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Gearbox Artist trashes Dragon’s Crown art style

Given its a sprite based game, whos art doesn't look to have changed since release? Doubtful.

Honestly, shes not even the first female i've seen with such ridiculous breast physics. Litchi from blazblue looks very simular in her walk cycles.

Though honestly, I hate playing as her. Could never get the hang of her fighting style.

I was just making a crack about Aliens: CM.
I don't care much about her opinion as much as I care about how much he sounds like me when I'm in complete asshole mode. Also, her art is nothing special, AT ALL.
Oh boy. Another topic calling an design sexist without thinking about context...yay.

This topic like the last 20 will retread all of the previous ground until someone begins throwing around names.

I just wish people would just say.."i don't like it" and move on instead of trying to tie it to some moral cause. A big titty witch really shouldn't get this must press as it has. It's just a design. It's not like she is timid or weak..she just has ginormous boobs. I honestly don't get the outrage over this character.

The character art on those games is not even close to how bad this is.

There is your problem. The art alone doesn't harm anything. I love DOA but I laugh when I lose and I am treated to my character panting while look desperate at the camera..or the beach volleyball "game". See it's the context where stuff becomes the problem. Borderlands had Tiny Tina, a character that some found offensive for reasons...I didn't but the outrage made some sense because it was the actual CHARACTER that was offensive not the design alone. Same as the fat girl and Mad Moxxi. The designs alone should not be the issue...it's how they act and how they are portrayed.

The Sorceress for one barely has any character as she is just an avatar for the most part. But what little character she has is shown via animations...said animations are confident and almost cocky. She owns her "sexiness". So what the fuck is the problem?

I also wish we would stop saying "lololol 14year old or 5th grader". For one, I'm pretty sure there is nothing wrong with finding big boob attractive...no matter what age. Secondly, it's offensive to a very talented dude who puts thought behind his art. I hate that people seem to ignore that he explained why the characters look the way they do...

he didn't even have to do that but he did and it's being ignore..probably because it would make this entire crusade fucking pointless

This is not the game to "attack" to "fix" the industry. It's frustrating that everything can just be and has to have some kind crusade to better the industry now a days. Can't people just enjoy what they enjoy anymore?
are there any artbooks?

Odin Sphere had one, but I don't know if it was ever released outside of Japan. Dragon's Crown has one as well. But that's also a Japan only thing right now. I believe that it's shipping with the Limited Edition version of DC. Hopefully Atlus will include it in the US version as well.

That's what I'm doing. Buying the PS3 and Vita version of this and getting Muramasa Day one.

That's really the only positive thing coming out of this situation. It's given a lot more visibility to Vanillaware's games.


It's an honest reaction from a female gamer who is also an artist. You don't have to be any of those things see the validity of the statement or agree with the sentiment.

Again, art doesn't have the luxury of context. I don't even think that's a sound defense for this "style", but even if it were, you have to understand that's it's completely fair to judge it outside from any knowledge of it's inspiration.
All this tabloid-level game "news" is getting pretty tiring. Who cares about some immature comment a no name artist from Gearbox made on a random web forum about the art in someone else's game? I don't know, I just feel like people go out of their way more than ever to find things to get up in arms about.


Simply, if the person is being hypocritical, it voids their personal opinion. Gearbox have designed women in a similar way, 100% non-satirically, so they have no good cause to take the high ground. Viewed as an independent, his comments are fair enough. But his affiliation with Gearbox, and the fact that he works on games, should be enough for him to hold his opinion back. It's extremely unprofessional to mock another persons art, and I doubt that this guy wanted to refuse his paycheck after seeing the first renders of Mad Moxxi.

It's a woman, firstly. Second, she graduated in 2009. I doubt she was with the company when Mad Moxxi's DLC came out for Borderlands. Plus, she's a low level environmental artist. You know, the people who make textures for rocks and shit. Not an art director. So she would likely have no say over the design even if she were present.

This has nothing to do with Borderlands or Randy Pitchford or Gearbox or Aliens: Colonial Marines. The only thing that's really wrong here is the degree to which her rash, frankly somewhat hypocritical comments have been amplified by this thread. Not because I think the comment was kind of shitty, but because it's being distorted way out of its context. It was just some casual bitching on a message board. Do we all want to stand trial for everything we've ever said here?

Raging Spaniard

If they are Dutch, upright and breathing they are more racist than your favorite player
Simply, if the person is being hypocritical, it voids their personal opinion. Gearbox have designed women in a similar way, 100% non-satirically, so they have no good cause to take the high ground. Viewed as an independent, anybody's comments are fair enough. But this artists affiliation with Gearbox, and the fact that they work in gaming, should be enough for them to hold their opinion back. It's extremely unprofessional to mock another persons art, and I doubt that this person wanted to refuse their paycheck after seeing the first renders of Mad Moxxi.

For all you know she is the artist on, you know, rock textures and or all you know she has expressed he same opinion in a less public forum regarding her companys games.

Plus, art is subjective. Some peoples reaction towards Japanese art is drastically different than their eaction to American art and its clearly evident here. If she thinks the DC character art sucks then she has a right o say it, without having people point at her very loosely defined job.


Of course she should know better, her wording was horrible and I completely agree. I just have a problem when people think artists in the game industry arent allowed criticize game art, but random internet poster can. Its terribly hypocritic.
exactly, they can criticize all they want but they need to be constructive and not shit on it like she did. I'm assuming she didn't care about her position when she decided to lash out.
Wow...of all the devs, Gearbox said this? I can't remember one thing I've actually liked from them, both art and gameplay wise. I remember what I hate though.
It's a Gearbox employee (relatively low level it seems) posting a brief post in an thread in response to a topic on this issue. It's laughable that people want to expand this to some shitting on Gearbox thread. It's just an opinion, maybe a bit rough-edged (as if that's something surprising on the Internet).
I still think it's hilarious that she'll attack other games when the one she was involved in has plenty of tits to look at.

Sure, she was on the team, but nothing after made her go "hrm, that's gross"?

Nothing at all?

Why is she just attacking DC developers?


She doesn't make character designs for Gearbox. She might not even know who makes the character designs for Gearbox. She's a background artist who makes map props. Moxxi was created before she was even employed at Gearbox.

She still works for a company that quite often portrays what she is complaining about.. Think of how much more reach and influence a game like Borderlands 2 has compared to something like Dragon's Crown.
It's a Gearbox employee (relatively low level it seems) posting a brief post in an thread in response to a topic on this issue. It's laughable that people someone want to expand this to some shitting on Gearbox thread. It's just an opinion, maybe a bit rough-edged (as if that's something surprising on the Internet).
First: I didn't need a thread to shit in Gearbox.

Second: Their art is still shitty, and that's my opinion.

Third: He should be a bit smarter in how he conducts himself considering who he works for.
I'm pretty sure saying "Yo guys I think this shit we are doing is kinda gross"..

would not go over too well.

Her title and employers is a non issue here guys.


It's a woman, firstly. Second, she graduated in 2009. I doubt she was with the company when Mad Moxxi's DLC came out for Borderlands. Plus, she's a low level environmental artist. You know, the people who make textures for rocks and shit. Not an art director. So she would likely have no say over the design even if she were present.

This has nothing to do with Borderlands or Randy Pitchford or Gearbox or Aliens: Colonial Marines. The only thing that's really wrong here is the degree to which her rash, frankly somewhat hypocritical comments have been amplified by this thread.

Yeah, I corrected that first mistake.

And no, I can't get over any 'artist' ridiculing any other artist. It's insulting and uncouth, and working in the collaborative environment of a game development studio should give her more reason that most to be constructive when criticising somebodies work. She could be painting textures on the rocks, for all I know, but she certainly didn't oppose working at Gearbox, despite of their occasional objectification of women. She just comes across as an enabler and a whiner.


are there any artbooks?
There are. However, given that Kamitani is the owner of Vanillaware, purchasing anything made by them will support their artists. For the most part their art is their defining feature, more so than their games (not to say that their games are bad, but they're not for everyone, and many of them, despite being belt-scroller type games, never reach the level of being, say, Streets of Rage 2).

I have always felt uncertain about Kamitani's designs. They typically border on the ridiculous, so it's hard to know if they're intended to be taken seriously or not. Women and men are often both targets of looking ridiculous, so at the very least, it can be said that Kamitani's art is even in its prejudice, even if it is prejudiced (which might be said of Hyung-Tae Kim's art as well, despite many women genuinely enjoying his art style - http://cuteinkorea.com/hyung-tae-kim-interview/ ) . Art can often be sexist, in fact there are entire realms of art criticism which determine most male artists to be sexist. And honestly, they probably are in part. That's not necessarily their fault though, it's just part of being raised in a society ruled by patriarchal views about acceptable content. That said, it doesn't mean that they can't change for the better.

The only problem I really see with Kamitani's art, aside from it being a sort of weird pornography, was his response to Schreier, which was far more problematic than the art itself. Yes, it wasn't a very adult way to respond to criticism, but I think it's also fair to say that he didn't give much of a chance for Kamitani to speak either, so there is blame on both sides of the aisle.

By comparison, Urushihara's art is really problematic, and probably one of the most obvious modern offenders with regards to sexism. At least, far more so than Kamitani or other videogame artists.
She still works for a company that quite often portrays what she is complaining about.. Think of how much more reach and influence a game like Borderlands 2 has compared to something like Dragon's Crown.
She makes rock textures. Even if she cared what else goes on in her company, it's not like she'd be able to even do anything


She makes rock textures. Even if she cared what else goes on in her company, it's not like she'd be able to even do anything

But she ought to realise why video game companies do the things they do.

To be honest DC is ridiculous so it's not exactly unfair for her to comment.

Still, it's clearly OTT ridiculous on purpose, it's not trying to sneak in some sex. Not every game has to be for everyone and I'm glad we're getting a decent game with an artstyle like that. Too many simple boring artstyles out there, bit of fun will mix things up. It's rated appropriately I'm sure.
Of course she should know better, her wording was horrible and I completely agree. I just have a problem when people think artists in the game industry arent allowed criticize game art, but random internet poster can. Its terribly hypocritic.
No one is saying that she can't voice her opinion, she should just do it in a more adult manner.

And I'm of the opinion that those random internet posters that post like this should do
a better job at voicing their opinions too. People who act like that make going on forums more irritating then it should be.


Buy Dragon's Crown and Muramasa Rebirth. That's really the best way to show support for his art.

Pretty much this. I'll probably never play it but that's what I did. I myself find it a bit too much but I fully support their right to make the game they want. I may think it's over the top but goddamn I'm not going to try and censor them by shouting about how awful they are for making it. That's their damn right to and if I don't like it I don't buy it. I don't throw a fit about it and talk shit about it when I make games for a company that does the same damn thing. So in this regard I'm buying it just to support their freedom to make it and as a FU to those that are throwing a fit about it.


Fuck Kotaku for making this an issue, buncha of low life hacks.

Sounds like an issue most here are interested in.



Looks like they get their artistic cues from Juggalos


Don't turn it into the issue where people aren't allowed to criticise Dragon Crown's art style? They can and have the absolute freedom to do so.

It's just that the Gearbox artist did it with such poor taste.
Opens by saying that they came in to say something about the art and topic, but the writer had already said what they wanted to say, but better.

Proceeds anyway to write a juvenile statement that undercuts the point.

Fuck Kotaku for making this an issue, buncha of low life hacks.

Yeah, fuck them for caring about something! Go back to writing about video game action figures and Japanese ice cream. No one here wants to think about sexism or other issues that might make us uncomfortable!


Yeah, fuck them for caring about something! Go back to writing about video game action figures and Japanese ice cream. No one here wants to think about sexism or other issues that might make us uncomfortable!

I don't think the debacle about Dragon's Crown's character design has in any way been beneficial to the debate about sexism in video games. I'd rather have people be silent than completely missing the mark and overreaching because there are big tits involved.


I actually love Vanillaware art. It's different and I appreciate that. Probably going to pick this up just cause of the douche bag hate it has been receiving.
Art and gameplay mechanics are two different things though.

I'm not going to buy Dragon's Crown not because i find Kamitani's art offensive (in fact i really like his art) but because i'm getting tired of 2D games in general.

How can you get tired of 2D games when they now represent like 5% or less of all retail games? o_O It must have royally sucked for you to live in the 80's and early 90's.

As for the matter at hand, she's welcome to dislike it (her artwork is quite good as well) but it could be worded a bit more respectfully.


other studios can't criticize other studios without gaming boards jumping on them? Fuck the internet.


She makes rock textures. Even if she cared what else goes on in her company, it's not like she'd be able to even do anything

So attacking another game is your next best bet?

Only you can provide the change you wish to seek. If she was so appalled by this thing then she would try her best to work her way through her company itself to stop them from doing pretty much the exact same thing! Hell, even get GAF involved, Im sure they'd provide plenty of support.

The issue isn't who has the right to criticize what. We all need to drop that shit. Way off subject.

The "Issue" persay is the perspective of all this. Why is it not OK for some games to portray this style of exaggerated character design but other games seemingly get a pass?

All these noble causes suffer from picking and choosing. If you're going to fight a battle, be prepared to fight it on all sides.

Where is the uniformity of the matter?? The hypocrisy of the arugment defeats it before it can even be taken serious.
It's an honest reaction from a female gamer who is also an artist. You don't have to be any of those things see the validity of the statement or agree with the sentiment.

Again, art doesn't have the luxury of context. I don't even think that's a sound defense for this "style", but even if it were, you have to understand that's it's completely fair to judge it outside from any knowledge of it's inspiration.

Her comments were unprofessional at the same time that she was identified as an employee of Gearbox. This kind of thing will come back to haunt her.


Really? Glad I didn't pick up Borderlands 2 then. Looks like Dragon's Crown and Muramasa Reborn will be getting all of my money day one.


other studios can't criticize other studios without gaming boards jumping on them? Fuck the internet.
It's more about how tactlessly she said it.

Her comment reads nothing more than the average forum comment itself, which someone who actually works in the industry should be trying to avoid.
I actually love Vanillaware art. It's different and I appreciate that. Probably going to pick this up just cause of the douche bag hate it has been receiving.

Pretty much my thinking. All of this drama is turning Dragon's Crown from an, "Ehh, maybe I'll eventually pick it up," into a, "Guess I'll pick this up day one because fuck all the haters."
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