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Gaming journalist refuses to cover Hogwarts Legacy due to its "ties" with J.K Rowling.


People on that forum seem to live in a fantasy land. Unfortunately they seem to have significant influence on the industry. It appears developers make games to simply appease the pathetic weeabos on that forum.

To get banned on that forum for suggesting men cannot get pregnant is quite bizarre. What's next, ban for stating you require a Y chromosome to be a man?

Not fantasy land. Words and ideas do carry power, and you can shape society on the long term by banning or promoting certain ideas. You can even spot (and then punish) dissenters by noticing who refuse to use the official linguo of the regime. Ever heard of gleichschaltung before ?
On the long term totalitarian social experiences tend to fail (because you cannot escape hard reality forever), but even the USSR lasted for 70 years.
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I am a journalist!!!
I won’t cover the war in Ukraine because Poutine don’t like people who are like me and war kills people …and it’s bad
So I’l’ cover this

Cats are beautiful and cute


But I don’t forget cute dogs


Or this beautiful rabbits


I like poutine.

canadian cheese GIF by Rachael Ray Show

Don’t forget the gravy.

jonny harris comedy GIF by CBC


As someone who has mainly ignored all the Harry Potter hype over the past 20 years and thus never read the books, I just ordered the complete saga for 160 €.
It feels unbelievably good that all these attempts by the woke Twitter mob to cancel J. K. Rowling (in particular the one being discussed in this thread) did quite the opposite for me and pushed me to spend this money and start reading the books instead. At the same time I feel proud supporting a well-known feminist - because I am not a feminist at all. I'll post some pictures when the books arrive.


There's an argument I seem not encounter every now and then and struggle with, which is that books/tv/movies/games must reflect the zeitgeist of their time.

My overriding reaction is "no they fucking don't, that's stupid". It's OK if the creator wants that, bad we have choice to consume it or not, but it doesn't HAVE to be reflective and comment on the times.

It's light entertainment, just fuck off


There's an argument I seem not encounter every now and then and struggle with, which is that books/tv/movies/games must reflect the zeitgeist of their time.

My overriding reaction is "no they fucking don't, that's stupid". It's OK if the creator wants that, bad we have choice to consume it or not, but it doesn't HAVE to be reflective and comment on the times.

It's light entertainment, just fuck off
The root problem is whether you consider books/tv/movies/games to be culture or just entertainment : culture challenge you, while entertainment doesn't.
As the entertainment industry is the main winner of decades of culture wars, it has increasingly became frowned upon for books/tv/movies/games to challenge anything.
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Neighbours from Hell
JK Rowling has never once said anything remotely transphobic. Total false narrative and media creation.

It's a tactic by activists to keep moving the goal posts on what qualifies as hate and transphobia so people can claim victimhood in perpetuity. There used to be a time where going up to a trans person on the street, laughing at them, mocking them and/or assaulting them was transphobia. Or not allowing a trans person into your business, school, or institution. Disallowing your children to speak to someone as trans.

Now saying women exist or trans women who've been arrested for sexual assault should not serve time in women's prisons is "transphobia"

Not how it works. The whole of society doesn't have to go along with the baseless logic and irrational thought. Their arguments are weak and collapse under the slightest amount of scrutiny. Which is probably part of the reason they like using these labels in the first place. To silence people they know they cannot refute. I used to never care about JK Rowling one way or the other, now I'm a big fan of her's. She is a very important voice for women's rights, she donates money to a lot of important causes, and seems like an all around good person. I plan to support her strongly going forward.

And without clicking on his tweet, I'd be willing to bet every penny in my bank account he has pronouns in his bio.
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As someone who has mainly ignored all the Harry Potter hype over the past 20 years and thus never read the books, I just ordered the complete saga for 160 €.
It feels unbelievably good that all these attempts by the woke Twitter mob to cancel J. K. Rowling (in particular the one being discussed in this thread) did quite the opposite for me and pushed me to spend this money and start reading the books instead. At the same time I feel proud supporting a well-known feminist - because I am not a feminist at all. I'll post some pictures when the books arrive.
Hope you'll enjoy them. I love those books!


Man genuinely can't wait for all the sweet SJW tears when this sells 15m copies.

She literally just implied that only women have periods and expressed concern, as a victim of domestic abuse, of letting biological men into women's spaces. Boo hoo.

The disgusting rhetoric you see about her, e.g the clown in this thread who called her a 'bigot cunt', would make you think she said something really heinous like 'lol just bought a new Range Rover so I can ran over some trannies in style.'
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Those long posts don't cover that red neck boy

It's a shitshow.

If any of guys can find other journalists doing the same, please post it here.

''I don’t want to engage in the marketing of Hogwart’s Legacy, so I won’t.''


''Instead, here’s a list of trans charities and ways to help in Texas. This will be the way I cover this game pre-release from now on.''

So you are going to cover it anyway. Engaging in the marketing usually means covering it. Then Imran says he won't do that, before saying that he will cover it anyway but just mentioning charities - Whilst still referencing Hogwarts Legacy.

This is how you can tell this uppity woke hurtness is staged nonsense.

If you truly never cared about it Imran, you wouldn't make the tweet and just not cover the game whatsoever.

But no, you had to make it known that you are against it.. because as your 76.000 (!!!) tweets would detail, you like attention and all coverage is good coverage no matter what.

Its a fucking game. Play the game instead of making everything you do in your carreer so inherently political.

What's next? Getting woke about your cup of tea because Earl Grey sounds overly masculine and discriminatory of women rights and it should be Virginia Color instead?


Why should we even give money to "trans charities" to begin with, anyway?
Most of them are rich or at very least middle class guys who go through some weird shit at some point in life.
Even if I was feeling in a philanthropic mood I could easily think of dozens of better charities with more pressing causes to direct my money to.


Gold Member
Meanwhile, Russia and China are planning to take over the western world. Well played bear rider and pooh bear, well played.


There is a vast world outside the bubble of internet nonsense.
Thank God there is, what happens on the internet however bears some relevance for us entertainment media consuming fuckers.

I'd also argue said internet nonsense has been desperately trying to reshape the vast world outside for quite some time now, hard to not meet any defeat in the reach of such goals with positive feelings.


Thank God there is, what happens on the internet however bears some relevance for us entertainment media consuming fuckers.

I'd also argue said internet nonsense has been desperately trying to reshape the vast world outside for quite some time now, hard to not meet any defeat in the reach of such goals with positive feelings.
Internet nonsense is why there has been a significant uptick in mental illness too. Depression seems to be rife in young children and teenagers, and appears to be rising at an alarm rate.


There is a vast world outside the bubble of internet nonsense.
I would argue that, alas, as a result of the real world and the internet world increasingly intermingling, the potemkine, reified reality of 'special interests' medias tend to take more and more space in our collective mind as well as define the nature of accepted public political discourse.


People need to chill about differing opinions. Jk Rowling is not a criminal and has her own opinions, which are well within the bounds of intelligent discourse even if offensive to some.
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Dr. Claus

Vincit qui se vincit
The vocal minority unfortunately appears to have the loudest voice and influence in this industry.

They really don‘t though. What is most important is sales and the vast, vast majority of folks don‘t pay attention to needless shite like this. The game will sell exceedingly well on name alone.

Really the only „power“ these mental ingrates have are when they also have folks like them working in HR/PR and rarely as writers. You can ask nearly any game dev across the world and they are sick and tired of these cunts. They actively make the workplace miserable and don‘t contribute much of anything. We are seeing more and more pushback inside and out against them.


Lol, I'll buy it on a sale. Day 1 is usually full of bugs. Same for the Elden Ring complete edition.
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I was in NYC this week. I went to the Harry Potter store twice, it was absolutely packed both times (butterbeer is fucking tasty). Went to see Cursed Child on Broadway, it was packed and a sold out show (the story clearly isn't that great, but the production value was!). The main gameplay reveal has 4.3 million views (and others, like this one that has [English] at the end of the title, for some reason, has almost half that). The books are still some of the "most read" (I'm assuming they grab that information from kindles) on Amazon.

As a lifetime HP fan, It's nice to see that that the Reeworld has no affect on the Real World.
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The vocal minority unfortunately appears to have the loudest voice and influence in this industry.

The sqeeky wheel gets the grease. Even on Alt Right Neogaf these type of threads are always innundated with those who view complaints about SJW nonsense as being just as bad as SJWs themselves. This is the group that actually represents the so called "silent majority". 95% of people don't care 1 way or the other, they gleefully consume their Nikes, Ben & Jerrys, Disneys, Harry Potters, and Chickfila.


Gold Member
Really comes down to public interest. I'm not going to bother reading what JK Rowling said (whether it's ok or bad statement she made) but it seems the general populace still loves Harry Potter. So for whiners, too bad. Same goes for Elon Musk saying dumb shit sometimes like him calling the rescuer a pedo. A bad tweet, but people still love him and Tesla.

It's not different than other people or companies.

Some have enough pull and keep on chugging, and some dont and crumble. Harry Potter is a chugger.
So a bit of a tangent, I was browsing Eurogamer distractedly and read an article ranking Souls game Swamps. Fluff piece and one of those items that while inoffensive one of those articles where you’d struggle to call it ‘journalism’ so out of interest I clicked the author details and found her Twitter and good lord.

The first retweet I see is a complaint about how the suppression of the Goblin rebellion in the new HP game is a proxy for anti semitism. I genuinely had to gauge for satirical intent.
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There's an argument I seem not encounter every now and then and struggle with, which is that books/tv/movies/games must reflect the zeitgeist of their time.

My overriding reaction is "no they fucking don't, that's stupid". It's OK if the creator wants that, bad we have choice to consume it or not, but it doesn't HAVE to be reflective and comment on the times.

It's light entertainment, just fuck off
One of my favourite books is Around the World in 80 Days.

It has quite a lot of very dated references. But would I contenance anyone changing the book? Hell no! If anything, it's an historical record of what life was like.

Now, adaptations of it, for say, films, TV, even manga? Sure, I'm find with it being made more friendly to modern sensibilities... to a degree. As in, cutting out or changing the morally questionable stuff, but not making one of the characters LGBTQAHOMG.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
Cancel culture should be illegal as well as any other form of harassment on the basis of trying to censor unpopular speech.

This entire episode is a joke because J.K. Rowling has nothing to do with this game aside from providing the source material it draws from, and for that, she has every right to profit off since HP is her creation. Even if J.K. Rowling had said something fundamentally horrible about a minority group (which she didn't), she still has every legal right to profit off her own intellectual property and creation.

A fair and equitable system of commerce cannot depend upon the morality of a person's thoughts or behaviours. It should be governed by ethical concerns for sure, but whether a person thinks and says a shitty thing or not should be well below the bar of relevance.

The idea that these extreme leftist nutters have, that a person deserves to be entirely stripped of their livelihood for holding a shitty opinion is fundamentally fucked and makes they themselves out to be huge fat fucking hypocrites. Literally everyone holds a shitty opinion about something that someone else would be offended by, so does that mean they deserve to not be able to earn a living and should starve to death?

Should people who don't like Elden Ring for example be cancelled?

What kind of fucked up nonsense world are these people trying to create?

Like it or not, cancel culture is free speech. It can't be illegal. At least not in America. And that's a good thing.


Mckmaster uses MasterCard to buy Slave drives
I mean that as of today, if a cake maker makes wedding cakes and is willing to serve any customer and will provide a cake to anyone but isn't able to produce a custom wedding cake for a gay couple (but will still sell them a cake or refer them out to someone who will make their cake), that cake maker is getting sued.

If the bank and the landlord decide to stop doing business with the cake maker following the news, there is jack shit the cake maker will be able to do about it.

Then I'd suggest to that cake maker to just make the wedding cake for that couple and keep it moving. What is that cake maker going to do next, not make a "wedding" cake for an inter-racial couple too?

Sorry, but that comparison is absolutely disgusting of you. Reported.

People are really suffering in Ukraine.

You can be disgusted all you want, but this is the problem with social media and conversations on the internet these days. People can't handle simple conversations without going on the attack. Also, I'd like to let you know that Trans people are really suffering too! We can care for more than one issue at the same time. I know it's Ukraine's time in the "spot light", but it isn't like every other issue that the world had before has gone away.

The transgender people I know (and when I say transgender, I mean people who have gone to the time, trouble and effort of medically altering themselves to their preferred sex) agree with this standpoint 100%. They just keep quiet about it, because who needs that shit, eh?

If anything, they are pretty disgusted that so many men who don't want to make any effort whatsoever are claiming to be the same as them. It takes a lot of guts, determination, thought, emotion and strength to transition. The fact they are having their struggle, effort and sacrifice essentially eradicated or played down by lazy cunts in wigs is something they dislike a great deal.

But yeah, I'm probably a massive transphobe for saying any of this, so what the hell.

To be fair, not all trans people think alike. Not all trans women feel like the bolded. It's best to stay away from making them a one sized fits all mindset of people.


Then I'd suggest to that cake maker to just make the wedding cake for that couple and keep it moving. What is that cake maker going to do next, not make a "wedding" cake for an inter-racial couple too?

You can be disgusted all you want, but this is the problem with social media and conversations on the internet these days. People can't handle simple conversations without going on the attack. Also, I'd like to let you know that Trans people are really suffering too! We can care for more than one issue at the same time. I know it's Ukraine's time in the "spot light", but it isn't like every other issue that the world had before has gone away.

To be fair, not all trans people think alike. Not all trans women feel like the bolded. It's best to stay away from making them a one sized fits all mindset of people.
Kind of disappointing to see one of my favorite posters recognize not all people in a group are the same, but also suggest people with religious views should just drop them.
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