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Great films with bad shots

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Haha, I almost mentioned that one, too. It's a necessary scene, but the dialogue and editing are so weird and so "alright, let's just get this part overwith" feeling.

Exactly. I get why it happened so I don't hold too much against it. Plus, I have to give props for being cameo-central, so the scene still came out fun. I do think it could have worked better with a little more refinement, but eh, it is what it is.


In Alien,
when Ash tries to kill Ripley by shoving a porno mag down her throat. Well-acted, well-shot, sure. But it's so hamfisted and in more ways than one. Otherwise, the symbolism's great and it's a god damn perfect movie.


check out my new Swatch

Can't find a gif of when they first transition to moving vertically, but it looks really bad.

Here's the video at 1:40


I still agree this shot looked bad.
Love love love the Godfather but yeah that punch has always driven me nuts. Also, Kay's
"It was an abortion, Michael. Like our marriage is an abortion"
line is eye-rolling in Part II.

Still, the greatest films ever made. Can't all be winners.


OP you're choices are plain rotten or you're using the wrong terminology.

Both those scenes are terrific: the diner scene in particular is a classic.

You're pointing out two freeze frame goofs (I'll refrain from pointing out at the time the effects for violence were cutting edge and the diner scene would not be easy to re-shot and as it relies on human/mechanical alignment getting perfect timing is unlikely) that are in fact very common. Blows clearly fail to connect all the time and mechanical timing effects are only intended to hold up to in motion viewing without ability to freeze image.

I'f you're going to try and nitpick The Godfather at least do it right.

That said the mentions for Pa Kent in MoS can't be argued with. Lousy scene.
I admitted a few post above, that I used the wrong word.
I meant shots not scenes.

And this. I hate these kinds of GIFs for so many reasons. You could find something that looks shitty in GIF form in just about any film, but you don't watch films as a series of zoomed, cropped, and infinitely repeating GIFs. Doesn't stop people from using it as lazy critique of just about anything.

well, I watched the movie first, noticed it and then went online to find the gifs for this thread. not the other was.


how did those things end up in the movie?
wouldn't have been a lot of efford, to do it again.

You have to remember this was shot in the 70s. Nowadays you can immediately rewatch something you just filmed to make sure it was the perfect take. Coppola likely had video assist available to him while filming to view the action, but he wouldn't be able to replay the take. They likely didn't notice these problems until they went to edit and at that point it would be way to expensive to reshoot.

If they noticed it looked fake at the time they definitely would have done more takes.


Neo Member
I like Blade Runner but the scene with Deckard and Rachel were he forces him to kiss her is incredibly creepy and uncomftorable in the modern age
Munich's sex scene.

She was so annoying:

I kinda agree, but honestly Willis's delivery on "Do you know what my father went through to get me that watch?... I don't wanna get into it right now... but he went through a lot" is one of my favorite parts of the movie.


I remember when I saw The Man Who Wasn't There originally (the only time I did), the flying saucer scene felt ridiculous in a bad way. Maybe watching it again would make it feel different.

That's just Joel Coen being Joel Coen. I didn't have a problem with that scene. Brilliant movie.


For scenes, I would say the
rape-ish scene
in Blade Runner. Just watched the film again, and wtf were they thinking?

The Fellowship "you shall not pass!" scene has a ton of VFX work and for the most part looks incredible for 2001, but this insert shot after Gandalf yells is fucking hilarious.


I wanted to pull my shirt over my head to hide my embarrassment during this scene.

That scene was amazing. A perfect homage to the OG movie and modern Philly.

Just be glad Rocky wasn't set in Oakland because it would have been whistle tips.


And then the LORD David Bowie saith to his Son, Jonny Depp: 'Go, and spread my image amongst the cosmos. For every living thing is in anguish and only the LIGHT shall give them reprieve.'
She was so annoying:
I feel like she existed just so you'd feel all sorry and protective of her when Bruce went apeshit about his watch. But for some reason she works for me.


The random GoPro shots in The Hobbit 2's barrel scene. Although those were just terrible shots in an otherwise mediocre movie.

Seeing those shots in IMAX though. The resolution drop was tangible.
Not really a problem with the shot itself, but in Herzog's Nosferatu, Kinski does his creepy vampire approach and his shadow goes along with wall, but then you see part of his fucking reflection in the mirror and it kills me because the movie is so perfect and it seems like such an easy mistake to catch and reshoot.
The first Rocky movie was amazing but had some really piss poor shots.



I wanted to pull my shirt over my head to hide my embarrassment during this scene.

Taken out of context like this it's pretty bad, but within the confines of the movie and in homage to Rocky, it wasn't too bad.
The amazing boxing scene more than makes up for it.


Sonny beating up Carlo with that fake punch:


The random GoPro shots in The Hobbit 2's barrel scene. Although those were just terrible shots in an otherwise mediocre movie.

Seeing those shots in IMAX though. The resolution drop was tangible.
Go Pro shots in anything take me out of the movie. They never look good when pared with the higher quality images. The only time it ever worked was in The Martian, because they were used to document Watney's time on Mars. They don't even try to hide the fact that they were Go Pros used.
inb4 Galadriel's scene in Fellowship.

Is there meant to be something wrong with this? You mean when she freaks out about the ring? That's never struck me as a bad scene.

Life of Brian aliens bit. Should've hit the cutting room floor.


Yeah, I love the film but that bit's just too silly and as a result not really funny.

That, and his horrible acting.

Yeah, he's a brilliant filmmaker but a bad actor.



Probably the only scene in the whole movie where I felt it broke the suspension of disbelief. Fortunately it only lasted a few seconds but man, it felt like those old monster movies from the 60s.


Regarding Creed I also really dislike the ATX scene and found it silly but it's also apparently a very Philly thing so it's excused.



I still agree this shot looked bad.

I was never under the impression the shot wasn't done using a rotating wall--it's a Christopher Nolan film after all, but quasi-practical effects don't make it any better. There are similar shots that look much more fluid and natural later in the movie, e.g. the fight scene in the rotating hotel hallway. The movements of the DiCaprio and Page in this scene however are stiff as they halt before moving up the wall and then it seems like they overextended when they took a step onto the wall; it just doesn't look like a natural transition for what should be one in the dreamscape.

I know you agreed with me about the shot looking bad, but I just wanted to further explain my position of why I think the shot was bad, even with using some practical effects.
I noticed the fake punch in The Godfather the first time I watched it, but somehow never noticed Luke's fake kick in Return of the Jedi even once in the dozens of times I'd seen it before that gif became popular. It's even difficult to look for when you know it's coming because it's right at the start of the shot and your eye is drawn to Boba Fett zooming past in the background, whereas Sonny's air punch is exactly where you're already looking in the middle of a fairly long shot. He even slows down and winds up for it so you can't look away :p
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