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Google Strikes Again: All YouTube Comments Are G+ Username Only

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You don't have to use your real name on YouTube; you can create a Google+ Page instead of a Google+ profile. It will still be linked to a real name behind the scene, but that isn't shown publicly.

NeoGAF already works the exact same way since Evilore knows your real name from the non-free e-mail adress you used to register to the forum.

EviLore knows my name is shidoshi?!

As shidoshi pointed out, we just check that the e-mail is non-free, not that it has your name.

The idea is to limit re-registration, not know who you are.


The new comment ranking system ("Top Comments") has exposed more racist and offensive comments in two days than I've seen over the past year.

The Real Abed

To the people who think this is a good idea - post your real names in this thread.
Rogue Carrot.

Because the only thing I use Google+ for is to have it for situations like this. I don't actually use it. And I just changed my "real name" to a fake username just to have it show on my channel.

It's not that hard. The only people who should care about this change are people who actually wanted to use Google+ for Google+. Is there even anyone who does? I mean, shit. I have a FaceBook and Twitter account for being social... oh, and a GAF account. But Google+ is for YouTube and YouTube only. Before the YouTube integration though, it was just sitting there unused and unloved. So it's just glad to be recognized.

Also I changed my "real name" to that after a GAF member suggested it. You people should try it.


As shidoshi pointed out, we just check that the e-mail is non-free, not that it has your name.

The idea is to limit re-registration, not know who you are.
that is just what someone collecting our identities would want us to think!
I think this is amazing.

If you're an idiot, let it shine throughout all of the internetz land

and follow you like pig pen's cloud for all to see


it's probably best for most people to keep their mouths shut
lol@people thinking this is a good change. the comments of the video linked earlier look like a thread from 4chan /b/ and none of these people post with their real name.

To me it's just a another nail in the coffin. The youtube experience was almost unbearable anymore before anyway.

Keep making it shittier google. The more ther's hope that some other video streaming service will rise in popularity and replace youtube eventualy.
Could almost be a new thread in itself:

Co-founder of Youtube makes first comment in 8 years


exactly how I feel.

I don't want a google+ because I will never use it, I have been happy with my current youtube account since I made it ages ago, I get sick of being asked near daily on youtube to convert or merge account, NO I DON'T WANT TO.

Good thing I hardly leave feedback on videos but how long before they lock away your follows or faves behind google+


It is beyond me how you fix what is not broken and then break it!
I mean, first they get really annoying with this account merging stuff and now I can't even reply to other comments?


And I never asked for Google+.
I made the mistake of using my real name on Huffington post, and every other fucking shit cock started being a racist prick.

I'll continue to not bother posting anywhere until hateful fucks get banned.


This is ridiculous. It's not only the Google+ thing, it's just that the comments section is a mess. Why did they have to get rid of the two best comments? That was part of Youtube.

I can't believe some people start campaigns to get Antonio Banderas advertise the PS4 but not for this. I've signed every petition I've seen and I hope these dumbasses at Google who claim to be open and cool but are nothing different than Microsoft and Apple don't get away with this bullshit.


Google products have gone down the shitter.
Worse than microsoft.

Whats next.. are they going to link the videos i've watched on youtube to my google+ page?

Privacy.. whats that?
Google is godawful now. No one gives a flying fuck about Google+. It's a failure, move the fuck on. Am I the only that notices lag in the comment section?


For any Firefox users with NoScript: ClearClick protection must be unchecked for trusted sites to be able to type in the comment box now. Find the checkbox under Settings>Embeddings.

Was driving me mad trying to figure why I couldn't type in the comment box yesterday.


Google is godawful now. No one gives a flying fuck about Google+. It's a failure, move the fuck on. Am I the only that notices lag in the comment section?

Regardless of Google+ (Google could establish the same type of comment system by forcing you to sign up with Facebook, Twitter, or an OpenID), this new commenting system is supposed to allow for greater moderation control, greater transparency, more community involvement for a particular channel, and more relevant comments. It should, theoretically, force the development of a tighter, more individual culture around each specific channel. They seem to really want people to share, subscribe, and watch much more.

Though, Google+ is the main sticking point here for many users, there is an attempt here to do more than make people sign up for Google+. There seems to be an attempt to fundamentally change the way the entire YouTube community works wholesale from top to bottom.


This is garbage, and a result I just won't post any more comments if I'm not able to keep an alias.

I also don't understand how every Youtube thread here the past year has been "No, I don't want to use my fucking name, quit asking" and the majority of this thread is applauding this decision.


After this update, the comment section doesnt even load for me. Anyone know what's up?

It works when in Incognito mode but that doesnt make any sense since all the extensions that work in Incognito are the ones that block stuff like Collusion, Ghostery, Noscript and whatever.
This is ridiculous. It's not only the Google+ thing, it's just that the comments section is a mess. Why did they have to get rid of the two best comments? That was part of Youtube.

I can't believe some people start campaigns to get Antonio Banderas advertise the PS4 but not for this. I've signed every petition I've seen and I hope these dumbasses at Google who claim to be open and cool but are nothing different than Microsoft and Apple don't get away with this bullshit.

Campaigns will do nothing. Everytime Googletube has an update, there's a huge backlash, but Google just sits and ignores it all until people get tired and deal with it. They know that they don't really have to give a shit about bad PR since Youtube has such a huge presence in western streaming that isn't matched.
After this update, the comment section doesnt even load for me. Anyone know what's up?

It works when in Incognito mode but that doesnt make any sense since all the extensions that work in Incognito are the ones that block stuff like Collusion, Ghostery, Noscript and whatever.

Not sure if this is the same situation:
For any Firefox users with NoScript: ClearClick protection must be unchecked for trusted sites to be able to type in the comment box now. Find the checkbox under Settings>Embeddings.

Was driving me mad trying to figure why I couldn't type in the comment box yesterday.
Don't they ban G+ accounts if you can't autenticate yourself?

Anyway, i won't use my real name on YouTube, i don't care what i can't do.
I'm not a jerk on the internet, and i don't hide behind anonymity for that reason, i just don't feel comfortable splattering my name around everywhere, so whatever, i'll stop using YouTube comments.
Most of them were either "great video" or "what music is that one?" anyway.

Ironically, my biggest problem is not with the fact that you now need a G+ account, but that almost all of the formatting and limit options are completely FUBAR'd.

The coding where putting your mouse over a comment and having the timestamp highlights it, thus allowing you to click on it and immediately go to that spot in the video? Gone.

The character limits are gone, and I've seen several instances of people posting insanely long spam comments (most of which have to do with centipede gifs) in the comment section. Moderation seems to be gone completely.

Top comments are now tied to G+ accounts, thus letting YT users see people's status updates - some of which have little-to-no relation to the video itself.

Top comments are also subject to long comment chains, thus dragging each respective video's page out needlessly and resulting in a large amount of unneeded white space in the last 2/3'rds of the page.

There's no reason why only new comments are only allowed to be upvoted, nor any explanation given.

Instead of simply being able to flag a comment as spam with a one click, now I'm forced to go into a pop-up window in the page that gives me a selection of options to choose from, half of which have rarely (if ever) been a problem on the site.

What a clusterfuck. Until they get their act together, I'm not going to comment on any videos. Considering I've had an account on the site for the last seven years, that's saying something.
I really hate everything YouTube has done since Cosmic Panda.

I want my old account with history, watch laters, and videos. Stop trying to peddle your bullshit on me.


Great, now everyone will know I'm Keanu Reeves.

It's cool to be smug and pithy while forgetting employers are increasingly using the internet to look people up. If there was a way to tag people who search for your profile I wouldn't have a problem with this.
Screw this. I have a few gmail accounts from over the years, making separate psn's and what not. Three of them had a google + account attached to it. I logged in with all of my google accounts to check what had a google + account and I deleted ALL of them. I barely used G+, but I also don't want them integrating it into youtube. That just annoys me and makes me think worse of google +. I also wrote them three different messages (in the section, "why are you leaving us?") complaining about the google + and youtube integration and how awful it is.
The youtube experience was almost unbearable anymore before anyway.

Please make me understand what people mean when they say this. What do you do exactly on Youtube?

For me, I click a link and watch a video. It is a very simple order of operation.

When comments like this are made, I get really confused how watching videos on Youtube can get any worse or any better for that matter?

There's videos, you watch them and...???


Please make me understand what people mean when they say this. What do you do exactly on Youtube?

For me, I click a link and watch a video. It is a very simple order of operation.

When comments like this are made, I get really confused how watching videos on Youtube can get any worse or any better for that matter?

There's videos, you watch them and...???

Even the basic act of watching videos has went downhill in the past year or so. You used to be able to pause the video and let it completely load in the background (to avoid buffering) but that's not possible anymore.

Tons of people have buffering issues even on super fast ISP's due to YouTube switching to crappy cache servers or something like that. They also put the resolution settings and annotations toggle under another menu so it's an extra click to change that stuff now, etc.


Personally the issue I have with google+ is that everytime you join something to it the default setting seems to be to share everything publicly.

I have mine locked down so that it is a page with my name on and no picture but its still annoying as fuck having to unchecked boxes every time you use it to sign in for something.
YouTube comments were like the cesspool of humanity. I hope this cleans things up a little bit.

P.S. Google relaxed their real names on G+ policy awhile back.
Even the basic act of watching videos has went downhill in the past year or so. You used to be able to pause the video and let it completely load in the background (to avoid buffering) but that's not possible anymore.

Tons of people have buffering issues even on super fast ISP's due to YouTube switching to crappy cache servers or something like that. They also put the resolution settings and annotations toggle under another menu so it's an extra click to change that stuff now, etc.

YouTube is responsible for 75% of all North American Internet traffic. The amount of data they serve every day is staggering. No one should be surprised they are taking steps to limit the amount of data consumed, as it is growing exponentially year over year.
Pretty soon they're just going to go ahead and require you to get a Google+ account to have an account on YouTube.

They're already really close with constant nagging notifications and making comments Google+ exclusive...all in preparation for one last step.
Trolls will make fake names and continue posting shit comments as much as ever. People who aren't trolls but value a modicum of privacy, like me, will simply not post comments. Therefore the ratio of garbage comments will probably go up not down.

If I wanted to use my real name, I would have made my account with my real name in the first place. That I, along with virtually every youtube user, didn't should be a fucking hint to Google that most of us don't want this.

Seriously, every time I read 'Google does ...' I fully expect it to make something worse, and I'm not wrong. Great work Google, way to keep that quality brand.
I don't mind the lack of anonymity, but I do mind how purely Google defines a real name as Firstname Lastname when I use my middle initial to differentiate myself from at least dozens of other Joshua Slones out there. As a workaround I told it my nickname was "Joshua J. Slone", but this had resulted in stupid things like Google asking me to change my G+ profile URL to things like /joshuajoshuajsloneslone

Angry Fork

I haven't used my youtube account in forever as I don't care about commenting on vids, but I don't like the way it looks now. I like that conversations are threaded but sometimes it doesn't seem to work or show up properly, like it only shows up in the first few convos, but if you press load more it doesn't do that anymore.

I wish there was an option to be able to load all comments at once without having to go to a new separate page. I hate the 'load more' shit. I'm not a noob let me scroll down a huge sheet of comments.

Video issues are much worse than this controversy though. You can't skip to any part in a video anymore, it just won't play and you have to reload the page to skip to a specific part because of their stupid buffering shit. I'm not the type to blow changes out of proportion and act like it's the end of the world but this one really is bad and made the video watching experience dramatically worse.
So I just deleted my youtube account. When I made my account, having an account meant when you had a homepage that would just straight up give you a concise list of what your subscriptions uploaded. Those were the days when the goal of web design was to give the user the stuff they want so they click on links and you get page views.

Now Youtube is run the Google Way the homepage is just a bloated mess of bullshit I don't want, white space and scrolling I use it so much less frequently. The fucking inconvenient nagging now basically outweighs any convenience I gain from having an account. Now I can't even comment with any privacy there's just no point. I'll just bookmark the pages of my subscriptions.


thanks for the laugh
sometimes i worry that google knows everything about me.

then i see their list of recommended channels and videos and let out a sigh of relief.
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