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Gears of War 2 Multiplayer Hands-on+ New Video (Just Wow)


Epic games pulled off an amazing feat with the first Gears of War. They created a brand new intellectual property (or “IP” as we call it in the biz) that instantly rocketed to AAA, system-selling exclusive title status – a brand new universe ready to be exploited with merchandise and of course a sequel.

But really, Gears of War found success to the tune of 4.7 million copies sold by matching the best looking graphics at the time with a new and inventive type of shooter gameplay. A type of gameplay copied so relentlessly that it’s almost impossible to describe a shooter that utilizes a cover system that shows the character in third person crouching behind a log or blind-firing around a corner without invoking the name of Epic’s game. So how do you make a sequel that actually builds upon a game that was such a revolutionary one to begin with?

Thank goodness Epic Games and Lead Designer Cliff Bleszinski aren’t trying to re-invent the wheel this time around. Or at least they don’t appear to be. But maybe when you add up all the small (and big) improvements that are being put into both the single and multi player, maybe the end result will turn out to be just that: reinvented wheel. It’s hard to say at this point, considering the extent of our exposure to the game is a couple demos of one single player level and a few hours of actual hands-on time with the multi-player. Yes, you heard that right. We played it.

Recently, Microsoft showed the game off to a bunch of game journalists (including yours truly) in their Redmond office. Once there, Bleszinski gave us a quick rundown of some of the new weapons and features in the game, as well a little more about the story and some of the new characters and locations. It’s stuff you’ve mostly heard before (saving the world jazz, no biggie) but it sounds like the single player will be as compelling as it was in the first game.

But we were here for some competitive multiplayer, and we got to play multiple rounds of three different multiplayer modes on three different levels: Gridlock 2.0, Security and River. Actually we played some other maps I’m not allowed to talk about yet as well as some other modes I’m not allowed to talk about until E3 time either. But trust me: wowza.

Before jumping in though, Bleszinski gave us the rundown of some of the new gameplay enhancements. Obviously the one most Gears fans probably care about are the chainsaw battles. Chainsawing an enemy is one of the great delights of Gears of War and one of the game’s signature elements. In the last game, when two gamers encounter each other with the chainsaw attachment on their Lancers, the outcome of who won that head to head battle was randomly chosen if both people hit the button at the same time. Now you actually get a little arm-wrestling type mini game, where you have to hammer on the B button really quickly to fight the enemy back and cut him in half.

Another weapon near and dear to the hearts of Gears of War fans (especially those who played a lot of multiplayer) is the grenade. Anyone who had an enemy come up and swing something at them and run away, only to then look down and see a grenade stuck to their chest knows how powerful that grenade melee attack. So powerful they had to fix it in a later patch. In Gears 2 you can stick grenades to almost anything, creating a simple proximity mine that goes off when an enemy walks by. As long as you have friendly fire turned off, it won’t go off on anyone else.

This makes for some interesting gameplay possibilities, especially when you consider a couple of the new features of the grenade. You can stick grenades all over a choke point on a map, hoping someone will trigger it as they fight through. But if you use poison gas grenades you create a much bigger and longer lasting obstacle for your opponents to get through. Grenades also cause a concussive blast now too which can knock a player down or even over something.

Knocking people down on the ground and then stomping them out was, like the chainsaw, one of the more brutal and more fun ways to finish off an enemy. So of course, that’s been buffed up too. Now you have a variety of different finishing moves, some weapon specific, all of them completely brutal. When knocked down you can actually try and crawl away now though, and if you can survive long enough you can even revive yourself. But if you come up on someone who’s down, do one of the following: you can hit X for the good old fashioned curb stomp, B for the weapon specific finisher (i.e. if you have a shotgun, you’ll swing in like a golf club at an enemy’s head) or Y for a special beatdown animation that’s different for different characters.

Or you could do one more thing: you could hit A and put your still living enemy into a headlock, holding him in front of you as an organic shield. He’ll still take bullets, even after he’s dead, but pieces with continue to degrade and get shot off as you go, eventually leaving you with a bloody lump of meat. This may be a fun thing to do in single player, but think of the ramifications in multiplayer. That’s my teammate you’re making me shoot (unless I have amazing aim and only hit your face that’s peeking out) and it’s making me feel kind of awkward shooting through him to get to you.

The other interesting addition to the gameplay is bullet stopping power. The designers at Epic always wanted people to play the game the way they designed it: taking cover, running low, flanking enemies, etc. But as many will tell you, it doesn’t always work out that way in multiplayer. Gamers play the way they want t play, and will charge at you willy-nilly and it used to work. To counter that they have instituted stopping power into the bullets. Each round you shoot will slow an enemy a little, and a steady stream of lead can slow him down to a crawl. Should help against those people that love melee attacks too much.

After getting a quick rundown of these new features we jumped into some five on five matches, and actually joined using the party system, a desperately needed feature of Gears of War 2. Finding your friends to play online is crucial so the Party Mode could be the most important feature if Gears of War 2 wants to become a verified multiplayer hit.

The three gameplay modes we played were:


Bleszinski described this as sort of like “Assassination 2.0. Both teams have one “leader” who is armed just like a real player – he’s not some dude in an El Presidente uniform holding a crowbar. But even though the leader is just another player (and will cycle equally through your team) if he dies, it’s bad news for your team. As long as your leader is alive, his escorts will continue to respawn, keeping up the fight. So teams have to strike a balance tactically between guarding the leader and hunting down the enemy leader, making for some interesting team play concepts.

Playing four on four, a lot of the players in our session played one of a couple ways. Some people stashed the leader away in well covered position, with grenades planted on the walls and obstacles leading up to his hidden position. Other teams were more brash and just kept all of their players together and stayed mobile. This often worked for two reasons. Staying mobile meant they usually got to the better weapon pickups more quickly, and if they ran into anyone along the way, leader or not, they rolled in force.

This mode really showed off the advantages of the new tactical command (or Tac/Com) system that gives you information on the location of your teammates. In Guardian mode you always see the location of the enemy leader in an icon in the upper left corner of your HUD that has a rotating arrow on it that always points in his direction. But if you want to see where your leader is, as well as the rest of you squad, you just have to hit the left bumper button and icons with rotating arrows pop up for all of them. A very useful tool when your leader is under attack.

Submission (Meat Flag)

There is something really charming and funny about playing Submission Mode, colloquially called “Meat Flag”. The description is simple: single-flag CTF with two teams, the flag is a dude. But here’s where it gets good: he has a weapon and he doesn’t want you to capture him, regardless if you’re C.O.G. or Locust. So you have to run up to him, knock him out, then grab him in a choke hold and slowly back your way to your team’s capture zone.

One of the new levels that we played this mode on - entitled Security - had an added wrinkle. The capture zones that each team had to return the hostage to were behind laser barriers that would instantly kill you if you tried to walk through them. Watch your step. There’s a button to take the shields down for a certain period of time (not long, maybe 30 seconds) but when we were playing it up at Microsoft, the team I was playing with was having a hard time finding the button. We could see one inside the gate, but since there was no other way of entry behind the beams (trust me, I looked. A lot.) it was obvious there had to be one somewhere else. So I sent my mates out to find it while I stood by the gate. You see, I had the meat flag and I was waiting by the gate with just my pistol and some dude in a headlock. Believe it or not, I killed six incoming enemies over the next couple of minutes (my teammates were having a really hard time finding the button), without losing control of my prize. Even two at one time when I shot the propane tank at their feet. Eventually, I ran out of bullets and had to find more. I saw some on the ground but realized I couldn’t pick them up while I had homeboy “in the clinch”. So I let him go, quickly grabbed the ammo, knocked him out with the but of my shotgun because he was already getting ornery, then grabbed him real quick again, backed into a corner and waited for more bad guys and screamed at my team to find that damn button. Nice.


Everyone loves deathmatch or free for all modes and probably always will. There’s something about the lone wolf mentality in that. But Gears of War is a game where your character is meant to always be part of a group. You know, for the flanking and the reviving of buddies and stuff. So what’s the least amount of teammates an anti-social gamer would have to put up with? Just one.

He’s your wingman, and he looks just like you. So you’ll have teams of two Dom’s vs. two Theron Guards vs. two Coles, etc. May not sound that revolutionary, but it was a ton of fun. It forces players to stick together and think together. You’ve gotta help out your teammate if he falls, or put together a couple of cris-crossing firing lanes to eviscerate the competition. Somehow it still feels as urgent as traditional deathmatch, just with an armed shadow.

Some other new additions to Gears of War 2 that we can talk about at the moment include a greatly improved spectator mode that you can view after you’ve been killed. There are multiple cams to play with including the battle cam which lets you swing quickly around to fixed cameras that loop around the arena, quickly finding the action. There will also be a screenshot function built into this and an accompanying photo edit mode for making them look more awesome before you share them with your friends.

Considering how good the engine looks this time around, you might want to take a ton of them. Because we’re so accustomed to the great graphics and engine work that Epic does with their Unreal technology, you might be underwhelmed at first glance. Sure, it looks great, but I was expecting it to. Try holding it up to the original game though and you’ll notice how much more detailed the characters and the world around you are. A lot of work has been done on the lighting as well as the physics of how bodies react. That includes the way they fall apart when you cut them in half. Sweet.

There’s still a ton of stuff to talk about when it comes to Gears of War 2 multiplayer, but you’re going to have to wait until E3 time. Hey it’s only next week, and it’s very much worth it. But based on what we’ve seen so far, it’s obvious that Epic Games is putting a lot more attention into the multiplayer capabilities. That’s something they didn’t do in the first game, choosing to focus on other elements. But the effort is welcome though; we could always use another awesome multiplayer game.


Video, steam here (HD) and/ DL link there as well;


Gametrailers Videos, credit to Kibbles:


Actually it was older video, but now in HD I stand corrected. However there are new pics it seems and I will add in the IGN preview to the OP as well. Anyhow, I'll highlight/bold the post in a bit.

Credit to Cornballer: IGN preview as well.



Cornballer said:
Nice. Video interview too.

Video Interview: http://xbox360.ign.com/dor/objects/14232680/gears-of-war-2/videos/gears2interview_070708.html
Gears of War 2 multiplayer takes the great gameplay of the first game and improves in just about every way. There are plenty of finite changes that Gears nuts will love and enough overarching additions that change the core of the game that it will feel different to those who casually ventured through Gears 1. It's rare for a videogame to captivate my attention for more than eight hours and me want to continue playing. Especially when it's a multiplayer mode without a story. At the end of my time with Gears 2, all I wanted to do was get in one last chainsaw duel to satiate my hunger for the trip back home.

Check back on July 14, the start of E3, when I'll be able to talk about the second portion of my day which was spent with a new mode for Gears 2. As fun as the competitive multiplayer was, this has the potential to be better.
After getting a quick rundown of these new features we jumped into some five on five matches, and actually joined using the party system, a desperately needed feature of Gears of War 2. Finding your friends to play online is crucial so the Party Mode could be the most important feature if Gears of War 2 wants to become a verified multiplayer hit.

Do we have any more detailed info on the party system elsewhere?


I loved Gears 1 and will be getting Gears 2 no matter what, but mainly for the single player if they don't fix all of the bugs/cheats in multi-player thats for sure.


No Means Nomad said:
All of this footage has already been posted a decent amount of time ago.

That was the exclusive footage from the UTIII disc. This footage from TXB is brand new.
new screens?





Believe it or not, I killed six incoming enemies over the next couple of minutes (my teammates were having a really hard time finding the button), without losing control of my prize. Even two at one time when I shot the propane tank at their feet. Eventually, I ran out of bullets and had to find more. I saw some on the ground but realized I couldn’t pick them up while I had homeboy “in the clinch”. So I let him go, quickly grabbed the ammo, knocked him out with the but of my shotgun because he was already getting ornery, then grabbed him real quick again, backed into a corner and waited for more bad guys and screamed at my team to find that damn button. Nice.



Can't wait for this game, glad to see they finally put in a Party system. That feature was sorely missing in Gears 1.

IGN said:
Looking at gameplay videos you can see that there's a slightly bloomier look to the lighting this time around. It's an effort to make the action look more like a Hollywood movie and I'm inclined to say it's working. There are also new water effects that make liquids authentically ripple where appropriate. It's something that I saw a lot of on the map called River.



No Means Nomad said:
No...this was all in the 1UP interview with Cliffy B. that came out back in June.

Ah I see that interview now, missed it. I was out on vacation that week, but anyhow we got some pretty good previews here and new pics? I assume.


Sounds awesome.
I really like the fact that bullets slow people.
That way people can't just run straight for you and chainsaw.
Also the hostage taking is a really great twist on the mechanic.


I can now say I'm officially amped up for GOW2!
It sounds like the bulk of the work was put into optimizing the multiplayer and this is great news IMO. I played GOW MP for several months and after time the gameplay was a bit lacking in depth and the host advantage was a bit ridiculous. I'm impressed that both of these issue have now been addressed. There's more compelling game modes and gameplay tweaks to make GOW2 take the online crown from COD4. I have been spending most of my time playing PS3 and COD4 MP, but this could definately bring me back to my 360 until Killzone 2 drops. (Hopefully they get the MP gameplay right with Killzone...)

BTW the visuals are about the same as GOW, but is that really a bad thing?
The visuals in GOW are still some of the best seen this console generation I'm glad more focus was put around gameplay instead of visuals...


Not a lot new in the video but nice to see it in HD.
I want more info on coop, hopefully E3 will detail some of it.

~Devil Trigger~

In favor of setting Muslim women on fire
still looks early...

i think its early...

yeah, it IS early :lol

anyways, i never like multiplayer previews too much and i hate when dev do them too much. I wanna here more of the single player mode now


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?


snack said:
Where's the new footage at? The footage linked is from the 1UP video.

Corrected, see earlier post.

~Devil Trigger~ said:
I wanna here more of the single player mode now

I'm sure we will get a nice showing at E3 for the single player.


IGN said:
Check back on July 14, the start of E3, when I'll be able to talk about the second portion of my day which was spent with a new mode for Gears 2. As fun as the competitive multiplayer was, this has the potential to be better.
Hmm, this is hinting at a non-competitive component. Co-op? Something like a last stand/terrorist hunt mode. That was be *awesome*.
I'm hoping they show a later single player level at E3. I have heard enough about multiplayer, I want to see what they are doing to set the singleplayer apart from Gears 1.

I really want to see an example of this larger scale they have been talking about...


snack said:
I'm hoping they show a later single player level at E3. I have heard enough about multiplayer, I want to see what they are doing to set the singleplayer apart from Gears 1.

I really want to see an example of this larger scale they have been talking about...

They will probably show off a single player trailer at their conference. Multiplayer is what they will talk about the most though I almost can bet on it.


Llyranor said:
Hmm, this is hinting at a non-competitive component. Co-op? Something like a last stand/terrorist hunt mode. That was be *awesome*.

Good catch and I'm sure that would be sweet. Co-Op could certainly be the next portion. 4 player come on with it.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
Holy shit that looks sweet. Nice and crunchy.

Still has the best blood splatter in any game I've seen.


Evonus said:
As opposed to hating it when you made that big thread for the unveiling?
I meant the fact that there's new stuff coming in all the time now. I've always loved me the Gears 2 news and all mainly because Gears of War > *
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