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Ghost Recon Wildlands Closed Beta Discussion Thread

Playing on PC I couldn't get my Xbox One controller to work. Like, it would "work", but every time I pressed a button it would rapidly alternate between controller and keyboard as the main input. Like, I'd push forward on the thumbstick and all the icons on the screen would rapidly flash between controller button icons and keyboard icons, and this led to incredibly spastic and unplayable controls.

Anyone else?


Might need to stop sniffing glue
Car controls are trash, but, you can get used to it. Gunplay works, and I had fun with fandoms tonight. It is VERY Far Cry in a group mixed with some elements of other games, but meh, I'm OK with that.

I didn't run into bugs but some textures on some captured/tortured/already dead NPCs looked straight up terrible. Like, Voodoo2 level low poly/textured OpenGL graphics. Most were good otherwise. Draw distance is pretty good. In game livestock looked terrible.

I'm still in for the game, but man I hope it improves. Should be some fun with friends.


Last mission ruins the beta. Like... bullet sponges? Everything good about the game up til that point gets tossed out. I hope the other cartel leaders aren't like that.


Last mission ruins the beta. Like... bullet sponges? Everything good about the game up til that point gets tossed out. I hope the other cartel leaders aren't like that.

Huh? No bullet sponge. My friends killed the cartel guy with a single grenade.

Really loved playing this co-op. It's more co-op Far Cry than Division imo.

Lip Syncing is bad, but doesn't matter.
Story is mediocre at best, but also doesn't matter.
Driving is.....pretty bad, but in a way that's only made things more fun so far.

Graphics are actually pretty amazing, not sure what the complaints are here. I guess some bad textures on stuff if you zoom in close? Maybe pop-in? I think the game looks phenomenal for its scale, and the draw distance is unreal.

I hope they can fix up some of the performance issues on PC, but this is definitely a Day 1 buy for me.


Played solo for about an hour.
There is a good game there but there are a lot of rough spots.
It feels like arma lite, the ai is okay certainly not as frustrating as arma can be but perhaps too much hand holding. Might have just been early game thou.

-The story is terribad.

-Voice acting also pretty shitty, certainly compared to The Division anyway.

-Vehicle driving is bad, road vehicles anyway, the physics are abysmal, you bounce off rocks and other vehicles in very unnatural ways. The vehicle damage and deformation is good but driving is just shit.

-I don't like the a lot of the pc controls, having to ironsight to make changes is goofy as fuck, controlling your team is not intuitive at all. Maybe I need more time with it but for the most part I do not trust them to do what I ask.

+graphics are pretty good cranked up, not division good but considering the size of the game world I'm impressed

+weapon upgrades are cool

+I don't mind the collectibles and parts concept,it's a bit goofy but the mechanics make sense and the upgrades I bought made sense and had an impact, even early in the game.

+AI is good, they do respond appropriately, personally I would prefer to play with the indicators off, I didn't check if that was an option

+drone is a cool idea, haven't gotten far enough to see what sort of impact it has on gameplay, feel might make things too easy

I initially wasn't sold on the game, the story is not good so to start I was disappointed but the gameplay and upgrade system felt fun and it grew on me, hopefully I get more time with it tomorrow


All of the voice acting, especially the player character voice acting, is abysmal.

Interrogations are hilarious in how the cartel guy's tone changes 3 times in as many lines.


Huh? No bullet sponge. My friends killed the cartel guy with a single grenade.

Really loved playing this co-op. It's more co-op Far Cry than Division imo.

Lip Syncing is bad, but doesn't matter.
Story is mediocre at best, but also doesn't matter.
Driving is.....pretty bad, but in a way that's only made things more fun so far.

Graphics are actually pretty amazing, not sure what the complaints are here. I guess some bad textures on stuff if you zoom in close? Maybe pop-in? I think the game looks phenomenal for its scale, and the draw distance is unreal.

I hope they can fix up some of the performance issues on PC, but this is definitely a Day 1 buy for me.

Fat lady took a clip before she went down with no armor. It's just not a Ghost Recon type of encounter.


Might need to stop sniffing glue
Most enemies went down with a solid headshot even from a pistol early in. Don't know how long that continues.


Played solo for about an hour.
There is a good game there but there are a lot of rough spots.
It feels like arma lite, the ai is okay certainly not as frustrating as arma can be but perhaps too much hand holding. Might have just been early game thou.

-The story is terribad.

-Voice acting also pretty shitty, certainly compared to The Division anyway.

-Vehicle driving is bad, road vehicles anyway, the physics are abysmal, you bounce off rocks and other vehicles in very unnatural ways. The vehicle damage and deformation is good but driving is just shit.

-I don't like the a lot of the pc controls, having to ironsight to make changes is goofy as fuck, controlling your team is not intuitive at all. Maybe I need more time with it but for the most part I do not trust them to do what I ask.

+graphics are pretty good cranked up, not division good but considering the size of the game world I'm impressed

+weapon upgrades are cool

+I don't mind the collectibles and parts concept,it's a bit goofy but the mechanics make sense and the upgrades I bought made sense and had an impact, even early in the game.

+AI is good, they do respond appropriately, personally I would prefer to play with the indicators off, I didn't check if that was an option

+drone is a cool idea, haven't gotten far enough to see what sort of impact it has on gameplay, feel might make things too easy

I initially wasn't sold on the game, the story is not good so to start I was disappointed but the gameplay and upgrade system felt fun and it grew on me, hopefully I get more time with it tomorrow

If you liked it solo, play with a friend. I enjoyed beating the first mission by myself, but the game is 10x better with friends.


Bullet Hit sounds are amazing so are blood spray.

But I find eje aiming a little clunky. Any tips for making it better?

Gunplay is satisfying as fuck and that alone might save this game.


First impression was extremely meh, which is a shame because the thought of a tactical coop shooter really intrigued me. Everything just feels so loose and the ai is abysmal. I'll try it on the hardest mode next because veteran is an absolute joke so far which makes it pretty damn boring. Maybe I'm remembering wrong but the interactions with enemies in FC4 seemed much more enjoyable.
First impressions are simply not good. After playing for an hour, I would much rather just be playing MGSV.

They worked on this for four years, but it definitely does not feel like it. As a shooter, it feels pretty clunky.


The only things that I've come away from the first day on the positive side is 1) the map is indeed huge. 2) shooting and landing shots is satisfying as hell.

Everything else? Eh :(
Fat lady took a clip before she went down with no armor. It's just not a Ghost Recon type of encounter.
First impressions are simply not good. After playing for an hour, I would much rather just be playing MGSV.

They worked on this for four years, but it definitely does not feel like it. As a shooter, it feels pretty clunky.

I'm definitely enjoying this game more than MGSV. MGSV was very dull.
Without SLI I just... can't. Ugh. Performance is awful and the only way to make it decent is to nerf the graphics to oblivion.

Gameplay is alright but once I started unlocking little things all over the map, I got flashbacks of Ubisoft fatigue. The super serious dialog and rather boring plot\setting don't really do anything for me either.


Gold Member
Impressions seem all over the place lol, anxious to try this out. I keep getting a can't connect error though :/



Ubi has had some great games lately.

This isn't

Development for 4 years? Makes sense, this is how all ubi games felt 4 years ago. This is one game that does not align with the quality of ubi today.
Who thought it was a good idea to have that first person view as the default aiming? It's even crazier that it remembers that view even when you switch the aiming to over the shoulder in the options. I get super disoriented to aim and then find myself staring down a ironsight. That's just sloppy ass design.

I'm definitely enjoying this game more than MGSV. MGSV was very dull.

That thought is just crazy to me. Especially with the way Ghost Recon opens with that awful cutscene and the way it simply drops you into a standard Ubisoft world.

Seriously, even when I was super excited for this game, it does a good job of demotivating you quite quickly.


Neo Member
It does run like a turd but turning off the vsync seems to be a solid fix for the stuttering. I'm running it with vsync off and borderless and there's a definite improvement, though still not steady 60fps.

I'm finding it to be fun though. Mix of MGS and Splinter Cell in a big open world.
Gotta say. This game is super satisfying. The controls feel good to me. Those saying that the cars control bad, I gotta disagree. Bikes do but cars dont.
This is... not very good.

I feel sorry for the guy in the introductory video because he seems genuinely proud, but there's little to redeem this game.

I can't see people getting hyped over this after the beta, perhaps ubi should delay the game a bit (1 year at least, hopefully 2) more, or just scrap it altogether and give us GRAW with online coop.


Neo Member
Gotta say. This game is super satisfying. The controls feel good to me. Those saying that the cars control bad, I gotta disagree. Bikes do but cars dont.

I've gotta agree with you about the vehicles. Drifting in a jeep at high speeds around dangerous curves feels pretty solid. Better than the driving in Ubi's Watch Dogs at the very least.


Just finished an online session with some randoms, and my enjoyment went up! All we did was mess around, but it was so much more fun than ordering around 3 a.i who don't seem to do jack shit.


4790k both stock
Running the game in 4k DSR and its smooth for me all settings maxxed. I have noticed no problems.


Neo Member
This is... not very good.

I feel sorry for the guy in the introductory video because he seems genuinely proud, but there's little to redeem this game.

I can't see people getting hyped over this after the beta, perhaps ubi should delay the game a bit (1 year at least, hopefully 2) more, or just scrap it altogether and give us GRAW with online coop.

Well I personally reported 5 bugs that I encountered throughout my hour long play session. It seems once again the tide has not brought in anything new from Ubisoft. On a fully maxed out PC this beta looked like a xbox 360 game, i'm just like.... what the fuck have the dev's been doing for the last 4 years with this game most of the assets seem to be copy and paste around the world anyhow so what did they spend all there time on?




Missed out on the beta since Ubisoft hates me ( missed for honor as well) but such mixed reviews for this game... I wanted it to be awesome but now I'm torn and will probably change from opening week to just Redbox and see for myself. Hopefully it runs good on the old PS4.
Exact opposite for me. Fat lady got hit by a stray bullet and died. Boyfriend went down like a punk in the morgue.

On ghosts I just ran up to her punched her out, ran to the basement shit her boyfriend in the kneecap and ran up to him and broke his neck lol.
I have an overclocked 980TI and the game runs sub 30 FPS at times at 3440x1440 (lower than 4K). Don't even have all settings maxed.

I want to point out the pro plays at 30 with frequent dips at a lower resolution than that. We may find that the performance is actually pretty in line across the systems.
This seems awfully rough for a game coming out as soon as it is... This might be a good wait and see game, I'm afraid it's going to be a mess on launch and for a while after. Hope I'm wrong but this beta makes it seem like the game needs another 6 months or so in the oven.
I'm typically a huge fan of Ubisoft games but I can't get into this one at all. I can only play 15-30 minutes spurts before I get frustrated then turn it off.

Pre-ordered looks like it will be getting canceled which is a shame, I really had high hopes for this one.
What is up the aiming cursor in this game? I'm aiming from cover, and then I find my shots bouncing off the cover instead of going towards the target I want to shoot.


Here's how MGSV handles this. It draws another cursor on screen so that the player knows exactly where their shots are going. I feel like this is basic third person shooter stuff these days. How GWR does not have this is simply lame.

Ubisoft open world is certainly more Immersive than MGSV's empty world!

A strong core game is far more important than having a million mildly uninteresting things to do.
I went on an intel gathering mission after the first mission and gave up. I don't think this is for me. I might try it again tomorrow if I'm bored...
Ubisoft open world is certainly more Immersive than MGSV's empty world!
That's hardly much of an accomplishment. Wildland's mechanics also seem at least 100% worse than MGSV's, so I'm not feeling like that tradeoff was totally great.


Might need to stop sniffing glue
Ran pretty solid on PS4 Pro though the audio during the intro was choppy and cut in and out in regards to voices, not all audio. Frame rate was pretty solid. Graphics are a mixed bag. HDR was on for me, I don't have a comparison for it off so I have no idea how different it is with it off and screen captures won't help others to offer opinions. I didn't catch any bugs during my few hours. The one time I thought I had it turns out the issue was a helicopter pilot pressed the change seat option and we all died when it crashed. We weren't sure why at first , then the pilot fessed up.
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