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Grand Theft Auto V - Coming for PS4, Xbox One and PC this Fall - Trailer

The PC and current gen versions will probably have custom radio station, well the PC version certainly will. Still wouldn't be surprised if there's SP DLC that adds new radio content that will end up coming with the new versions.


GTA V was an amazing game in 2013, but I don't know if I will rebuy it just for better textures and/or framerate. Truth be told it looked and played pretty damn well on last gen consoles, it's not like it was a terrible eyesore like some other games were.

I'm also worried about the increase in traffic, that might look good in a video snippet but that shit will get old real fast when you're actually playing, especially with the way the AI drives.

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought this. Sure, it looks better in video, but do you really want to have to deal with driving in traffic in the game? I never thought heavy traffic was fun to drive in in the first place, do I really want to simulate it in the game as well (Even if I can try to push them out of the way, it's still going to slow me down as it will be much harder to try to weave in and out or try to drive between).

We'll have to see but I am actually kinda worried about the heavy traffic making gameplay more annoying. Sometimes there's a reason to make a game less realistic ;).


Was fun on PS3, will pick it up on PS4 for better control and graphics as I was thinking of going for the plat anyway. I've got it digitally so a discount would be nice but I'm not holding my breath.
Will likely triple dip on this.

360 -> X1/PS4 -> PC.

I think I'll wait on the PC version for a few years till I have a more beast PC that I know will run it better and the mod community will be more fleshed out.

Yeah, that is what I'm gonna do. I'll get a console version to play again and eventually I'll pick up the PC version (at a lower price) to play on Steam when there are mods and the code is more stable. The PC versions are nice but driving with a mouse & keyboard never feels right.

I wish there was some way to drive with a controller and then instantly go to mouse & keyboard for gunfights.
Why was it like this in the last gen version?

I.. agree with all the posts that say this is the most visually impressive game. I think AC's Paris and character model of the main character can hold it's own with this, *But* This. The scope. The size. The lighting. And the amazing quality of this game.

I'm afraid a 780 is not gonna be enough for this game. I'm actually thinking of getting a 6 or 8 core for this game.

When GTA4 came out it was abysmally optimized for PC, just like San Andreas was before it. If you didn't have a Quad-Core you were screwed. PS3 being the lead platform with it's Cell multi CPU core BS, made Dual Core a joke for the game. It was a disaster for all those people who had not opted for QQ 6400 given "almost no games uses it".

In the end GTA4 was just poorly optimized. And it still had those jaggies. The ENB took GTA to untold levels.

So I am wondering what you will need to, gorge this game. To engulf it in smoothness at 1440p. SLI 870's? With a monitor with G-Sync? And a 6-Core Intel CPU?


Grand Theft Auto V will take full advantage of the power of PS4 with across-the-board graphical and technical improvements to deliver a stunning new level of detail. Increased draw distances, finer texture details, denser traffic, and enhanced resolutions all work together to bring new life to the cities, towns, deserts and oceans of Rockstar North’s epic reimagining of Southern California.
All new content and gameplay created since the launch of Grand Theft Auto Online, including an extensive array of new Jobs, an arsenal of new weapons, scores of new vehicles, new properties and player customizations will also be available for PS4, with much more to come. In addition, the current community of PS3 players, and Xbox 360 players will have the ability to transfer their Grand Theft Auto Online characters and progression to the PS4 game.


GTAV's world was so convincing that it still looks like what you would expect from a next-gen game in terms of believability, which a lot of next-gen open-world games either still don't or won't match.

AC has had some nice big buildings, but the cities' layouts/level design is highly repetitive or illogical, plus historically it's often completely wrong, such as a 19th century church facade in renaissance Italy, or a 19th century gothic-style mosque in 16th century Turkey, or that Havana cathedral in Black Flag. Etc.

GTA has worlds that feel real, from the small details to the city as a whole.


We need a specific date!

I want to believe October 28th!

So much goodness here, for everyone. Transferring progress will be wonderful!
It is nice that the foliage that was cut out of the PS3/XB360 version is being brought back and probably increased a good deal.

I doubt the minimum requirements are going to be that high, the game will probably scale quite well given how much time they've taken with it and where their engine and tools are much more mature now compared to the nightmare it was back in 2008/2009. Even with the short cuts they had to take on the last gen release the game still looked fantastic for a open world game on those platforms and the frame rate wasn't horrible as some like to claim, the PS3 version at the very least ran better than GTA IV (and RDR for that matter) on top of looking much sharper (thanks actually being natively 720p) and just flat out more impressive.


Trucker Sexologist
I.. agree with all the posts that say this is the most visually impressive game. I think AC's Paris and character model of the main character can hold it's own with this, *But* This. The scope. The size. The lighting. And the amazing quality of this game.

I'm afraid a 780 is not gonna be enough for this game. I'm actually thinking of getting a 6 or 8 core for this game.

When GTA4 came out it was abysmally optimized for PC, just like San Andreas was before it. If you didn't have a Quad-Core you were screwed. PS3 being the lead platform with it's Cell multi CPU core BS, made Dual Core a joke for the game. It was a disaster for all those people who had not opted for QQ 6400 given "almost no games uses it".

In the end GTA4 was just poorly optimized. And it still had those jaggies. The ENB took GTA to untold levels.

So I am wondering what you will need to, gorge this game. To engulf it in smoothness at 1440p. SLI 870's? With a monitor with G-Sync? And a 6-Core Intel CPU?
Max Payne 3 was really well optimized though. So we'll see.


Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Just saw the price............Nope!
Also I think it looks good for GTAV but theres loads of more impressive games already out, I want what you guys are smoking.


Assumptions are being made because the trailer featured a new song. And the music in trailers is in the retail versions.

That music from the trailer was on one of their radio stations. I don't know if its the exact remix but that song was/is in the original game.

Eh, they're kinda muddying the GTAO content vs. GTAV content in that press release. While vehicles, guns, outfits, and some other items made for GTAO are available in single-player GTAV, not all content is, so "new jobs" and "properties," for instance, aren't in single player GTAV.

Hoping for a more proper announcement from Rockstar on single player content in addition to the port. At this time in the GTAIV release cycle, Lost and the Damned was about to release and Ballad was 6 months after that. For GTAV, it'll be a year+ after release without any noteworthy single player DLC on the horizon. I know they have priorities (GTAO -> X1/PS4 -> whatever elsE), but hoping a decent single player pack is part of that... not the scale of Ballad or L&D, but something.
Assumptions are being made because the trailer featured a new song. And the music in trailers is in the retail versions.
That song was in the original last gen versions of the game.
Radio Mirror Park.

Now the story DLC coming out later this year will certainly feature new music and compositions.
Eh, they're kinda muddying the GTAO content vs. GTAV content in that press release. While vehicles, guns, outfits, and some other items made for GTAO are available in single-player GTAV, not all content is, so "new jobs" and "properties," for instance, aren't in single player GTAV.

Hoping for a more proper announcement from Rockstar on single player content in addition to the port. At this time in the GTAIV release cycle, Lost and the Damned was about to release and Ballad was 6 months after that. For GTAV, it'll be a year+ after release without any noteworthy single player DLC on the horizon. I know they have priorities (GTAO -> X1/PS4 -> whatever elsE), but hoping a decent single player pack is part of that... not the scale of Ballad or L&D, but something.
Theyve already announced that story DLC will be coming out later this year.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought this. Sure, it looks better in video, but do you really want to have to deal with driving in traffic in the game? I never thought heavy traffic was fun to drive in in the first place, do I really want to simulate it in the game as well (Even if I can try to push them out of the way, it's still going to slow me down as it will be much harder to try to weave in and out or try to drive between).

We'll have to see but I am actually kinda worried about the heavy traffic making gameplay more annoying. Sometimes there's a reason to make a game less realistic ;).

Weird concern seeing as GTA5 simulated rush hour traffic. That looked like people getting off work, going out. I'm sure it won't always be like that.
I can't wait for this game. All of the amazing upgrades, plus a more stable game system, the online....not to mention two best somewhat overlook features...

Remote Play and game recording!! All thos amazing moments can now be captured, and shared. Soon, instantly to YouTube even from the PS4. With the Sharfactory video editor, too, I imagine amazing vids coming out. Now imagine doing all that while in your bed. Or on the crapper. Or not even at your home. I can't freaking wait.

TIme for my shameless GTA:O plug. For all those just joining the GTA:Online Train, or going to, or for those who had been playing but didn't know of it's existence, here is a link to the GTA:O OT - http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=718958. I imagine it'll pick up here soon, and even more so later on. Any PS3 people playing GTA:O message me for crew details! :D
Does anyone think there will be a special promotion for those that owned it on PS3 and want to buy the PS4 version? Maybe a discounted price on PSN?

Also, what is the release date, all i keep finding is autumn, is that september?


Considering I never had a chance to play TLOU and GTAV on last gen, I feel like this year is going to be fucking AWESOME (and expensive).
For those complaining about the price, you might as well get used to it. It is a remastered edition. More content than before, while looking way better. There are countless people out there that haven't played it, that will buy it without batting an eye at the price. Perhaps because people already played through it they feel they should get it for cheaper? $60 is fine for this, for what they are doing. I'll likely be buying whatever stupid most expensive edition they have coming out. And I'll be dam happy about it, too.


This and The Last of Us are the two games I want most on PS4. Haha.

The funny thing is that these games are probably going to be better than anything that comes out on the Playstation/Xbox for the next 2-3 years and I get to play both for the first time. Sucks for those who want something new, but it's only the beginning of the gen. I'm already backlogged and completely satisfied. Got Bioshock Infinite for free for PS3, so that leaves Portal 2 and Super Mario Galaxy 2. That will mean that I need to beat Mass Effect 2/3, Batman: AA, and then I'll still have Portal 2, GTA V, SMG 2, and Last of Us. That's gaming bliss right there.


I would like to get the game on PC but have no faith in Rockstar's pc port. PS4 it is.

Rockstar's last port was Max Payne 3 and it was stellar.

This is ignoring that lots of people don't play through games multiple times. I surely wouldn't play through a GTA game multiple times.

I've only played through San Andreas twice. Once at release on Xbox and this week at 1440p/60 FPS.

Nice to go back after such a long time away, but that is the only GTA game I have played through more than once.

The funny thing is that these games are probably going to be better than anything that comes out on the Playstation/Xbox for the next 2-3 years and I get to play both for the first time. Sucks for those who want something new, but it's only the beginning of the gen. I'm already backlogged and completely satisfied. Got Bioshock Infinite for free for PS3, so that leaves Portal 2 and Super Mario Galaxy 2. That will mean that I need to beat Mass Effect 2/3, Batman: AA, and then I'll still have Portal 2, GTA V, SMG 2, and Last of Us. That's gaming bliss right there.

As far as AAA titles that may be true. Current AAA development is a homogeneous mess currently.

Saying that there won't be a better game released in that time span though? I find that hard to believe.
hlhbk said:
I would like to get the game on PC but have no faith in Rockstar's pc port. PS4 it is.
Well, I keep pointing out that the PS4 and Xbox one are both very PC-like (multi-core x86 architecture) so I suspect the PC port will be good.

But given the quality of the GTA IV PC version as initially shipped . . . I guess a good dose of skepticism is warranted.
I.. agree with all the posts that say this is the most visually impressive game. I think AC's Paris and character model of the main character can hold it's own with this, *But* This. The scope. The size. The lighting. And the amazing quality of this game.

I'm afraid a 780 is not gonna be enough for this game. I'm actually thinking of getting a 6 or 8 core for this game.

If it's as well optimized as Max Payne 3 was, a 780 should be totally fine for 1080p. My laptop with a 2.4ghz i7 and 750m can run Max Payne 3 on a mix of high/ultra (or whatever they called ultra in that game) at a solid 60 @1080p.

Not even close to the most visually impressive game of the show though.


Considering I never had a chance to play TLOU and GTAV on last gen, I feel like this year is going to be fucking AWESOME (and expensive).

It is going to be for you (it is kinda bland for me. Vita has some good stuff but as for PS3/PS4, kinda a meh year. But, 2013 was a great year specifically cause of those two games so yeah, enjoy :) ). Hell, I'm excited now mostly for getting those games on PS4, heh. At least Wolfenstein was a surprise hit for me.
I would like to get the game on PC but have no faith in Rockstar's pc port. PS4 it is.

So in the past, the PC ports were based off the unique console architecture and wasn't optimized very well for a standard PC. Well, the PS4 and Xbone are both utilizing common CPU and GPU configurations, so unless something absurd happens, even a moderately powerful PC should do very well this round, because they will basically be optimizing it for PC-based systems all around.


I.. agree with all the posts that say this is the most visually impressive game. I think AC's Paris and character model of the main character can hold it's own with this, *But* This. The scope. The size. The lighting. And the amazing quality of this game.

Dude, i think GTAV looks amazing, and it's a miracle on last gen HW, but no, AC:U is just far far beyond.



The PC and current gen versions will probably have custom radio station, well the PC version certainly will. Still wouldn't be surprised if there's SP DLC that adds new radio content that will end up coming with the new versions.

The PS4 still doesn't have MP3 support.


No. "Enhanced resolution"

Expecting 720p@30fps on XBO, 1080p@30fps on PS4, and 4K@60fps on PC.

[Thinking to myself]
Wonder how much it might cost, in say, H2 2015 (not this year) to build a reasonable gaming PC with one of the unannounced "2nd-gen" 20nm Nvidia Maxwell / GTX8xx cards (w/ full DX12 support) plus a decent but not TOO expensive 50 inch 4K set for GTAV PC (and gaming in general)

Would probably need to use SLI (even with a powerful Maxwell) to get 4K 60FPS.
I'd think a single card would be more than fine for 1080P 60FPS or even 4K 30FPS.

I'll bet with some great graphic mods (i.e. Icenhancer),, new Intel CPU with 8 real cores, 32 GB DDR4 and high-end Maxwell SLI'ed, 4K/60fps, GTAV PC will look almost a generation ahead of the Xbox One and PS4 versions, though for at least 10x the cost.


formerly sane
Max Payne 3 was really well optimized though. So we'll see.


Rockstar had to make these games more next gen friendly so certain benefits will help out all the platforms this is coming too. Also this is GTA coming after their first major pc product their stuff is always bad the first few times then runs great. Outside of GTA3 and SA which I had underpowered or outdated hardware the pc version has always been decent to servicable. If one don't like how it performs avoid it at launch cause that's when there is the most trouble for the series after patches and mods come out things are solid.

Grief I know you love SA, but GTA4 modded is ungodly compared to anything that came from the engines based on 3. You can fix the gameplay up too a little which for driving or shooting elements is a welcome change at times.
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