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GOP ask for second Special Counsel to investigate Clinton, Obama and Comey etc

Hillary lost the election, Obama is not the president and Comey is not the director of the FBI. They are all private citizens now.

Just what is the need for this "special counsel"?


Yeah sure, why not. Dozens of Governor, Presidential and Senate campaigns have investigated her. A special prosecutor investigated her for 8 years. 8 Congressional committees have investigated her. 200 FBI agents spent a full year investigating her. They all came up with squat. I'm sure this time they'll finally get her!

Brandon F

Well congratulations! You got yourself caught!
Not surprisingly, once you actually made the decision to appoint a special counsel, the calls for further investigations by congressional committees continued, focused on allegations that have heretofore produced no evidence of criminality, despite the fact that over a year has passed since the opening of the original FBI investigation.

This part of the letter alone should be a red flag to disqualify the request(under rational thinking) as it paints their justification as merely a petty, reciprocal attempt at bending the law for political bravado.

Add in that no official statement has been made as of yet from Mueller regarding the results of his investigation, nor was Comey's prior investigation made public until recently and the results were not finalized in any fashion either, precludes this bullshit about stating "no evidence of criminality" is far too early to judge and is pure brainwashing spin for Conservative outlets. (Lawyer halp?)
Hillary lost the election, Obama is not the president and Comey is not the director of the FBI. They are all private citizens now.

Just what is the need for this "special counsel"?

They probably want to use #bothsides to undermine Mueller's investigation. Nothing works better in conservative world than "But Hillary..."

And of course, CNN will probably let them get away with it, to some extent. We CAN'T look like biased #liberalmedia.




Wouldn't Sessions have to recuse himself from acting on this since he was part of the Trump campaign, given that the investigation is inherently political and focused on his opponents? In that case it would go down to Rosenstein approving this and I can't imagine that would fly given the total lack of any substantial evidence of wrongdoing. If his entire reason to appoint Mueller was to make it look like the Justice Department is impartial, then this would completely negate his actions toward non-partisanship.


The whole point of that bullshit was to make something outta nothing so that Hillary would lose. She did. So what would this even accomplish? Republican voters got what they wanted, they couldn't give less of a shit about whatever happens to Hillary & Co. now.



Hillary lost the election, Obama is not the president and Comey is not the director of the FBI. They are all private citizens now.

Just what is the need for this "special counsel"?

To try and take control of the narrative. "Don't talk about the stuff people in my party are doing that makes us look bad, instead, chase after these ghosts involving these people who are politically opposed to us." I've said it before, this is why even if Hillary wanted to dissappear from the public spotlight entirely, the Republican party will drag her back out front of the spotlight to start a circus to try and draw attention away from the Trump administration's mountain of bullshit. Lets investigate Obama too, cuz reasons.

Aside from the obvious reasons. Like what reason is there to investigate.

I think a lot of those questions were even answered by various committees lol.

For example Burr admitted the whole unmasking thing came out from Nunes' ass.

It's a political stunt. Maybe it's an attempt to get Rosenstein fired when he refuses too.


I guess from a Trump supporter point of view, this is probably a smart move, since, for them, this is only thing that really matters. Even if nothing comes of it, it's a way to keep Trump supporters energized and feeling like there's another "fight" they can "win."


This is incredible news!
We now can communicate with alternate universe!
This is clearly a message the GOP sent in the parallel universe were Clinton won.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Why would you need a special counsel for this?

The statute of limitations is gone and Obama has executive immunity.
The whole point of that bullshit was to make something outta nothing so that Hillary would lose. She did. So what would this even accomplish? Republican voters got what they wanted, they couldn't give less of a shit about whatever happens to Hillary & Co. now.

You'd be surprised at just how many Republican voters are wondering why Hillary hasn't been arrested for murder/treason/Benjamin Ghazi/e-mails/Putin off the Ritz/Raining Cats & Dogs/et cetera yet.

The GOP themselves know it's all bullshit and only want to use it as a deflection- thing is that it'll probably work to at least some degree because their base legitimately believes that Hillary is a criminal of the highest order.


Why would you need a special counsel for this

Optics. Once you have a special counsel that has legal protection, the implication is there that there's a powerful enemy (ie, Hillary and the democrats) that the special counsel needs protection from. It's just way of creating a false sense of threat.
Why would you need a special counsel for this

That is the question.

I mean, for Clinton it's likely to be a literal open-and-shut case. You open the investigation, ask if there's any new evidence that's come to light (No), ask if there are any reasons to doubt the conclusions of the previous investigation (No), then close the investigation.

Comey's frankly probably already been combed over pretty thoroughly by the broader investigation into the White House, as it would have been necessary to irrefutably establish his exact relationship to everyone in the administration and any conflicts of interest he may have had.

Obama is... former two-term President? There's actually not much to investigate that isn't a matter of public record, so I'd be interested to hear what justification, if any, exists.

(I am of course aware there is no justification and everyone involved in this knows it's a waste of time done purely for optics.)

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
That is the question.

I mean, for Clinton it's likely to be a literal open-and-shut case. You open the investigation, ask if there's any new evidence that's come to light (No), ask if there are any reasons to doubt the conclusions of the previous investigation (No), then close the investigation.

Comey's frankly probably already been combed over pretty thoroughly by the broader investigation into the White House, as it would have been necessary to irrefutably establish his exact relationship to everyone in the administration and any conflicts of interest he may have had.

Obama is... former two-term President? There's actually not much to investigate that isn't a matter of public record, so I'd be interested to hear what justification, if any, exists.

(I am of course aware there is no justification and everyone involved in this knows it's a waste of time done purely for optics.)
The statute of limitations will be up on Clinton, there was already a full FBI Investigation and Obama has executive immunity for everything he did in office.
Yeah, these people will totally impeach Trump if they find information.

They'll put it off as long as they possibly can, but don't think they won't act if he begins to guarantee them losses in 2018. Some of them in light-red, swing, and light-blue districts are already trembling.

Remember that impeachment only requires 24 Republicans on top of the 194 House Democrats. As that article shows, they might very well be able to find 24 to take that vote if the time comes.


I love that the Republican party is so incapable of governing that they instead look for reasons to bitch from the grandstands at their own ball game.

There was nothing there. Move the fuck on.


Homeland Security Fail
Just throw them in jail already. For having a vagina, for being black, and for writing memos.
Clinton, Comey, and Lynch testifying in public would make fools out of the Republicans just as they have before. So go ahead and "investigate". Let it backfire on you idiots again.
Man, even more proof nominating Hilary was a mistake. She earned the presidency, no doubt. She's more epxerienced and talented than nearly anyone in the history of this country. But she simply had too much baggage, none of which is because she is a woman. Even after she lost, she keeps on losing and progress continues to be at. standstill. I firmly blame the conservative-right for this, but the dems laid this meat out on a silver platter.

Bernie is/was no better.

This whole thing makes me so sad.


So are we barrelling towards a second civil war yet? Not because of this isolated case of horseshit alone, mind you, but rather because of what it is indicative of. The country can't keep functioning like this.
The whole point of that bullshit was to make something outta nothing so that Hillary would lose. She did. So what would this even accomplish? Republican voters got what they wanted, they couldn't give less of a shit about whatever happens to Hillary & Co. now.


Every time I bring up the Mueller investigation with a Republican, "Hillary" comes out of their mouth within 5 words. "Why aren't they investigating that, that's proven collusion?" Then on and on about Loretta Lynch and the Clinton Foundation and follow the money and etc etc


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
The GOP forgot the first rule of propaganda. Don't believe the lies yourself. OOPS
I officially fucking hate this country. What a shithole. I hope a giant meteor kills us all while miraculously leaving the rest of the world intact.
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