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Guild Wars 2 News And Information Thread [Large Beta Weekends In March/April]


None of the races really appeal to me in GW2, so I'll probably go Human or Norn if its possible to make a black Norn.



So I just found out Nolan North is doing the male human character voice. Who else is rethinking their races?

Rolling with a Human Male confirmed, i will be a Nathan Drake Elementalist!

And i already have a Excel sheet with all the combos of Races, Classes and Genre that i will get :(


Tragic victim of fan death
Honestly, that video pretty much summarizes a lot of the videos that Jira posted up on the OP. He should really watch it.


I am apprehensive about the personal storyline. I feel that it may be limiting in the game. It could turn out really enjoyable but missing out on any content because of something you did 300 hours ago can sting.

"Its about finding a wife on the internet. that is what the future of games is going to be." -i chuckled

So many classes to try out. I may have to splurge on character slots if I get really into the game.


I am not sure but i think i remember reading that you can change the appearance of your character through karma points, is this correct can i make my character look the way i want?


I am not sure but i think i remember reading that you can change the appearance of your character through karma points, is this correct can i make my character look the way i want?

I would imagine that they would charge you, just like in the original Guild Wars where you could buy a make-over pack, to change your entire appearance. Things like Hairstyle's and jewellery I am sure will be changeable on the fly, perhaps at the cost of a few karma points.


Know what I'd like for GW2? A "shooter mode" like Star Trek Online that makes the mouse control the camera without holding any buttons down, and makes your skills and attacks target whatever your reticle is pointed at. It would be a relatively small change to implement since the targeting functionality is the only thing that they would need to add, but it would go a very long way toward making combat feel even more active.


That doesn't sound unreasonable, does it? I think a slight change of camera angle, the addition of a semi-transparent reticle, and point-to-target functionality wouldn't take all that much work to implement.


Having recently picked up Guild Wars (about 1 month ago) and working towards the Hall of Monuments rewards the hard way (playing with heroes most of the time), I really hope the skill system in GW2 won't be similar to GW1.

That said, I'm really starting to enjoy GW1 now, and I appreciate it's skill based gameplay immensely, but the game really is quite punishing and unfair if you happen to bring a "wrong bar of skills" into a mission. Stuff like Gate of Madness, even on normal, is completely beyond your reach unless you can bring the cheapest possible skills that can exploit the boss' mechanics in that particular encounter (Pain Inverter, Spoil Victor, etc.) and it is generally accepted as part of the game. It's fun when you know what to do, but not so fun when you don't, and especially for a new player who doesn't still grasp that part of the game - there just are too many skills in the game - the learning slope is quite steep and rocky.

Things are probably better in GW2, since as I've understood, the skills in GW2 are tied to your weapon, and you can swap it on the fly. No more "oops I didn't equip the skill that lets me pass this encounter" type of thing :p

In regard of Hall of Monuments in GW1, if I can manage to beat the 3 campaigns, what would be the "easiest" other 2 status to go for? I'm uncertain about the difficulty of the protector titles, are those something you can manage from Factions and Nightfall with a real player count of 3 fresh new players that aren't necessarily very well equipped?

In my understanding there are also a few statues for beating a couple of elite missions, how tough are those with an inexperienced party?


You honestly mean to tell me that you've seen videos of where GW2's combat looks as good as TERA's? Granted I've only watched the Gamescom videos, but they're all like "you have to move out of the way!" when you really don't.

I don't know, I think when a game has a targeting system like a traditional MMO it's going to be hard to top the pure aiming system of a game like TERA.

Oh you have to move out of the way alright:

One shot and after they kill the drake they go into that cave and 8 people just get obliterated(level 4-5 content):


Two shot (level 20 something content):


Killed in 5 sec flat (level 3-5 content):


Single big hits from the Charr here take about 40% of his health and a couple enemies on you at once is going to be difficult to deal with (level 3-5 content):


There's a video from G Star where a centaur kited and killed a player, not really doing anything too fancy, but the player still died because he just kept trying to run at the centaur and not dodging or without switching to a ranged weapon and snaring/crippling it and then switching back to melee to get into range to cripple/kill it. I can't find the video anymore due to it being written in Korean, but yeah.

I'm totally on the GW2 bandwagon myself, but Age of Conan tried the same thing (but with pretty bad implementation) and it still ended up with the holy trinity.

People expecting this to be a "everyone can go everything equally" I think are going to be in for a surprise. People are still going to want a damage soaker and someone who can debuff/buff, which certain classes can undeniably do better. Just look at the skills on the wiki.

No one is going to "soak damage" because you can't, if you try to stand there while something beats on you, you WILL die. Small 1 vs 1 hits are generally survivable, but you don't want to get hit with large attacks, nor do you want to stand around while several mobs hit you because that quickly adds up and will lead to your death. The entire point of the control part of GW2 is to make it so enemies never hit you in the first place, you want to dodge, block, or keep enemies away from you at all costs. You DO NOT want to be mitigating damage because you simply can't.

"I said something to Isaiah Cartwright the other day that has stuck in my mind since then. I think it explains how no trinity is possible more than anything else, so I’ll relay it here: “Our professions aren’t dedicated healers, DPS, or tanks because frankly, we built a combat system that just doesn’t allow it.”" - Jon Peters

Read this:



In regard of Hall of Monuments in GW1, if I can manage to beat the 3 campaigns, what would be the "easiest" other 2 status to go for? I'm uncertain about the difficulty of the protector titles, are those something you can manage from Factions and Nightfall with a real player count of 3 fresh new players that aren't necessarily very well equipped?

In my understanding there are also a few statues for beating a couple of elite missions, how tough are those with an inexperienced party?

Other than the statues you get for simply beating each campaign, the next easiest ones are probably the ones you get from completing the bonus missions in every mission. The only hitch is that A) If you've just finished playing Nightfall and you don't already have most of the bonuses complete, then it's a bit of a slog to turn right around and do them all over again, and B) While all but one or two of the bonuses in Nightfall are dead simple to achieve, the bonuses in Tyria can be finicky, and there are a lot of them, and the bonuses in Cantha are almost entirely based on how quickly you complete the mission, which could be frustrating if you're having trouble just surviving some of the tougher ones.

Other than those, the easiest statues to get are the ones for maxing your reputation with a particular title track, but it's still a giant, grinding slog to earn the points you need. The quickest statues to get are the ones for completing the elite dungeons (Sorrow's Furnace, the Deep, Urgoz's Warren, Fissure of Woe, Underworld, and Domain of Anguish). Any of them will be a good deal more difficult than anything you ran into during the normal campaigns, though. The easiest two of the bunch are probably Fissure of Woe and Sorrow's Furnace (SF being the easier of the two).

Also, if you're mainly looking to fill out your Hall of Monuments, I wouldn't bother going past the first five statues; after that, the amount of time and effort needed to get one measly little point out of the Honor monument just shoots up exponentially. If you can get five statues in there, you'll have 8 points from it, and I wouldn't bother shooting for more unless you end up really liking the game's various grinds. It's relatively cheap and easy to get five points from Devotion (so long as you do this scavenger hunt for a 'free' Green minipet), and six points from Fellowship. That, with the Honor monument, takes you up to 19 points, by which point you'll probably have a pretty good idea of how willing you are to keep working for HoM points, and which points are going to be the least painful for you to achieve.


Easiest statue is to set your secondary profession to ranger and charm the black Moa (then turn it in at once, since it's already lv20). Takes ~30 minutes, and gives you 2 points in HoM if you haven't registered any other pets.


Other than the statues you get for simply beating each campaign, the next easiest ones are probably the ones you get from completing the bonus missions in every mission. The only hitch is that A) If you've just finished playing Nightfall and you don't already have most of the bonuses complete, then it's a bit of a slog to turn right around and do them all over again, and B) While all but one or two of the bonuses in Nightfall are dead simple to achieve, the bonuses in Tyria can be finicky, and there are a lot of them, and the bonuses in Cantha are almost entirely based on how quickly you complete the mission, which could be frustrating if you're having trouble just surviving some of the tougher ones.

Other than those, the easiest statues to get are the ones for maxing your reputation with a particular title track, but it's still a giant, grinding slog to earn the points you need. The quickest statues to get are the ones for completing the elite dungeons (Sorrow's Furnace, the Deep, Urgoz's Warren, Fissure of Woe, Underworld, and Domain of Anguish). Any of them will be a good deal more difficult than anything you ran into during the normal campaigns, though. The easiest two of the bunch are probably Fissure of Woe and Sorrow's Furnace (SF being the easier of the two).

Also, if you're mainly looking to fill out your Hall of Monuments, I wouldn't bother going past the first five statues; after that, the amount of time and effort needed to get one measly little point out of the Honor monument just shoots up exponentially. If you can get five statues in there, you'll have 8 points from it, and I wouldn't bother shooting for more unless you end up really liking the game's various grinds. It's relatively cheap and easy to get five points from Devotion (so long as you do this scavenger hunt for a 'free' Green minipet), and six points from Fellowship. That, with the Honor monument, takes you up to 19 points, by which point you'll probably have a pretty good idea of how willing you are to keep working for HoM points, and which points are going to be the least painful for you to achieve.

Thanks for a very helpful answer!

5 statues is definitely my max for Honor, I've set my own goal for 21 points which shouldn't be completely impossible to get (Rockfur Raccoon GO!). The reputation grinds don't seem that appealing to me, but I guess we might give those dungeons a go and see how we fare in them with a few mates.

I suppose I'll finish all the campaigns first and see how I'm doing with those bonuses, and then decide what other two statues would be the least painful to get.

Already working on my Black Moa Chick as well, just need a bit of Factions to get to the Gyala Hatchery next :p


Oh you have to move out of the way alright:

One shot and after they kill the drake they go into that cave and 8 people just get obliterated(level 4-5 content):

Two shot (level 20 something content):

Killed in 5 sec flat (level 3-5 content):

Single big hits from the Charr here take about 40% of his health and a couple enemies on you at once is going to be difficult to deal with (level 3-5 content):

There's a video from G Star where a centaur kited and killed a player, not really doing anything too fancy
Thats interesting but theres a reason other MMOs dont have difficulty like this at the very early levels: casuals.

No new MMO these days can survive without healthy casual appeal and getting destroyed over and over and over again within the first 10 levels kinda turns people off from the game.

Even MMO veterans not used to real time combat may get frustrated.


No one is going to "soak damage" because you can't, if you try to stand there while something beats on you, you WILL die. Small 1 vs 1 hits are generally survivable, but you don't want to get hit with large attacks, nor do you want to stand around while several mobs hit you because that quickly adds up and will lead to your death. The entire point of the control part of GW2 is to make it so enemies never hit you in the first place, you want to dodge, block, or keep enemies away from you at all costs. You DO NOT want to be mitigating damage because you simply can't.

"I said something to Isaiah Cartwright the other day that has stuck in my mind since then. I think it explains how no trinity is possible more than anything else, so I’ll relay it here: “Our professions aren’t dedicated healers, DPS, or tanks because frankly, we built a combat system that just doesn’t allow it.”" - Jon Peters

Read this:


Because this is a tab targeting game, there will always be some kind of unavoidable damage unless EVERY boss has area of effects abilities with no targeted abilities what-so-ever, which is unlikely. Then you look at the skills of say, the Guardian. Healing and defensive abilities. Clearly you're going to want one of these in your party, look at what the class brings. Defense from ranged, melee, AoE heals, buffs, etc. Because this is a tab-targeting game, enemies are going to have "on target" abilities. The Guardian is going to want to take the most of the abilities. Why? Because he is a tank/healer/support class.

I mean, there's no way to get around it. This game does not have an aiming reticle, meaning that there are going to be attacks that are not going to be able to be dodged. Sure, maybe a lot of them are, but you still have that 10-20% that need to be soaked. What better class to do it than one who has a ranged block or a block and heal on top of the self-heal?

Again, I'm totally hyped for GW2, but I can totally see the LFG channel being spammed with "LFM [insert class here]". Other MMOs have touted the same kind of thing. But looking at skills and realizing that this game has a fair amount of targeted abilities, ESPECIALLY for ranged, I just can't see it doing away completely with the holy trinity. The second you introduce a class that has a lot of tanking abilities or a class that has a lot of healing abilities, no matter if they're AoE or not, you are creating the holy trinity, just throwing in a new flavor.

Edit: Oh, and I'm not saying that this is necessarily a bad thing. Just that people need to keep expectations in line with reality. Reticle aiming has its own slew of problems.


I thought skills in GW2 were basically cone, aoe and gtaoe and that actual tab targeting was only there for people who were used to it from other MMOs, but wasn't necessary. I know you don't have to target anything to fire off your skills.

I guess I assumed because there are no direct target ally skills that it would carry over to other aspects of combat as well.

OnlineWelten: Is the guardian able to use defensive Spirit weapons in order to protect an ally? Can he, for example, conjure a defensive Shield which will cover a certain ally from incoming damage?

Jon: There are no ally targeted skills in Guild Wars 2. The spirit weapons are summoned for the guardian themselves; however they can still be used to protect allies by activating their abilities against enemies targeting those allies.

If not that's a little disappointing, to be honest.


There are definitely enemy targeting skills. At Gamescom they showed the engineer and I believe two of his gun abilities are targeted. Plus the basic "shoot" aka manual attack is on target.

Ally targeting being nonexistant I can totally believe.


Again, I'm totally hyped for GW2, but I can totally see the LFG channel being spammed with "LFM [insert class here]". Other MMOs have touted the same kind of thing. But looking at skills and realizing that this game has a fair amount of targeted abilities, ESPECIALLY for ranged, I just can't see it doing away completely with the holy trinity. The second you introduce a class that has a lot of tanking abilities or a class that has a lot of healing abilities, no matter if they're AoE or not, you are creating the holy trinity, just throwing in a new flavor.
I've done this dance before ITT multiple times. Basically, we have believers and skeptics. Not much middle ground. And I think most of us have exhausted our logical evidence. Got to wait until the beta.


Tragic victim of fan death
That's a misunderstanding. He means that the GW2 for the PC is currently being prepared. DO NOT TAKE THAT LINK'S NEWS SERIOUSLY.


Oh seems like I haven't read it well enough. Oh well.

Here is something from the Cynical Brit:

I am not sure if everyone can see it. If not, here is what he wrote:

Stuff we are planning on covering, bearing in mind that all characters start at Lv1 in this beta and are deleted after the weekend is done.

* Class overviews including skillsets with as many different weapons as we can get.
* Skill demonstrations on a per class basis including optimum attack rotations and so forth, basically a large set of "how this works" stuff.
* Stats explanations, a primer on a class by class basis on what's good for you and what isn't.
* Quest timelapses, these are an entire quest chain condensed into a smaller video, the idea being to give you an impression of how the questing system changes the zone as well as some storyline overview.
* Character creation on a per race basis.
* PvP where possible, including double-perspective duels, IF it can be done.
* World bosses where available.
* Mechanics analysis and comparisons to other games


Quest timelapses, these are an entire quest chain condensed into a smaller video, the idea being to give you an impression of how the questing system changes the zone as well as some storyline overview.

I'm looking forward to this probably most of all. I was thinking a few weeks ago that's something Arenanet should be doing to really show off the dynamic events and how they affect the world.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
Oh you have to move out of the way alright:

One shot and after they kill the drake they go into that cave and 8 people just get obliterated(level 4-5 content):


Two shot (level 20 something content):


Killed in 5 sec flat (level 3-5 content):


Wow, that was some awful looking combat. It looks so awkward, I imagine the the hands of a better player it will of course, look better, but still.

So let me get this straight: The only way to attack something is to use your skills on the bar at the bottom? There is no basic auto attack with your main weapons?


Wow, that was some awful looking combat. It looks so awkward, I imagine the the hands of a better player it will of course, look better, but still.

So let me get this straight: The only way to attack something is to use your skills on the bar at the bottom? There is no basic auto attack with your main weapons?

No there is no auto-attack. Don't see how that's an issue.


I've done this dance before ITT multiple times. Basically, we have believers and skeptics. Not much middle ground. And I think most of us have exhausted our logical evidence. Got to wait until the beta.

I'm skeptical. Isn't that the best thing to be in situations like this? Just look at the videos just posted with the range players. A good amount of targeted abilities.


Wow, that was some awful looking combat. It looks so awkward, I imagine the the hands of a better player it will of course, look better, but still.

So let me get this straight: The only way to attack something is to use your skills on the bar at the bottom? There is no basic auto attack with your main weapons?

The first skill on the bar is a quick attack with no cooldown that can be set as an autoattack.


It isn't, but the combat sure as hell looks ugly in those videos without it.

I've always found this view strange. Just standing there doing canned animations while waiting for a skill to recharge always seemed as stupid to me as just standing there waiting for a skill to recharge. I've been giving most of these videos the benefit of the doubt, but I hope after the closed beta event this weekend we'll see more active movement and weapon swapping/attunement switching/whatever-your-profession-uses to keep up your DPS during combat, now that people will have more than an hour at a time playing a single character. The most satisfying combat videos I've seen to date are the PvP matches from G-star.


Wow, that was some awful looking combat. It looks so awkward, I imagine the the hands of a better player it will of course, look better, but still.

So let me get this straight: The only way to attack something is to use your skills on the bar at the bottom? There is no basic auto attack with your main weapons?

You say that as if this is a bad thing...


I'm skeptical. Isn't that the best thing to be in situations like this? Just look at the videos just posted with the range players. A good amount of targeted abilities.

You target, but the shot is fired at the last current location of the target. IE, you have to still be centered on the player when you fire.


You target, but the shot is fired at the last current location of the target. IE, you have to still be centered on the player when you fire.

I have to say that makes no sense to me what so ever. You're basically describing a targeted skill shot. If every offensive ranged ability is one of those, they will never hit.


You target, but the shot is fired at the last current location of the target. IE, you have to still be centered on the player when you fire.

This cannot be true.

There is no targeting reticle. You maybe have to face them, like other MMOs, but no, because then it would be impossible to ever, ever hit a moving target.

There may be LINE attacks that shoot out straight from you. There may be CONE attacks that shoot out in a cone. There may be AREA attacks that you manually place the spell.

But the targeted abilities must be just click and go, because aiming a skillshot with no aiming reticle is completely backwards. The first ability, aka "shoot", is going to be that kind of ability. Click it, it shoots. Either it misses or not (not sure if there is a dodge/miss stat in this game) based on a dice roll or other factors, but not because the target moved (maybe moving provides a +10% dodge or something, but not in the way you're talking about). It just makes no sense.


I'm skeptical. Isn't that the best thing to be in situations like this? Just look at the videos just posted with the range players. A good amount of targeted abilities.
So am I, if you read my posts ITT. There is currently a straight rift between the anticipated audience. We really just have to wait and see at this point.


So am I, if you read my posts ITT. There is currently a straight rift between the anticipated audience. We really just have to wait and see at this point.

I'm definitely not shitting on the game at all. It's my most anticipated game of the year. I hate to be a downer but people who think this is going to completely revolutionize MMOs I think are going to be disappointed.

I still think it's going to be fantastic.


I'm definitely not shitting on the game at all. It's my most anticipated game of the year. I hate to be a downer but people who think this is going to completely revolutionize MMOs I think are going to be disappointed.

I still think it's going to be fantastic.
Read this post and onwards for a bit.

That's why I'm not opposing. But nobody is seeing eye to eye. This is from a fan-base here that is way more rational then the vermin on guru.


I have to say that makes no sense to me what so ever. You're basically describing a targeted skill shot. If every offensive ranged ability is one of those, they will never hit.

Guild Wars 1 did use this for bow attacks. Different types of bows fired arrows that flew at different speeds at varying arcs, which could be improved with certain skills. They would lead the target appropriately if it was moving, but they wouldn't hit if the target wasn't there. Keep in mind that paying attention to the enemy ranger to dodge their arrows wasn't exactly easy when when you had a full enemy party to worry about. Also if you were having trouble landing your shots, you were free to cast Favorable Winds or switch to a bow with a low arc, both of which made arrows fly so fast that dodging them was almost impossible.

So yeah, this has actually been used before, and I thought it worked pretty well.
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