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George Lucas quips he sold 'Star Wars' to "white slavers," criticizes tone of TFA

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Rapid Response Threadmaker
I'm afraid of what a George Lucas Directed The Force Awakens would look like.
Space Politics, Actors not allowed to emote, stupid fucking joke characters,underdeveloped characters. If George Lucas directed Episode Seven it would be a mess

A quarter of the movie would just involve the economy on Jakku for no reason.


Why wouldn't he be? He's George Lucas. You write a script and he puts his name on your movie, it will sell big time. Granted the prequels were crap, to deny what he has done, and what kind of power his name would have is crazy.

If you write a Star Wars or Indiana Jones script maybe. Everything else he's produced since hitting it big that had his name attached (like Redtails or Willow) has floundered.


Why wouldn't he be? He's George Lucas. You write a script and he puts his name on your movie, it will sell big time. Granted the prequels were crap, to deny what he has done, and what kind of power his name would have is crazy.

Ha. Ha ha ha. HA HA HA HA HA.
(this film isn't coming out next month... it came out LAST January...)
I hope the sequels don't have a trajectory like James Bond did after regaining fan faith with Casino Royale

They actually have the Star Wars movies planned out unlike bond where they made Casino Royale and they tried to connect everything they made after like there was some kind of grand plan.
Shot, reverse shot, people talking in hallways, people talking on couches. And yes, plenty of shot-for-shot recalls to the original trilogy.

You're being obtuse. I mean, we literally have a story about a person finding out they're the chosen one/have the force, coming to grips with it, a masked villain, a cantina scene, and a Death Star, which is destroyed by finding its weakpoint. Yeah it's a reduction of the story, but the fact that you can even do that says a lot.

And before you go on about TPM being similar, no. At the most the similarities are when Anakin is found and learns he's strong in the force, but that's more a staple of monomyths than a Star Wars specific
I remember something about Lucas complaining/moaning because every-time he changed something in the original films the fans would moan about the changes he had made to "his" films.

He knew exactly what Disney were going to do, release movie after movie, maybe he is regretting selling it for so little in hindsight.

The best thing imo George could have done is in 1983 lock up the masters & give somebody else the key & move on to new projects & never return to the Star Wars universe, the original films in their original state were perfection.

I dont really have a problem with Lucas tinkering with the old films. Its kinda interesting that Star Wars is so popular that a creator has a chance to do that; BUT it is bullcrap that he wouldnt release the originals in their unaltered form.


Just making the tone similar to the first three and having the original cast back would've easily earned goodwill. No reason this movie had to be a rehash.

The movie would've been successful even with Lucas at the helm. Ford, Hamill and Fisher coming back were guarantees the movie was going to be massive.

Completely disagree. If TFA's script was on par with the prequels but had the old cast back, it would still have been a success, technically speaking, but nowhere near the levels it's hitting. It would have earned back the money it cost to make the movie, but surpassing Avatar and Jurassic World? Not a chance. I don't think people would be going back for repeat viewings like they are with this movie.

Having said that, I do wish they hadn't chosen to go with Death Star Mk.3 for this one.


Oh lawd.

If you had maybe said the final duel with Maul, I still wouldn't agree but I could see it. The podracing sequence was just pace-killing nonsense.

I remember I was at the midnight premiere and I literally fell asleep momentarily during the race. I woke up and the fucking race was still going on. Who the hell think it's a good idea to show the entire 3 laps of the race?
The best OT SW wasn't even directed by him and he had a crew of people to tell him when shit didn't work, or help make it work like his wife at the time. You could see PT Lucas seeping out even in Jedi, which without the Luke/Vader finale would have been a steaming pile of shit just like every PT movie was.

I would have loved the PT to be like a throwback OT. Instead we are going to have 3 utterly awful movies out of 9 (assuming the other 2 turn out good). The only fucking decent performance in the PT is Ian McDiarmid chewing the scenery as Palpatine.

I heard Lucas had 6 full scripts written for Star Wars VII and those assholes had the gall to throw all of them out. He also signed multiple actors for it and they scrapped all of it. Disney has no respect. The truth is out there.

Would you rather a Matte painting? Hell there's a part in ROTJ were you can clearly see Lando walking to a wall with a Matte painting of the Falcon on it when they're about to assualt the second Death Star. At least CGI can Move.


There's only a couple scenes in the whole movie like that though. Clones and Sith are almost nothing but. So clearly the OT directors knew the limitations of scenes like that and using them sparingly enough to not make it a big issue. Lucas just went nuts with it in the PT.


A quarter of the movie would just involve the economy on Jakku for no reason.

The government of Jakku would meet for 25 minutes to discuss the value of those portions Rey was getting.

In the end, Kylo Ren would mind trick the merchant into offering 60 portions.


Watch the interview, that article has completely misinterpreted what he was saying. He was expressing is personal tastes and was not criticising the direction Disney took. With regards to 'white slavers', it was just a joke. The interviewer said George sold his kids and George made a joke of it. The interviewer moved because it was just a joke.
The interview is about an hour long and worth a watch.


Hehe, Disney as "white slavers".

Really though, as much as I am not fan of Disney as a company, I did enjoy TFA way more than I did any of his last three Star Wars movies.


Watch the interview, that article has completely misinterpreted what he was saying. He was expressing is personal tastes and was not criticising the direction Disney took. With regards to 'white slavers', it was just a joke. The interviewer said George sold his kids and George made a joke of it. The interviewer moved because it was just a joke.
The interview is about an hour long and worth a watch.

"B-b-but how are we going to shit on Lucas without misinterpreting what he was trying to say?"


You don't get to bring friends.
The government of Jakku would meet for 25 minutes to discuss the value of those portions Rey was getting.

In the end, Kylo Ren would mind trick the merchant into offering 60 portions.

Kylo ren (probably renamed as Darth Tempest or whatever) would try the mind trick but be surprised it wouldn't work. Rey enters a racing event with her speeder to win the portions


Luke is basically George Lucas.

From the other TFA thread:
- Luke is basically Lucas. Did a great thing (OT \ Destroyed the empire), tried again, got blasted for the results (PT \ Training a new Jedi order), walked away from it all (Selling Star Wars \ Self-exile)
This means we are getting a Disney execute giving him his lightsaber back after the trilogy?


There's only a couple scenes in the whole movie like that though. Clones and Sith are almost nothing but. So clearly the OT directors knew the limitations of scenes like that and using them sparingly enough to not make it a big issue. Lucas just went nuts with it in the PT.
This as well, he went crazy with it.
Didn't that Star Wars Episode 1 3D remake kind of bomb?

I think it says enough about what the people are thinking about the prequels and Luca's Star Wars.


LOL the "white slavers" bit is no joke, he clearly lets it slip out by accident. You can tell by his reaction saying crap I shouldn't have said that. Could be a costly slip of the tongue as it's going to be quoted everytime somone is discussing criticism for the new trilogy.


Say what you will, the first six movies do all feel very different from each other and TFA is a return to much of the story of a New Hope with the feel of Empire. I really think Lucas just wants Star Wars to be kids movies. Its not an opinion most of the fans share, but he did make most of them kid friendly to back that idea.


"Star Wars is a Disney movie"

"Star Wars is in good hands"

Didn't he also comment he thought the movie was good when he got a chance to preview it?

What happened George?


Didn't that Star Wars Episode 1 3D remake kind of bomb?

I think it says enough about what the people are thinking about the prequels and Luca's Star Wars.

It did about as much as Titanic and Lion King 3D IIRC.

I think it was Disney are the ones who decided to cancel the rereleases and push ep VII


Let's be honest George; you created all that "new" stuff to justify making new "toys" that sold horribly and became an ecological disaster.

I was a little surprised that TFA wasn't chalk full of new ships and whatnot to make toys out of then I remembered things like Star Wars Hot Wheels that Disney is licensing. They don't care what's in the movie they'll make new toys anyways.


Didn't that Star Wars Episode 1 3D remake kind of bomb?

I think it says enough about what the people are thinking about the prequels and Luca's Star Wars.

Yeah... The plan was to re-release all six Star Wars movies in 3D.

But they started with The Phantom Menace... and it didn't go so well.

"Star Wars is a Disney movie"

"Star Wars is in good hands"

Didn't he also comment he thought the movie was good when he got a chance to preview it?

What happened George?
Disney made a better Star Wars movie than George Lucas. That's what happened. It just took him awhile for it to sink in.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
I think what some people are missing is this.

Think about that long video Red Letter Media made trashing the Star Wars prequels.

Everyone remembers that, right?

Now imagine the prequels had never happened, and The Force Awakens had been released as the direct sequel to ROTJ.

It doesn't matter who made it or how similar it was to the original trilogy. There wouldn't be legions of fanboys laughing at it. There wouldn't be a Plinkett video skewering it.
Would there? Or would they be 6praising it for reintroducing audiences and new generations to star wars in its purest form after 40 years?


Speaking of Lucas, I thought this new Did You Know Gaming video on Star Wars was hilarious


Basically Lucas wanted to have input into a few games and it did not seem to go over very well. Wanting to call Starkiller from Force Unleashed "Darth Icky or Darth Insaneous" is amazing hahaha

He was a good idea guy and I know Star Wars wouldn't have happened with out him in the first place, but man does he come up with some really out there stuff. Sucks to see that he didn't like the new movie, I thought it was awesome.

Gray Matter

I really dislike the hate that Lucas gets.

I might be biased because the first Star Wars movies I ever saw were the prequel trilogy, it might also be that I was a young kid and fell in love with the Star Wars universe. I didn't even know the OT trilogy existed until after episode 3 was released. As I have gotten older and watched the OT, I can see how the prequels were poor movies compared to their counter part. I don't know, I just don't want to slot put the blame on Lucas for everything that went wrong with the prequels, there's a part of me that believes he put 100% effort into taking Star Wars into what he thought was the best, but obviously a great deal of people don't agree wit him.
I hate to say it, but TFA is my favorite Star Wars. Not sure if it will stick, though. I feel returning to what made the original trilogy great was a perfect step to take in reviving the movie franchise. Making your stuff different is great, but you shy away too much from criticism and you end with three lackluster films in as row. The "white slavers," are doing the movies better than you have in decades. It sucks, but George is too incompetent to know what Star Wars fans want.

So.... Disney and friends did it right. First Star Wars movie in thirty years
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