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Love dat new outfit tho



AoE attacks kill you there because you're hit for (apparently) a fixed amount per target per hit in that place, so if you're tagging the lich + 4 mobs, each aoe pulse will shave 1k+ health.

If you were just autoattacking, you were probably only eating 200-600 damage per second. Since Signet of healing hits for 370ish, you could keep that up for a very long while.
A hunnerblayz hitting three targets all the way could remove a third of your health tho.

Thus, one ranger barrage can come very close to suicide.
One of the beauties of elementalist.
With a couple options for invulnerability, you can use Ice Bow #4 on retaliation mobs and survive ok. Obsidian flesh let me do massive damage while ignoring the thousands of damage per second it would normally entail.

It was a bit odd in labyrinth last night. I wore my yellow dorito on my ele and got a few folks following for a train, but that wave crashed upon the rock known as the Lich. People seem to not understand that retaliation is actually effective, when you have a high power stat. Stuff with a level or 2 on you, and especially champs have very high power, so retaliation will hurt like a bitch. Your only options are to spike the lich or have aoe boon strips available (mesmer and necro ftw).


FYI, apparently a 'custom amount' button is going to be added to the new gem conversion interface thanks to all the reddit/official forum rioting that went down.


Funny thing about that gold/gem exchange change is that the change alone was completely stupid, but having it alongside the old system where you can set your own amount, I'd actually call that an improvement.

The only thing remotely 'confusing' about all that was that the graph didn't make a good job providing a quick and easy way of knowing how much gold you'd need for a certain amount of gems, you had to type numbers in and fiddle with them before getting any real info.

Now you just have to pop in the new window and it's instantly obvious.

Only thing left is to change the amounts available to match the most common prices on the store instead of always being a bit higher and there will be nothing to talk or rant about.
Pff. I don't like everything they do. I just don't feel sad or angry anymore :p

I was afraid I would get the fangirl title in here for not being very... bothered about stuff. Hrm.
Don't take that as a negative. I need more people like you to stand with me when all the negatrons are complaining.

You're a noob for not doing Aetherpath.
Funny how no one ever invites me to do it again.
Also that path takes too long if you can't kill the boss in 1 go. I rarely have time to play that long. Hopefully during the Christmas holidays I'll have more time to play because I'll be off work for 2 weeks.


Don't take that as a negative. I need more people like you to stand with me when all the negatrons are complaining.
Aww, okay then :p

I love the game but I hope I don't come off as some "Anet can do no wrong!" type of person. I just don't let myself get bothered by stuff as much as others, it seems. :p

98% of people probably will never get a single pre at all.

Like me =(

Ok, guys. Uncle Kos will show you his method for getting precursors.

1. Play the game when you have a chance
2. Do things that give you rare weapons (bosses, dungeons, MFing green weapons)
3. Drop rare weapons in MF every day, whatever you have accumulated
4. One day after you've been doing this for unknown period of time, you will get a precursor

It really is just that simple.

For people who missed out on all the short story that was released last year before Halloween.
Will shed a bit of light on the relationship between Mad King Thorn and Bloody Prince Thorn.

leng jai

Ok, guys. Uncle Kos will show you his method for getting precursors.

1. Play the game when you have a chance
2. Do things that give you rare weapons (bosses, dungeons, MFing green weapons)
3. Drop rare weapons in MF every day, whatever you have accumulated
4. One day after you've been doing this for unknown period of time, you will get a precursor

It really is just that simple.

For people who missed out on all the short story that was released last year before Halloween.
Will shed a bit of light on the relationship between Mad King Thorn and Bloody Prince Thorn.

Suggesting the MF for precursors I see. You're a genius uncle.


Also I reject the premise that questioning the direction of the game is negativity.
I don't think Kos was being serious :p
As for me mentioning negativity before it was the snarkyness and general feel of some posts earlier, never the fact that people are unhappy about stuff and let others know that. For me it's hard to take that some people can't stop at "I dislike this for X and Y reasons" and instead go all out with "this shit sucks and they should feel bad about this shitty thing they keep doing they are all so shitty!"


For me it's hard to take that some people can't stop at "I dislike this for X and Y reasons" and instead go all out with "this shit sucks and they should feel bad about this shitty thing they keep doing they are all so shitty!"
We can agree that phrasing one's opinions as rants are obnoxious and counterproductive. But you're essentially articulating a logical fallacy- discounting the message because you don't like the way it's delivered. Once you start perceiving all criticism as "haters," as evidenced by Gaile Gray's statements, that's a bad sign.

My only issue with that is that they first said they changed because newer players couldn't understand the conversion system, then they say it was for a different reason. That and I didn't buy the newer players reasoning as most newer players don't have the gold required to even bother with conversions. It makes me think they aren't telling us the reason at all.

Not that it matters though, they're fixing it so all will be well again.


We can agree that phrasing one's opinions as rants are obnoxious and counterproductive. But you're essentially articulating a logical fallacy- discounting the message because you don't like the way it's delivered. Once you start perceiving all criticism as "haters," as evidenced by Gaile Gray's statements, that's a bad sign.
I've never called people haters or seen them as such for criticising and I don't discount any posts in that sense. I just don't like reading overly ranty posts and I stated so by saying that it's hard for me to "take" (meaning I don't feel good reading it, it makes me uncomfortable and makes me not want to take part in the thread) and that the thread had become more negative/harsh than I was used to seeing. It's just an opinion :)


Sonic handles my blue balls
I'm uncomfortable with Candy Corn being a form of currency and there being an achievement for eating candy corn.

I'm sure it's some kind of allegory for gemgate and them eating money.
This is my problem. All is not well with GW2. If you don't agree, that's fine, but for me the trendlines have become undeniable. And pointing this out is not negativity.

But I don't know what we can do to fix it, whether we talk calmly or rant.

It's not that I don't agree. I have issues with the game. I think the Black Lion ticket system is terrible. I thought the initial gem conversion change was a blatant attempt to get more money out of users. There are other, more minor, gripes as well.

The thing is though is that no game, or piece of software for that matter, is really perfect. I can't name one single game I've played where there hasn't been at least one thing I can point at and say I wish it was done better. The only thing I really can do is to tell them how I feel, if it's that important to me.

I do agree, however, that criticism is fair and to be someone who criticizes criticism is quite hypocritical. It is important to note that I don't think fair criticism is a balls to the wall Internet rant where you threaten the devs dogs however...lol.


The thing is though is that no game, or piece of software for that matter, is really perfect.
This is the heart of the matter. All creations start off pure and become imperfect via manifestation. And we accept this.

GW2 began as a beautiful vision, one that brought us together. As long as Anet maintains that vision, all imperfections are ultimately smoothed out. But should it be lost, these trends will continue unabated.

However if the original vision has been lost, it can still someday be recaptured and GW2 will experience a golden Renaissance. I believe Anet can reclaim that glory. Until then, I fear these are our Dark Ages.


I dunno, I'm having a hard time seeing the difference with downsampling, sometimes.

The first is cropped from 1920x1200 (native). seconds from 4kdownsampled to native (dsr, 33% smoothness), 3rd from 8k (gedosato) downsampled to native. Images taken with sweetfx bmp capture, resampled down using fastone image viewer and saved as pngs, hosted on abload.


Here's the ui at 8k.


Probably doing something wrong..


The Cryptarch's Bane
gem conversion stuffs
yay! backlash wins! <3

Gonna be looking at 8:30PM Monday 10/27 for our spooky guild labyrinth event, will make a more formal post on it when I'm totally positive I can host it at that time (should be tonight or tomorrow).

edit: LOL @ the 8k UI

what is this, a game for ants?!
A Titan should be pulling waaaay more than 63 fps at 1080p, especially with non-ultra shadows and reflections. Shenanigans, I say.

I cap FPS at 60 at all times in GW2 to make sure Shadowplay recordings are as smooth and stable as possible. It just likes to bump up against 63 anyway.

On another note, 4k Lump:

I dunno, I'm having a hard time seeing the difference with downsampling, sometimes.

The first is cropped from 1920x1200 (native). seconds from 4kdownsampled to native (dsr, 33% smoothness), 3rd from 8k (gedosato) downsampled to native. Images taken with sweetfx bmp capture, resampled down using fastone image viewer and saved as pngs, hosted on abload.


Probably doing something wrong..

Forcing AA with nVidia Inspector makes almost everything silky smooth, but there are some edges that still aren't properly smoothed out like anything where the light is reflecting or refracting off in a certain way. Take a look at your pant leg and the metallic shoulder in each of the three screenshots; it gets smoother and smoother as you go on because Downsampling is the truest AA there is.
Oh that lovely feeling when you accidentally buy 43 exotic helms when you were just looking at the skin in the TP and then you get taken down to 10s. I'm going to go cry now, there goes my guardian's rune money.
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