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Giant Bomb #23 | See you Space Cowboy...

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The Technomancer

card-carrying scientician
I think it works for Hitman, because it seems the team approached it as 'How can we give the player as many options as possible to take out a target, and how much of a 'playground' can we make it for them.'

While, the latest Thief for example, it seemed the team approached it as 'How can we make a AAA game with awesome moments'. The team behind Hitman definitely has it down on how to make a fun game.

Beyond even just that, stealth games since Thief 1 and 2 have just struggled to feature believable architecture. Games like Styx couldn't manage it. Dishonored only managed it for between a third and a half of its gameplay time.
Beyond even just that, stealth games since Thief 1 and 2 have just struggled to feature believable architecture. Games like Styx couldn't manage it. Dishonored only managed it for between a third and a half of its gameplay time.

Yeah....and on the tech side, like..Hitman isn't the best looking game out there, but because it's lacking on the graphic front, it's able to have a bunch of rooms that you can enter, and have a dense mansion with tons of rooms and tons of moving, viewable NPCs. And it does it without hitching the framerate.

You mentioned Dishonored, which does look impressive, but it inhibits its ability to have believable architecture at the same time.
Hey VR is pretty cool guys. I know it's not (yet) all it was cracked up to be software-wise, but when it's good it's goooood. Had some really incredible moment tonight playing paintball in Rec Room (they have GOT to play it on VRodeo, and for more than 5 minutes) and an archery game/demo called QuiVr.
I don't recall if I asked yet or not but have you tried Raw Data yet? It's by my company so I'm curious to see who likes it.
Game Tapes reminding me Mario Strikers is a dope series that should return on NX. And that Square-Enix made a not good Mario Basketball game on DS.

Donkey Kong Country didn't change the game. Reggie's fibbing.
I want them to do Nintendo's E3 2004 for Game Tapes.
Game Tapes reminding me Mario Strikers is a dope series that should return on NX. And that Square-Enix made a not good Mario Basketball game on DS.

Donkey Kong Country didn't change the game. Reggie's fibbing.

Yeah Mario Strikers is great.
Per Drew's request,


Reggie plays Lucio.


Game Tapes made me go find my old Game Boy Micro. Man, what a cool thing.

Oh man Metroid being a big deal for Nintendo in 2005 sure makes me depressed in 2016.


Unconfirmed Member
Its interesting for sure. Recently for Gamespot there's just been an exodus of alot of employees. Wonder what they're planning...
Nah, they've replaced most of them, too. Just watch The Lobby and not recognize anyone.
And they are looking for more: https://twitter.com/randolphramsay/status/767817587740647424

I wonder if Beast will put out a bunch of videos with Dan this week. It's honestly been a lot less than what I was anticipating.
They don't really hold back videos, so I wouldn't bet on that. But it's really not been that many, has it?


Since you mention Inquisition, do you enjoy playing that more? Because that game really wore me down mechanically.

3 is 2 mostly refined and blown up to an unbelievable scale, I'd wager you'll enjoy it more.

Yeah, I honestly enjoyed the gameplay of Inquisition more. I prefer the way that you slowly build up abilities as opposed to having your full arsenal right from the beginning, and the party system allowed for some more interesting combat scenarios along with cross-class combos. In all honesty, while the combat in Witcher 2 has gained some depth for me it's still not that great, IMO.

And I have to give the game some credit. They finally presented me with a nice hard choice in Chapter 3, so bravo game.
I don't recall if I asked yet or not but have you tried Raw Data yet? It's by my company so I'm curious to see who likes it.

I haven't yet! $40 seemed a bit steep at launch, but it seems like features and improvements have been added since then. I'll probably pick it up the instant it goes on sale. Maybe before then if I tire of my current VR library.
Man I love the one-two punch of Deus Ex and Dishonored this Fall. I can totally accept not getting a new (good) Thief game if both of those series continue to be as strong as they are now. Obviously neither is a direct Thief-analogue but they both scratch the same itch for me in their own unique ways.
Man I love the one-two punch of Deus Ex and Dishonored this Fall. I can totally accept not getting a new (good) Thief game if both of those series continue to be as strong as they are now. Obviously neither is a direct Thief-analogue but they both scratch the same itch for me in their own unique ways.

I was sick last week so I only got in a few hours of Deus Ex and this week I'll surely be spending all my time in WoW. It feels weird that there's a new Deus Ex game out and I won't be finishing it for a while..

(It doesn't help that my 7950 is having trouble maintaining stable performance in the game)


if this entire thing is a scam, i'll send Dan 50 bucks.
Nah the engagement is probably true but why not include it in the wrestling shenanigans.
Of course the wedding dress would also have a bare midrift for greg and Dan would be the only one oblivious of it.
I haven't yet! $40 seemed a bit steep at launch, but it seems like features and improvements have been added since then. I'll probably pick it up the instant it goes on sale. Maybe before then if I tire of my current VR library.
I think it was on sale for the first week, but it's still in early access so I can understand you waiting. It's got some awesome stuff in the works, though.
I think it was on sale for the first week, but it's still in early access so I can understand you waiting. It's got some awesome stuff in the works, though.

I've heard so many great things about it. I was just getting tired of the 360-degree shooting gallery-style VR game, so I skipped Raw Data at launch. By all accounts it's really quite more than that, I've realized.


It's kinda crazy how right on the money Nintendo was on so many things back at the Revolution reveal. Bummer their execution was terrible at spots.
Going to miss the live podcast today because I got stuff come up but I guess that means I could listen to the audio which ain't bad.

I really can't believe Resident Evil 4 is still getting released. It's been over 10 years. It's a great game, but I was pretty satisfied playing it on the Gamecube in 2005.

You better believe it.


Good stuff!


Per Drew's request,


Reggie plays Lucio.


Man, I just read that Gene Wilder passed away. RIP to one of the greats.


I was just watching the duders talk over E3 2015 and looked up ReCore since they seemed pretty pumped about.
It comes out in 14 days.
0 hype online from what've seen.


If they decided to go back to one office - but on the east coast, would anyone on staff object? Jeff is a home owner but seems to hate SF. Brad seems to like the city the most out of them, but you cant rent forever.


This is one of the shittiest threads I've seen on GAF in a while. Not only is the OP kinda ridiculous, but most of the people posting there are just there to make fun of him. How is this still a thing?

I thought that was going to be the guy defending Vita memory card pricing.

So, I'm watching the first (second?) Unprofessional Friday and Drew is showing is crazy flight simulator set up and saying he is going to take his first flight lesson that weekend. Didn't he say something similar in the Bombcast or is it just now he is taking his license? Seems like a big stretch of time.

Maybe I'm just stuck in a time loop...

I think he took a few lessons ages ago but finally decided to commit to going after the licence. Sounds like a massive money pit to me, but I guess it is better than buying dota items.

Y'all going into overdrive about Dan's engagement huh?

It is helps, for balance, I couldn't give a flying fuck :D


So I'm reading that Jim Sterling thread about micro transactions in Deus Ex and my first thought was "There were micro transactions?"

I've done 1 and a half playthroughs and I never noticed. It's not like they are restricting Praxis kits either.


So I'm reading that Jim Sterling thread about micro transactions in Deus Ex and my first thought was "There were micro transactions?"

I've done 1 and a half playthroughs and I never noticed. It's not like they are restricting Praxis kits either.

I like Jim Sterling but he knows his audience, and he knows a video about micro transactions will get him some views so he's kinda nitpicky sometimes
I spent a lot of time goofing around in DX and ended up only being about 20 praxis points from maxing literally everything on my first playthrough. so yeah the microtransactions are dumb but it's not like they intentionally unbalanced the game to sell it.
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