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Guy carries his ar-15 to go shopping at JC Penny

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I said it was a place I did not want to visit due to it's Gun Laws. Everything else you've taken your own liberty with.

So i just imaged that " Well.. I can safely scratch Utah off of my list of places to see before I die and add it to my list of places to see if I want to risk dying." Thing?


I'm hoping he was going to/from the range, needed to do an errand and didn't feel it was safe to leave the gun in his vehicle.

But still, why not just wait until later, and more generally, why doesn't he have a case or bag to carry the gun in? Makes the situation far less threatening. Or perhaps in some way visibly disable the gun, like having no magazine plus having it cracked open? (don't know if that's possible with an AR? I know to little about them, I'll have to look into things later on)

Either way, this seems like a silly thing to do.
So i just imaged that " Well.. I can safely scratch Utah off of my list of places to see before I die and add it to my list of places to see if I want to risk dying." Thing?

Not at all. I did indeed write that. I also meant it. I'm uncomfortable with the Gun Laws because I feel that more people allowed to carry guns without so much as a Permit in addition to various other aspects of Utah Gun Laws increases the likelihood of my being harmed or killed.

That doesn't mean that I don't take into account violent crime rates or dangerous neighborhoods as those things don't necessitate risk without context. It also doesn't mean that I think Utah in and of itself is a dangerous place.

The fact is that if I'm in.. let's say an upscale neighborhood in California.. and I get into an argument with another person.. the odds are that due to the strict Gun Laws, that person will not have a Gun on their person. The same can not be said of Utah. I can always avoid bad neighborhoods in while in California and by doing so severely reduce the risk to my person. However due to the gun laws in Utah, good or bad neighborhood there's still a risk that I may come across someone with a gun thus increasing the risk. Maybe everyone in Utah is peaceful. Maybe not. Maybe everyone in California is violent. Maybe not. Either way I associate more guns with more risk.


I'm hoping he was going to/from the range, needed to do an errand and didn't feel it was safe to leave the gun in his vehicle.

But still, why not just wait until later, and more generally, why doesn't he have a case or bag to carry the gun in? Makes the situation far less threatening. Or perhaps in some way visibly disable the gun, like having no magazine plus having it cracked open? (don't know if that's possible with an AR? I know to little about them, I'll have to look into things later on)

Either way, this seems like a silly thing to do.

If he was responsible, he would have had it in a case locked in the vehicle, in the trunk or if he had a pickup, under a blanket in a case in the cab.
Welcome to Utah. We got guns.

"She wasn't alarmed when she spotted him with the weapon but Yorgason thinks the man took it too far while trying to make a statement."

He said he received positive reactions from people who spotted him.

Local law enforcement authorities said they didn't receive any calls related to the incident or any notice from Kelley, Riverdale City Police Lieutenant James Ebert said.

That's how you can tell we got alotta guns in utah.
As an outsider, every time I read the word amendment or law abiding I like to imagine it being pronounced amemdemamen in cletus' voice from the simpsons.

Scaring the shit out of people in public for no reason is wrong.
LOL, your Wikipedia citation didn't do anything but prove my point.


Look at the UK at .4 with very strict laws and then look at it's population of 60 million people. Then look at America in the 3's with a population of 300 million. Let's do a little math now.

300/60= 5 ------- 5 x .4= 2.0 <----- that being right under 3

SO basically as I said if UK had our population they would have a more significant murder by gun problem, and their laws are SUPER tight. Gun control is NOT the problem. More to the point, why single out gun carriers? Why not single out people that use knives too, because as we all know, people concealing knives are out to slit the throats of every man woman and child. And all people who drink, drive under the influence and beat their wives. The world isn't black and white. People are going to do what they are going to do, so then why restrict everything in fear of this instead of just enjoying life and not waiting for the next massacre. Make a big deal out of everything and look for trouble and I guarantee you'll find it. I'm starting to think people won't be happy until everyone is perfect with absolutely nothing dangerous or risky about their life style.
LOL, your Wikipedia citation didn't do anything but prove my point.


Look at the UK at .4 with very strict laws and then look at it's population of 60 million people. Then look at America in the 3's with a population of 300 million. Let's do a little math now.

300/60= 5 ------- 5 x .4= 2.0 <----- that being right under 3

SO basically as I said if UK had our population they would have a more significant murder by gun problem, and their laws are SUPER tight. Gun control is NOT the problem. More to the point, why single out gun carriers? Why not single out people that use knives too, because as we all know, people concealing knives are out to slit the throats of every man woman and child. And all people who drink, drive under the influence and beat their wives. The world isn't black and white. People are going to do what they are going to do, so then why restrict everything in fear of this instead of just enjoying life and not waiting for the next massacre. Make a big deal out of everything and look for trouble and I guarantee you'll find it. I'm starting to think people won't be happy until everyone is perfect with absolutely nothing dangerous or risky about their life style.
You are going to regret this post.
Not at all. I did indeed write that. I also meant it. I'm uncomfortable with the Gun Laws because I feel that more people allowed to carry guns without so much as a Permit in addition to various other aspects of Utah Gun Laws increases the likelihood of my being harmed or killed.

That doesn't mean that I don't take into account violent crime rates or dangerous neighborhoods as those things don't necessitate risk without context. It also doesn't mean that I think Utah in and of itself is a dangerous place.

The fact is that if I'm in.. let's say an upscale neighborhood in California.. and I get into an argument with another person.. the odds are that due to the strict Gun Laws, that person will not have a Gun on their person. The same can not be said of Utah. I can always avoid bad neighborhoods in while in California and by doing so severely reduce the risk to my person. However due to the gun laws in Utah, good or bad neighborhood there's still a risk that I may come across someone with a gun thus increasing the risk. Maybe everyone in Utah is peaceful. Maybe not. Maybe everyone in California is violent. Maybe not. Either way I associate more guns with more risk.

11 of every 100,000 people in Utah are killed by guns. Which is barely over the amount of those killed in car wrecks. Might as well put cars on that list of absurd reasons to feel unsafe in Utah.

As an outsider, every time I read the word amendment or law abiding I like to imagine it being pronounced amemdemamen in cletus' voice from the simpsons.

Scaring the shit out of people in public for no reason is wrong.

No cop calls or complaints, no one kicked him out. A few even gave him positive words. One lady said she wasn't alarmed. I don't think that qualifies what you described.


11 of every 100,000 people in Utah are killed by guns. Which is barely over the amount of those killed in car wrecks. Might as well put cars on that list of absurd reasons to feel unsafe in Utah.
Why does everyone keep bringing up the car-gun analogy?
Okay in the last 10 years, how many people were killed by nukes vs. cars. Should everyone have nukes?
Can someone explain to me what the point of carrying an unloaded weapon would be?

Penis substitute.


At this point, I'd say, gear up and let everyone have access to top grade military weaponry. Restraint is foolish when you want to effectively protect yourself from the government anyway. Let the self fullfilling prophecy come true.

Or like my grandpa used to say: What these people need is a war.

I don't share this view, but I also think it's pretty clear that the US will not change to a nation with less guns, so why not just go full psycho? Protecting your home with an AR15 isn't all that effective compared to radar enabled miniguns on the lawn. Some anti drone/missile lasers on the roof to keep the government out of your private space won't hurt either.
I think the US is long past the point where disarmament would make sense, or be possible even.

I still hope that the US will come to a reasonable solution, but I doubt it given how most of the discussion is led by caricatures just like the one I designed for this post.


LOL, your Wikipedia citation didn't do anything but prove my point.


Look at the UK at .4 with very strict laws and then look at it's population of 60 million people. Then look at America in the 3's with a population of 300 million. Let's do a little math now.

300/60= 5 ------- 5 x .4= 2.0 <----- that being right under 3

SO basically as I said if UK had our population they would have a more significant murder by gun problem, and their laws are SUPER tight. Gun control is NOT the problem. More to the point, why single out gun carriers? Why not single out people that use knives too, because as we all know, people concealing knives are out to slit the throats of every man woman and child. And all people who drink, drive under the influence and beat their wives. The world isn't black and white. People are going to do what they are going to do, so then why restrict everything in fear of this instead of just enjoying life and not waiting for the next massacre. Make a big deal out of everything and look for trouble and I guarantee you'll find it. I'm starting to think people won't be happy until everyone is perfect with absolutely nothing dangerous or risky about their life style.

your math is flawed.
1st; UK has 0.04 gun homicides last year not 0.4
2nd; the figures are per 100.000 citizens, so the math has already been done for you. If the UK had a population of 300.000.000, there'd still be 0.04 gun homicides per 100.000 citizens.


Is it bad that I'm more alarmed by the retarded formatting of the news article than the actual content of the article itself?

"We go live to the scene of..." Why?
your math is flawed.
1st; UK has 0.04 gun homicides last year not 0.4
2nd; the figures are per 100.000 citizens, so the math has already been done for you. If the UK had a population of 300.000.000, there'd still be 0.04 gun homicides per 100.000 citizens.

Ah, I misplaced the .04 for a .4! Still I wouldn't say that it's the guns being available that is the big problem. If they aren't there they can't be used but with America leading in gun ownership but being numbed 28 and with a population of 300 million, it's still impressively low. What would be interesting is if the UK had more murder by knife. I'll do a little looking.

NOW!!! Tell me THAT isn't food for thought. In the UK you are twice as likely to be a victim of a knife attack than a gun attack in the US. Which is all I'm arguing. People that want to commit a crime will find a way so why have such harsh restrictions? If knives were outlawed people would likely strangle eachother in the streets. Lol, that's just the state of the world, I don't want to be refused a gun that I could enjoy shooting on the range though just because of other people's actions.


Ah, I misplaced the .04 for a .4! Still I wouldn't say that it's the guns being available that is the big problem. If they aren't there they can't be used but with America leading in gun ownership but being numbed 28 and with a population of 300 million, it's still impressively low. What would be interesting is if the UK had more murder by knife. I'll do a little looking.

You just had your entire post invalidated due to failing basic elementary school math and your come back is a random guess pulled out of your ass?
Ah, I misplaced the .04 for a .4! Still I wouldn't say that it's the guns being available that is the big problem. If they aren't there they can't be used but with America leading in gun ownership but being numbed 28 and with a population of 300 million, it's still impressively low. What would be interesting is if the UK had more murder by knife. I'll do a little looking.

So you used facts to support your argument. But after it has been pointed out that you misinterpreted the facts, you dismiss them?
So you used facts to support your argument. But after it has been pointed out that you misinterpreted the facts, you dismiss them?

I'm not dismissing the fact the the UK has low gun deaths because you can't argue facts and as a human being I made a mistake(silly me *blush* and here I thought I'd die without making mistakes!) but my whole point I'm arguing is that there shouldn't be harsher restrictions because if it isn't one thing it's another. UK has no guns but they have knives, I can tell you that much. And California has the highest gun crime and also is considerably liberal and restricted. So I guess I leave it to you wonderful people. Come to America and get blown away or go get stabbed to death in the UK... Decisions, decisions, decisions.
You just had your entire post invalidated due to failing basic elementary school math and your come back is a random guess pulled out of your ass?

My elementary math was flawless my friend :D however use the wrong numbers and it doesn't matter how good you are at math. You misconstrue the mistake in mathematical capability rather than the ability of reading something correctly. But hey, if you can make mistakes, I guess you'll go ahead and let me make them too, huh? :)


California had the highest number of murders from firearms last year.


All that this means to me is that it isn't the availability of or type of guns that are the reason for these high numbers of murder. Because California has a shit ton of laws and restrictions in regards to firearms. Shouldn't Texas be at the top? With all the guns and lack of restrictions on guns? In Texas people openly pack heat 24/7. My point is that guns are NOT the problem. What would restricting them do? The UK is SUPER tight on guns and STILL have a high gun murder rate in proportion to the population and availability of fire arms.




Psssst the UK is near the bottom.


Ah, I misplaced the .04 for a .4! Still I wouldn't say that it's the guns being available that is the big problem. If they aren't there they can't be used but with America leading in gun ownership but being numbed 28 and with a population of 300 million, it's still impressively low. What would be interesting is if the UK had more murder by knife. I'll do a little looking.

Remember to actually read the article before someone hands you your ass again on basic reading and math-skills.

My elementary math was flawless my friend :D however use the wrong numbers and it doesn't matter how good you are at math. You misconstrue the mistake in mathematical capability rather than the ability of reading something correctly. But hey, if you can make mistakes, I guess you'll go ahead and let me make them too, huh? :)

Your math was flawed because you were converting the UK number to what it would be if the UK had a population like the US and based your entire point on it, even though the numbers shown were already proportionate because they were indicating the number of gun-homicides per 100.000 citizens.



NOW!!! Tell me THAT isn't food for thought. In the UK you are twice as likely to be a victim of a knife attack than a gun attack in the US. Which is all I'm arguing. People that want to commit a crime will find a way so why have such harsh restrictions? If knives were outlawed people would likely strangle eachother in the streets. Lol, that's just the state of the world, I don't want to be refused a gun that I could enjoy shooting on the range though just because of other people's actions.

Love how the comments are locked after the guy was ripped to shreds for the numbers he posted.

NOW!!! Tell me THAT isn't food for thought. In the UK you are twice as likely to be a victim of a knife attack than a gun attack in the US. Which is all I'm arguing. People that want to commit a crime will find a way so why have such harsh restrictions? If knives were outlawed people would likely strangle eachother in the streets. Lol, that's just the state of the world, I don't want to be refused a gun that I could enjoy shooting on the range though just because of other people's actions.
It's as if knives and fists are less lethal than guns or something...


My elementary math was flawless my friend :D however use the wrong numbers and it doesn't matter how good you are at math. You misconstrue the mistake in mathematical capability rather than the ability of reading something correctly. But hey, if you can make mistakes, I guess you'll go ahead and let me make them too, huh? :)

300/60= 5 ------- 5 x .4= 2.0 <----- that being right under 3

This is failing elementary math whether you used 0.4 or 0.04.

I did not misconstrue anything. A 6 year old has better mathematical capability than you do.

Also LOL at that gun vs knife comparison.


LOL, your Wikipedia citation didn't do anything but prove my point.


Look at the UK at .4 with very strict laws and then look at it's population of 60 million people. Then look at America in the 3's with a population of 300 million. Let's do a little math now.

300/60= 5 ------- 5 x .4= 2.0 <----- that being right under 3

SO basically as I said if UK had our population they would have a more significant murder by gun problem, and their laws are SUPER tight. Gun control is NOT the problem. More to the point, why single out gun carriers? Why not single out people that use knives too, because as we all know, people concealing knives are out to slit the throats of every man woman and child. And all people who drink, drive under the influence and beat their wives. The world isn't black and white. People are going to do what they are going to do, so then why restrict everything in fear of this instead of just enjoying life and not waiting for the next massacre. Make a big deal out of everything and look for trouble and I guarantee you'll find it. I'm starting to think people won't be happy until everyone is perfect with absolutely nothing dangerous or risky about their life style.

I ain't gonna lie, I lol'd. I am still chuckling.



NOW!!! Tell me THAT isn't food for thought. In the UK you are twice as likely to be a victim of a knife attack than a gun attack in the US. Which is all I'm arguing. People that want to commit a crime will find a way so why have such harsh restrictions? If knives were outlawed people would likely strangle eachother in the streets. Lol, that's just the state of the world, I don't want to be refused a gun that I could enjoy shooting on the range though just because of other people's actions.

Using that guys 'sources':

'Homicides involving "sharp instruments" - knives and bottles - have fallen since 1995 as a proportion of overall killings. There were 236 in 2004 - 2005.'

well that's ummm pretty low considering he uses 60million population for his statistics... and much lower than Americas gun homicides....
This is failing elementary math whether you used 0.4 or 0.04.

Also LOL at that gun vs knife comparison.

If you add 10+5 it equals 15 :) now that is fine math by all means. NOW(and think a little kid) if you read the 5 instead of a .5 the flaw isn't in mathematical aptitude it is in interpretation of numbers. Is it not? But this is far and away at what it should be lol. And you scoff at my knife and gun argument. But let's get some reasoning so I can try and rip your throat out(figuratively speaking of course).
How about this: if any argument is reasonable we'll just say condescendingly "oh the [fill in blank argument]" :) that way no effort is required. Next time people talk about sharks and I say they actually aren't really especially fierce man eaters if we look at how much more likely it is that you are shot by a gun and we'll say "oh the GUN argument" LOL I love this.
It's as if knives and fists are less lethal than guns or something...

It's as if violent movies encourage violence more than educational programming... But we aren't getting rid of them are we? Guns are lethal but so are knives, just ask victims of Jack the Ripper... That took place in the UK... Forshadowing of the future?... Who knows!


How about this: if any argument is reasonable we'll just say condescendingly "oh the [fill in blank argument]" :) that way no effort is required. Next time people talk about sharks and I say they actually aren't really especially fierce man eaters if we look at how much more likely it is that you are shot by a gun and we'll say "oh the GUN argument" LOL I love this.

They aren't really man eaters unless you would consider humans man eaters as well. Sharks don't actively hunt people in most normal situations.


11 of every 100,000 people in Utah are killed by guns. Which is barely over the amount of those killed in car wrecks. Might as well put cars on that list of absurd reasons to feel unsafe in Utah.

Sweet mother of god, more people get gunned down in Utah than die of car accidents?! That's unbelievable. This feels like when I learned that homicide was the second cause of mortality for teenagers in the US, in front of suicide.


If you add 10+5 it equals 15 :) now that is fine math by all means. NOW(and think a little kid) if you read the 5 instead of a .5 the flaw isn't in mathematical aptitude it is in interpretation of numbers. Is it not? But this is far and away at what it should be lol. And you scoff at my knife and gun argument. But let's get some reasoning so I can try and rip your throat out(figuratively speaking of course).

Are you trolling at this point? Do you seriously not understand how ratio works? Your entire formula is wrong and illogical and it has nothing to do with reading a number wrong.

You must be a troll.
It's as if violent movies encourage violence more than educational programming... But we aren't getting rid of them are we? Guns are lethal but so are knives, just ask victims of Jack the Ripper... That took place in the UK... Forshadowing of the future?... Who knows!
There are ratings on films

Films also aren't built to kill

but I don't care enough to keep arguing, your opinion obviously isn't changing
How about this: if any argument is reasonable we'll just say condescendingly "oh the [fill in blank argument]" :) that way no effort is required. Next time people talk about sharks and I say they actually aren't really especially fierce man eaters if we look at how much more likely it is that you are shot by a gun and we'll say "oh the GUN argument" LOL I love this.

I'd just let it rest.

And most shark species aren't man eaters btw. I don't get your reasoning either.


Sweet mother of god, more people get gunned down in Utah than die of car accidents?! That's unbelievable. This feels like when I learned that homicide was the second cause of mortality for teenagers in the US, in front of suicide.

I just can't get over this. I imagine you'd have to take your car to do anything too, since the state is huge. The population density can't be that great either how can so many people get shot? And that's only gun fatalities that doesn't count inujury and so on.


If you add 10+5 it equals 15 :) now that is fine math by all means. NOW(and think a little kid) if you read the 5 instead of a .5 the flaw isn't in mathematical aptitude it is in interpretation of numbers. Is it not? But this is far and away at what it should be lol. And you scoff at my knife and gun argument. But let's get some reasoning so I can try and rip your throat out(figuratively speaking of course).

Your math is still flawed because you do not understand the basic concept of ratio.
How about this: if any argument is reasonable we'll just say condescendingly "oh the [fill in blank argument]" :) that way no effort is required. Next time people talk about sharks and I say they actually aren't really especially fierce man eaters if we look at how much more likely it is that you are shot by a gun and we'll say "oh the GUN argument" LOL I love this.

It's not reasonable though. It's a stupid and tired argument that deserves condescension.


11 of every 100,000 people in Utah are killed by guns. Which is barely over the amount of those killed in car wrecks. Might as well put cars on that list of absurd reasons to feel unsafe in Utah.

Every year you have a 1/10000 chance of being fatally shot. That's only 10 times less likely than dying of cancer. Theoretically if everyone lived 100 years, that'd mean 1 of every 100 people would die being shot down. I need to find some stats for people under 55. God damn this is making my head spin.


Sweet mother of god, more people get gunned down in Utah than die of car accidents?! That's unbelievable. This feels like when I learned that homicide was the second cause of mortality for teenagers in the US, in front of suicide.

Holy fucking shit if that is true, fuck that noise.


Neo Member
From an international perspective, i find it hilarious that Americans are complaining about someone legally carrying an unloaded rifle in public.

For some reason, people interprete this as a pro-gun statement, although I don't think that's the way the poster meant it.
The US has laws that allow the carrying of guns in public, yet when someone does just that they freak out?
And don't bring up the argument that rifles are more dangerous than handguns. Both are made to kill and will do so when used.
Make up your mind: ban all guns, only let people own guns at their home with a permit, or leave the law just like it is but don't complain about it.
Why is legally carrying an unloaded rifle even a thing. Why is legally carrying any gun in public even a thing.
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