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Gay and Bisexual relationship thread |OT|

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White Man said:
Uggh. I want to start seeing people again but (because I stopped drinking\drugs) this used to be a lot easier. I feel like I'm fucking 16. This has been a problem in other parts of my life, too. I excised my social life for several years and I guess I lost what I wasn't using.

You can always start again your social life outside of the gay scene (or the party/nightlife scene). How about a sports group or something like that? When I moved to Madrid, first thing I did when I got most of the stuff sorted out was buying a pair of skates and search on the internet people to learn together. Worked out pretty good.

White Man

beje said:
You can always start again your social life outside of the gay scene (or the party/nightlife scene). How about a sports group or something like that? When I moved to Madrid, first thing I did when I got most of the stuff sorted out was buying a pair of skates and search on the internet people to learn together. Worked out pretty good.

I have a good of friends and acquaintances. A few of them don't even know I'm gay, and only because the topic doesn't really come up all that often. One of my big intentions when I moved was to keep my friends and people you fuck separate and. . .

oh fuck I have to go get lunch. I could bring this up later if anyone cares. Until next time, I'll be in the vinyl crates at Easy Street, where I -finally- found a copy of this.



I've grown so fed up with the latest bunch of guys I've met up with over the past little while. They all have different backgrounds yet none of them were able to hold a good, meaningful conversation. Somehow it always went to Gaga, fashion, pop culture, or talking about exes no matter how hard I tried to move it in another direction.

Plan on doing some volunteer work in the community to meet other types of guy.. hoping that helps. /rant
Nolan. said:
Ohhh...that kind of poke

I wish. No, it was e-poking. It still meant something back then.

Which "kind" were you referring to, exactly? It seemed as though you meant sex, but I can't tell if that's what you were implying or whether you realized I meant the facebook thing.


RadioHeadAche said:
I wish. No, it was e-poking. It still meant something back then.

Which "kind" were you referring to, exactly? It seemed as though you meant sex, but I can't tell if that's what you were implying or whether you realized I meant the facebook thing.

Haha at first I thought you were just being a gentleman and 'poke' was referencing to sex then I realised towards the end you meant facebook.
Nolan. said:
Haha at first I thought you were just being a gentleman and 'poke' was referencing to sex then I realised towards the end you meant facebook.

I just wanted to make sure. I really do wish I had a chance to poke him offline, but it was never meant to be.


Well, I've connected with a guy (from grindr no less), and our chemistry's just plain great; socially, physically, everything. He's freshly out (six months), but also managed to rack up about ten times my experience over the last three years in that short time. Obviously we're being safe. I chalk the multiple guys he's messed around with up to having a late gay-birth, so to speak (although I was only a year younger than him - he's 24, I'm 26 - when I started exploring things and seeing guys; guess he's more adventurous).

We have a bunch in common, including attitudes about a lot of things, which is really refreshing.

He's not keen on a relationship with anyone soon, as far as I can tell, which is cool. I'd obviously love it if he were; I'm ready to go for it, and he's as right for me as any I've ever met so far. I can tell he likes me; he pushes to hang out more than I do, though I'm always an eager 'yes' when he suggests it.

It's definitely a fuckbuddy situation. Happy to leave it there and enjoy, but want more too. Other guys who are more immediately relationship-minded want to date. Iono what to do! lol

Funny how after every drought, it pours like crazy.


Advice time.... ._.

My ex-boyfriend and I met at a youth group for gays in high school. We hit it off really quickly (talking about vidjya, I'm pretty sure we spent about half the time badmouthing the plot of Borderlands.... I don't remember, it was over a year ago.)

Anyways, the relationship could only have been described as "fucking awesome." We saw each other nearly every day, were content cuddling and playing vidjya together for hours on end, and quite possibly had the greatest summer ever together, pooling up money for road trips to Maine and even Canada once or twice. There was exactly one major issue, however:

His mom didn't approve of us dating.

The first time I went over his house, it wasn't five minutes after introducing myself to his parents that his mother ran into the bathroom and started to loudly weep and pray. I then found out that his mother is a devout Catholic, and he was, at the time, going to a private Catholic school. Fuck.

That somehow got out of our collective memory, and after the relationship had been solidified he asked me to prom. That was, perhaps, the happiest I have ever been; I've been homeschooled since I was in 4th grade, and one of my biggest regrets is never going to a school dance, and knowing I'll never be able to go to my senior prom. Well, surprise surprise, his mother didn't want this to happen. We both pleaded with her for a while to change her mind (mostly me), but she wasn't going to budge. She even rejected the idea of me bringing a girl from my boyfriend's school as a fag hag, and both of us being able to at least be at the prom as friends (but not dance, etc.)

So, I suggested to my boyfriend that we just go anyways, because his mother was being an unreasonable bigot. He said I just needed to let it go, and that his mother had some points.


I asked him what these points were and he commented that she "felt it would ruin her reputation with the other mothers, and make it awkward to show up to school events." Soooooo she was humiliated of her own son, who was siding with her on this ordeal. Fucking fantastic.

I promised myself I'd break up with him if he didn't come up with a solution for this. I didn't, and he didn't even try. He, as well as his mother, didn't see what the big deal of me going to prom was. Didn't understand that it's okay to be proud of who you are, and that I have just as much of a right as anyone else to go to a senior prom with my boyfriend. He ended up going with a girl, and I stayed home and cried.

Summer came, we forgot about it. I have no idea how, but I was as happy as I had ever been in the relationship; I was in love. I told him that. He said he loved me too. (to be honest, we'd been saying that for a while, but it needs to be stated.) Eventually it came time for both of us to go to college; his high school GPA was abysmal, and he ended up going to a profitcollege in Vermont. I went to college in Massachusetts. We were 4 hours apart, and he eventually stopped making an effort to contact me. He still said he loved me in the occasional call, but during that first semester of college (I'm in my second semester now), days would regularly go by with no word from him.

Another problem emerged: I hated college. I missed my boyfriend, I missed my old friends, I missed my accordion, I missed my band, and despite multiple requests to the contrary, I was roomed with TWO other guys (both straight) in uncomfortably close quarters. Things were awkward for everyone. I'm not the type to flaunt my sexuality in public (my boyfriend and I never did PDAs, I'm not even remotely flamboyant,) but once I told my roommates I was gay news spread quick, and it became pretty difficult to make friends with people near me. To make matters worse, I got the flu on my second week of school and was bedridden and miserable. I ended up, in a moment I don't believe I'll ever forget, wandering out into the stairwell so I could cry to myself without being judged by my roommates. I called my boyfriend (it was around 3AM), and he picked up and attempted to comfort me. I told him I truly loved him and thought he was the one. He began to cry and said he thought I was the one too.

The next day I felt a lot better, but he still wasn't making any regular effort to contact me, and the occasional (daily/bi-daily) texts I sent didn't get a response, despite the recent emotional moment. I worked up the courage to ask him if he really still felt for me, and he said yes, that he truly loved me and was just busy at school.

Well, first break I got (thanksgiving, 4 months ago), he dumped me. Without any emotion or regret whatsoever. I still really don't know what to think. Looking back on it, the relationship was wonderful but I'm not sure if I was ever compatible with him intellectually. On the other hand, I still think about him occasionally and miss the cutesy, carefree relationship that we had. My main issue with the breakup is that I immediately questioned him on why he continued to say he loved me (he had done so earlier that day, in fact) and why he recently said he thought I was the one. He said he lied about that stuff so he wouldn't hurt my feelings.

Well, good fucking going there. =\

It's been 4 months. I've already had another boyfriend (delicious chiseled abs, no personality) that lasted about a week. I really don't know what to feel like. It's to the point that I have tons of friends, a better living situation on campus, etc, and am content on my own, but I don't feel happy without having someone to cuddle when I'm down. Am I just too weak to be alone? I'm 18, btw. This probably all seems like a long ramble, as I've got a cold and tend to get superemotional when I'm sick, I just need comfort ._. I don't know if I still love him. I'm not mad at him anymore, I just simultaneously don't want him back and want to get into the exact same type of relationship with someone else.
You're 18. Feeling like you can't cope without having a significant other means you're giving up too soon. You have a lot of life ahead of you and you're at the best age to keep putting yourself out there and especially the best age to have new experiences.

I would just put yourself out there and keep dating... you never know what you might find.


Lucario, there will be lots of other men in your life who will break your heart when your relationships don't work out. The reality is that we have to pick ourselves up and move on - we don't only have one chance in life to find eternal happiness.

However, I'm not sure you handled the matter of the prom in the best way. (I originally read what you wrote as "I promised him that I'd break up with him if he didn't come up with a solution for this.", which immediately made me think "WAT?" If TV drama has taught me anything it's that whenever an ultimatum like that is offered the person who offers it deserves to be dumped.) In a way, I think that if that episode made you truly upset then the relationship was probably never going to work out anyway. I understand you're confusion about why he'd side with his mother in the matter, but the reality is that that person, no matter how bigoted she may be about his sexuality, is his mother. That she goes and cries about his homosexuality (as opposed to throwing him out or shipping him off to a conversion school) probably highlights an underlying love she has for him as a son, a love that he'd know much better than you might.

Life is a series of compromises, and it doesn't particularly sound like he actively didn't want to go to the ball with you. I think you should have been more understanding of his side of the matter, and offered a more constructive solution: perhaps you could have asked him to take you dancing some other night. Yes, it's not the same, but then going to a prom at a school you didn't go to isn't exactly the same as the general idealised version of "the prom" either.

I think that if this issue was a major sticking point then the relationship probably wasn't secure in the long-term. Heck, my mum wanted four children and my dad wanted two, and they found a way to sort that out. (They had three!)


gerg said:
Lucario, there will be lots of other men in your life who will break your heart when your relationships don't work out. The reality is that we have to pick ourselves up and move on - we don't only have one chance in life to find eternal happiness.

However, I'm not sure you handled the matter of the prom in the best way. (I originally read what you wrote as "I promised him that I'd break up with him if he didn't come up with a solution for this.", which immediately made me think "WAT?" If TV drama has taught me anything it's that whenever an ultimatum like that is offered the person who offers it deserves to be dumped.) In a way, I think that if that episode made you truly upset then the relationship was probably never going to work out anyway. I understand you're confusion about why he'd side with his mother in the matter, but the reality is that that person, no matter how bigoted she may be about his sexuality, is his mother. That she goes and cries about his homosexuality (as opposed to throwing him out or shipping him off to a conversion school) probably highlights an underlying love she has for him as a son, a love that he'd know much better than you might.

Life is a series of compromises, and it doesn't particularly sound like he actively didn't want to go to the ball with you. I think you should have been more understanding of his side of the matter, and offered a more constructive solution: perhaps you could have asked him to take you dancing some other night. Yes, it's not the same, but then going to a prom at a school you didn't go to isn't exactly the same as the general idealised version of "the prom" either.

I think that if this issue was a major sticking point then the relationship probably wasn't secure in the long-term. Heck, my mum wanted four children and my dad wanted two, and they found a way to sort that out. (They had three!)

Thanks for the advice, and I agree entirely about me being immature about the whole prom thing; even mentally having an ultimatum like that was silly, it was just incredibly frustrating that he wasn't questioning his mother for something so bigoted.... And prom is supposed to be a really important part of school life, something I was sorely missing out on at the time. (I seriously had no idea what went on inside a high school until I visited one at some point during my senior year. I was exceptionally bored.) I feel bad about getting that upset about it, but I still think he should have, at the very least attempted to convince her otherwise.

We actually did eventually go to a gay/lesbian prom in a nearby city together, although it admittedly took some convincing, and we left after half an hour when we noticed people were beginning to fuck through zippers on the dance floor. Not exactly our idea of fun xD. (also it was straight couples. Wat.)


Where do you find gay people who are normal? In every gay bar I go to, every gay night, etc. everyone is so effeminate, loves Lady Gaga and all shitty music alike. I've been to every gay bar in Ghent and everyone who goes there is fucking hipster. I need a real man god damnit (forget about bears :p).

My ex was kind of normal except he was all obsessed with Eurosong (ugh). And he ended up being a sociopath. Apparantly none of the normal gay guys go to gay bars and such (at least in Belgium). That type of guys is pretty rare too, so where the hell do I find them?
Stabbie said:
Where do you find gay people who are normal? In every gay bar I go to, every gay night, etc. everyone is so effeminate, loves Lady Gaga and all shitty music alike. I've been to every gay bar in Ghent and everyone who goes there is fucking hipster. I need a real man god damnit (forget about bears :p).

My ex was kind of normal except he was all obsessed with Eurosong (ugh). And he ended up being a sociopath. Apparantly none of the normal gay guys go to gay bars and such (at least in Belgium). That type of guys is pretty rare too, so where the hell do I find them?
My god, how could you live with that guy! Clearly he's evil. And absolutely not normal!


Souldriver said:
My god, how could you live with that guy! Clearly he's evil. And absolutely not normal!

That's not what I'm saying. I'm not saying hipsters are abnormal either.

What I mean to say with "normal" is a guy that most people would swear is straight (but isn't, clearly)
Stabbie said:
That's not what I'm saying.

What I mean to say with "normal" is a guy that most people would swear is straight (but isn't, clearly)
You're probably better off saying that in the first place instead of wording it in awkward terms like "normal" and such. It wouldn't be the first time that shit hits the fan in the gay thread because people voice their dislikes for the "other kinds" of guys/gays. :)


Souldriver said:
You're probably better off saying that in the first place instead of wording it in awkward terms like "normal" and such. It wouldn't be the first time that shit hits the fan in the gay thread because people voice their dislikes for the "other kinds" of guys/gays. :)

I'm just fed up with every guy I like being straight.
I've gone to the Spunk parties in Ghent before. There you don't have to be affraid to get glitter in your eyes... ;) Well, you might, but I've found that the public is very diverse, ranging from the more effeminate gays to non-effeminate gays, butch and non-butch lesbians, to (probably also) straight guys and girls who just like to hang out with awesome people and therefore are clearly awesome themselves. It's mostly people between 18 and 25 though, so it might not be what you're looking for. And I think you'd consider Spunk "hipster", whatever that may mean... :p

But I understand what you're saying. When looking for someone, you go for indications that the person you like might be interested in you. For straight people, simply the fact that someone is of opposite sex is enough to "go for it". If you're gay, you have to go by other indications. Certain mannerisms can be good indications. But if those are a turn-off, you're left with very little to base your search on. :)


Souldriver said:
It's mostly people between 18 and 25 though, so it might not be what you're looking for.

What makes you think that? :p (I'm 22)

Never been to Spunk, but I've been to Lollipop and it was horrible.
Stabbie said:
What makes you think that? :p (I'm 22)

Never been to Spunk, but I've been to Lollipop and it was horrible.
Dunno. "I need a man!" threw me of I guess, but after posting I checked your profile and saw your age.

I can't remember for sure if I've ever been to Lollipop, but I think I haven't.


Hey guys, I could use some advice. I'll try to keep it short.

I've had a crush on this guy since last semester. He lives in my building so I see him all the time. He used to have a boyfriend back then, so I never tried anything. This semester, however, I found out that they broke up. He and I also ended up being in one of the same classes together, so we started talking and became friends. Things were going fine for a while. We texted ocassionally, but sometimes he wouldn't text me back, which was a little weird but I never thought anything of it. Fast forward a couple of weeks, I asked him out to see a movie with me, he agreed. It went fine. We walked around and talked after, and I told him how I felt about him. He said he didn't want to rush into anything because that's what he did in his last relationship and it turned out shitty, and I agreed because I went through the exact same thing. But he said that me and him was a "definite possibility." So yeah, we talked for a while, and it was a really good night.

After that, things started to get a little annoying. For the past three weeks, whenever I text him and ask him if he wants to hang out, talk, go see a movie, etc, he literally texts me back like 1 out of 10 times. When I would see him in person, he acted as if everything was ok, but he seemed a little distant and would answer my questions with a yes/no/mhmm. I'm pretty good friends with his best friend, so I asked her if that was normal. She said that yeah, he's bad at texting people back and it's normal for him, and that I shouldn't take it personally.

Thing is, I do take it personally. I mean, I thought we kind of established mutual interest when we first went out together, and the fact that he can't even tell me no when I ask him if he wants to do something drives me insane. I mean really, is it that difficult to just answer? :| If he doesn't like me or doesn't want to spend time with me, I'd completely understand. I just feel like I'm being played with. He's the first person I've ever confessed to, so it's really depressing that he's treating me like this after I told him how I felt. What do you guys think I should do?

PS: I realize that I might sound like an obsessed possessive person, but I'm really not. If he doesn't like texting people, I'm totally fine with that. I just want a yes or no answer when I ask him to hang out or go on a date or something.

Dr. Malik

I think I'm a developing a crush for my gym bud, but problem is we don't even talk much and only see each other during our workouts. Any advice to get him or me to talk more when we meet, I would like to get to know him better and make the coming weeks more enjoyable then it being serious all the time.
Souldriver said:
You're probably better off saying that in the first place instead of wording it in awkward terms like "normal" and such. It wouldn't be the first time that shit hits the fan in the gay thread because people voice their dislikes for the "other kinds" of guys/gays. :)
It's been a while, I'm ready to wrassle with people over it again. They know what Stabbie is saying, though.


I'm in an arab country, I'm not out (of course ) . Anyway I've never had a relationship with a guy, had two GF's previously. The thing is here its almost impossible to just meet someone. There are a few sites- made a profile. All i get is requests for sex,even though my profile clearly states , 'NOT LOOKING FOR SEX , want a relationship' They have no concept of dating, or being romantic. They're all tops only- as being a bottom is 'gay' . I'm 19 and a virgin. So I'm not willing to lose it to any random. I mostly want someone i can hang out with ,cuddle , and kiss. I'm a horny bastard but I don't need sex. (my hand is good enough- for now :p ). So anyway I've just recently moved here and studying medicine. Have 5 and a half years to go and I don't know if I could cope. I've considered dating girls, just to have someone. But its not fair on the girl. I've done this thing before with my ex of 2 years. But she knows I'm gay now and she's all good with it.
ANYWAY my question is. What the hell can I do in my situation? I really want someone, I'm going crazy here living alone
idwl said:
I'm in an arab country, I'm not out (of course)

I'm in an Arab country (Jordan) and I'm out. I also know many other guys who are out. Which country are you in?

My advice would be to try to make some gay friends, either through those dating sites or by going to known gay-friendly establishments (if any). Hang out with them regularly and you'll be introduced to more guys through them.


Naked Snake said:
I'm in an Arab country (Jordan) and I'm out. I also know many other guys who are out. Which country are you in?
:O!!! Are you serious!?! Jordan!! hahaha


MariusElijah said:
I think I'm a developing a crush for my gym bud, but problem is we don't even talk much and only see each other during our workouts. Any advice to get him or me to talk more when we meet, I would like to get to know him better and make the coming weeks more enjoyable then it being serious all the time.

You can ask more about his life. People always like telling stories to others. Also, ask him if he wants to hang out outside the gym sometimes. Be aware though most guys in the gym are usually straight so you could be heading for heartbreak.

Straight guys, when looking for new friends, can look like they're actually into you/into guys (even though they're not). Because the basic act of looking for a friend normally involves liking a certain thing about them. Gym is not a place where one's personality tend to shine and as a result, guys tend to look for friends there by physical appearance. That means they look for other guys who are attractive to them. As a result, sometimes they look like they're into you (staring at you, exercising near you, etc). Here's a food for thought though:

Otto Weininger said:
There is no friendship between men that has not an element of sexuality in it, however little accentuated it may be in the nature of the friendship, and however painful the idea of the sexual element would be. But it is enough to remember that there can be no friendship unless there has been some attraction to draw the men together. Much of the affection, protection, and nepotism between men is due to the presence of unsuspected sexual compatibility. (Sex and Character, 1903)

What I'm trying to say is move with caution. You don't want to get heartbroken over someone who can't even reciprocate your affection.


haha wow! Okay tell me everything about jordan! :D I've only been here for a few months. How are you out? just between your friends or everyone?
idwl said:
haha wow! Okay tell me everything about jordan! :D I've only been here for a few months. How are you out? just between your friends or everyone?

My coming out story is a long one and I don't feel like telling it all right now, but in breif: Back in college I decided to come out to everyone, so I wore a t-shirt that said "PROUD TO BE GAY" and went to college. Amazingly all my friends were cool about it (this was more than decade ago)... Naturally my parents were not cool about it at all. Shit hit the fan and I had to tell my parents that I'm not sure that I'm gay and I might just be confused. They bought it (or pretended to). Things have been fine with my parents since then (but the subject is never brought up). And I haven't lost a single straight friend due to coming out.

I'm out to some members of my family but not others. And I'm not out at work (although I'm sure many of my colleages know, I invited them to my place and I had a poster of a nude man hanging on the wall, lol).

Even though what I did was unthinkable back then (and I wouldn't advise anyone to do it today, retrospectively it was kinda stupid), I think many people's attitudes have improved towards this in general. One of my friends is a lecturer at an institute in Amman, and he told me there are more than 40 gay students who are out. There also used to be a gay bar, and I mean a real gay bar, when I went there the first time I couldn't believe I'm in Jordan. But unfortunately it closed down after a year or so (I think the owner received too much flack for it and decided it's not worth the headache/trouble)... Now there are weekly gay parties held in hotels (I think they change the venue periodically), but I've never been to those.

I could tell you more, but I'd rather we continue this in private messages, just to avoid drawing any unwanted attention :)

Edit: Just to be clear, I'm not encouraging you (or anyone else) to come out. If you're thinking about it then you need to carefully consider the potential pros and cons in your situation. I was relatively very lucky and even then it didn't go without hitches.


Quickly learning that I can't handle having a fuckbuddy who's with a bunch of other people too. Time to cut the ties with this one I guess.

Why do I always hit it off with people I can't have, haha.


Souldriver said:
You're probably better off saying that in the first place instead of wording it in awkward terms like "normal" and such. It wouldn't be the first time that shit hits the fan in the gay thread because people voice their dislikes for the "other kinds" of guys/gays. :)
I don't think much of anybody has a problem with not being attracted to effeminate guys; it's when someone insults effeminacy as a whole, or uses language like "normal," "straight-acting," or "flaunting [their] sexuality" that there's a problem.


So I've been dating this girl since late January. I've known her since last August since I started volunterring at a group called Vote For Equality at an LGBT center (LA). She's bisexual. Her last two relationships were with women, the last one was pretty stressful on her. Everything is going great and she likes me a lot.

Just thought I'd come in and share. Also, does anyone here live in LA and do volunteer work, or work for an organization? Vote for Equality is about talking to voters about Prop 8, how gay marriage is taught, and children being raised by same sex couples. Every couple of weeks they hold canvasses where we go out and talk to voters about Prop 8. My job is to record the conversations and edit the interesting ones (film student here).

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
'flaunting your sexuality' is a perfectly reasonable thing to get annoyed at. it applies to males, females, gays and straights.

ultra-camp gay men are the equivalent of dude-bros. live as you choose, and be proud, but wow, you're probably not going to be in my inner-circle.


Rez said:
'flaunting your sexuality' is a perfectly reasonable thing to get annoyed at. it applies to males, females, gays and straights.
People may get annoyed by PDAs, but they'll never, ever complain about straights being "too straight."
FoneBone said:
People may get annoyed by PDAs, but they'll never, ever complain about straights being "too straight."
Oh, trust me, I do. People also complain about dudebros pretty much 100% of the time.


And yet no heterosexual ever says anything to the effect of, "those people make me embarrassed to be straight" (note: I know nobody here's said that so far). I wonder why.

Really, though, it's one thing if "flaunting your sexuality" involves constantly talking about sex, but I've been through enough of these arguments to know that 99% of the time those complaints refer to anyone who makes their homosexuality more visible than you (whether it's being a lispy queen, or wearing a rainbow bracelet, or anything in between).
Speaking of too straight, I was at Daytona Beach Bikeweek all day today and I was covered in pure testosterone, hot daddies and stroller meat all over me and I could not have been happier.

Nothing fucking hotter then a Harley man.

Good thing I have a ridiculously masculine guy for a partner, or I'd be in great trouble.
krypt0nian said:
Speaking of too straight, I was at Daytona Beach Bikeweek all day today and I was covered in pure testosterone, hot daddies and stroller meat all over me and I could not have been happier.

Nothing fucking hotter then a Harley man.

Good thing I have a ridiculously masculine guy for a partner, or I'd be in great trouble.
I'm offended that you flaunt your sexuality too much. :O :O :O

honestly i'll never understand the urge to make one's sexuality 'visible', on either side of the fence. It's unnecessary.
FoneBone said:
People may get annoyed by PDAs, but they'll never, ever complain about straights being "too straight."

Guys that try too hard to assert their masculinity and hetrosexuality are annoying as hell.

Dr. Malik

Replicant said:
You can ask more about his life. People always like telling stories to others. Also, ask him if he wants to hang out outside the gym sometimes. Be aware though most guys in the gym are usually straight so you could be heading for heartbreak.

Straight guys, when looking for new friends, can look like they're actually into you/into guys (even though they're not). Because the basic act of looking for a friend normally involves liking a certain thing about them. Gym is not a place where one's personality tend to shine and as a result, guys tend to look for friends there by physical appearance. That means they look for other guys who are attractive to them. As a result, sometimes they look like they're into you (staring at you, exercising near you, etc). Here's a food for thought though:

What I'm trying to say is move with caution. You don't want to get heartbroken over someone who can't even reciprocate your affection.

Thanks for the advice. But I'm sure he is gay since I met him in adult male site while I was looking for someone in my school to workout with. Funny thing is we used to chat quite a bit but once we started using the gym, no dice.
ZephyrFate said:
I'm offended that you flaunt your sexuality too much. :O :O :O

honestly i'll never understand the urge to make one's sexuality 'visible', on either side of the fence. It's unnecessary.

My idea of flaunting my sexuality is wearing a wide cock ring under tight jeans and counting how many guys clock my basket.

Note: this is the most fun at supposedly straight events like motorcycle rallys. ;)


So, how is Gay-GAF? I haven't been in here in a while, no real relationship stuff recently. I am taking my ex-boyfriend to my fraternity formals though...
So I haven't been dating very long, only a few months so far, and three weeks ago I met a guy I really hit it off with. We hung out like five days in a row when we first starting going out. Went out to gay bars three Saturdays in a row. We've been having lot of fun I thought.

This past Saturday hasn't gone as well as the rest of our dates, and there were a few things we didn't see eye to eye on. In particular, our roles in the bedroom. He only wants to top and never wants to bottom at all ever. He said he's tried it before and he doesn't like it. He even kinda said that the whole area is off limits. I said that when I bottom for a guy, I generally like to know them for a while, and that I kinda expect reciprocation. I probably dragged the conversation on longer than it should have gone but it ended amicably with him saying "We'll see what happens" Whatever I was fine with that. We went to the strip club and made out in the corner for a while, so it seemed everything was fine. We even swapped head in his car before we parted ways for the night and he said to call him the next day.

That was Saturday. He hasn't returned my phone call or the handful of texts I sent him since. He did start a new internship today, but he's had the time for facebook statuses (from his phone no less)

Is this guy pretty much just giving me the brush off? Is two days of no contact after three weeks dating normal/abnormal? Like I said I'm very inexperienced dating and this is kinda the first guy I've had multiple dates with. It kinda sucks if that's the case, he was really freaking cute and I enjoyed our time together. And if he isn't interested anymore I wish he would just say so. Maybe I'm just overreacting? Or is he being an ass? I don't know. Kinda feeling rejected at the moment, felt better just to type that out.
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