry for the lack of info on this one, it's one of the first games I ever played on PC so my memory is pretty hazy.
Hey GAFfers, got another one that hopefully some of you can help me with.

I remember playing this game on PC in the mid 90s, it might have come on a trial disc with the computer (Packard Bell) but I honestly don't remember.

It was a puzzle game of sorts. The main character was an old professor with crazy hair in a lab coat, a typical Einstein knockoff, and he helped you through the game. Players could choose from a variety of everyday items as well as walls and building blocks to finish puzzles, but unfortunately I don't remember exactly what the puzzles were.

Also, I think maybe players could create their own levels? Sorry for the lack of info on this one, it's one of the first games I ever played on PC so my memory is pretty hazy.

Maybe something from the Dr. Brain or the Incredible Machine series.


I've posted this before on a couple sites over the past couple years, but no one can ever help me or seem to remember what it's called. I played it at my cousin's house sometime in like 2004. There's a good chance it came out sometime in the 90s.

-It's for the PC
-Over-the-top style shooter, like Zombies Ate My Neighbors style
-Regenerating enemies, in order for them to stop regenerating you need to destroy the regen points
-Very arcady
-Supported multiple players per one PC, I remember I used WASD, my cousin used IJKL or arrows or something, and my other cousin used a USB gamepad
-Similar to the kind of cheap download-only games that we got a lot of this gen, but I'm pretty sure it was a retail game
-Levels were short
-It had "2000" or "3000" or something like that in the title

I'm honestly starting to believe it doesn't exist or (more likely) my memory is foggy and it never actually had some of the elements I remember it having, because I've looked at quite a lot of games and I'm 100% sure that none of them are what I remember it being. I've also thought that maybe it didn't have a retail release at all and was just a flash game.


I've posted this before on a couple sites over the past couple years, but no one can ever help me or seem to remember what it's called. I played it at my cousin's house sometime in like 2004. There's a good chance it came out sometime in the 90s.

-It's for the PC
-Over-the-top style shooter, like Zombies Ate My Neighbors style
-Regenerating enemies, in order for them to stop regenerating you need to destroy the regen points
-Very arcady
-Supported multiple players per one PC, I remember I used WASD, my cousin used IJKL or arrows or something, and my other cousin used a USB gamepad
-Similar to the kind of cheap download-only games that we got a lot of this gen, but I'm pretty sure it was a retail game
-Levels were short
-It had "2000" or "3000" or something like that in the title

I'm honestly starting to believe it doesn't exist or (more likely) my memory is foggy and it never actually had some of the elements I remember it having, because I've looked at quite a lot of games and I'm 100% sure that none of them are what I remember it being. I've also thought that maybe it didn't have a retail release at all and was just a flash game.

Well, my gut feeling is Cyberdogs or its sequel c-dogs, but that doesn't fit all the parts of your description.
God, good luck with this one guys. I've been looking for over a decade.

I vaguely remember this game. I was born in the Philippines and lived there 'til I was 5. I had a Super Famicom/Nintendo and this game was on that.

This game was a sidescrolling platformer. The most detailed thing I remember about it is that one of the early levels (maybe even the first level) had a boss that was a frog, and to get to this boss, there was a long vertical platforming section. I even vaguely remember some of the BGM but I'm not quite desperate enough to record me humming it and uploading that.

More than likely this game never came out outside Japan.


Well, my gut feeling is Cyberdogs or its sequel c-dogs, but that doesn't fit all the parts of your description.

That's not it, but it reminds me of something I need to add to my description. Each level was one static screen. You couldn't move past that. Like a Pac-Man level. That's what I meant by "Levels were short".

Every time I post this people always suggest games that don't have static screens but I never changed it for some reason.


Neo Member
That's not it, but it reminds me of something I need to add to my description. Each level was one static screen. You couldn't move past that. Like a Pac-Man level. That's what I meant by "Levels were short".

Every time I post this people always suggest games that don't have static screens but I never changed it for some reason.

Does sound a bit like Gauntlet, or a possible sequel.


That's not it, but it reminds me of something I need to add to my description. Each level was one static screen. You couldn't move past that. Like a Pac-Man level. That's what I meant by "Levels were short".

Every time I post this people always suggest games that don't have static screens but I never changed it for some reason.

Threat, perhaps:


That also mentions a three-player feature, which is unconventional enough that it's got promise as an idea.
Yes! Professor Tim's Incredible Machines! Thank you sir, you are a hero.

Glad to have helped. :)

God, good luck with this one guys. I've been looking for over a decade.

I vaguely remember this game. I was born in the Philippines and lived there 'til I was 5. I had a Super Famicom/Nintendo and this game was on that.

This game was a sidescrolling platformer. The most detailed thing I remember about it is that one of the early levels (maybe even the first level) had a boss that was a frog, and to get to this boss, there was a long vertical platforming section. I even vaguely remember some of the BGM but I'm not quite desperate enough to record me humming it and uploading that.

More than likely this game never came out outside Japan.

Not sure about this, there are lots of SNES platformers but I haven't played a lot of them. I see there's a GAF topic about less known NES/SNES/GEN platformers, maybe it can help. Also check out Racketboy's list of hidden SNES gems.


I vaguely have remembered for the last 15 years a sidescrolling shooting game for the NES where one weapon's bullet bounced.

I also think you went inside trees to buy weapons.

I had once thought t was a part of Blaster Master, but that didn't have any side scrolling parts.
Glad to have helped. :)

Not sure about this, there are lots of SNES platformers but I haven't played a lot of them. I see there's a GAF topic about less known NES/SNES/GEN platformers, maybe it can help. Also check out Racketboy's list of hidden SNES gems.

I checked through every game in that thread and also that other link. I got my hopes up for a bit when I saw the screenshots for Doremi Fantasy, but after watching several videos of it, that wasn't it. Thanks for trying.
I checked through every game in that thread and also that other link. I got my hopes up for a bit when I saw the screenshots for Doremi Fantasy, but after watching several videos of it, that wasn't it. Thanks for trying.

So is DoReMi Fantasy maybe similar to the game you're looking for? Similar cutesy graphics, fantasy setting etc? Also, was there any shooting, did you have melee attacks or maybe just jumped on enemies to kill them? Some details about the setting might come in handy, if it was fantasy, sci-fi. Something about the color palette, gloomy dark colors or bright colorful stuff.

Also an approximate time period when you played the game, at least to rule out any newer games than the year you played this one in.
So is DoReMi Fantasy maybe similar to the game you're looking for? Similar cutesy graphics, fantasy setting etc? Also, was there any shooting, did you have melee attacks or maybe just jumped on enemies to kill them? Some details about the setting might come in handy, if it was fantasy, sci-fi. Something about the color palette, gloomy dark colors or bright colorful stuff.

Also an approximate time period when you played the game, at least to rule out any newer games than the year you played this one in.

Bright color palette. Cutesy graphics. I'd say fantasy setting but it wasn't like, elves and dragons or anything like that as far as I can remember. Don't remember anything about the method of attack, unfortunately. The only setting I remember is that stage with the frog boss and all I can remember about it is trees (lololol vague). I want to say that the path up to the boss is platforming your way up a giant tree, actually. I was really really bad at video games when I was that young and I know I never made it more than a few levels in so this really would be one of the earliest, if not first level.

Time period: 1990-1994. I know I never saw it again once I moved to America in 1994.
Bright color palette. Cutesy graphics. I'd say fantasy setting but it wasn't like, elves and dragons or anything like that as far as I can remember. Don't remember anything about the method of attack, unfortunately. The only setting I remember is that stage with the frog boss and all I can remember about it is trees (lololol vague). I want to say that the path up to the boss is platforming your way up a giant tree, actually. I was really really bad at video games when I was that young and I know I never made it more than a few levels in so this really would be one of the earliest, if not first level.

Time period: 1990-1994. I know I never saw it again once I moved to America in 1994.

Going out on a limb but is there a chance you're thinking of Little Nemo the Dream Master and your memory is a bit fuzzy on some of the details? A few things you say line up aside from there being a frog boss. But there are frogs in the first level. The first level has you in a mushroom forest and you are climbing up through them during some of the level.

Just figured I'd throw out a suggestion.
Going out on a limb but is there a chance you're thinking of Little Nemo the Dream Master and your memory is a bit fuzzy on some of the details? A few things you say line up aside from there being a frog boss. But there are frogs in the first level. The first level has you in a mushroom forest and you are climbing up through them during some of the level.

Just figured I'd throw out a suggestion.

I actually watched gameplay of Little Nemo. The game I played had better graphics than that and the music was higher quality.


Does sound a bit like Gauntlet, or a possible sequel.

Threat, perhaps:


That also mentions a three-player feature, which is unconventional enough that it's got promise as an idea.

Naw. Similar in concept to both of these, but the graphics were more in line with something you'd see on the SNES/PS1 (2D PS1 games). The characters you controlled were people, but I think they used guns or some kind of weapon that fired at a distance (not 100% sure). I remember when I played this game I specifically told my cousin that it reminded me of Gauntlet in terms of gameplay, but the game was more arcady and pick-up-and-play than that.
Okay i think I have a hard mode one:

Platform: Palm Treo/Centro

A freeware mobile casual strategy game. Had something to do with real estate/territories and numbers. I vaguely remember it having Monopoly-esque houses with green houses and red hotels, I think. Minesweeper style kinda comes to mind.

Help me gaf


Okay i think I have a hard mode one:

Platform: Palm Treo/Centro

A freeware mobile casual strategy game. Had something to do with real estate/territories and numbers. I vaguely remember it having Monopoly-esque houses with green houses and red hotels, I think. Minesweeper style kinda comes to mind.

Help me gaf

Not exactly what you described but maybe Minipolis or Minipolis 2?


This site has a good list of games with screenshots, maybe something will jog your memory or give you something that looks/play close to what you are looking for:
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