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Google Strikes Again: All YouTube Comments Are G+ Username Only

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paid requisite penance
So is it because of this change that my youtube account always defaults to the wrong account (where I have NO subscriptions or favorite videos) now? How do I switch to the right account once and for all?


Junior Member
So is it because of this change that my youtube account always defaults to the wrong account (where I have NO subscriptions or favorite videos) now? How do I switch to the right account once and for all?

I also had this after accidentally hitting to use Google+, instantly reverted back.

This change is absolute rubbish. Another example of Google using their power to try and push G+ upon everyone. They've been doing it across most of their products. Maybe they should take the hint that noone wants to use G+.
Ironically, my biggest problem is not with the fact that you now need a G+ account, but that almost all of the formatting and limit options are completely FUBAR'd.

The coding where putting your mouse over a comment and having the timestamp highlights it, thus allowing you to click on it and immediately go to that spot in the video? Gone.

The character limits are gone, and I've seen several instances of people posting insanely long spam comments (most of which have to do with centipede gifs) in the comment section. Moderation seems to be gone completely.

Top comments are now tied to G+ accounts, thus letting YT users see people's status updates - some of which have little-to-no relation to the video itself.

Top comments are also subject to long comment chains, thus dragging each respective video's page out needlessly and resulting in a large amount of unneeded white space in the last 2/3'rds of the page.

There's no reason why only new comments are only allowed to be upvoted, nor any explanation given.

Instead of simply being able to flag a comment as spam with a one click, now I'm forced to go into a pop-up window in the page that gives me a selection of options to choose from, half of which have rarely (if ever) been a problem on the site.

What a clusterfuck. Until they get their act together, I'm not going to comment on any videos. Considering I've had an account on the site for the last seven years, that's saying something.

Yeah, that's pretty bad :( Additionally, you can't open "All the comments" in a new tab anymore (middle click doesn't work and there's no right click option).


I have a question: does the monetization block expire? Checked my settings after discovering I somehow have a G+ profile I have no idea how it appeared and surprisingly while I still have videos with "recognised 3rd party content", I could monetize my other videos, which I couldn't last time I checked. I'd have to check, but I think I regained my ability to upload non-public videos as well (instead of just public or totally private).

I was wondering if it could have something to do with this G+ profile and me trying to disconnect it from my channel.

(it's not like I have anything to monetize, though)
I feel like Google would've been better off if they'd done this backward. Waited to introduce the social site—plus.google.com—until Circles for contacts, persistent identities etc. were already in place across all their other services.

By introducing the site first, and calling the site itself 'Google+', they've created a scenario in which any mention of Google+ (the service) immediately makes people feel that a Facebook competitor is being shoved down their throat. But Google+ (the service) is really a broad reshaping of how Google profiles in general are managed. It's not specifically or exclusively about the website. That's why they keep pushing Google+ (the service), even though Google+ (the site) doesn't excite everyone.
Just dont sign in. I have all of the channels I'm interested in bookmarked. It isnt like the activity feed was worth a shit anyway. You already had to go to the channel page if you wanted to see what the newest video was due to the subscriptions activity page being a clusterfuck.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
I feel like Google would've been better off if they'd done this backward. Waited to introduce the social site—plus.google.com—until Circles for contacts, persistent identities etc. were already in place across all their other services.

By introducing the site first, and calling the site itself 'Google+', they've created a scenario in which any mention of Google+ (the service) immediately makes people feel that a Facebook competitor is being shoved down their throat. But Google+ (the service) is really a broad reshaping of how Google profiles in general are managed. It's not specifically or exclusively about the website. That's why they keep pushing Google+ (the service), even though Google+ (the site) doesn't excite everyone.

That may have also worked better in the context of the "real name" business. If Plus had been rolled out last with the caveat you must display a certain name on *just* that site and nowhere else, I doubt there would have been much of an outcry.

By launching into Plus and the War of Names first, they've pushed a contentious system which is still being adjusted and argued over into every other product.
A facebook competitor *is* being shoved down our throats. And it's a shitty competitor at that. If it were worth a flying fuck then they wouldn't need to use such underhanded methods to try and inflate their numbers.

I'll just not comment on Youtube videos. And if they go farther than that I'll just give up youtube. It's bad enough signing into one google app on my iPhone auto-logs me into ALL of my google apps.

They need to change their motto from "Don't be evil" to "Don't be arrogant douchenozzles".
A facebook competitor *is* being shoved down our throats. And it's a shitty competitor at that. If it were worth a flying fuck then they wouldn't need to use such underhanded methods to try and inflate their numbers.

I'll just not comment on Youtube videos. And if they go farther than that I'll just give up youtube. It's bad enough signing into one google app on my iPhone auto-logs me into ALL of my google apps.

They need to change their motto from "Don't be evil" to "Don't be arrogant douchenozzles".

If they truly wanted to shove the Facebook competitor down our throats, they'd just loop YouTube into G+ directly, as G+ videos. And maybe someday they will. But at the moment, they're still content to leave us commenting on YouTube itself, a platform which honestly doesn't feel very 'Google' at all, but with those comments powered by G+ as a kind of backend.

I think if we look ONLY at the Facebook competitor angle, Google's actions here just seem confusing. After all, they pulled the plug on Buzz a lot quicker than this. But decisions like these are not really meant to push G+: the website. They're meant to push G+: the enhanced Google profile. Which, for people who take issue with Google, should actually seem a lot more pernicious.
If they truly wanted to shove the Facebook competitor down our throats, they'd just loop YouTube into G+ directly, as G+ videos. And maybe someday they will. But at the moment, they're still content to leave us commenting on YouTube itself, a platform which honestly doesn't feel very 'Google' at all, but with those comments powered by G+ as a kind of backend.

I think if we look ONLY at the Facebook competitor angle, Google's actions here just seem confusing. After all, they pulled the plug on Buzz a lot quicker than this. But decisions like these are not really meant to push G+: the website. They're meant to push G+: the enhanced Google profile. Which, for people who take issue with Google, should actually seem a lot more pernicious.

G+ is a piece of shit and they're scrambling for an angle now that it failed miserably as a social networking competitor to facebook as it was originally intended.

The bolded will happen. Google is just doing it in steps. One step at a time.


The people saying G+ sucks are fucking nutters. Complaining just to complain jesus, how about not using youtube or gmail?


What i think sucks most about this is that you have to link your Youtube account to Google+ to get notifications if people comment on your videos. You wont even get notifications on mail if you dont have Google+ linked to your Youtube account. Really sucks that Google forces Youtube users like this.


The people saying G+ sucks are fucking nutters. Complaining just to complain jesus, how about not using youtube or gmail?

I use gmail for personal use and there's no alternative for youtube.

I don't mind Google+ existing but what I do mind is Google trying to force people to use it even if they don't want a Google+ account.

With Google it's either have a Google+ account or get lost and there is no middle ground at all.


Youtube is more and more user-unfriendly, and the users made it popular in the first place (remember what You in Youtube standed for?).

This along with removing the video responses (seriously?) really starts to push me off more and more from using youtube as an active user.

Not to mention the constant forcing of using your real name for your youtube "channel", though I seriously don't see a point in naming it channel anymore, because it's becoming more like G+ or other social network crap, and less real youtube.

I think this along with other thing won't pay off for youtube in the long run. Gamers already have interesting alternatives such as Twitch which are becoming even more popular.


This is bullshit, i was forced by Google to connect my gmail account to my youtube account, i was given a google plus account even though i really did not want one and now they have made it sure I will almost certainly never make a response to a YT video again. Sigh.



We need to start supporting alternatives to YouTube.

That will only happen when the people who make the video on youtube move to a new video sharing site that is user friendly.

But the problem they don't want to lose their viewers especially those who make a living on their videos.
Post innocuous comment on youtube.
Make last line a link with link text ' expand this comment >> '
Link goes to virus site or rickroll or goatse or whatever.
Fucking 'improved comments' lol.
The people saying G+ sucks are fucking nutters. Complaining just to complain jesus, how about not using youtube or gmail?

GMail doesn't force you to connect another account to it in order to access basic site functions that are standard on other video sharing sites. Nor does it force you to use your real name when sending emails if you don't want to.

You're comparing apples to oranges. This move has caused a lot of broken elements, absurd design issues and has done little to stem the tide of spam/hate comments.
Ironically, my biggest problem is not with the fact that you now need a G+ account, but that almost all of the formatting and limit options are completely FUBAR'd.

The coding where putting your mouse over a comment and having the timestamp highlights it, thus allowing you to click on it and immediately go to that spot in the video? Gone.

The character limits are gone, and I've seen several instances of people posting insanely long spam comments (most of which have to do with centipede gifs) in the comment section. Moderation seems to be gone completely.

Top comments are now tied to G+ accounts, thus letting YT users see people's status updates - some of which have little-to-no relation to the video itself.

Top comments are also subject to long comment chains, thus dragging each respective video's page out needlessly and resulting in a large amount of unneeded white space in the last 2/3'rds of the page.

There's no reason why only new comments are only allowed to be upvoted, nor any explanation given.

Instead of simply being able to flag a comment as spam with a one click, now I'm forced to go into a pop-up window in the page that gives me a selection of options to choose from, half of which have rarely (if ever) been a problem on the site.

What a clusterfuck. Until they get their act together, I'm not going to comment on any videos. Considering I've had an account on the site for the last seven years, that's saying something.

@Bolded: They took that out, WTF?
That will only happen when the people who make the video on youtube move to a new video sharing site that is user friendly.

But the problem they don't want to lose their viewers especially those who make a living on their videos.

Yeah, people like Levelcap or RivalXFactor who constantly complain about YouTube, but don't even bother posting on other sites...part of the problem.


LOL @ people complaining like YT comments were ever good to begin with. This move is seems like an attempt to fix the problem of YT comments being a cesspool of trolls, spam and racists. Boohoo if you have to use a G+ account. Make a fake one if you're so interested in retaining your anonymity. It's not like anyone cares enough about your comments to stalk you in real life. If you're actually a good comment poster, it might actually attract more people to your G+ page.

I rarely ever post a comment, and hardly ever look past the top comments, if I even read those. YT is usually for watching videos, not wading through reams of dumb comments and arguments. I assume this affects a small percentage of people who actually got some use out of the comment section, but I can't imagine that's many people.

If this helps the comments section become better over time, then it's a positive move. It's not like this is the only change Google can make. They can continue to modify the system to make it better. However, this seems like a step in the right direction. Without moderation, people just act like jackasses. If GAF didn't have mods, this place would be worse than the YT comments.

I have like 8 Gmail accounts. Half of them just random spam dumps so I can register for free shit. The others for business, personal or ordering stuff. I still use my personal account for everything, including YT. When I post comments, it's with my real name. Nothing bad has ever happened to me as a result. No one has ever tried to contact me or steal my information. Hell, all the fraud I've dealt with has been a result of dickhead employees at fast food restaurants. And they're not taking aliases when you hand over your credit card. So the paranoia and bitching is asinine. Don't like it? Don't use the comments. If more people did that, maybe they'd be easier to read.

This is just more of people bitching and moaning about not getting free shit the way they want. YT is an excellent service. Be happy it's free and popular. PEACE.


Totally wronger about Nintendo's business decisions.
Everyone is complaining about the G+ account but aren't those accounts auto-created based on your Youtube name?
LOL @ people complaining like YT comments were ever good to begin with. This move is seems like an attempt to fix the problem of YT comments being a cesspool of trolls, spam and racists. Boohoo if you have to use a G+ account. Make a fake one if you're so interested in retaining your anonymity. It's not like anyone cares enough about your comments to stalk you in real life. If you're actually a good comment poster, it might actually attract more people to your G+ page.

I rarely ever post a comment, and hardly ever look past the top comments, if I even read those. YT is usually for watching videos, not wading through reams of dumb comments and arguments. I assume this affects a small percentage of people who actually got some use out of the comment section, but I can't imagine that's many people.

If this helps the comments section become better over time, then it's a positive move. It's not like this is the only change Google can make. They can continue to modify the system to make it better. However, this seems like a step in the right direction. Without moderation, people just act like jackasses. If GAF didn't have mods, this place would be worse than the YT comments.

I have like 8 Gmail accounts. Half of them just random spam dumps so I can register for free shit. The others for business, personal or ordering stuff. I still use my personal account for everything, including YT. When I post comments, it's with my real name. Nothing bad has ever happened to me as a result. No one has ever tried to contact me or steal my information. Hell, all the fraud I've dealt with has been a result of dickhead employees at fast food restaurants. And they're not taking aliases when you hand over your credit card. So the paranoia and bitching is asinine. Don't like it? Don't use the comments. If more people did that, maybe they'd be easier to read.

This is just more of people bitching and moaning about not getting free shit the way they want. YT is an excellent service. Be happy it's free and popular. PEACE.

This has nothing to do with cleaning up the youtube comment section and everything to do with artificially inflating the user numbers for Google +. Stop being so naive.


Neo Member
Official YouTube Blog

Here’s more detail about the new YouTube comments powered by Google+:

Comments you care about move to the top: You’ll see posts at the top of the list from the video’s creator, popular personalities, engaged discussions about the video, and people in your Google+ Circles. You can still see the most recent comments by switching from “Top Comments” to “Newest First.”

Join the conversation publicly or privately: You can choose to start a conversation so that it is seen by everyone, only people in your Circles, or just your bestie. Like Gmail, replies are threaded so you can easily follow conversations.

Easily moderate comments: If you also post videos on your channel, you’ll have new tools to review comments before they’re posted, block certain words or save time by auto-approving comments from certain fans.

If you're like the majority of people commenting on YouTube, you’ve already connected your account to a Google+ profile or page and can start commenting now. If you haven’t connected yet, you can do it here or learn more here. Remember, you’re in control of how you're seen publicly on YouTube, whether that’s keeping your current YouTube channel name, using your own name, or creating a new one.

Good, it gonna clean up some mess in the youtube, but I dont think it gonna work like a charm


This has nothing to do with cleaning up the youtube comment section and everything to do with artificially inflating the user numbers for Google +. Stop being so naive.

You know this because....?

It can easily be both, and it's not like it's an issue. If they asked people to use FB accounts to post comments, people would bitch all the same. How do I know? ESPN moved to FB comments, and guess what. People bitched and moaned the same way. I think you're the one being naive on this matter. If Google wanted to really inflate their G+ numbers, they'd just automatically create G+ accounts for all their Gmail accounts. That's much easier, and adds a ton more accounts than this will. PEACE.
The people saying G+ sucks are fucking nutters. Complaining just to complain jesus, how about not using youtube or gmail?

Google + doesn't suck. On a very fundamental level it is far better than facebook.


Integrating G+ wont work anymore than a "google account" and Integrating it into Android has.

History is littered with superior products that the market simply didn't want. No harm in that.

Google + is never going to be the facebook competitor they wanted it to be. Let it go.


Everyone is complaining about the G+ account but aren't those accounts auto-created based on your Youtube name?

Pretty much. The "Google Account" is dead. It has become the G+ account and it spreads across every service they have. They are clearly doing away with you having a gmail account, a youtube account and on and on and on. Its all one account now, and they call it G+. Some of the internets going to rage, but this isn't going to change anything, they are merging all of their services into one.

Whether people take notice of or use the social site aspect of it is irrelevant at this point. G+ is the backbone account to all Google services. So social network or not, its going nowhere. I think it was expected that if it didnt match Facebooks visitor numbers that G+ would be killed off. Its become clear however in the last year or so that the social site was only a small portion of their plans. G+ is now the spine of all of their services, so its not ever going to be killed off.


LOL @ people complaining like YT comments were ever good to begin with. This move is seems like an attempt to fix the problem of YT comments being a cesspool of trolls, spam and racists. Boohoo if you have to use a G+ account. Make a fake one if you're so interested in retaining your anonymity. It's not like anyone cares enough about your comments to stalk you in real life. If you're actually a good comment poster, it might actually attract more people to your G+ page.

I rarely ever post a comment, and hardly ever look past the top comments, if I even read those. YT is usually for watching videos, not wading through reams of dumb comments and arguments. I assume this affects a small percentage of people who actually got some use out of the comment section, but I can't imagine that's many people.

If you watched non-viral videos and followed channels that don't have 200k+ subscribers you'd find that Youtube comments are actually fine in many cases. But since you almost never look at the comments I wouldn't expect you to know. Same with Gamefaqs game specific boards. Their quality is usually inversely proportional to the size.
People expecting it to improve youtube comments obviously haven't been to youtube since the change.

I like how apologists will simultaneously and contradictorily claim that not being anonymous will improve comments while also that it's simple to create a fake account if you want any sort of privacy. With their anonymous neogaf account, of course. That cognitive dissonance.
Pretty much. The "Google Account" is dead. It has become the G+ account and it spreads across every service they have. They are clearly doing away with you having a gmail account, a youtube account and on and on and on. Its all one account now, and they call it G+. Some of the internets going to rage, but this isn't going to change anything, they are merging all of their services into one.

Whether people take notice of or use the social site aspect of it is irrelevant at this point. G+ is the backbone account to all Google services. So social network or not, its going nowhere. I think it was expected that if it didnt match Facebooks visitor numbers that G+ would be killed off. Its become clear however in the last year or so that the social site was only a small portion of their plans. G+ is now the spine of all of their services, so its not ever going to be killed off.


Plus, I think people are really overestimating the "damage" this might do to YouTube. The anger will subside, and there are countless new accounts being made daily by people just coming of age that will have never experienced the old YouTube commenting system.

In the long run, as lenovox1 discussed on the previous page, YouTube communities will have been strengthened for it:

Regardless of Google+ (Google could establish the same type of comment system by forcing you to sign up with Facebook, Twitter, or an OpenID), this new commenting system is supposed to allow for greater moderation control, greater transparency, more community involvement for a particular channel, and more relevant comments. It should, theoretically, force the development of a tighter, more individual culture around each specific channel. They seem to really want people to share, subscribe, and watch much more.

Though, Google+ is the main sticking point here for many users, there is an attempt here to do more than make people sign up for Google+. There seems to be an attempt to fundamentally change the way the entire YouTube community works wholesale from top to bottom.

The Communities side of Google+ has already become quite popular with people of particular interests. Imagine such Communities building around specific YouTube channels, or groups of YouTube channels.

People expecting it to improve youtube comments obviously haven't been to youtube since the change.

The people posting dicks will be removed from the site in short order.


People expecting it to improve youtube comments obviously haven't been to youtube since the change.

I like how apologists will simultaneously and contradictorily claim that not being anonymous will improve comments while also that it's simple to create a fake account if you want any sort of privacy. With their anonymous neogaf account, of course. That cognitive dissonance.

Anyone willing to go to lengths to create a separate account just to troll YT would do so anyway. However, a lot of people who have separate accounts right now, and aren't even that savvy (most people aren't) will either curb their trolling or risk having their accounts removed. Most people aren't going to create separate accounts just to troll, but a lot of people with separate accounts now don't think twice because there are currently no consequences.

The point is this is a start. It's not the end game. There will be future modifications, which is fine. There's a reason so many news sites are going to FB comments. They're trying to add some accountability to the posts.

And I still don't get the point people keep making by pointing out GAF is anonymous. If GAF required FB logins, would you suddenly stop posting here? I wouldn't. I don't care if people know who I am. I use a nick because that's how we registered on this site at the start. The only reason I don't post my real name now is to keep my nick separate from my real name, for when someone tries to search my real name. There are things I've posted as Pimpwerx that I don't want tied to my real identity, and that's even given GAF's heavy moderation. If we went with real names or FB, I'd certainly tidy up my posting style. That's called accountability. PEACE.


My youtube/gmail accounts have all merged together into one giant mess. Nothing makes sense and everything is all over the place. Why couldn't they keep YouTube separate? It makes sense to merge Gmail and Google+. But this is making YouTube look like a confusing mess.

I seriously wish Google had more competition... YouTube is dominant and so is their search engine. They can practically do what they want.


My youtube/gmail accounts have all merged together into one giant mess. Nothing makes sense and everything is all over the place. Why couldn't they keep YouTube separate? It makes sense to merge Gmail and Google+. But this is making YouTube look like a confusing mess.

I seriously wish Google had more competition... YouTube is dominant and so is their search engine. They can practically do what they want.

You could use Bing...but no one cares about Bing. LOL! PEACE.
People who troll will make make fake accounts and continue trolling, because if you want to troll making a fake account is easily worth it.

Many people who aren't trolls who just want to comment on a goddamn video without having to have it recorded with their real name in a permanent, public, globally available, searchable database will simply stop posting. I'm not a troll and that's my solution to this debacle. I could make a fake youtube account with a fake google+ account but I have a real gmail account and I don't want to have the hassle of juggling real accounts and fake ones on the same service just to maintain the same level of privacy I had before they fucked it up when they could just not fuck it up.

The ratio of troll shit will not go down when it chases off normal users who value having some privacy but is still easy for trolls.


People who troll will make make fake accounts and continue trolling, because if you want to troll making a fake account is easily worth it.

Many people who aren't trolls who just want to comment on a goddamn video without having to have it recorded with their real name in a permanent, public, globally available, searchable database will simply stop posting. I'm not a troll and that's my solution to this debacle. I could make a fake youtube account with a fake google+ account but I have a real gmail account and I don't want to have the hassle of juggling real accounts and fake ones on the same service just to maintain the same level of privacy I had before they fucked it up when they could just not fuck it up.

The ratio of troll shit will not go down when it chases off normal users who value having some privacy but is still easy for trolls.

If news sites are anything to go by, it will go down. The signal:noise ratio will go up. This has happened on ESPN with the change to FB logins. No reason to think it will be different for YT. PEACE.
People seem to think that because some people have no shame and will continue being assholes after losing their anonymity, all people that currently behave like assholes will continue behaving like assholes if they lose their anonymity.

That's obviously not the case, and I think the fact that so many people here are concerned about losing their anonymity backs that up. I behave pretty well no matter where I post, but I find myself being especially careful when posting with my real information, and there's no doubt this applies to other people.

Comments will be better off for it.
Reddit and Neogaf have quality discussion while being anonymous. Facebook isn't anonymous but has terrible discussion.

Youtube's old comments almost always at least had a couple of decent or funny posts as the top comments. And niche, quality content had very decent comment sections.

And I don't even actually care that much about the quality of youtube comments!

What I would actually like is to have a gmail account with my real name be for legitimate email correspondence while also having a youtube account that is anonymous so my video watching and commenting isn't a matter of public record. This many, many orders of magnitudes more important to me than the fucking quality of youtube comments. Previously, this just worked.

Now I either keep my legitimate, real-named gmail account and ditch the youtube account to avoid having it associated with my real name, or create an outlook.com email account with my real name and migrate to using that for legitimate email and create a new anonymous throwaway google account for youtube to stay anonymous. Or ditch both accounts because why have accounts with a service that doesn't give a fuck about privacy and useability (already going with this option).

And the supposed benefit of this clusterfuck is to maybe improve the quality of youtube comments. No thanks google, that's awful.
And this is literally weeks after elderly relatives came to me and said 'argh we use iGoogle and Google shut it down what do we do instead'. So I had to make my.yahoo accounts for them to set them up with the same fucking service that Google used to provide and now doesn't.

If I could just go a month without Google making something that was formerly useable now unusable, I would be so happy. This fucking company.


Youtube's old comments almost always at least had a couple of decent or funny posts as the top comments. And niche, quality content had very decent comment sections.

And I don't even actually care that much about the quality of youtube comments!

And that's just it, for quality channels it has messed up already great conversations. Top comments are now virtually stuck in a strange threaded mess of whatever gets the most replies (which they'll continue to do as they stay there), and newest comments aren't shown on the initial page at all. It's an unbalanced system.

And the supposed benefit of this clusterfuck is to maybe improve the quality of youtube comments. No thanks google, that's awful.

I think in reality it's really just to force more people to experience Google+, without considering the user. It's the combination of mandatory G+ linking and mostly backwards new commenting system rolled into one. This should have been an opt-in beta like many of their other bright ideas.
And that's just it, for quality channels it has messed up already great conversations. Top comments are now virtually stuck in a strange threaded mess of whatever gets the most replies (which they'll continue to do as they stay there), and newest comments aren't shown on the initial page at all. It's an unbalanced system.

I think in reality it's really just to force more people to experience Google+, without considering the user. It's the combination of mandatory G+ linking and mostly backwards new commenting system rolled into one. This should have been an opt-in beta like many of their other bright ideas.

Bam. That right there. The Google PR people will say stuff like 'it'll improve comment quality', and some people might even believe that. But 100% they're doing it because youtube has tons of accounts and their flop social networking site has few accounts and if they force people with youtube accounts to have G+ accounts they think they can salvage G+, take over social media dominance from facebook and make more money.
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