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GamesIndustry.biz: Where are the Xbox One's exclusives?

Purest 78

My problem with the PS4's exclusives are that a lot of them are titles that I either never heard of or would have any interest in playing. They might be console exclusive but the quality of those exclusives isn't necessarily anything to be excited about. But I'm a rare case when I comes to gaming. I'm not into Japanese developed games aside from Nintendo.

Plenty of exclusives outside of Japanese titles. The biggest I can think of is Spider-Man it's gonna be huge.


Well I'm talking about what Sony has produced compared to MS.

Why are you listing so many games made by non-MS studios (FH2-3, QB, SO) while seemingly dismissing titles on PS4 that fall under the same definition? Also, Sony's internal studios have put out a lot more titles than MS have produced more titles than MS' internal studios this gen... but I'm not going to list war.

With Bloodborne you can get that with Dark Souls 1-3

There's alternatives for every single game you listed as well. Not sure what point you're trying to make here.

I don't want to go down the silly list war.

So why have you been doing exactly that then?


Microsoft cancelled them all. Wish they would see Scalebound through. I'm glad Bethesda saw Doom 4 through, because the result is an amazing game.


I was hoping we'd see sequels for Quantum Break, Sunset Overdrive and Ryse, they could all really benefit from a second outing.


Did I really just read "Xbox needs more 3rd party exclusives"?

Fickle GAF; I remember the Rise of Tomb Raider melt downs fondly. Money hatting devs is not the answer though. MS need to invest in some home grown talent and new IPs to satisfy the 'exclusive crowd'.

I don't own an Xbox for exclusives really though, other than Halo. Having exclusives is not the be all and end all.
Microsoft really fucked up mishandling their studios and 2nd party games.
They did. I'm still sore with them closing down Lionhead. But I see it more as the fault and fallout of mishandling the developement and launch of the Xbox One. I love my Xbox and its exclusives more than my Ps4's (before I sold it); it's the console I enjoy the most. But I do feel like a lot of the consoles shortcomings have to do with just this console and not the brand. Fable legends was not fun at all. I could see why they cancelled it. Xbox tv studios was just a bad idea. Focusing on Kinect, despite my enjoying Kinect, instead of on more powerful hardware that was easier to develop for was a misstep.


I'd say third-party exclusives in general are a dying breed. Most publishers have come to realise there's more money to be made in wider availability than accepting a bag of cash from a platform holder, though a few, such as Squeenix (Rise of the Tomb Raider and now Nier Automata), seem to be a little conflicted on this front.

Edit: Full exclusives, not console-level exclusives.
Companies like Platinum(Wonderful 101, Bayonetta 2, Scalebound despite the cancellation) and Insomniac(Sunset Overdrive, Spider Man, Ratchet and Clank) are guns for hire and don't have the flexibility financially to pour in all their resources in one title without the exclusive sticker or backing of Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo etc.

Exclusives as much as we hate them, do drive up interest in buying a console, especially in XB1's case if someone can't afford to get a high end PC or have the time to use a gaming PC alongside their console.

I think Konami and Microsoft could use each other right now and with Konami holding so many great titles(Castlevania, Contra, Metal Gear, Silent Hill, Suikoden, Zone of the Enders among others) but having such a negative stench and Microsoft in need of popular, established decade long titles and doing away with the negative stench and trending well in the Spencer era to a lot of gamers from an ethics standpoint, seems like a marriage.

Maybe not Metal Gear but say if Microsoft were to get a new console exclusive Zone of the Enders in a joint establishment, I think it would do both companies rather well. I highlyt doubt players will turn another way if a new Silent Hill or Zone of the Enders is announced and has good people behind it and is steer clear of any of Konami's shenanigans and the IP treated with respect by Microsoft and it's developers. Either one could close their show and not be second guessed.

Konami is in dire need of any good pub and if they are at all serious about restoring their good will to the audience about making quality video games(Remains to be seen), a hookup with Microsoft would work well, especially given that Kojima and Sony are very tight and it may cause friction if Konami hooked up with Sony after the MGS5 shenanigans.

A new Zone of the Enders would be badass regardless of what system we get it on.


Most of the exclusives they released this gen under performed, so the budget for new exclusives got progressively tighter with each release.

I'm setting my expectations for E3 that the only new things will be Forza 7, Halo 6, and Ori 2. Those plus Sea of Thieves, Crackdown 3, Phantom Dust HD, Cuphead, Ashen, and maybe a few new indie timed exclusives.

Prithee Be Careful

Industry Professional
Sure , but are third party game devs going to focus on a console that is getting outsold 2-1 or whatever it is now ? Doubt it.

No, the middling third-party support for the PS4 Pro (a system designed to be as easy as possible to create upgrades for, from a publisher with overwhelming market share) is an indicator that those thinking that the Scorpio will be the best performing platform for multiplats simply because it has the power to be are probably expecting too much.


Most of the exclusives they released this gen under performed, so the budget for new exclusives got progressively tighter with each release.

I'm setting my expectations for E3 that the only new things will be Forza 7, Halo 6, and Ori 2. Those plus Sea of Thieves, Crackdown 3, Phantom Dust HD, Cuphead, Ashen, and maybe a few new indie timed exclusives.

They're going to have to have something to show off Scorpio.

PS Pro is a smallish jump from base PS4 ams came with a relatively modest price bump.

We've already been warned Scorpio is a premium experience, it feels like it's going to occupy a really strange place in the market.

In the actual exclusive front I think both platform holders have hugely regressed from last gen. Sony is just lucky the Japanese titles that GAF is so fond of have returned.
I wish Xbox focused on more Japanese developed games, I want to want an XB1 but as someone who finds western games to be not so appealing most of the time it really doesn't have anything for me. Rare Replay and Sunset Overdrive are pretty much the only titles that XB1 has for me :/
My problem with the PS4's exclusives are that a lot of them are titles that I either never heard of or would have any interest in playing. They might be console exclusive but the quality of those exclusives isn't necessarily anything to be excited about. But I'm a rare case when I comes to gaming. I'm not into Japanese developed games aside from Nintendo.

Man this is such bullshit. Can we get a mod to close this thread?


I'm not sure what it is exactly about Scalebound's cancellation that caused everybody to have meltdowns and decide now is the time to naval gaze about the xbox platform as a whole, but the exclusive slate has not substantially changed since 3 months ago. The last thread I remember reading about it seemed to be like 60/40 split as to whether it looked horrible or decent, in favor of the former.

By my reckoning, what the Microsoft slate is missing is one or two high profile, story driven prestige projects. Halo used to be this, but the industry's tastes changed and people aren't as excited about such an old franchise. What people seem to go gaga over come E3 are story driven games with great graphics. Ultimately, when people say "Xbox has no games" what it's really code for is "there is nothing in the same niche as Uncharted / Tlou / that new cinematic looking god of war". There is nothing blowing people away with animation quality that looks like it's going to make critics cry come awards season. Because in terms of games, there's definitely stuff coming out, the latest Gears was well received, the last Halo was well received, the Forzas continue to do well every year, there's some MMO water thing coming out, people are for some reason excited about Crackdown (if it ever ships), there's even a fucking RTS coming out. When was the last time there was a big console RTS? But even going back a year or two, the only thing filling that niche, the one that gets people hyped, was a timed exclusive that just pissed most people off rather than getting them excited about the platform.

With Scorpio coming out, I think it's plausible that they're holding one or two cards close to their chest to act as "Scorpio launch titles", which will probably run a bit crummy on vanilla XBO but look stunning on Scorpio. But I doubt there's going to be much in the way of new AAA action adventure franchises with a strong narrative focus. I don't know if the Xbox team considers anything like that to be an actual high priority. There's definitely going to be new first and third person shooters, there's definitely going to be racing games, there's going to be fighting games. And they'll all be well reviewed, but for the most part the people here won't care much, because it's all pretty passé.

Very well articulated post.


I was initially excited to have Microsoft exclusives on PC, but the lineup has been uninspiring, especially with poor ports of Forza and Quantum Break.

At least there's Ori.
This is not new. MS has coasted on Halo/Forza/Gears + 3rd parties since 2010.



Xbox live is still a Microsoft strength, and launching Scorpio is an opportunity to gain that crowd they lost to be the console of choice to play the biggest western third party games like Call of Duty, Madden, Fifa, Minecraft, NBA2K, WWE2K, Grand Theft Auto, Lego Games, Red Dead Redemption 2, Assassin's Creed, etc...

I think that might be difficult to show if Sony really does end up with the advertising rights for some of these this holiday season.

Not sure about the sports titles or Assassin's Creed, but we've seen Sony with Red Dead Redemption 2 and Call of Duty already. And they may possibly have Destiny 2 and SW:Battlefront 2 assuming they release this year.

That's why MS's First Party gotta step up and lead the way.
I wasn't. You tried. Stop. Edit not you but the person who quoted me.

Take my original post as is, admit it and move on. Thanks.

I'm just pointing out MS have put out games and actually Sony has been light.

Infamous Second Son and First Light, The Order, Bloodborne, Driveclub, Killzone Shadow Fall, Gravity Rush 2, Resogun, Alienation, The Last Guardian and Uncharted 4? With Bloodborne and UC4 being two of the highest rated games of this gen and TLG winning GotY from the likes of Edge and Easy Allies. I wouldn't say that is light, especially when Horizon is out soon.
In the past it appeared Rare was in the shadows to do Avatars and try and bring compelling games to keep Kinect going. Now it looks like their role is trying to carry the the whole Microsoft gaming sector because they are the only ones who are being given the green light to bring a big new IP out. All the rest are the same old rehashes or smaller funded projects.

When you lose your position and leverage in sales you no longer get access to as many deals with third party and the irony is now Phil Spencer is being so vocal about how he doesn't like them. This puts even more pressure on your own IP's so now they want to go back to the days of the first XBox to try and use brute power to help them with Scorpio.


I'm not sure what it is exactly about Scalebound's cancellation that caused everybody to have meltdowns and decide now is the time to naval gaze about the xbox platform as a whole, but the exclusive slate has not substantially changed since 3 months ago. The last thread I remember reading about it seemed to be like 60/40 split as to whether it looked horrible or decent, in favor of the former.

By my reckoning, what the Microsoft slate is missing is one or two high profile, story driven prestige projects. Halo used to be this, but the industry's tastes changed and people aren't as excited about such an old franchise. What people seem to go gaga over come E3 are story driven games with great graphics. Ultimately, when people say "Xbox has no games" what it's really code for is "there is nothing in the same niche as Uncharted / Tlou / that new cinematic looking god of war". There is nothing blowing people away with animation quality that looks like it's going to make critics cry come awards season. Because in terms of games, there's definitely stuff coming out, the latest Gears was well received, the last Halo was well received, the Forzas continue to do well every year, there's some MMO water thing coming out, people are for some reason excited about Crackdown (if it ever ships), there's even a fucking RTS coming out. When was the last time there was a big console RTS? But even going back a year or two, the only thing filling that niche, the one that gets people hyped, was a timed exclusive that just pissed most people off rather than getting them excited about the platform.

I'm not sure this is true at all. You only need to look at the PS4 exclusive games coming out over the next few weeks plus look at the exclusives on the NeoGAF most anticipated list to see the variety of games on offer. You mention Halo, Gears and Forza but isn't this precisely the problem? It always seems to boil down to these games with Xbox; been that was for so many years now.


Lol, wut? BS. XB1 has plenty healthy 3rd party support from major AAA devs. It has less indies, sure, but I dont really care about that tbh. And some people actually think MS should go 3rd party lmao, just like sony shouldve done last gen, right GAF? /s

More overblown MS doom and gloom, sigh

The quote doesn't claim they don't have third party support, it says they are unlikely to get third party exclusives, just like it was with the PS3 last gen. Publishers and studios won't easily leave the top-selling platform out, when it comes to their bigger titles. And when it comes to the smaller ones, well, like you said, they aren't likely to be of interest to those who only care about AAA titles.


I think that might be difficult to show if Sony really does end up with the advertising rights for some of these this holiday season.

Not sure about the sports titles or Assassin's Creed, but we've seen Sony with Red Dead Redemption 2 and Call of Duty already. And they may possibly have Destiny 2 and SW:Battlefront 2 assuming they release this year.

That's why MS's First Party gotta step up and lead the way.

I think EA and Microsoft had some super deal. Battlefront is the only one I think Sony did get, probably made after Xbox One shit the bed at reveal and EA snapped up the Star Wars games. Microsoft got all the rest.

I'm guessing Assassins Creed might be one they get for Scorpio hype and Mass Effect as well.
dont see a big difference between the exclusives apart from a dozen japanese niche titles

Bloodborne wasn't niche. Besides, niche games are important in diversifying a line-up.
They cover a wide variety of genres too. Disgaea, Bloodborne, TLG, Gravity Rush 2, Knack (2), Yakuza 0/Kiwami/6, GT Sport, Persona 5 and SF5 are all different genres.
And then you have Shenmue 3 and Death Stranding as well.


They're second-party games.
There aren't any second party games. There are games funded by a platform holder and those that aren't.

Bloodborne wasn't niche. Besides, niche games are important in diversifying a line-up.
They cover a wide variety of genres too. Disgaea, Bloodborne, TLG, Gravity Rush 2, Knack (2), Yakuza 0/Kiwami/6, GT Sport, Persona 5 and SF5 are all different genres.
While niche games are good for diversifying a platform, they aren't necessary for maximizing sales. Which is what it looks like MS is trying to do now
Infamous Second Son and First Light, The Order, Bloodborne, Driveclub, Killzone Shadow Fall, Gravity Rush 2, Resogun, Alienation, The Last Guardian and Uncharted 4? With Bloodborne and UC4 being two of the highest rated games of this gen and TLG winning GotY from the likes of Edge and Easy Allies. I wouldn't say that is light, especially when Horizon is out soon.

What I find funny about that list is how a few highly marketed games that turned out to be decent games can turn the tides so much.
I'm relatively excited for Scorpio but if it just has the same old Xbox games (you know the ones) I may just stick with my PS4 Pro and future Switch console.

The third party support for the Xbox One is stellar but I have no idea what's going on over at Microsoft studios.

They need to expand Rare and get them to bring a variety of diverse games to the portfolio.


Titles that wouldn't sell to the Xbox audience anyway rofl.

Oh he said "huge".
Like what, SMG? What "huge" third party titles is Xbox not getting a sniff of?

Spider-Man, but doubtful it'll come out in 2017 (possible I guess).
It is technically a 3rd party as Sony doesn't own the character outside of films, but Marvel came to them to develop a gaming franchise around the character.

edit: Dragon Quest Builders could also have performed well I imagine, with Minecraft being so popular on XB.
I think that might be difficult to show if Sony really does end up with the advertising rights for some of these this holiday season.

Not sure about the sports titles or Assassin's Creed, but we've seen Sony with Red Dead Redemption 2 and Call of Duty already. And they may possibly have Destiny 2 and SW:Battlefront 2 assuming they release this year.

That's why MS's First Party gotta step up and lead the way.

Yes, you're talking about now. There will be plenty of PS4 players who didn't jump to PS4 Pro and may consider a Scorpio to play these third party titles, Xbox exclusives, and any 360 backward compatible games they missed out on while still enjoying PS4 exclusives.

I'm not sure this is true at all. You only need to look at the PS4 exclusive games coming out over the next few weeks plus look at the exclusives on the NeoGAF most anticipated list to see the variety of games on offer. You mention Halo, Gears and Forza but isn't this precisely the problem? It always seems to boil down to these games with Xbox; been that was for so many years now.

I don't think those games matter as much as you think they do.


Companies like Platinum(Wonderful 101, Bayonetta 2, Scalebound despite the cancellation) and Insomniac(Sunset Overdrive, Spider Man, Ratchet and Clank) are guns for hire and don't have the flexibility financially to pour in all their resources in one title without the exclusive sticker or backing of Microsoft, Sony, Nintendo etc.

Exclusives as much as we hate them, do drive up interest in buying a console, especially in XB1's case if someone can't afford to get a high end PC or have the time to use a gaming PC alongside their console.

I think Konami and Microsoft could use each other right now and with Konami holding so many great titles(Castlevania, Contra, Metal Gear, Silent Hill, Suikoden, Zone of the Enders among others) but having such a negative stench and Microsoft in need of popular, established decade long titles and doing away with the negative stench and trending well in the Spencer era to a lot of gamers from an ethics standpoint, seems like a marriage.

Maybe not Metal Gear but say if Microsoft were to get a new console exclusive Zone of the Enders in a joint establishment, I think it would do both companies rather well. I highlyt doubt players will turn another way if a new Silent Hill or Zone of the Enders is announced and has good people behind it and is steer clear of any of Konami's shenanigans and the IP treated with respect by Microsoft and it's developers. Either one could close their show and not be second guessed.

Konami is in dire need of any good pub and if they are at all serious about restoring their good will to the audience about making quality video games(Remains to be seen), a hookup with Microsoft would work well, especially given that Kojima and Sony are very tight and it may cause friction if Konami hooked up with Sony after the MGS5 shenanigans.

A new Zone of the Enders would be badass regardless of what system we get it on.

What talent is left at Konami to spearhead their IP's ? Main person behind Silent Hill ran off to make Siren and Gravity Rush, main person behind Castlevania is kick-starting his own not Castlevania and Hideo Kojima who was one of the last bastions of keeping said franchises alive with a faint pulse until last year has bailed, all that's going to happen with a team up with Konami is that MS is going to divert their own studios to take it up like Gears, or create a studio for the sole purpose of making those games ala 343, or outsource the IP to someone else anyway like Iron Galaxy at a time when they've got to focus on their own stuff and expand.

I'm just not seeing the benefit of this particular team up when Konami IP's are going to be a husk of what they were regardless, that's not to say Konami could strike gold and find their own Iron Galaxy but the chances are slim at best.
While niche games are good for diversifying a platform, they aren't necessary for maximizing sales. Which is what it looks like MS is trying to do now

That's true, but it does make a line-up far more appealing, at least to me. Also note that almost none of MS' exclusives are big sellers, especially when compared to last gen (Gears for example).

What I find funny about that list is how a few highly marketed games that turned out to be decent games can turn the tides so much.

I'd say a couple of those, which is reflected in their reception, are definitely more than decent.


Spiderman, but doubtful it'll come out in 2017 (possible I guess).
It is technically a 3rd party as Sony doesn't own the character outside of films, but Marvel came to them to develop a gaming franchise around the character.
I think people are really overestimating Spider-Man. Sure it's by an acclaimed studio like Insomniac and not ransoms like activision stuff, but it's still a Spider-Man game. Not like we haven't had 1000 of them.


Spiderman, but doubtful it'll come out in 2017 (possible I guess).
It is technically a 3rd party as Sony doesn't own the character outside of films, but Marvel came to them to develop a gaming franchise around the character.

its funded by sony so its not "technically third party", you can dance around terms all you want but the only third party exclusives , as in not funded by sony, are japanese niche titles like nier automata and even that has a chance of an xbone release according to the dev


Titles that wouldn't sell to the Xbox audience anyway rofl.

Oh he said "huge".
Like what, SMG? What "huge" third party titles is Xbox not getting a sniff of?

Is this really a reason not to have those kind of games on the Xbox One ?
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