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Gigantic Open Beta Thread: It's not really a MOBA


In regards to bringing the game to steam, I think any sane gamer knows you want you game to be as widely available as possible. I'll just re-post the comment by our design lead on reddit:

"From the standpoint of a developer, you want your game everywhere so as many people can play it as possible. Sometimes there are business hurdles before you can do that. Sometimes there are technical hurdles. Regardless, we would love to have Gigantic be as accessible as possible.

We will be bringing the game to Arc next year, though I cannot comment at this time about whether or not that also means a Steam release. In the meantime, we need to do our best with building a player base and bringing in revenue on Xbox One and Windows 10. To that end, we're focused on fixing bugs, making improvements, and adding stuff to the game. We also really want the game to succeed and we know that we need to consistently do right by players to have a chance at that."

In regards to leveling heroes past 10, I have no idea. I don't see why we couldn't do that, but that's a question for the designers and I'm pretty out of the loop on their plans. Sorry dude.

Cool. Focusing on a platform that the game's been long part of seems like a good choice, even if that choice doesn't seem all that good from another's standpoint.

As a side note, are there any plans for monthly updates for the game or will updates hit when you guys feel you need to send them out?


No idea. It's crazy how a subtle change can alter things so much, but it's like I said in the example. Change 1 rule in a sport, and suddenly it feels like a different game.

on other maps you can build on "enemy" spots, so maybe not all your critique is because of patches?
This looks fun, but the animations look really flashy and overbearing. Do you ever get lost with what is going on on-screen during battles? If it isn't too bad I might give this a shot.


Senior Artist at Motiga
Oh man, I'm excited, I don't usually get a chance to talk about why I still enjoy Gigantic (I burn out on almost every game I play within a week, so me still enjoying it actually kind of crazy), so here comes a big fun wall of text!.

I've worked on gigantic for over four years, and I've seen it change a lot more than you can probably guess. It used to be a *very* different game; for example, there didn't used to be two guardians, and there wasn't anything like a "push". The fundamental mechanics and control style of the game were entirely different. (there's about a jillion other big evolutions, but that's for another post in the future maybe)

Gigantic has evolved so much in my time, I guess the changes flkraven mentioned just don't seem that important to me. I'm not saying he doesn't have any good points, and I agree with some of them... I just don't think any of them hurt the core of what makes gigantic fun: The combat, and the strategy of fighting over which team gets the next push.

For me, that's what makes me love playing Gigantic, it just *feels* great to play. Sure, there's plenty to say about whether or not it was better to prevent summoning during the clash, or restricting it to your team's side of the map... but those elements aren't the reasons I enjoy the game, they're secondary or tertiary details. Not irrelevant for sure, but not remotely game-breaking.

I wasn't all like "awww yeah I just love that you can summon so far away, I could do that shit all night" I was more like "damn that was a great fight!" or "holy shit I can't believe we got that push!".

And yeah, I do miss some things that were changed. I think everyone has some opinions like that about any game they've seen evolve (*cough* dota2), and I think that stuff is relevant and interesting to talk about. There are definitely a couple things I might have done differently if they asked my permission. But by and large, I think the changes have all been for the better, and have taken the rough (interesting and complex for sure, but very rough) gameplay of 18 months ago and honed it down to the essence of what makes Gigantic fun. I think the strategy of summons and pushes is strong, and I think the combat is fluid and intense.

Sorry if my pseudo-philosophical broad-strokes approach to this seems kinda bland and unspecific... but as a gamer, and someone who has watched Gigantic evolve for four years, that's how I see it.

And keep in mind it's still in beta, and there will definitely still be changes.

(seriously though, come on dude, that new UI is about a hundred billion times better than the old one, which was literally like fifteen different hacks slapped on top of eachother one at a time as we changed and added gameplay elements)


Oh man, I'm excited, I don't usually get a chance to talk about why I still enjoy Gigantic (I burn out on almost every game I play within a week, so me still enjoying it actually kind of crazy), so here comes a big fun wall of text!

I'm not a designer and I generally don't get involved in the game design discussions at motiga - I have my opinions, but I prefer to focus on my job, and I trust the designers to do their job. And I think I have to say this is my personal opinion and not Motiga's? Maybe? Well that's what it is, anyway.

I've worked on gigantic for over four years, and I've seen it change a lot more than you can probably guess. It used to be a *very* different game; for example, there didn't used to be two guardians, and there wasn't anything like a "push". The fundamental mechanics and control style of the game were entirely different. (there's about a jillion other big evolutions, but that's for another post in the future maybe)

Gigantic has evolved so much in my time, I guess the changes flkraven mentioned just don't seem that important to me. I'm not saying he doesn't have any good points, and I agree with some of them... I just don't think any of them hurt the core of what makes gigantic fun: The combat, and the strategy of fighting over which team gets the next push.

For me, that's what makes me love playing Gigantic, it just *feels* great to play. Sure, there's plenty to say about whether or not it was better to prevent summoning during the clash, or restricting it to your team's side of the map... but those elements aren't even close to the reasons I enjoy the game, they're secondary or tertiary details. Not irrelevant for sure, but not remotely game-breaking.

I wasn't all like "awww yeah I just love that you can summon so far away, I could do that shit all night" I was more like "damn that was a great fight!" or "holy shit I can't believe we got that push!".

And yeah, I do miss some things that were changed. I think everyone has some opinions like that about any game they've seen evolve (*cough* dota2), and I think that stuff is relevant and interesting to talk about. There are definitely a couple things I might have done differently if they asked my permission. But by and large, I think the changes have all been for the better, and have taken the rough (interesting and complex for sure, but very rough) gameplay of 18 months ago and honed it down to the essence of what makes Gigantic fun. I think the strategy of summons and pushes is strong, and I think the combat is fluid and intense.

Sorry if my pseudo-philosophical broad-strokes approach to this seems kinda bland and unspecific... but as a gamer, and someone who has watched Gigantic evolve for four years, that's how I see it.

I hope you can give it another chance flkraven, and try to give it a fresh look. It may not be the awesome thing it used to be, but IMO it's just morphed into a slightly different awesome thing in that time. And keep in mind it's still in beta, and there will definitely still be changes.

(seriously though, come on dude, that new UI is about a hundred billion times better than the old one, which was literally like fifteen different hacks slapped on top of eachother one at a time as we changed and added gameplay elements)

Thank you for the insight, I'd love to read more :D


Yeah, early builds of the closed beta had a fucking weird UI that made very little sense. The UI now is much cleaner and a lot more straightforward.
From a long time ago when the betas were only on weekends to now the game has changed a lot. Mostly for the better.

As far as I know the changes that are significant are the bloomers being not as op as they used to be. Thank god too because how the bloomers spawned pools made teams with momentum have even a better chance of steam rolling. That and how you can't build on the Opponents creature spawns. This makes all games pretty balanced for the most part.

Not one change made to the core game I disagree with and helps matches feel close as hell all the time.

Though character changes are good but I do feel when picking certain skills for griselema she can be a big fucking problem that will destroy you if you are a melee character. I love the character but please tone down the damage some and give her back 3 portal beast.

Exit: when do we get back pakko? Character was fun as hell.


From a long time ago when the betas were only on weekends to now the game has changed a lot. Mostly for the better.

As far as I know the changes that are significant are the bloomers being not as op as they used to be. Thank god too because how the bloomers spawned pools made teams with momentum have even a better chance of steam rolling. That and how you can't build on the Opponents creature spawns. This makes all games pretty balanced for the most part.

Not one change made to the core game I disagree with and helps matches feel close as hell all the time.

Though character changes are good but I do feel when picking certain skills for griselema she can be a big fucking problem that will destroy you if you are a melee character. I love the character but please tone down the damage some and give her back 3 portal beast.

Exit: when do we get back pakko? Character was fun as hell.

Griselwhatever is huge pain in the ass and I don't get her kit and how to kill her. She's the only char that gives me real problems understanding.
Mostly because I can not play her I guess.. :x

Mr Croft

Played the closed beta ages ago for like 5 or 6 days played. Just tried the open beta, and now I hate all the changed. The UI is loud and clunky, the way that creature building is handled, the way the clash works: the flow of the game feels like a mess now. Feels like it's geared towards casuals now.

Yup I have been playing since the first alpha test and yea the game has changed so much. I don't like it as much as before that's for sure. I don't like the change to clash either now. You can build after a creature dies in clash??? That used to be the whole point of rotating your team to take those powerful enemies out and force a fight for the orbs. On the flip side I like how at level 5 you get what used to be " clash ability". Kinda makes for some more interesting team fights early.


Yup I have been playing since the first alpha test and yea the game has changed so much. I don't like it as much as before that's for sure. I don't like the change to clash either now. You can build after a creature dies in clash??? That used to be the whole point of rotating your team to take those powerful enemies out and force a fight for the orbs. On the flip side I like how at level 5 you get what used to be " clash ability". Kinda makes for some more interesting team fights early.

This sounds like I don't get a Clahs correctly.

I assumed it's the moment, when both Gigantics meet in the middle and fight...?
So you can roam and kill the enemy team or their creatures.
Is there more to it?


This sounds like I don't get a Clahs correctly.

I assumed it's the moment, when both Gigantics meet in the middle and fight...?
So you can roam and kill the enemy team or their creatures.
Is there more to it?

Clash used to have a bit more weight to it. You'd go into it only with the creatures you had on the battlefield prior to it starting, and you could only upgrade the ones you had, not create new ones.

Now, it's simply a faster version of the early to mid game. I agree that the current version still needs tweaking to give it that weight to it, but I prefer what it is now for the moment.


Maybe things will get adjusted, it's still in Beta.

This game is fun but man is it a shit feeling getting stomped with 3 team mates who know NOTHING about the game.
It's no fun at all being stuck in a shit 15 minute game like that and not being able to leave

Also so many people leave midgame...


Also so many people leave midgame...
Hasn't happened to me yet thankfully.

Though character changes are good but I do feel when picking certain skills for griselema she can be a big fucking problem that will destroy you if you are a melee character. I love the character but please tone down the damage some and give her back 3 portal beast.
I've played her once or twice but didn't feel that powerful. Any tips? :D

Mr Croft

This sounds like I don't get a Clahs correctly.

I assumed it's the moment, when both Gigantics meet in the middle and fight...?
So you can roam and kill the enemy team or their creatures.
Is there more to it?

Well yes you are right. The gist of it is to make it more of all out fighting instead of the kinda "laning/farming" you do before clash. Before when you killed an enemies creature it was dead for good. Now you can rebuild it which completely changes clash from what it was. The less creatures you had the longer it takes for the Gigantic to power up to attack (or have enough shield to defend). Also how you can go to the creature pool and absorb the orb is new as well. That's why before if a team took your creature that orb was at risk of getting taken from the other team. Now you can just rebuild a baby and defend it.
Being able to collect an orb makes sense, Imo, as otherwise there is no chance, really, of comebacks.

Creatures are much slower to summon in clash, thus it's more about timing. I don't mind it. That said, I did have a verrrry long clash yesterday that was odd as the enemy team didn't push as they could have, so we won.
I will try to not make a long winded posts, but here are my main impressions from 2 games played today vs 140 hours played before:

1) The in-game UI is a nightmare. This is the change that I think was made for 'casuals' but it utterly destroyed the experience for me. Big bubbles constantly showing me where all the creatures are, the even bigger, bulkier health bar for the guardian, the tacky looking crosshair, and the labels for (A) (B) (C) etc. On top of that, the feedback regarding when your character leveled up seemed to be worse. I found myself not even knowing I leveled, but somehow always aware that the enemy has a cerberus on the other side of the damn world.

The entire game used to be played by using the map for strategy, but now the map is an after thought since everything is crammed into the playing space. It looks noisy as hell, and it ruins a lot of Gigantic's charm/art style. I can barely enjoy it for this reason alone. It's basically the worst elements of Battlefield 4's UI mess.

2) So I noticed this on my second game, but why are creatures spawn locations designated to one team or another? I could be wrong here, but on ghost reef I noticed that we could summon creatures on A B and C, but not the other 3 spawn locations since they were 'red'. On top of this, why the hell are we allowed to summon creatures during the clash now too? These two changes completely alter the flow/dynamic of the game. It doesn't even feel like Gigantic.

Early on the developers said that this is a game about 'commitment'. The way your crit multiplier works, the way your guardian gets energy, health drops after you kill someone: they all work together so you must commit in order to drive the enemy back. You can't half ass a push. But now with this change, there isn't any point to over committing. They can just rebuild their creature in the clash. Likewise, you aren't able to build there, so it's not like you can change the flow. The game is now about under committing. Build your creatures, and either lean on them or play this game like it's team death match.

The Rest) The game feels off. Maybe they changed how the numbers worked on the back end? The attacking felt a little slower, and the time-to-kill seemed a little faster? The input lag feels a bit different. The changes to how the skill tree works seemed unnecessary.

Tag all that in with the annoying UI and change in the overall flow, and Gigantic seems like an entirely different game to me. It's very difficult to describe if you weren't hard into Gigantic during the early days, but I'm left feeling super upset that people will never experience the game I played back then. Imagine if a sport like basketball changed the rules to where every shot is a 3 pointer and there is no shot clock: It would completely change the game, and it wouldn't be basketball anymore. That's how I feel about Gigantic.

Full disclosure, here is what I liked:
-Having an orb spawn in the middle of Ghost Reef is a great idea to keep the map from stalemating or keep it from becoming a boring grind at a choke point.
-Still love the art style of the characters

Also, it's not liked I was getting beaten on. My last match I had the top kills and second most assists while our team completely destroyed the opponents. It just didn't feel like Gigantic, and it hits me exceptionally hard since I absolutely love(d) this game. No hyperbole at all: I had Gigantic slotted in as my second favorite multiplayer game of the last 5 years (right behind Rainbow Six Siege), but these seemingly small changes completely kill it for me. I just feel rattled, like I lost a friend or something.

Edit: I will also add this - If they just released the Gigantic I played during the closed beta, I would've already bought the founders pack.

10 months ago I legit wrote one of the most popular guides on "how to" gigantic...(https://www.reddit.com/r/gigantic/comments/45vyr5/confused_read_this/)

..its one of the main reasons i didnt buy overwatch and likely the best moba i had ever played...

That being said, everything Flkraven mentioned in his post is entirely true and accurate imo. Was planning to day 1 the founders pack but now i likely won't be playing it again until its out of preview. Unfortunately some of the things they changed/added just alters the entire experience for me. I don't like being overly critical but i honestly feel like the devs spent the last 5 months adding unnecessary ui elements and tweeking major mechanics of the game so as to appeal to a more casual base... It honestly just feel like a game of TDM now with the objective being secondary. The clash use to be the most chaotic and exciting part of any match where teams that were getting rolled had their last opportunity to make a last stand...now i barely even differentiate between the clash and the rest of the match..its really a shame more people will never get to experience it in its prime...the great ones always die young.


Played last night, but only got to play the Ghost Reef map. At the end of a game, I only had an option to return the the main menu (unless I missed something) and when I started matchmaking again, I always got the same map.

Anyway, despite that, I enjoyed it a lot. Just have a question about orbs.

I understand that orbs go towards your power meter, but I'm not quite sure what causes the orbs to generate? So I summoned a creature last night, then evolved it, then after an amount of time, a yellow bar started to fill in the circle above it. When the circle was full, I could collect the orb.

What triggers the yellow bar to start filling? Is it just a set amount of time that has to pass? Does it need to be evolved before it happens? Do your kills trigger it? Something else?

Apologies in advance if I'm being really dim, but I don't quite understand this aspect of it :p
Played last night, but only got to play the Ghost Reef map. At the end of a game, I only had an option to return the the main menu (unless I missed something) and when I started matchmaking again, I always got the same map.

Anyway, despite that, I enjoyed it a lot. Just have a question about orbs.

I understand that orbs go towards your power meter, but I'm not quite sure what causes the orbs to generate? So I summoned a creature last night, then evolved it, then after an amount of time, a yellow bar started to fill in the circle above it. When the circle was full, I could collect the orb.

What triggers the yellow bar to start filling? Is it just a set amount of time that has to pass? Does it need to be evolved before it happens? Do your kills trigger it?

Apologies in advance if I'm being really dim, but I don't quite understand this aspect of it :p

Just read this.https://www.reddit.com/r/gigantic/comments/45vyr5/confused_read_this/

Its dated like i said but will still explain the orbs for you.


Played last night, but only got to play the Ghost Reef map. At the end of a game, I only had an option to return the the main menu (unless I missed something) and when I started matchmaking again, I always got the same map.

Anyway, despite that, I enjoyed it a lot. Just have a question about orbs.

I understand that orbs go towards your power meter, but I'm not quite sure what causes the orbs to generate? So I summoned a creature last night, then evolved it, then after an amount of time, a yellow bar started to fill in the circle above it. When the circle was full, I could collect the orb.

What triggers the yellow bar to start filling? Is it just a set amount of time that has to pass? Does it need to be evolved before it happens? Do your kills trigger it? Something else?

Apologies in advance if I'm being really dim, but I don't quite understand this aspect of it :p

Orbs generate randomly on two of the control points around the map (and sometimes on the center, uncontrolled point, in the case of Ghost Reef), one for each team's control points.

The yellow bar fills up every time you kill a player, kill a creature, or get a power orb. The number next to the bar (on the inside of both bars, right beneath the clash indicator at the very center top of the screen) indicates current power level out of 100.

A player kill = 10 power.
A creature kill = 20 power.
A power orb = 20 power.

This remains true in both early-mid-game and in Clash.

And right now, for some reason, it always seems like the matchmaking prefers Ghost Reef. Dunno why.
I don't really get how the changes have 'casualfied' it. Clash is more even now, in the sense that creatures can be summoned again, but that still doesn't stop a dominant team. If anything it prolongs the agony rather than accelerates it, and that is a problem if you consider the raison 'd'etre of the phase. Other than that, the UI is improved, which is a boon for all.

Clash needs something to give it back spice (and maybe that's the return of no more summons), but to me Gigantic is still the fun, crazy brawler MOBA shooter thing. Hopefully raven we will play together again!

Mr Croft

10 months ago I legit wrote one of the most popular guides on "how to" gigantic...(https://www.reddit.com/r/gigantic/comments/45vyr5/confused_read_this/)

..its one of the main reasons i didnt buy overwatch and likely the best moba i had ever played...

That being said, everything Flkraven mentioned in his post is entirely true and accurate imo. Was planning to day 1 the founders pack but now i likely won't be playing it again until its out of preview. Unfortunately some of the things they changed/added just alters the entire experience for me. I don't like being overly critical but i honestly feel like the devs spent the last 5 months adding unnecessary ui elements and tweeking major mechanics of the game so as to appeal to a more casual base... It honestly just feel like a game of TDM now with the objective being secondary. The clash use to be the most chaotic and exciting part of any match where teams that were getting rolled had their last opportunity to make a last stand...now i barely even differentiate between the clash and the rest of the match..its really a shame more people will never get to experience it in its prime...the great ones always die young.

This. I am really struggling to want to play this game further. The whole deal about commitment is so true. If you committed to those early captures and committed to destroying adult pets before clash you were rewarded for it. My friends that I started out with do not see what I see when I play the game now. They don't agree with me but they constantly bitch about every single thing about this build of the game. Oh well
I think bitching about everything is a bit unwarranted ;)

The game still plays like it did, just the rhythm has changed near the end of a match. Still get comebacks, still get stomps. Killing creatures still rewards you, orb control is still essential in all but the most imbalanced matches.


Gigantic has evolved so much in my time, I guess the changes flkraven mentioned just don't seem that important to me. I'm not saying he doesn't have any good points, and I agree with some of them... I just don't think any of them hurt the core of what makes gigantic fun: The combat, and the strategy of fighting over which team gets the next push.

I guess we will have to agree to disagree. The more I think about it, the more I can boil the problems down to 2 things: the noisy UI and being able to build creatures during the clash. I can understand a difference of opinion on the first thing, but how can you deny how much the second changes the game?

You talk about the 'strategy of fighting over which team gets the next push', but the strategies have now been reduced and simplified, since the variables remain largely the same during the clash just in a tighter space. The clash used to be all out mayhem: this was the moment that a half decent, struggling team could largely change the game balance. Are you losing? Well, anticipate when the clash will begin, keep and eye on the landscape, and know where the healer from garden was going to move to. Clash begins: run and take out their primary healer before they realize what's up.

Now the clash is just the toys being moved from 1 box to the other. And there is no need to commit or 'tower dive'.

I can't speak as someone that worked on this game. I can only speak as someone that committed over a hundred hours to it a year ago, someone who posted guides on reddit, someone who begged Microsoft not to cancel it when MS was closing down studios, someone who had all of the badges unlocked several times over, and just someone that genuinely loved this game more than any other (literally). As a passionate fan of the game, I can safely say it does not feel like the game I fell in love with. I can't pinpoint or articulate it exactly since I am not a game designer, it just feels completely different. The flow, the look, etc - it's lost the charm. The magic is just gone.

I don't mean to come off as harsh, but I am just genuinely shattered. Zero hyperbole - this is probably the most disappointed I've been this generation. It feels like my favorite game just got destroyed (or like it never existed, since it was beta?) I am heavily biased in favor of this game, and the only reason I didn't play more is because of how much I was certain I would be buying the founders pack. I was the most committed of the committed: a guaranteed buyer. This felt like an esport to me, something I could watch for hours on twitch. I break down and play 1 day of the open beta: I won't be buying the founders pack, and I may never try the game again. So while it may not be important to you, it clearly was very important to me (and a few of my friends who were also heavily into gigantic).


When I first watched all the trailers and stuff when it was first announced I was very excited. But then one day I read it was going f2p and my excitement just flew out the window.

All that said if I could pay a one time price to unlock all heroes then I'll give it a whirl.

I'll look into it more and see how much heroes cost. Game does look like a lot of fun. But you know a lot of guys are in my shoes with lots of games to play already (titanfall 2 & Overwatch) and we don't have to grind for new heroes. But I have no problem at all if Founder's Pack unlocks all present and future heroes

[edit] Just read up on Founder's pack doesnt include all future heroes so I'm probably gonna pass for now


When I first watched all the trailers and stuff when it was first announced I was very excited. But then one day I read it was going f2p and my excitement just flew out the window.

All that said if I could pay a one time price to unlock all heroes then I'll give it a whirl.

I'll look into it more and see how much heroes cost. Game does look like a lot of fun. But you know a lot of guys are in my shoes with lots of games to play already (titanfall 2 & Overwatch) and we don't have to grind for new heroes. But I have no problem at all if Founder's Pack unlocks all present and future heroes

[edit] Just read up on Founder's pack doesnt include all future heroes so I'm probably gonna pass for now

There's a founders pack for $39.99 that includes all of the heroes and the 4 upcoming heroes. Granted who knows how many we'll get after that, depends on if the game is successful I assume.


Senior Artist at Motiga
I guess we will have to agree to disagree.

Gigantic is still very much in beta, and things will still change. I don't know if you know how much of the game we changed based on feedback from the core testing group. We definitely appreciate feedback, especially from people like you who've played so long and know the game better than most of us developers. I'm just saying, if you still really enjoy the other parts of the game and want to play, it's not time to throw up your hands and walk away yet. Show's not over.

A lot of people share your opinion about the clash summoning changes, and I have no idea how set on keeping them the designers are, but making a case to change it back won't be ignored. Personally I miss the clash summoning restrictions as well, and I suspect that as more of the new open beta player base reaches higher levels of play, we may see calls for it make a return. (again, personal opinion here, not a promise, and I'm not a high level player)

I wasn't joking when I said the old UI was a pile of hacks. It was never actually designed as a single UI layout, it was just a big pile of garbage, and had become so hacky that we couldn't really do anything with it. The new UI is our first attempt at actually designing it as a clean, cohesive layout. It too will also certainly change as open beta progresses, lord knows there's about a million things we've been wanting to do for years that we still haven't had time to do.

I'm sure you've already made your opinions known to the dev team about this stuff, and most of the things you mentioned are still open conversations here at the studio. I'm just elaborating about this so much because the testers' opinions have and continue to be a major factor in how we develop the game, you guys know Gigantic better than almost anyone, and we still want your feedback.



Currently I feel like Clash is just a map shift.
Nothing more. The game is more fast paced because the map is smaller and there's more shared points (also I think you can build on any point in Clash) but overall it's just the same as before. Is it supposed to be any different from the players perspective except your Clash Perk being active?

Also will there be more than 10 hero levels?


Gigantic is still very much in beta, and things will still change. I don't know if you know how much of the game we changed based on feedback from the core testing group. We definitely appreciate feedback, especially from people like you who've played so long and know the game better than most of us developers. I'm just saying, if you still really enjoy the other parts of the game and want to play, it's not time to throw up your hands and walk away yet. Show's not over.

A lot of people share your opinion about the clash summoning changes, and I have no idea how set on keeping them the designers are, but making a case to change it back won't be ignored. Personally I miss the clash summoning restrictions as well, and I suspect that as more of the new open beta player base reaches higher levels of play, we may see calls for it make a return. (again, personal opinion here, not a promise, and I'm not a high level player)

I wasn't joking when I said the old UI was a pile of hacks. It was never actually designed as a single UI layout, it was just a big pile of garbage, and had become so hacky that we couldn't really do anything with it. The new UI is our first attempt at actually designing it as a clean, cohesive layout. It too will also certainly change as open beta progresses, lord knows there's about a million things we've been wanting to do for years that we still haven't had time to do.

I'm sure you've already made your opinions known to the dev team about this stuff, and most of the things you mentioned are still open conversations here at the studio. I'm just elaborating about this so much because the testers' opinions have and continue to be a major factor in how we develop the game, you guys know Gigantic better than almost anyone, and we still want your feedback.

I appreciate you listening. I didn't delete the game, so I'll give it a whirl in the future. Pass along any feedback you can. I would love if I could at least toggle off all the UI that shows enemy creatures on my team, etc. I don't need to see enemy creatures way in the back lol.

Currently I feel like Clash is just a map shift.
Nothing more. The game is more fast paced because the map is smaller and there's more shared points (also I think you can build on any point in Clash) but overall it's just the same as before. Is it supposed to be any different from the players perspective except your Clash Perk being active?

Also will there be more than 10 hero levels?

The whole game was based around the clash basically. You prepared in the first half, so you were set up properly for the clash. You made sure healers were in the right spot, etc. Once the clash began, you had to rush over there to either defend your prep or take down theirs. You 'set up' in the first half, and you had to 'commit' in the second half. The clash is when things get really weighty, since everything is permanent. If you lose your healers, you sure as hell better take down there's because there was no rebuilding. Now it's just a 'map shift'. What used to be the central and most important part of the game is now just a map shift.


The whole game was based around the clash basically. You prepared in the first half, so you were set up properly for the clash. You made sure healers were in the right spot, etc. Once the clash began, you had to rush over there to either defend your prep or take down theirs. You 'set up' in the first half, and you had to 'commit' in the second half. The clash is when things get really weighty, since everything is permanent. If you lose your healers, you sure as hell better take down there's because there was no rebuilding. Now it's just a 'map shift'. What used to be the central and most important part of the game is now just a map shift.

Oh this sounds like an intense part of the game. I still like the map shifts and find them clever but I never saw any weight behind it because basically nothing changes.
A shame I did not witness it because I like this idea better.

Chris R

Crossplay between Xbone and PC? I'll have to download it and give my roommate a try. He's been looking for a new game to play with other people


Looks like an interesting game. The art style is very appealing IMO, I'll probably give it a shot on PC this weekend. I am a bit of a sucker for "get everything" founder packs (well, in this case, mostly everything) so if it comes off well I'll probably go for it.

One thing I was trying to find the answer to was: how long is a typical match? Does the "clash phase" act like a sudden death and stay like that until one team loses? If so, is the clash on a timer or does something trigger it?

One of the reasons I've mostly stopped playing Dota 2 is that the match length is untenable. Hour-long+ games are too much for me. If the clash operates like a "okay this match has gone on too long NOW YOU FIGHT" release valve, that sounds like a great idea.



What are the timers on the left?

Looks like an interesting game. The art style is very appealing IMO, I'll probably give it a shot on PC this weekend. I am a bit of a sucker for "get everything" founder packs (well, in this case, mostly everything) so if it comes off well I'll probably go for it.

One thing I was trying to find the answer to was: how long is a typical match? Does the "clash phase" act like a sudden death and stay like that until one team loses? If so, is the clash on a timer or does something trigger it?

One of the reasons I've mostly stopped playing Dota 2 is that the match length is untenable. Hour-long+ games are too much for me. If the clash operates like a "okay this match has gone on too long NOW YOU FIGHT" release valve, that sounds like a great idea.

The matches for me take between 15 and 30 minutes, depending on how well your team interacts with each other etc. The Clash phase isn't like sudden death, it intesifies the action and makes the map smaller.


So im on a laptop and it's not rare that i have to use nvidia control panel to switch a program's allegiance to my dedicated gpu. I dunno if it's cuz of windows 10 but im pretty confused how to do this with gigantic. I was able to find an executable in the windowsapps folder but setting it to use my gpu didnt seem to affect the awful performance, like im fairly sure it's still using my integrated gpu. Any tipz?
The clash occurs after a few attack phases. The clash can now last a while longer than it used to, but nowhere near DOTA levels. A long long game is 40 mins, very rare in my experience.


So im on a laptop and it's not rare that i have to use nvidia control panel to switch a program's allegiance to my dedicated gpu. I dunno if it's cuz of windows 10 but im pretty confused how to do this with gigantic. I was able to find an executable in the windowsapps folder but setting it to use my gpu didnt seem to affect the awful performance, like im fairly sure it's still using my integrated gpu. Any tipz?

Is it possible for you to change the 3D settings globally? per https://gearsofwar.com/en-us/games/ultimate-edition/pc/help (another windows store app):
Open the NVIDIA Control Panel
Select Manage 3D Settings
Select High-Performance NVIDIA processor in the ‘Preferred graphics processor’ menu
Select Apply

In general getting 3rd party stuff to play with Windows Store Apps is.. kinda rough. a quick google didn't yield anything specifically helpful about getting the nvidia control panel to recognize individual apps.


Is it viable to share builds in this game?
If so, anyone got any nice tips for ~every char on what's really useful and what better not to take?

No idea there. I'd like to see more, and I don't think it would be hard to do, but don't know what the designers are thinking. Sorry bud.

Thank you!
10 levels is fine in theory, but if a match goes on for longer, you're kind of stuck at progression
What are the timers on the left?
The red ones with the hourglass? I believe that is the duration till the creature is fully summoned

Is it viable to share builds in this game?
If so, anyone got any nice tips for ~every char on what's really useful and what better not to take?
Yea its viable to share builds. But everyone has their own style of playing of course ;)

Give a shot at http://builder.ggunleashed.com it doesnt have default builds, but it is easy to share build with. I believe there recently was also a reddit thread with builds in it
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