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GTA V PC Performance Thread

Is anyone else getting stuttering when driving? I'm running 4x Titan X in SLI on a 5K monitor. It runs at pretty much 60fps when not in a car, but the framerate dips a bit when driving. So far I have everything maxed minus AA.


probably being greedy and deserve what I get with my rig but here's hoping for a patch or new driver that irons things out a bit soon


lol, why does the benchmark start the game? :D

Instead of benchmark it started with initial cutscene of the game, then cut to the city view (benchmark), then back to cutscene, then again to canyon view where plane flies beneath the bridge, and then....

"MISSION FAILED: you left your crew behind"

during the benchmark. It stopped and I had to quit the game.

Also, does anyone else have massive stuttering and frame drops when aiming?

Yeah it's super broken if you do it before starting story mode


Yeah it is doing some incredible scaling, I am very impressed.

Ok so I was getting those numbers with Precision X. I had FRAPS run in the background during my last playtime. Precision is definitely off:

I got these numbers with the following settings:

Resolution - 4k


Population Density - Max
Population Variety - Max
Distance Scaling - Max

Texture Quality - Very High
Shader Quality - Very High
Shadow Quality - Very High
Reflection Quality - Very High
Reflection MSAA - 8x

Water Quality - Very High
Particles Quality - Very High
Grass - Ultra
Soft Shadows - NVIDIA PCSS
Post FX - Ultra
AF - 16x
Ambient Occlusion - High
Tessellation - Very High

Long Shadows - On
High Resolution Shadows - On

Extended Distance Scaling - On
Extended Shadows Distance - On

I tried taking some screen shots, but for some reason I can't with either FRAPS or Precision. These numbers are with stock clocks on the Titan X's. If I applied one of my OC profiles, I'm confident I could hit 60fps.

Or if I simply dropped 4x MSAA to 2x or turned it off and put FXAA on I'd for sure get 60fps.

Will try and capture some tomorrow. I spent the majority of my evening troubleshooting and then waiting for 60GB to redownload, so I'm a bit tired.

You would Smokey. I am running at 4k with everything set to the max with the exception of not using MSAA, I have it turned off, FXAA On, but every other possible slider is set to the max and in the city at night and during the day it is rock solid 60fps. The only time I can get it to dip is I go to the country side where this is a lot of vegetation/grass etc, and then I get drops to the mid-50's, but it is only briefly.

Got to admit that the scaling is pretty good and the game seems very well optimized from my brief experience so far. I am actually surprised at 4k that I am able to run with everything at max except for MSAA. Using MSAA, I do get drops in high populated areas to about 45fps or so, but at 4k, MSAA even FXAA is not doing too much to improve the IQ.

Extremely impressed so far.
rest of your rig and settings?

that's a bit of a stretch at least for me with a 680, which isnt THAT different

I get 60 fine walking around and such, but get 3 stars on ya driving and it gets messy

i5 4690k, stock clock
GTX 770 stock clock
running it off a Samsung 840 Evo SSD
Windows 8.1

MSAA Off, Pop. Variety at around 40%, Texture Quality High, Shader Q. Very High, Shadow Quality High, Reflection Q. Very High, Reflection MSAA Off, Water Q. High, Particles Q. Very High, Grass Q. High, Soft Shadows Softer, Post FX Very High, DOF On, 16x Antistrophic, Ambient Occlusion High, Tessellation High.

For advanced settings, High Res Shadows is On, everything else on that menu Off.

I did some speedy driving during Franklin's mission and the mandatory 2-star police chase, but didn't get to do a 4-star yet, sorry. I'm sure I'll hit a time or two when the chaos just gets too much to hold that steady 60, but I haven't hit it.


i5 4690k, stock clock
GTX 770 stock clock
running it off a Samsung 840 Evo SSD
Windows 8.1

MSAA Off, Pop. Variety at around 40%, Texture Quality High, Shader Q. Very High, Shadow Quality High, Reflection Q. Very High, Reflection MSAA Off, Water Q. High, Particles Q. Very High, Grass Q. High, Soft Shadows Softer, Post FX Very High, DOF On, 16x Antistrophic, Ambient Occlusion High, Tessellation High.

For advanced settings, High Res Shadows is On, everything else on that menu Off.

lemme know if you truly get constant stable 60fps as the game goes on. seems too much of a disparity with what im getting, tho your card IS allegedly better


Is anyone else getting stuttering when driving? I'm running 4x Titan X in SLI on a 5K monitor. It runs at pretty much 60fps when not in a car, but the framerate dips a bit when driving. So far I have everything maxed minus AA.

Nope. I am using 2xTitan X, but did not notice any stuttering. Only slow down I get is when I am out in the country side and there is a lot of grass/vegetation etc. Outside of that not experiencing any stuttering. Could be 4xSLI issues, but not sure.


I don't know how R* did this but the game is running with high or even very high details on my 660Ti (and 3570k + 16GB RAM) with absolutely stable 60fps (and it looks gorgeous!).

What is this sorcery?
Nope. I am using 2xTitan X, but did not notice any stuttering. Only slow down I get is when I am out in the country side and there is a lot of grass/vegetation etc. Outside of that not experiencing any stuttering. Could be 4xSLI issues, but not sure.

Is there a way to individually enable/disable cards in the Nvidia display settings? I'd like to see the difference between 3x TitanX SLI and 4X.


Is anyone else getting stuttering when driving? I'm running 4x Titan X in SLI on a 5K monitor. It runs at pretty much 60fps when not in a car, but the framerate dips a bit when driving. So far I have everything maxed minus AA.

Your setup is going to be very very rare, so I wouldn't be too surprised at issues arising from a new game on it.
I'm sure it sucks to do this, but you could try running on two GPUs.
are you getting 60fps tho?

In certain spots, but I maxed everything else too when it became apparent that the VRAM slider was not indicative of game-breaking performance loss and I wanted to see how bad it would get if I pushed it. I've got sliders maxed except for shadows (Softer) and MSAA / Reflective MSAA both at 2x (which is admittedly pretty jaggy, but it smears the textures less than FXAA). I'm averaging low 50s at most points, dropping down to 35ish in heavily forested/grassy areas. And seeing as how I'm used to playing this at less than 30 fps on the PS3, it feels buttery smooth. Honestly I don't see too many dips and not a thing that's affected performance during hectic gameplay. So, at least with my experience so far, I'd say that 2GB users don't need to feel like they have to be stuck with "Normal" textures because a VRAM slider told them so.
Your setup is going to be very very rare, so I wouldn't be too surprised at issues arising from a new game on it.
I'm sure it sucks to do this, but you could try running on two GPUs.

I'd probably have to run at 4K instead of 5K with SLi TitanX. It's amazing how demanding 5K really is.


Anybody else getting high CPU utilization?

1080p, 60FPS

i7 3960x @ 4.2
32 GB DDR3 1600
R9 270X (x2)
Intel 520 Series SSD
lemme know if you truly get constant stable 60fps as the game goes on. seems too much of a disparity with what im getting, tho your card IS allegedly better

Sure I'll let you know.

Also, I dunno how accurate it is, but I just tried the benchmark and got a smooth 60 throughout, though with significant pop-in during the jet fighter fly-by.


FINAL EDIT: Revised settings due to apparent performance increases possibly from patch:

EDIT: Changed some shadow settings. It turns out that High Resolution Shadows don't actually turn on unless your Shadow Quality is already on Very High. I bumped up Soft Shadows to Softer to mask some of the pixelation of the shadows on High. This still results in a locked 1080p60 in the benchmark.
EDIT2: I probably missed this due to High Resolution Shadows only turning on when Shadow Quality is Very High but it seems that Shadow Quality Very high isn't so bad and is required for car head light shadows which are insanely atmospheric. The benchmark tool mostly shows 60 fps when I bump that up (~2 drops to 55) so I think that it is a reasonable sacrifice from locked 60 fps for glorious headlight shadows.
EDIT3: Finally got around to testing countryside and the dip is real. I have now tuned these settings so that the lowest it went was ~50 fps in a spot that I could consistently get to using Director Mode (which is amazing for testing the game at different times of day and location!). These are no longer locked 60 fps settings because there were just some effects that I really wanted to keep on, namely headlight shadows which require Shadow Quality Very High.
EDIT4: This might be from the first patch but I've noticed a lot of stutter and have determined that it's from very momentary frametime increases which Vsync has to deal with by holding frames, thus stutter. To fix this, I have now disabled Vsync and capped fps with Rivatuner. If you can deal with tearing, I recommend this approach for now.

Skimmed through the thread and didn't see this mentioned but the benchmark tool works fine IF YOU BEAT THE PROLOGUE and then be sure to have story mode loaded before loading the benchmark tool. The problem seems to be that story mode loads automatically from the start screen where you are probably going through the graphic options such that it ends up loading the benchmark with story mode running behind it (thus the interesting "failed mission" during the bench since the prologue is running).

Having now extensively used the benchmark tool to reach a constant, unwavering 60 fps city, >50 fps countryside 1080p60 fps, here are my specs and settings.

Intel Core i5-4690K @ 3.5 GHz, 3.9 turbo (stock)
Radeon R9 280X 3 GB @ 1.1 GHz, 15.4 Beta drivers
8 GB DDR3-1600
960 GB SanDisk Extreme Pro SSD

DirectX 11
60 Hz

FXAA off (Personal preference - Feel free to turn this on but I like sharp images)
MSAA off
Vsync off (fps capped to 60 using Rivatuner to avoid stutter - you can turn Vsync on if you don't want to use a 3rd party program to limit framerate)
Pause Game On Focus Loss On

Population Density max
Population Variety max
Distance Scaling max

Texture Quality very high
Shader Quality very high
Shadow Quality very high (Needed for headlight shadows)
Reflection Quality very high
Reflection MSAA off
Water Quality very high
Particles Quality very high
Grass Quality high (Normal completely removes polygonal grass but huge fps gain, like 20%'ish)
Soft Shadows softer

Post FX high (Disables In-Game Depth of Field, however. You can sacrifice ~5 more fps at worst to put this on Very High)
Motion Blur Strength min
In-Game Depth of Field Effects off
Anisotropic Filtering x16 (in-game AF is broken. Force it in drivers)
Ambient Occlusion high
Tesselation very high

Long shadows off
High Resolution Shadows off
High Detail Streaming While Flying on (May need SSD for this)
Extended Distance Scaling min
Extended Shadows Distance min

VRAM Predicted Usage 2429 MB
RAM Usage 5.5-6.5 GB

I have bolded what I found to have a large impact on framerate at times (as in 60 fps normally but suddenly dropping to ~30; or just really expensive), most of which are related to shadows (these settings compound on one another) and grass. The extended distance scaling also has a huge impact on framerate.

With the above settings, the game is running at 60 fps all the time in city and dropping down to ~50 fps at times in wooded areas while looking amazing. I feel that these settings are the best compromise between chasing after 60 fps while keeping most of the prettier and atmospheric effects on.

Here's a video of these settings being stress tested in the countryside:

Less compressed version - download it (221MB):


Is there a way to individually enable/disable cards in the Nvidia display settings? I'd like to see the difference between 3x TitanX SLI and 4X.

Not that I am aware of. If your motherboard supports it (some do) you can turn off the PCI Slots so you can just run 3 of the slots and disable the 4th one.

I do this when I am testing my stuff. Since I am water cooled, I tested my Titan X this way by leaving my loop at testing my Titan X's on Air until my waterblocks came in.


CPU: Intel Pentium g860 @ 3.00GHz
RAM: 4 GB DDR3 @ 666MHz

I'm guessing if I were to get it, CPU would be bottleneck right? It might be time to upgrade that...


Would a separate performance thread for people who have single GPUs with 2GB or less be allowed? I can only find small droplets of information between all these 970/980/Titan cards and SLI setup posts :(
Everyone remember to go to the wooded areas of the game when testing frame rate, as this area normally kills your FPS due to the foliage and all the shadows they cast.


Would a separate performance thread for people who have single GPUs with 2GB or less be allowed? I can only find small droplets of information between all these 970/980/Titan cards and SLI setup posts :(
There's plenty of people posting with 2GB cards.

Anyways, I'm less sure on MSAA now. It makes a good difference in certain spots and then I notice quite a bit of aliasing and dithering in other areas still. MSAAx4 really cleans up a lot of it, but that's also pretty hefty. I might see what I can turn down to get 1080p/60fps/MSAAx4, though.


Fucking hell, this 59hz bug is the reason why I keep getting frame drops. It won't let me run the game at 60 unless I switch to some odd resolution like 1600x1200. Anytime I manage to run the game at 60hz, rock solid fps. When I drop the res down to 1280x720 which locks it at 59hz again I get 1-5fps drops, even when I'm staring at the damn ground or sky. Shit is infuriating. I know my PC can run it fine.

Game gets a 0/10 until I find a solution.


Long shadows off
High Resolution Shadows on
High Detail Streaming While Flying on
Extended Distance Scaling min
Extended Shadows Distance min
Interesting. What's the difference, visually, with "long shadows" on and "Extended Distance Scaling at max"?
Not that I am aware of. If your motherboard supports it (some do) you can turn off the PCI Slots so you can just run 3 of the slots and disable the 4th one.

I do this when I am testing my stuff. Since I am water cooled, I tested my Titan X this way by leaving my loop at testing my Titan X's on Air until my waterblocks came in.

Awesome. Thank you!


Fucking hell, this 59hz bug is the reason why I keep getting frame drops. It won't let me run the game at 60 unless I switch to some odd resolution like 1600x1200. Anytime I manage to run the game at 60hz, rock solid fps. When I drop the res down to 1280x720 which locks it at 59hz again I get 1-5fps drops, even when I'm staring at the damn ground or sky. Shit is infuriating. I know my PC can run it fine.

Game gets a 0/10 until I find a solution.

Same shit for me, the 59Hz lock makes game run at weird 58.6-59.6FPS according to MSI Afterburner with random drops and making game look jittery.


I have not read all the pages in this thread, but does anyone know what is Long Shadows?

Shadows are cast realistically relative to the position of the sun. With it turned off shadows stop getting longer when the sun is at a certain angle. The effect is subtle but really can make a big difference in some areas.


Shadows are cast realistically relative to the position of the sun. With it turned off shadows stop getting longer when the sun is at a certain angle. The effect is subtle but really can make a big difference in some areas.
Does the effect exist on current gen console version or even last gen?



I wanted to start a benchmark and the game somehow loads the first mission and the benchmark at the same time and switches between them every few seconds.
When the jet flew over the mountain I got a mission failed message because I left my crew?
After that the first mission started and once I blew up the bomb the game wants to start the benchmark again.
I'm now stuck in an infinite loading screen.



I wanted to start a benchmark and the game somehow loads the first mission and the benchmark at the same time and switches between them every few seconds.
When the jet flew over the mountain I got a mission failed message because I left my crew?
After that the first mission started and once I blew up the bomb the game wants to start the benchmark again.
I'm now stuck in an infinite loading screen.

Yep, it's super bugged if you do it from the start menu


setting max pre-rendered frames to 1 seemed to have fixed a slight stutter/hiccup I was getting occasionally (even with g-sync).



I wanted to start a benchmark and the game somehow loads the first mission and the benchmark at the same time and switches between them every few seconds.
When the jet flew over the mountain I got a mission failed message because I left my crew?
After that the first mission started and once I blew up the bomb the game wants to start the benchmark again.
I'm now stuck in an infinite loading screen.
You definitely have to play through the first mission stuff before it works. And only launch the benchmark from the game menu, not the start menu.


Alright, I think I've found my sweet spot for settings already.

MSI GTX970(factory stock)
Windows 7
1080p monitor

First things, some settings I'd recommend for those who can afford it:

- FXAA is probably what most people will use without a higher end setup, but even at 1440p, the aliasing was just not very nice, with that gross dithering everywhere. MSAA makes a huge difference here. Even just MSAAx2(I've got MFAA turned on as well, which probably helps) mostly gets rid of the dithering and dramatically reduces aliasing. It costs a fair bit of performance and I had to turn down the resolution to 1183p, but that with MSAAx2 was highly preferable to 1440p w/FXAA. I might even check out 1080p with MSAAx4 next.

- High Resolution Shadows makes a big difference. It's the only Advanced Graphics setting I have turned on, but it totally gets rid of all the crappy shadows everywhere, especially the powerline shadows that look like dotted lines all over the place. Again, costs performance, but I think it makes a really worthwhile improvement.

I'm only using regular soft shadows, I've got no motion blur, shadow quality on high, no reflection MSAA, but everything else in the regular graphics options maxed.

This all gets me a really decent looking image at a pretty consistent 60fps, even in the city, which definitely does hit performance hard.

I'll take some comparison shots here soon.

Thanks for this. I decided to just do away with the advanced settings and enjoy 1440p its not a perfect 60fps but man MSAA is just so good


Is there anyone playing this at 720p?

Should a 720p+2x MSAA be better than 1080p+ FXAA?

Also, what are the VRAM gains from 1080 to 720?


After playing around more, I'm going to stick to the game's detected settings rather than the GeForce Experience ones.

There are areas up in the hills and such where performance is way worse at times, and the detected settings handle it fine for the most part whereas the GFE ones will get crunched.

Not complaining as even the detected settings are quite high on my rig and other than some performance drops when driving (usually daytime and cruising long distances at max speed) it's 60 FPS. I'll take it.


Interesting. What's the difference, visually, with "long shadows" on and "Extended Distance Scaling at max"?

For long shadows, to be honest, I couldn't really tell what the difference was in the benchmark due to how fast it changes time of day. To do that, I'd probably need to capture videos/screens of both and directly compare them. If I had to guess, long shadows get cut-off after they reach a certain size but this option prevents that from happening. I think this was one option that was killing my framerate, specifically when the sun was at a sharp angle that led to long shadows (ie. just before night and dawn).

For Extended Distance Scaling, I think this lets it render pedestrians and cars further away which, due to AI, requires more CPU power which led to a CPU-limited situation.

Captain Pants

Killed by a goddamned Dredgeling
My 660m is struggling with this one. I can do 1080p with a stable framerate, but that's with normal textures, no anti-aliasing and no fancy grass.
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