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Gran Turismo Sport announced


So with all these PS4K news I am now convinced PD will have GT Sport running at 4K somehow.

I wonder if the framerate will be like GT5/6...


So with all these PS4K news I am now convinced PD will have GT Sport running at 4K somehow.

I wonder if the framerate will be like GT5/6...
It's always been 60fps, since GT3. If you're actually expecting 4K/60, can you send me some o' that good shit you're smoking?


It's always been 60fps, since GT3. If you're actually expecting 4K/60, can you send me some o' that good shit you're smoking?
Lol no. I expect them to shove a 4k mode at the cost of the framerate.

GT5 actually had drops to 18fps in 3D mode, so I'm sure PD is willing to do anything to have one more bulletpoint on the box.


So with all these PS4K news I am now convinced PD will have GT Sport running at 4K somehow.

That'll only happen on the ps4.5 if it's real. PS4 isn't capable of handling 4k games and Sony isn't pushing 4k on it like they did 1080p on the PS3.
Maybe that website dropped a bollock, the lights and flames are mirrored in the body work so it's not GT unless Polyphony have upgraded since the first GTS trailer?

Blacked out windows on track?

One of Route 7s tunnels?

What's Amar say?

The car looks better than any VGT shown so far.

Doesn't look like Route 7 to me. Anyway pretty easy to knock up a length of road like that without it being a full track.

And we've still not seen that swiss track from the ft 86 vid from GT5 yet, dammit! Or the teased return of Seattle.
I will have a look at the flame reflections, impressions I get on my old phone is it's probably GT, there's reflections of the tunnel in the rear bodywork that don't look possible, Driveclub's ssr would stop that most of the time but we haven't seen that in GT.
Oh god I never thought of PD in all the PS4k stuff. Great. Now they have another excuse to delay stuff.

I wonder if GT Sport doesn't set the world on fire if some management changes will happen at PD. They really need to get in sync with Sony's hardware cycles better.
Trying to search this thread on google as best I can. Can't seem to find evidence of rally type fixtures or even rally kits being present in this version of Gran Turismo. I guess I shouldn't really be hopin for much huh?


It's always been 60fps, since GT3. If you're actually expecting 4K/60, can you send me some o' that good shit you're smoking?
GT5 and 6 only ran at 60 in 720p mode. In 1080p it was all over the place. I could definitely see them shoehorning in a 4k mode which runs like trash.
We have to wait for E3 to see some GT Sport footage, right? ;_;

Well they said spring and everyone guessed that meant GDC along side VR talk.

You would think they would have at least been mentioned at all during the PS VR stuff so I guess the game isnt even launch window for VR anymore. Silence is deafening etc...


So with all these PS4K news I am now convinced PD will have GT Sport running at 4K somehow.

I wonder if the framerate will be like GT5/6...

No way...if they do push 4k it will need SERIOUS concessions in other areas..I doubt the "PS4k" would even be able to run the PS3 GT games at 4k/60...actually ID be shocked if it even got close...

They would need to significantly downgrade the rest of the visuals to push 4k...

4k/30 replay mode?...ehhhhh longshot, but maybeee

It's always been 60fps, since GT3. If you're actually expecting 4K/60, can you send me some o' that good shit you're smoking?

GT5/6 were "60fps" but neither were anything approaching stable performance...
I have not seen one thing that makes sport look interesting yet. Is there a reason to be excited that I'm missing? I like driveclub but was immensely disappointed in 5 & 6.


I have not seen one thing that makes sport look interesting yet. Is there a reason to be excited that I'm missing? I like driveclub but was immensely disappointed in 5 & 6.

We know next to nothing about it because PD marketing blows goats. I suppose we can be excited about what it might contain.

Is optimistic anticipation tinged with dread and foreboding the same as excitement?


I don't think people realize how demanding 4k is. Even on games with lower fidelity.

Not to completely drag that trainwreck of a topic into here but I believe the rumour of the PS4K.
I also think it's just a better PS4 with a good 4k Upscaler.


I don't think people realize how demanding 4k is. Even on games with lower fidelity.
Really depends on how the 4k mode is made.

Just all work done 4x resolution is not really an efficient way.
Something like MSAA trick to get 4x edge resolution should be doable.

The possibility of HDR output is far more interesting..
Really depends on how the 4k mode is made.

Just all work done 4x resolution is not really an efficient way.
Something like MSAA trick to get 4x edge resolution should be doable.

The possibility of HDR output is far more interesting..
I don't buy into PS4k either, but at $500, a new architecture like pascal in a 16nm process and some clever coding you can achieve 4k. People always think in current architecture performance/$ and of high and ultra graphics settings, when they say it's not possible.

By HDR do you mean 48bit color? I can understand advantages in photo editing there, but in games? What's the advantage?

John Wick

Lol no. I expect them to shove a 4k mode at the cost of the framerate.

GT5 actually had drops to 18fps in 3D mode, so I'm sure PD is willing to do anything to have one more bulletpoint on the box.

The game will never be 4K at 60fps at a roughly Driveclub level of graphics. Your dreaming if you think the PS4 can pull that off.
PD aren't stupid enough to try that!
The game will never be 4K at 60fps at a roughly Driveclub level of graphics. Your dreaming if you think the PS4 can pull that off.
PD aren't stupid enough to try that!
Roughly Driveclub level? Man, I hope nobody is expecting that. PD couldn't do that at 1080p@30fps. They would have to start from scratch with a new engine and all new tracks except for basic positions.


I don't buy into PS4k either, but at $500, a new architecture like pascal in a 16nm process and some clever coding you can achieve 4k. People always think in current architecture performance/$ and of high and ultra graphics settings, when they say it's not possible.

By HDR do you mean 48bit color? I can understand advantages in photo editing there, but in games? What's the advantage?
Meaning 12bit/Channel HDR output for TV/Monitor.
Games have rendered into HDR buffers for a long while (fp16 RGB (36bits) or other.)

GDC had some talks on subject, but haven't found anything else than this.


The more time passes, the less optimistic I am about this game. I really hope they don't push 4k as well. Stop being stupid PD, just push the absolute best you can at 1080p, instead of half arsing 4K, possibly to the detriment of 1080p.
It's only 8 bits per channel, meaning gradient from black to brightest white is 256 colours. (Which is way too small amount and needs dithering or banding is quite obvious.)
We are in the wrong thread for this, but imagine a screenshot from a standard first person shooting in 1080p 24bit color. Put a filter on the image that adds or subtracts 1 from the color coding of every single pixel in the image(instead of . You would hardly see a difference, or at least I imagine it would hardly make a difference as of course I haven't tried this. But I could do this in Mathematica if you are interested and give me 10 minutes (and continue this via private message). What I'm trying to argue is that in most situation, I imagine 48bit to not make a significant difference that is worth 100% more data.


By that same token 95% of 60fps console games are not actually 60fps….

And? Especially last gen, GT dropped a lot. Putting it in a line with games that sometimes drop a few frames would be unfair for these games.
Also, just because others do it, too, doesn't make it anything better for GT.


And? Especially last gen, GT dropped a lot. Putting it in a line with games that sometimes drop a few frames would be unfair for these games.
Also, just because others do it, too, doesn't make it anything better for GT.

In 720p, really only in heavy rain or desert sand though, otherwise it actually held its frame rate better than games like Advanced Warfare (SP), and significantly better than games like Titanfall.


Did they even mention GT at that VR event?

Nope. The Sony VR conference was pretty short and didn't really showcase much.

Sony reaffirmed that Uncharted 4, Last Guardian, and Horizon Zero Dawn were 2016 games though. GTS was missing.



Blows my mind they dropped Evolution in the long run, considering how fucking long it takes for Polyphony to release a game that arguably is only marginally better than the competition released in half the time.


Sorry if this is a dumb question, but what does the term "self reflection" mean in video game context.
That parts of itself can be seen on the same object.

For example the side-mirrors on a car being reflected on the car's body in racing game.


Blows my mind they dropped Evolution in the long run, considering how fucking long it takes for Polyphony to release a game that arguably is only marginally better than the competition released in half the time.

Half the time what? GT6 released in 2013, Motorstorm Apocalypse in 2011.
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