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Guild Wars 2 |OT4| The only subscription you need is this thread.

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Guardian – Cooldown of Retreat reduced from 60s to 40s. Swiftness duration stays the same.
Guardian – Bane Signet – Knockdown duration increased from 2s to 3s.

Slow and steady Guardian buffs, daddy like


Sonic handles my blue balls
Purple knockback arrow will let everyone in the pug know who knocked back that enemy unnecessarily.

My days are up! Time to either go back to Mesmer or uninstall like Adriaaa.
John Corpening, Game Designer in charge of all competitive parts of GW2 informed us of some changes coming to WvW at next update and in the future.

The adopted devs got together again earlier this week for a lunch meeting to bring feedback from their guilds and discuss their observations. The team has already begun addressing some of the feedback the devs brought back as well as some of the issues that you have brought up on our forums.
Coming with the build next week, build sites for rams will be trimmed down in size. This is to reduce the visual clutter with build sites, since rams are often built very close to each other, and make it easier to tell a ram apart from other siege when you are building it. There are also changes coming later to label the build interacts with what you are building. So you should see “Build Ram”, “Build Catapult” etc. instead of just “Build”. These were suggestions taken from the discussion on siege trolls.
We are going to make a balance pass on Siege Disablers. This was one of the most common pieces of feedback both from our adopted devs and from the forums. We really believe that Siege Disablers were a great addition to the game. They gave defenders a better chance of holding off attackers, they created new strategies and they created some fun fights outside of objectives by buying some time. But we agree that they need to be adjusted. We will be looking at things like radius, cooldowns and duration of the effect.
There were a handful of other tweaks brought up in our discussions that we are planning. These include reducing the number of people who can rally off of a kill. Removing white swords from objectives to give defenders a stronger role in alerting their team as well as giving attackers more of a chance to get through having their siege disabled. We are also going to test out awarding points per kill. PPK was part of the scoring discussion and something we wanted to try. We will be looking for your feedback on that change after it goes live.
Some bigger issues are factoring into longer term work. For example, we have been discussing what we have learned from our conversations on the forums as well as the feedback our adopted devs brought back from their guilds on the topics of population imbalance and scoring. These are bigger changes and are factoring into longer term solutions that the team is working on.
The team has a lot to chew on but some areas that I’d like to discuss more with the community in the near future are rewards and supporting some vital roles like scouting and defending. I’ll kick off some discussions on these areas in the next couple of weeks.
I was happy to hear from the devs that they would all love to do this again and felt it was a very fun and valuable way to spend their free time. Many of them have made some great new friends and they all felt like this was a great way to really connect with the community by playing side by side with new faces and getting new perspectives on Guild Wars 2.
Thanks again to everyone who signed up for or hosted a dev! We had a great time!



You called?


Removing white swords from objectives to give defenders a stronger role in alerting their team as well as giving attackers more of a chance to get through having their siege disabled.

SBI is fucked. 9 times out of 10 when we manage to defend stuff it's because somebody just happened to notice white swords somewhere.

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
after my dissaperance here im returning, i burnt out hard getting to 80 i think but im in mood to play now. also right in time for my 2 week break from work and halloween :D

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
Welcome back. Name.#### for the usual GAFGuild invite?

only been a month :D its angel chay in game :D i use to be ashley278 on here but i use queen of hunting / angel chay more i pmed a admin for name change on here :D


SBI is fucked. 9 times out of 10 when we manage to defend stuff it's because somebody just happened to notice white swords somewhere.

Works for me. Now we'll just roam looking for people with siege rather than looking for swords. SBI has long been doomed anyway.
Removal of white swords is going to be massive for havoc groups, especially in Silver League and Bronze League where every tower (even T3 towers) won't have around-the-clock defenders inside. There are T3 towers that a group of 2-3 people can now steal with a couple of Guild Catas and a little patience and luck, knowing that the enemy team will have no idea anything is happening to it.


only been a month :D its angel chay in game :D i use to be ashley278 on here but i use queen of hunting / angel chay more i pmed a admin for name change on here :D

That explains why I didn't recognize you.

Works for me. Now we'll just roam looking for people with siege rather than looking for swords. SBI has long been doomed anyway.

I still think people could be brought around to defending stuff if defending wasn't 90% sitting and waiting and 10% begging people to hurry and come help. Vilja's NE Tower was intimidating and we saw zergs run up to it and opt for NN camp instead because it was just so well defended, even if it was just one guy.

I don't think SBI is completely doomed. More Points per Kill is up SBI's alley, for one. Shifting away from Coverage Wars, as I'm sure their feedback encourages, would be a huge step forward.


I don't think SBI is completely doomed. More Points per Kill is up SBI's alley, for one. Shifting away from Coverage Wars, as I'm sure their feedback encourages, would be a huge step forward.

Maybe not totally, but the same guys that watch our BL day in and day out don't really know how to fight. They started calling for help against two YAKS guys when it was 3v2 and they ran into the keep whereas I ran in with someone else and took them out.

Then you have the issue of the people that only follow a certain commander because success. If no success, barren.


Then you have the issue of the people that only follow a certain commander because success. If no success, barren.

The Lurk Train, yep. As soon as he logs, it's like our maps just empty out and the other two teams have free reign. I probably shouldn't bitch, I could tag up if I wanted to but I don't unless I absolutely have to (i.e. "No one is coming, it's all on us").


Balance changes; sweet.

Dodgeable Skyhammer is an interesting and thoughtful change.

Improved engi shield #4 and reduced gadget CDs will make my zergbusting gadgeteer even more beastly. This should get me back to proper WvW.

Too many rangers using longbow
The ignorance and scrubbiness of this sentiment makes my head hurt.


Do not approve of nerfing siege disablers at all. Between that and the swords change, I'm not feeling any burning desire to defend anything. K-train all night. EotM ahoy.

Finished a set of perplexity runes. Not sure which to use it on: Engineer or Mesmer? Both have rabid/condition setups available. My friend swears by them on his engineer, and I've watched him murder everyone when we've duo'd.


The Lurk Train, yep. As soon as he logs, it's like our maps just empty out and the other two teams have free reign. I probably shouldn't bitch, I could tag up if I wanted to but I don't unless I absolutely have to (i.e. "No one is coming, it's all on us").

Mama Wang's train runs strong during the over-night period when they're online.
Finished a set of perplexity runes. Not sure which to use it on: Engineer or Mesmer? Both have rabid/condition setups available. My friend swears by them on his engineer, and I've watched him murder everyone when we've duo'd.

Kinda wanna run around wvw on a thief with those runes spamming pistol oh 4 now o_ô


not going anywhere, specially near the WvW before i make my celestial bulk set.

but then... yeah... WvW, after that dragonbrand defeat i was thinking, its hard to overcome. i might stay PVE and you know... toilet to get frustrated again, maybe get the legend one day.

maybe... who knows?


Funny thing. I put the perplexity runes into my ascended medium thinking I'd grabbed the scholar runes. That one stung a bit. Time for another few weeks of mining all the things.


And now it's time for The Facepunch Report...

Level 50!
I feel like the Master Traits should unlock at 50 rather than at 60. I have enough trait points I should be able to get into them, but they're blocked arbitrarily. I've never liked traits anyways. Wish I could get Sweet Revenge (100% chance to rally off kills when using Vengeance) because I keep biting off more than I can chew and that'd help a lot. In another 10 levels I'm gonna be fighting enemies that won't give me the chance to even use that skill.

Rewards have been pretty good so far; a rare helm here, a rare weapon there, some crafting materials are always a nice perk. Some of the levels, however, only have tooltips and that seems like a wasted opportunity. At least throw some greens or crafting materials or something in there, yes? I feel like the game giving you a large chunk of level-appropriate gear as you go is a great mechanic, there's more room for that kinda stuff.

Leveling is still fast, much faster than I remember. This character is 5 days old, which means roughly 10 levels a day, even though it's been more like 5 at most. I usually pick a map and just complete it while doing every event I come across. The only "cheating" I've done is unlimited gathering tools so I don't have to keep stopping to resupply. If I were running XP and Killstreak boosters, I'd probably be done already.

I still find the New Player Experience to be mostly positive with a few odd choices early on (weapon skills should unlock just a teeny bit faster, underwater weapons should be treated the same as weapons, downed skills need to come faster) but overall much improved. The compass is handy but I'm glad it's optional (I turn it on only if I'm missing something towards completion). Everything else is just gravy and it is absolutely positively not the horror show people make it out to be.


The Cryptarch's Bane
I think I totally screwed up and forgot to mention I'm in Orlando all weekend! at Hollywood studios right now :eek: Sorry I won't be able to make missions tonight guys. I will say hi to Mickey for you :D
Guild Missions tonight, gathering starts at 9EST. (1 hour and 23m from this post)
I'll be there to help run them.
No lottery tonight.
See you all there.


The Cryptarch's Bane
da fuq? I live in Orlando and will be doing Epcot this week
in epcot right now

park 3 of 4 for the day

international food and wine festival is apparently occurring

sometimes life is unnervingly good

Heh, I just got back Monday from a week in the land of the rat. Small world etc.
I remember you said you go frequently and were gonna be here almost the same time, crazy! it's been a pretty awesome day. got to experience it from the perspective of someone who has never been to a theme park so it's like 165x more awesome.

will miss you guys for missions though. kick extra ass!


in epcot right now

park 3 of 4 for the day

international food and wine festival is apparently occurring

sometimes life is unnervingly good

I remember you said you go frequently and were gonna be here almost the same time, crazy! it's been a pretty awesome day. got to experience it from the perspective of someone who has never been to a theme park so it's like 165x more awesome.

will miss you guys for missions though. kick extra ass!

Last time we went boy turned 1. Was fun but he was mostly there for the photo ops for mommie and daddy. This time he turned 4 and we couldn't get him to stop for pictures to save the universe. "I wanna do another ride daddy, no more pictures." I swear he thought the paparazzi were after him.


So, I have enough gems to transfer over to NA. I just don't know what server to choose now that it's basically only WvW that matters. Piken winning all four weeks in the last tournament made me a bit spoiled I think :p

And my bf can join the guild, right? If so, can someone invite Crescendo.6170?
So, I have enough gems to transfer over to NA. I just don't know what server to choose now that it's basically only WvW that matters. Piken winning all four weeks in the last tournament made me a bit spoiled I think :p

And my bf can join the guild, right? If so, can someone invite Crescendo.6170?


You telling me you did not transfer to SBI?



As long as you're on a North American server, you can do everything but WvW with GAF anyways.

SBI's World vs. World status isn't bad (we're not dead last, or even close to last in our bracket), but we seem to be at a point where we've hit our limit and will probably not rise too much further until something mechanically changes to make up for the lack of scouting and coverage. This is not an SBI problem but a WvW problem that other servers are just better at compensating for.

If SBI has a specific problem, it's that we're a fair-weather server. When we're already winning, people are gung-ho and ready to rock. But the minute we start losing, people vanish just when they're needed most. I've been in SBI zergs that were rolled once and watched as people respawn at the WP and leave.

Likewise, when the Lurk train starts rolling around EB people jump on it in droves because it feels good to be in the giant unstoppable zerg that destroys everything it touches for once. Part of it is that Lurk is very good at sizing up enemy zergs and knowing when to retreat so that morale (and his reputation) stays high. As soon as he tags down though, it's like the zerg never existed at all, and since other commanders are more inclined to rush an enemy and die than evade one and just keep rolling towers that are left undefended, they don't develop the followers they need.


Today I learned, if you do the "Defend Captain Penzan until he recovers his hidden treasure" event (Yes, THAT Captain Penzan), on the way back from the sunken ship he gets pissed that his First Mate brought barrels of "Bjorn's Brew" and tosses them into the swamp. Later, a Priory group searching for artifacts comes upon the same spot and the two Norn bodyguards, much to the annoyance of their Asura commander, haul the booze back to camp and promptly get drunk off their asses. Just in time to be completely useless when Pirates attack the camp for supplies.

I wonder how many other Dynamic Events cross paths like this? I'm fairly certain I've seen both events before but never done one and then the other back to back (I don't play in Bloodtide Coast often). Pretttttty neat.


Today I learned, if you do the "Defend Captain Penzan until he recovers his hidden treasure" event (Yes, THAT Captain Penzan), on the way back from the sunken ship he gets pissed that his First Mate brought barrels of "Bjorn's Brew" and tosses them into the swamp. Later, a Priory group searching for artifacts comes upon the same spot and the two Norn bodyguards, much to the annoyance of their Asura commander, haul the booze back to camp and promptly get drunk off their asses. Just in time to be completely useless when Pirates attack the camp for supplies.

I wonder how many other Dynamic Events cross paths like this? I'm fairly certain I've seen both events before but never done one and then the other back to back (I don't play in Bloodtide Coast often). Pretttttty neat.

this is why i keep on exploring everywhere.
Finally got The Juggernaut for my Warrior. (I guess Guardian can have the skin now as well).

Want to thank Callunah and Modric for helping me gather materials. Want to especially thank Callunah for letting me help build the Moot so we could sell it and split the profits, which gave me enough gold to buy the precursor for The Juggernaut. Hope I can repay you both one day.

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