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Guild Wars 2 |OT4| The only subscription you need is this thread.

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Guild missions were a great addition, too.

Too bad they didn't really expand on them. They've just been sort of forgotten about, much like Fractals. Yeah, we had those fractals added at the end of last year, but that's been it. I'm pretty sure they said both systems were supposed to be things they could build upon, too, but they never really have.


Eh. Not too thrilled with needing four stacks of corn/teeth/etc for one cobb or whatever. If we're going to talk about confusing new players and being a hassle, this one should've sent off some flags. Seems like there could be a simpler way to do this. Maybe 250 = 1 cobb/etc, then multiply the required number by four. Same number needed overall, but less clutter in the inventory.

That aside, running around with friends tonight reminded me of why I play the game. But it sure does feel like the gem store & monetization people have gone off the deep end. What a mess.


My gripe is the launch of platforms to add more content, then they got hung up on metrics and tried to "keep" players, and are now sacrificing even THAT plan for new players. WUT?


got to guide a newcomer today, explained what i knew about the halloween and showed him around the main thing, the labrinth, the clocktower and the inquisition game.

it was fun, i hope he gets to enjoy the game as much as he can.

i did my job as a veteran. helping keep the flames of this game alive.

<3 guild wars 2


Guessing no one runs labyrinth anymore? Mine sure doesn't say overflow and is pretty much empty save for the occasional random person in there.

Edit: Oh wait, game is dead... I forgot.


We had about five people earlier, tagged up and then had around 10-15. But yeah, one lich wipe and everyone disappeared. Looks like there's some taxi's to better maps in lfg.
This is my first Halloween in GW2, and it's been pretty fun for the first day. But I already feel like there's not a whole lot to it. I ran around in the Labyrinth for a bit closing doors, but it's not very exciting after you've seen all the bosses.

I was expecting more from the Bloody Prince event too. Nobody warned me it was going to be a single room you visit twice. Or maybe they did I wasn't listening. :(

leng jai

What do you mean toned down? You'd need something short of an organized WvW guild and a lot of determination.

A moderately sized zerg with a few experienced people got the Candy Corn and other bosses down relatively efficiently. Last year was a lot worse from what I remember.


Define moderate. The skeleton lich that people keep screaming stack for apparently life steals from a range and anally probes you really hardcore when you stack.

leng jai

Say like 20-25 people. Lich is easier if you melee him and kill all the adds he spawns. Candy Corn just needs half decently timed reflects.


Say like 20-25 people. Lich is easier if you melee him and kill all the adds he spawns. Candy Corn just needs half decently timed reflects.

Candy corn boss is manageable. It really shows how many up-levels are in there when you do skeleton lich though. I'm pretty sure everyone in there is full berserker or something because I'm pretty easy to kill and I do okay besides for constantly downing and getting back up from massive amounts of damage flying around.


All the food that drops from the Halloween events takes up a chunk of bag space. You know what though? The new 400 gem conversion minimum also happens to be the price of a bag slot. Coincidence? I think not.


What the hell is Anet thinking with this gem conversion bullshit? What am I supposed to do with my 250 gems now? I was saving up to buy a new bag slot T___T
Oh ffs, selling gems in blocks is just shitty fuck the user business practice. Given that the chinese client dont give no fucks, i'll chalk that up to gw2china's greater desire for monetization filtering back to us.

Lich's problem is that he AoE rets himself and his skellies, so if you dont have people constantly cleaving the lich, the combinet ret damage will down everybody that has a 5 target attack. He also fearbombs, so ive no idea whatsoever why people suggest stacking on him.

Had never done halloween. Meh.
At least new LA and EotM are nice.

Best thing about this update is the splashscreens.

leng jai

All the food that drops from the Halloween events takes up a chunk of bag space. You know what though? The new 400 gem conversion minimum also happens to be the price of a bag slot. Coincidence? I think not.

Well we had the same shit last year also.
Eh. Not too thrilled with needing four stacks of corn/teeth/etc for one cobb or whatever. If we're going to talk about confusing new players and being a hassle, this one should've sent off some flags. Seems like there could be a simpler way to do this. Maybe 250 = 1 cobb/etc, then multiply the required number by four. Same number needed overall, but less clutter in the inventory.

That aside, running around with friends tonight reminded me of why I play the game. But it sure does feel like the gem store & monetization people have gone off the deep end. What a mess.

I find it funny that there is no in-game message or anything on how to convert candy corn to the cob, and that you need four stacks to do it (unless you pay to have bigger stacks) yet, ____ Gold to get ____ Gems is too confusing.

I mean, this is 100%, no questions asked, cash grab. It is the only definition. The "overhead" from the (their words) small amount of people using the smaller transactions would be so minimal it's pathetic.

They have amounts of 400, 800, 1200 and half the shit they sell is 125, 500, 700, 1000. It's Microsoft Points all over again.

This really is a 100% greedy move. There is absolutely no way to argue this. People buy gas everyday. They go shopping. They order food in increments. This falls on ANet's explanations of the system and not on users not understanding how to fucking use a system. What bullshit. Cannot defend this whatsoever.


Sonic handles my blue balls
I wish they had warned us so we had a chance to actually do something with an uneven amount of gems.

I have 377 gems. 77 gems are now useless.
Define moderate. The skeleton lich that people keep screaming stack for apparently life steals from a range and anally probes you really hardcore when you stack.
Last night Lanius with his yellow dorito, as well as a Charr GAFfer wielding a charrzooka (forgot his name), me on my upleveled ranger, and about 7 other PUGs slowly took down Lich from range. We used a two-lined ranged group, happened spontaneously. Front line pew-pewed slowly to minimize retaliation damage. The life steal attacks were slow and easy to dodge. Back line took care of mobs and healed. Everyone had regen up. We all stayed very far away from the anal probing. It worked out great.
While reddit is all shades of cray, they do unearth some highly peculiar stuff

Silver to Gem conversion prices yesterday

That's quite honestly the least of the problems. There's extremely powerful evidence that they're manually setting gold -> gem prices in order to discourage that, which I said in a couple other threads. Namely as a tl;dr:

22% increase in gem prices which occurred instantaneously with the patch (this is a greater magnitude spike than every holiday event to hit the game, and it took effect over a period of just a few minutes as the patch rolled out).

Gem price history pulled from the game UI.

What they're doing now is not forgiveable. Using new players as a scapegoat for this change is one thing. The nature of the change and the cloak-and-dagger they're pulling to cover up artificial inflation is a whole other beast, and foreshadows a really shitty future for the game.

Someone on the forums was apparently running an independent tracker on gem price over the patch period and this is what it showed: https://dviw3bl0enbyw.cloudfront.net/uploads/forum_attachment/file/170763/gemhistory.jpg

Nothing like that has ever happened. You can tell it's artificial because (1) patch anticipation causes more up-front buying of gems to anticipate a price rise rather than a sudden spike on the exact minute of the patch and (2) there would be many smaller dips during the spike as people cash their gems in for gold before the price normalizes, rather than one giant dump after the spike. Assuming this tracker is genuine, everything about that curve is artificial.

So yeah, fishy.
Either way, even if they didn't force the price to a new standard, which is whatever, forcing people to buy in batches had the initial effect of pushing prices way up.
Maybe long term it'll dissuade people from converting gold to gem and it'll push it down again, we'll see.

Data from gw2tp on gem prices.

Set to All and you'll see that the historic major spike was when those shitty ninja suit and npc weps were introduced, and even those failed to spike the price THAT much. Can't see some rehashed skins and one new suit that aint nowhere near as popular as those doing the same.


Is it possible to convert uneven gem amounts to gold, ie Kaniks 77 gems?
It's actually just as hard as converting even amounts. It's not "convert 300 gems for X gold", instead it's "convert Y gems for 10 gold". The gold is the set amount, not the gems.
Right now it's 70 gems to get 10 gold and 8 gems to get 1 gold. So converting those 70 leaves 7 that miiiight be possible to convert to 1 gold some day.

I really don't like this change. It's the first change they have made that makes me uneasy. They say they will listen to us if we tell them in a nice way what we don't like and what we want them to do instead, but we'll see.
If they do listen, they should quickly add a button on the bottom where you can trade in any amount you want (while also keeping these "easy to use" things "for new players").
The fact that this isn't how they did it to begin with makes me think they really want to have this "buy more than you will use"-crap that I hated Microsoft for. And it makes me angry and really sad.

Queen of Hunting

Unconfirmed Member
that post basically reads eh vets stop your whining lol

even more so bad when she was the community relation in gw1 and did many week long chats in game about upcoming things and just general chat which was logged on a weekly basis by numerous people.

shes gone from community manager to support Liaison to forum communication lead lol


The Cryptarch's Bane
The gem conversion thing is dumb, I've converted gold to exactly 250 gems like 15 or more times! Hopefully they will listen quickly and modify the UI/backend to accomodate both these new batch-click purchases and variable-amount conversion.

Okay, beyond that, I'll be able to start gaming again regularly soon, just had a couple notes:

  1. I'll be hosting a GAF Labyrinth Run event soon- I've always really liked the Labyrinth and I've never taken an organized group around, which I bet is a lot of fun. We'll get all hopped up on candy corn and it'll be a good opportunity to just chill on Mumble and roll with the guild.

    Stay tuned for a date/time to be announced soon. If anyone would really like to attend but has specific time restrictions, feel free to just let me know here. :)
  2. I know there's a lot of disappointment and rage about various aspects of the game right now, but I hope everyone can keep in mind that there are still plenty of people enjoying it, and especially consider those who are new, aren't particularly hardcore, and/or don't post here in this thread. It would mean a lot to me if Guild chat in-game could be a generally positive environment for everyone who decides to log on. Friendly, welcoming, helpful, positive- these are the adjectives I want to be able to comfortably apply to our guild chat. Negative, snarky, hostile, and vitriolic are some I would prefer to see applied to it as little of the time as possible.

    Remember that we have plenty of members who lurk here and never post but do play, members who are friends of family and are never on GAF at all, and other recruits who are not necessarily interested or actively participating in the discussion in this thread, but do want to have a good time in game. Think about the environment created in Guild chat when its tone is overwhelmingly negative and try to keep that segment of our playerbase in mind.

    "Don't be negative" isn't part of our guild policy. If you want to complain and air your grievances in Guild chat, you are within your abiding rights as a member of GAF to do do. But I'm asking you personally to bear in mind the players I'm referring to and consider withholding the negativity from guild chat, instead posting it here in this thread or in any other venue. We have already experienced more than one player either letting us know they don't have any desire to rep for this reason, quitting the guild outright, or just letting us know privately that it's affecting their enjoyment of the game. While the first two are completely beyond our control and the scope of managing the guild, multiple reports in the vein of the third can result in action being taken as it can easily run up against our "no drama" rule.

    Please, just bear in mind that we want the experience of repping GAF while playing GW2 to be as welcoming and enjoyable as possible for every single member that chooses to do so.

    If anyone has any specific questions about this, I'd prefer that you PM me rather than posting them here and I promise to respond.
all that said, can't wait to see how my clock tower skills have held up since last year.


Well said Hawkian.

The biggest thing I think really irks me is how they never told us it was coming. Imagine you go to a store everyday. You love their coffee. It's cheaper and easier to pay for than other stores. Then the next day without any warning it's five times as much. To boot, they want you to use more money than normal and have "store credit" leftover.
Last night Lanius with his yellow dorito, as well as a Charr GAFfer wielding a charrzooka (forgot his name), me on my upleveled ranger, and about 7 other PUGs slowly took down Lich from range. We used a two-lined ranged group, happened spontaneously. Front line pew-pewed slowly to minimize retaliation damage. The life steal attacks were slow and easy to dodge. Back line took care of mobs and healed. Everyone had regen up. We all stayed very far away from the anal probing. It worked out great.

That was me on my Warrior. :-D


Last night Lanius with his yellow dorito, as well as a Charr GAFfer wielding a charrzooka (forgot his name), me on my upleveled ranger, and about 7 other PUGs slowly took down Lich from range. We used a two-lined ranged group, happened spontaneously. Front line pew-pewed slowly to minimize retaliation damage. The life steal attacks were slow and easy to dodge. Back line took care of mobs and healed. Everyone had regen up. We all stayed very far away from the anal probing. It worked out great.

Not much you can do but try when you play as late as I do with whoever might be in there. I spent the first hour or so soloing and just "trying" to get something done with smaller targets because there was only me and one other in the map at best. Then I eventually find a ferry to a map with maybe 15-20 people and it went well until 2-3 commanders kept telling stack after the last one failed and rage quit out due to everyone's apparent incompetence. The way it was done I couldn't really see much except too many things running around around us and way too much retaliation all around.


Shrug. Was using a lava font with a 60044 else staff build. Lots of stuff on them stacked folks and quite a bit of stuff running around.

I'm pretty convinced everyone was berserker or up level because I had ~2400 armor at best rounding up and they were droping like flies.
Do AoE attacks on Lich become retaliated as AoE damage around the attacker? I only noticed my health really dropping when I was using burst skills, so I stayed with my slow autoattack.


AoE attacks kill you there because you're hit for (apparently) a fixed amount per target per hit in that place, so if you're tagging the lich + 4 mobs, each aoe pulse will shave 1k+ health.

If you were just autoattacking, you were probably only eating 200-600 damage per second. Since Signet of healing hits for 370ish, you could keep that up for a very long while.
A hunnerblayz hitting three targets all the way could remove a third of your health tho.

Thus, one ranger barrage can come very close to suicide.


The Cryptarch's Bane
I'd like to join in on some labyrinth stuff, and I'm sure my wife would join as well. Early evening EST (7 or 8 ish) any day except Wednesday works best for us.

And as someone who only recently started playing again, I appreciate the other comments.
Awesome :) I'm leaning toward this Monday (10/27), if that works for you?


The Cryptarch's Bane
The spear precursor is so cheap, relatively-speaking. Hm.
Just save the gold and make a real one, the components aren't so expensive either

damn guys. I can't believe after all this time here and in the Off-Topic I got a tag for my contributions to a game that's barely been out a couple months. Not even close to complaining though, it's pretty badass :X


well... cant say otherwise, labyrinth was a real ghost town yesterday.

all the other bosses could go down with a group of 6 people. but lich just wont die

cant defeat lich.
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