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Gunman kills twelve at theater in Aurora Colorado

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See? Bale went to go visit everyone and no one fucking flipped out like some of the more ridiculous people in this thread were suggesting. Probably made them feel awesome that he came to visit.

People rightly pointed out that dressing up in all black to go visit people that just got shot by someone wearing all black was idiotic. Because it is.

The reason he couldn't dress up as batman is because WB did not sanction or approve his visit to Aurora. he went on his own.

And because he's not foolish enough to do so.
People rightly pointed out that dressing up in all black to go visit people that just got shot by someone wearing all black was idiotic. Because it is.

I made the argument that Bale should just go as himself and I had at least two people tell me it would trigger PTSD nonsense and make the victims go crazy.


Bale is awesome, good on him.

Edit: Haha I love that one of the victims told bale the first 30 minutes of TDKR were awesome. Even in all that, the guy is still hyped about the movie.
People were saying he should dress up like batman.

I said he should go as himself because people watching the movie at midnight were likely big enough fans to be able to dissociate Bale from the Batman costume and you specifically responded "What kind of rationalization is that?"


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
I said he should go as himself because people watching the movie at midnight were likely big enough fans to be able to dissociate Bale from Batman and you specifically responded "What kind of rationalization is that?"
All I remember was responding to that rehashed "bale dressed like batman" stuff. It's great that he went and saw the people. Still not backpedaling. If I said it wasn't a good idea I probably didn't think it was a good idea(costume or not).


I think it would be kind of cool if the studio provided the victims with screeners of the movie so they could watch it if they're interested. It would probably dredge up bad memories for most, but the hardcore Batman fans might like a chance to see the movie without having to return to a dark theater.


All I remember was responding to that rehashed "bale dressed like batman" stuff. It's great that he went and saw the people. Still not backpedaling. If I said it wasn't a good idea I probably didn't think it was a good idea(costume or not).

Why wouldn't it be a good idea? It's hardcore fans who go to midnight screenings. These people are big time fans. It'd be a great thing to meet the man behind the Bat for them.
Why wouldn't it be a good idea? It's hardcore fans who go to midnight screenings. These people are big time fans. It'd be a great thing to meet the man behind the Bat for them.

Don't bother. This was also the guy who made a big enough stink about how the parents of the 6-year-old girl were bad parents for bringing her to the midnight showing that the mods made it a forbidden discussion.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Don't bother. This was also the guy who made a big enough stink about how the parents of the 6-year-old girl were bad parents for bringing her to the midnight showing that the mods made it a forbidden discussion.
3 month old. Go read my posts before you misquote me. Seriously quit the shit.

Still trying to backseat mod.

People defending that behavior... smh. I specifically said it had nothing to do with the shooting and everything to do with impacting the development of a 3 month old's hearing and possibly getting sick due to random people in the theater. Clearly my comments were clear I did not get banned for it and I ended up dropping it.

I stopped talking about it maybe you should.


I Was There! Official L Receiver 2/12/2016
Why wouldn't it be a good idea? It's hardcore fans who go to midnight screenings. These people are big time fans. It'd be a great thing to meet the man behind the Bat for them.
I wasn't sure if the victims were really ready for that. I'm glad it worked out though. They all seemed happy in the pictures.


Very thoughtful of Bale to go and visit the victims, people who were saying he should be dressed as Batman should zip their lip now.
Very thoughtful of Bale to go and visit the victims, people who were saying he should be dressed as Batman should zip their lip now.
These were almost all adults. Why the fuck would anyone dress up in character to visit them?
It isn't a children's hospital and its a movie that isn't meant for kids.

Anyway, I'm glad bale made the trip.


Bale visiting is a good gesture, WB doesn't have to claim that they wanted him to / it has anything to do with Batman (officially). It's a good gesture and i'm glad he went and saw some of the injured.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
3 month old. Go read my posts before you misquote me. Seriously quit the shit.

Still trying to backseat mod.

People defending that behavior... smh. I specifically said it had nothing to do with the shooting and everything to do with impacting the development of a 3 month old's hearing and possibly getting sick due to random people in the theater. Clearly my comments were clear I did not get banned for it and I ended up dropping it.

I stopped talking about it maybe you should.
Investigative journalist George Knapp mentioned it's a bad idea to bring a three month old to a midnight showing and I have to agree, regardless of the situation. I don't think a 3 month old should be brought to any movie theater at any time of day. Either way, I don't look down upon the parents and I feel very sorry for them as well as everyone else who was there. I just think it's unwise.


It's amazing how much stupidity rises up out of tragedies like this.

Case in point...


HURT: An open letter to Christopher Nolan, Sean Penn and Warner Brothers

It is all so perfectly fitting that in the wake of a murderous rampage in which 70 people are shot —12 fatally, including a 6-year-old girl — and countless families are sacked with unspeakable grief, you would take the time to share with us your feelings.

Because, really, at this moment, all that matters to most of us is what a bunch of smutty purveyors of violent fantasy, half-rate actors and an industry of sick narcissism is feeling at this moment.

Director Christopher Nolan, speaking on behalf of the cast and crew of “The Dark Knight Rises,” you told us how much you love going to the movies and how they are “one of the great American art forms.”

You are devastated that such an “innocent and hopeful place” — here you are talking about the movie theaters that play your twisted movies — would be violated in such an “unbearably savage” way. I mean, really, who could think up such monstrous hatred and nihilistic violence? Umm, have you watched any of your own movies lately?

And, in the selfless modesty that is the hallmark of an Academy Awards ceremony, you tell us that your “feelings” about the massacre are so deeply profound that the mere words of the English language built up over hundreds of years are simply not up to the task of describing them. Wow. You do have a gift for fantasy.

But the real clue that you remain shrouded in guilt-free delusion is when you mention the “senseless tragedy that has befallen the entire Aurora community.”

Senseless? Really? If by “senseless” you mean carried out almost precisely from the scripts of your own movies, then, sure, it was “senseless.”

As for you, Sean Penn, you paragon of endless moralizing, we would like to thank you, too, for underwriting last week’s ultra-violence and real-life carnage at the movie theater. One of the last scenes that 6-year-old saw in her precious life was a trailer for your movie.

In the final clip of a trailer filled with orgiastic bloodshed, you have some classy “actors” with machine guns unload from behind a movie screen into a crowd seated in a theater, watching a film. Ring a bell, Sean? Sound familiar?

I realize how busy you are, so loudly and obnoxiously jet-setting around to save the world, but do you have time to think about what you have done here? What your life amounts to at this moment?

No, you did not pull the trigger in this case. You did not don the gas mask. But you were the inspiration, and you are the architects.

Your celebrations of diabolical mayhem and pornographic violence prey on the fantasies of sick, fragile minds. You insulated them from the painful reality of bloodshed. You have inspired mass murder. You are the Osama bin Laden of this travesty.

This, of course, is all legal and has made you a fabulous fortune. But, never forget, this is who you are. It is what you do. This is your legacy.

When you die, your gravestones should read: Here lie men who created such horrific, meaningless violence in such realistic scenes that a sicko carried it out for real and shot 70 people, killing 12, including a 6-year-old girl.

To be fair, you haven’t only inspired murderous rampages. It is true that you have also entertained. But is the fleetingness of that entertainment nearly so profound as the terror you inspired here? Will it outlast the irreversible permanency of 12 deaths, including that of a 6-year-old girl?

Which brings us to Warner Brothers, those titans of decency. You bankrolled “The Dark Knight Rises” and so many other pointlessly violent movies that infect feeble minds and bring hatred upon America. You, it is reported, are feeling really sad about those poor saps who paid to see your wicked movies — only to have the very scenes come alive and kill them in the dark, sticky rows between seats of a movie theater.

Out of your “respect” for these people, you declared you would not announce box-office receipts from this weekend’s snuff film. Instead, you will count your $150 million in bloody money — privately.

One day, you will meet the original Joker, the inventor of all evil who is diabolical and depraved so far beyond your furthest, sickest imaginations and there, in his lair, you will spend the rest of eternity wishing you had had a little decency back when you had the chance.

• Charles Hurt can be reached at charleshurt@live.com.
Your celebrations of diabolical mayhem and pornographic violence prey on the fantasies of sick, fragile minds. You insulated them from the painful reality of bloodshed. You have inspired mass murder. You are the Osama bin Laden of this travesty.

Lol. Someone get this guy some valiums.


If I had been one of those people in the hospital I would have been fucking stoked if he had the Batsuit on.

I'm 36.


Rebel Leader

Holy. Shit. I....just...wow.

"You are the Osama bin Laden of this travesty."

What the fuck is the matter with this guy? And there's people in the comments section that actually agree with him.

You are devastated that such an “innocent and hopeful place” — here you are talking about the movie theaters that play your twisted movies — would be violated in such an “unbearably savage” way. I mean, really, who could think up such monstrous hatred and nihilistic violence? Umm, have you watched any of your own movies lately?

You don't see me becoming a mass murder anytime soon now do you?

This... article... =/
Senseless? Really? If by “senseless” you mean carried out almost precisely from the scripts of your own movies, then, sure, it was “senseless.”

Which Batman movie had events carried out almost precisely like what Holmes did that night?


The hate speech that guy is propagating is far more damaging than anything Nolan has ever put to film. Sometimes people just boggle my mind.


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
It's incredibly annoying how people will use a tragedy to push their pet belief (in this case that movie violence manufactures real world crime).

It really is "letting the terrorists win", because it goes to show you that a murderer can actually influence one cause or another by his choice of murder location.

We should be stoic. I don't care if the murderer killed at a movie theater, or a school, or anywhere else. Wherever it is, we should not let it influence our values one way or the other.
I agree that the author of that post went a little over the top, but if you reflect on modern society its difficult not to at least wonder whether they may be a connection between increased exposure to / glorification of violence and our likelihood to commit similar acts.

Im not talking necessarily about movies, or video games, or news media, or any one thing in particular. But the whole seems greater than the sum of all parts. In a world where violence is something we encounter numerous times a day - be it in the form of a movie, a news article about violence, or whatever - i do think this probably has some sort of lasting sociological impact


Not sure if this has been posted, but ABC News are still getting details that the suspect is spitting on guards,

Accused movie theater gunman James Holmes is spitting at jail officers so frequently that at one point he was made to wear a face guard, sources told ABC News.

Holmes' odd behavior was first seen by the public when he appeared in court Monday looking dazed, alternately bug-eyed and nodding with his eyes closing.

But ABC News has learned that his loopy court appearance was just one of several bizarre behaviors.

In the hours after his arrest Friday for the massacre at the Aurora, Colo., movie theater, Holmes stared at the wall in the Arapahoe Police Headquarters with his eyebrows twitching.

Holmes told police he was the fictitious Batman villain, the Joker, and when cops put evidence bags over his hands to preserve traces of gunpowder residue, he pretended the bags were puppets, law enforcement sources told ABC News affiliate KMGH-TV in Denver .

Since being held in the Arapahoe County Jail, Holmes has been spitting at the officers so much, they are forced to use a spit guard on Holmes when they have to move him.

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