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Geoff Keighley will be responding to Doritosgate

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The Motorcycle That Wouldn't Slow Down
What reputation? You guys all hated him before this anyways. And he was asked to do a segment where he talks about games I believe... I'm sure last minute they threw some Mt. Dew in there, you don't just walk out of a paying job for that.

Yeah. The only times Geoff is "liked" is when he's the first person to say the name of a new game on TV or when he asks Reggie a question he doesn't even answer.
What reputation? You guys all hated him before this anyways.

No, we didn't hate him. I considered him an actual, legitimate journalist thanks to his Behind the Games articles for Gamespot years ago. Even though he's done a couple recently, he's clearly put that sort of work in the background in favor of being a celebrity/hype generator.

And he was asked to do a segment where he talks about games I believe... I'm sure last minute they threw some Mt. Dew in there, you don't just walk out of a paying job for that.
You don't really believe this, do you? You think the perfectly positioned Doritos and Dew bottles and lifesize standup ad for the promotion were just thrown there at the last minute? Even accepting that absurd hypothetical, anyone with a shred of journalistic education would immediately realize that doing an interview in front of merchandise like that immediately makes it an advertisement, and if he cared about having any credibility, would walk out. But it doesn't matter, because if you listen to the interview, it's clearly designed solely to get to the question about the XP promotion where he recites a rehearsed shpiel about how it's "great for gamers." None of the other questions asked are remotely interesting or noteworthy and are clearly bad window-dressing to maintain the facade of being something other than a paid advertisement.


Thinks he should have been the one to kill Batman's parents.
Even at the golden age of game magazines i figure out myself the hole teathrics of the show. However, i don't get why some guys are biting Keighley's neck. The guy does a good job representing the videogame audience, has presense and pretty much doesn't convey a bad archetype of what gamers are. Plus hr has "some" good interviews with developers under his belt.

Regarding the "shameful" advertising, is not like he pretended to be/do otherwise. I kind of think there's a bit of envy on how succesful he is. Maybe im wrong though. :)

That's just it: Keighley says he's a journalist out of one side of his mouth, then is shamelessly shilling products for companies in the industry out of the other side. You can't have it both ways if you want to have any credibility.

As to the whole Keighley-as-videogame-ambassador idea - no one cares outside of some insecure industry folks and a vocal minority on the internet. Games went mainstream a long time ago.


Keighley reminds me of Rick campanelli(Canadians know who) Started legit then became a shill. There's lots of money in being a shill and the general public doesnt give a shit so I can't really blame Geoff.


I think most here have made up their minds about what they think of the dude. I doubt there's much of anything he could say to sway these people.

I do believe it's telling that he had the fortitude to resist talking about the doritosgate until things quieted down.

Boss Man

"I am retiring as a games journalist and dedicating my life to protecting the integrity of Doritos® Nacho Cheese flavored tortilla chips and Mountain Dew® Code Red™ soft drinks. I am so sorry for the stain that I have left on these savory, refreshing, and life-giving products."


Dear god you should be president


I think most here have made up their minds about what they think of the dude. I doubt there's much of anything he could say to sway these people.

I do believe it's telling that he had the fortitude to resist talking about the doritosgate until things quieted down.

He's not going to say anything about it ever.


Thinks he should have been the one to kill Batman's parents.
Was that before or after Fox News' and Cooper Lawrence's public bashing of Mass Effect because it had a cut-scene with side boob, taken out of context, perverted it and all was justified because it was a "video game"?

Before. That's the kind of reactionary nonsense that doesn't tend to happen until an entertainment medium is mainstream. The audience isn't going to tune in to an exposé on a saucy puppet show.


This really is amazing. That being said, I think Geoff is a good guy. I respect him for holding Reggie's feet to the fire re: "It's not the same game." And he's one of the few TV gaming personalities who isn't a douche. :)

That's fine. If he did that with the Sony execs as well, instead of being a sycophant every time one of them is interviewed by him, I'd see him as having a lot more credibility.
Why is this guy getting so much flack for promoting Doritos and Mountain Dew? What's so wrong about it?

For those of you who still don't get it:


I want to make a confession. I stalk games journalists. It's something I've always done. I keep an eye on people. I have a mental list of games journos who are the very worst of the bunch. The ones who are at every PR launch event, the ones who tweet about all the freebies they get. I am fascinated by them. I won't name them here, because it's a horrible thing to do, but I'm sure some of you will know who they are. I'm fascinated by these creatures because they are living one of the most strange existences - they are playing at being a thing that they don't understand. And if they don't understand it, how can they love it? And if they don't love it, why are they playing at being it?

He said that he won't name them but Geoff Keighley is put as an example at the start of the article.
Someone please tell me why GK promoting food in any way compromises his integrity as a games journalist?

Food that was being used in a promotion for Halo 4. No problem with that at all. Nobody on GAF complains about journalists being biased or anything. No way this could make people think Geoff is sponsoring Halo 4. Not at all.


I like Geoff, I think the Doritos thing is funny/disgusting, and I can't really distinguish why it's different than selling ad time to those companies for his Spike show. So I'm completely torn.


Ever since Geoff's Fox News appearance I've liked him. This whole thing is pretty funny but more than anything it's actually made me crave Doritos. I haven't eaten them in years but suddenly I'm considering buying a bag, so good work, DoritosGAF.

lol I find Geoff to be a nice guy, I used to watch Bonus Round and found it at least interesting, and he used wisely the little talk time he was given in that interview, but unfortunately, advocating for the VGA is just prostituting yourself, and you can't respect someone with such low professional integrity. I think the guy has potential, he just needs to say no to some of the money, and he'll be alright.

Also, I wish there was a law against stupidity, man watching that video again, makes me want to kill all of those people, then kill myself.
Geoff is that you?

This is the internet. If you like someone(or something)/defend it, you are either that person, work for that person or a blind devotee of that person. You don't have to be a (did they unban the C word?) all the time.

Wait a second... you arent joining the blind immature rage rampage w/ all of us? You can't be a legitimate person!

BUT, I do think the Mt. Dew and Doritos pope stuff is hilarious. I'm just annoyed by those that have a personal vendetta against the guy for shallow internet reasons.


bish gets all the credit :)
What reputation? You guys all hated him before this anyways. And he was asked to do a segment where he talks about games I believe... I'm sure last minute they threw some Mt. Dew in there, you don't just walk out of a paying job for that.

I made the Dorito Pope shop and have stated I liked him before all of this started.
That's just it: Keighley says he's a journalist out of one side of his mouth, then is shamelessly shilling products for companies in the industry out of the other side. You can't have it both ways if you want to have any credibility.

As to the whole Keighley-as-videogame-ambassador idea - no one cares outside of some insecure industry folks and a vocal minority on the internet. Games went mainstream a long time ago.
I think Keighley gets attacked because he is very succesful. On the other hand you had a guy that becomes the primmadonna because he had some kind argument, gets fired and releases a very angry and disrespectful game review. When before he activly participated in the same practices we find dubious concerning the "videogame press".

Yet is about Keighley we have 10 pages of mockery in this thread while others get it easy. I think that's not fair ;)


Great shops people! NeoGAF delivers once again.

Still no idea when Geoff is dropping the knowledge, eh?

All he has to do is give up any pretense of journalism and it's all good.

That's the sticking point though. People want to keep the title. It provides them with an aura of objectivism and credibilty.
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