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Halo 5: Guardians |OT4| You picked a helluva week to join up


Remember that UU is just someone logging in once during the day. The amount on at the same is going to be drastically lower.

And it counts the people that are signed on, but not actively playing. My roommate can sit in our living room chair and Kinect will sign him in, even if he isn't playing.
Yeah i think most people avoid Arena like the plague and chill in Warzone.

Besides connection issues for months and multiple titles this is exactly why my mates really don't play H5 anymore at all. It's so damned competitive, all the time. Play in a full party and near your best all the time or be prepared to get stomped basically. That's not a relaxing game of Halo or a laugh. The movement, sandbox and gunplay they agree is some of the best but the modes and maps are basically MLG or massive party WZ and nowhere in between. BTB ain't even close H3/H2 days.

Shit just the other night I had a fellow Aussie in Arena and all I said down the mic was "y'all have to fight for rockets/power weapons" in the first few kills/minutes. The entire rest of the game I got chewed out about showing up at the next competitive event in Melbourne and why a 40 year old would play H5. Fuck me, relax mate I wasn't having a go. Hyper competitive all the time = asshats outside of parties and full parties are a pain to organise all the time.

Flip it and go Warzone to chill...same deal if you're not in a massive party you'll generally get stomped or farmed etc.

Where's the fun side of Halo exactly? I can take a loss and I'll admit I played like shit for the game I was being chewed out but overall I should feel like I'm having an impact in game whether it's WZ or Arena. To me this is what's missing from H5, solo/buddy impact.

Connections have been solid, so congrats for the hard work and success there 343, and since changing to Google public DNS on my two ISPs connection there is less fuckery with REQs but issues still exist but don't halt the game/playlists from being playable.

Here's a case in point from just last night for example, I had to go play OW after that (where 3 other mates were waiting to party up). Perhaps a solo rank in place of team wins below Champ/Onyx would help, as would a solo searching playlist.


Here's the same issue over and over last night:




Fuck team wins only in its stupid ass. Bonus OW play of the game killing 5/6 enemies made me happy in my pants again:


Did they change the ledges in Plaza so you can't do the crouch thrust clamber trick? I don't play much Arena but I was in Plaza Slayer and I couldn't crouch jump on the yellow ledge in garden for the life of me.
Wow this game can eat a dick tonight. Just shitting on me every game. Full teams. Quitters. Skirmish at Darkstar which might be the worst map in the game. Holy fuck it's not worth suffering through.


Correct me if I'm wrong but Halo Tracker only tracks GTs that have been typed in. I recall it doesn't gather data on its own. I doubt 343 would not disclose population to only allow and API series of calls to do that work and expose it easily.
That's what I thought but it seems to be implying otherwise here:

HOWEVER: We now automatically add new players. We are scanning your games, and adding everyone.


Admittedly it also says only 360 thousand players are being tracked but I don't know when this was last updated.

It's probably either not working or they've stopped trying to collect new data.
hundreds of thousands of uniques daily is hard to believe. Not calling you a liar frank but it just doesn't add up. ¯_(ツ)_/¯ oh well, e3 HYPE.

Hardly, a few hundred thousand uniques a day still amounts to a couple tens of thousand concurrent players which is exactly what we thought.

Do you honestly believe only 12000 people played a game of slayer over a 5 day period? As I said before, the game isn't doing quite as well as most other Halos but it's not dead.
Naded has been streaming lately, he's so good to watch, he's an absolute halo 5 God imo... Yeah he doesn't have the career wins but he's as good as anyone as far as I'm concerned.

Hopefully he'll keep streaming, I'd rather watch him over lethul, ninja, etc any day.


Akai is referring to this


In the URL it says : dont-decode-this-halo-5-teaser

Yeah, I meant that picture. Passed out as soon, as I posted it with the phone in my bed.

Seems like I caused some unwanted hype. Sorry guys, it wasn't my intention. :/

Nothing that I can find. The subreddit doesn't even seem to be talking about it anymore.

You'd think Reddit would be THE community to decode this. They have done it in the past, with people that went in depth on how to decode it.

Memories of Halo 4

This gave me a good chuckle.

1vs1 me.
Boneyard CTF.
Or any other map tbh.

Off topic but can you still buy digital games from different regions using XBL credit? Or have they locked that down?

Yes. I did this yesterday with US$ and it worked.


I've never been into BTB, and while I've played H5 BTB more than others, I'm still not into it. Beyond the maps been Forge, what is it about the experience that is "off" about H5 BTB? Is it the MM? Is it the BR starts? Vehicle models? What could 343 do to make it as fun as classic experiences?

Next, in 4v4 playing solo against TO4 sucks... But I think I'm lucky in that it doesn't happen to often to me. Beyond that, I don't get the complaints about Arena being to sweaty... It's ALWAYS been sweaty. And the community has always be chock full of over competitive assholes who talk shit before during and after matches. Do we not remember halo 2? We're probably lucky there's no prix voice. I think the ranking system has gotten into people's heads. Everyone wants to push for a higher ranking, then they get upset when they constantly go up against people who are good enough to just edge them out in 1v1s. Then you hear shit like "omg these try hards" or "this guy thinks he's MLG"... No he's playing the game just like you are, and he beat you buy one shot. You're just mad because you 'tried hard', and it didn't pay off. If you want to play leisurely, do it, and don't worry about the outcome or you rank.

Finally, dark star is far and away the BEST Warzone map in the game. The others don't even come close. It also looks good, which I don't understand because I hated how Meridian looked in SP. Moonman, you crazy :)
Yeah Frosty is the most consistent player in the game. Just watch his stream it's usually daily. He absolutely destroys randoms and pros alike online. I think it should be unanimous he's the best.

Got Onyx in slayer for the first time in I think 2 months.

Anyone have any strategies for Tyrant Slayer? I'm struggling on that map.
Crouch; there's too many corners not to and the other team is probably doing it. I usually pick up the SMG on the rocks every time I spawn near it.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
Also, Frosty is the New Halo God

Here's what he did in a scrim against Optic:


And here's what he did before, during and after that craziness. Hint
more craziness


frosty is awesome. i think his best aspects is his map movement. frosty always uses unique routes and map spots. watching him i always find out about new ledges to get to, the difference though is i'd struggle to get to them just dicking around, he's doing it with ease while running a flag or defending a stronghold.


Servers are pretty wonky right now. I got booted 3 times from my Forge map. Now saving after every piece I'm adjusting/spawning.

That's just a good habit to get into. Nothing sticks more than building a really good structure just to get booted to the main menu.


Because now you're looking for games that are available with good connections and properly matched teams. And guess what you just left needing a new player? If you wait 30 seconds it won't happen.

I think that you forgot to put the kappa picture at the end of your post.


Yep. Hoping all future Warzone maps are built on the Darkstar's design philosophies.

Dunno if I want to enable cross-armory sniping constantly, but I do approve of how many routes there are from spot-to-spot. Makes it feel like much more of the map is in use and contestable at any time.


I've never been into BTB, and while I've played H5 BTB more than others, I'm still not into it. Beyond the maps been Forge, what is it about the experience that is "off" about H5 BTB? Is it the MM? Is it the BR starts? Vehicle models? What could 343 do to make it as fun as classic experiences? ...
I'd love more game modes, neutral bomb for example. I'd also be on board for pistol starts. I would also love the Warthog to be a terror again. I'll also take a Hornet or two on some maps. Choppers too please. :)

BTB is too "pop a mole" atm for me. Too many people fighting from the trenches with long range weapons.
Yknow one thing I've always craved in arena? The ability to switch weapons with teammates without having to find a weapon on the ground first. I can't tell you how many times I've tried to find an AR on the ground so I could give my group a sniper or other power weapon.

Why is it not possible to simply walk up to a teammate and switch weapons with them? Make it something simple like both players holding the reload button for 2 to 3 seconds. It would be so nice to give my sniper his weapon/or my sword easily. It would have to be longer than tapping for reloading so it wouldn't happen accidentally but then your asshat teammate would have no excuses when they horde the power weapons.


Skirmish is literally the best warzone map in the game.
Eeeehhhhh. It's got some good aspects, but its flaws are pretty big. Using the Fortress with no changes, cross mapping from Armory to Armory, only having one good route out of the main base, and being able to splatter the Mantis Legendary boss with a Wraith are all large enough that I would put it below Apex 7 and Noctus.

Zeta Oni

I'm hoping the Warzone Assault version of Skirmish ends up being as good as the regular version.

Warzone Assault just needs a complete overhaul in general imo.

-Faster REQ loading, you almost never get a chance to use high level REQ's or loadout weapons like the DMR.

-Rebalance the maps (cause spawning vehicles right in the base that needs to be captured is ridiculously one-sided, pray you never are put on offense on stormbreak)

-this one is a bit more personal, but hopefully they could change the weather on Stormbreak and ARC like they do on Raid on Apex, as well as adding a few more elements to further seperate the maps from their Warzone counterparts.

-redesigned objectives. I have to give this one some more thought, but the current process just gets really staLE really fast. There's very little dynamic and emergent gameplay that occurs in Warzone Assault.
I wish they had a WZA varient of Darkstar. I dont like the long matches in Warzone anymore so i haven't played it much at all.

Having quicksave in Forge being a button click away means there's no excuse not to save with every action, lol. I'm the type of dude that saves like six times in Pokemon just to be sure, so going from 3 / Reach / 4 to 5 with the quicksave shortcut meant I was pressing it, like, mid-placement sometimes just out of fear. I think the most work I've ever lost in Halo 5 forge was, like, 10 minutes' worth once when it booted me to the menu, and it's only ever happened once (and I'm pretty sure it was because of my internet).


Dunno if I want to enable cross-armory sniping constantly, but I do approve of how many routes there are from spot-to-spot. Makes it feel like much more of the map is in use and contestable at any time.

Ease of access is the absolute best thing about Darkstar. The map isn't a series of easily shut down choke points like ARC or Stormbreak and doesn't have a massive power position like Noctus. The Fortress is advantageous, sure, but the map is small enough and well designed enough that you don't necessarily need it to be effective. The home bases are designed in such a way that it's far easier to escape a spawn trap in them than on, say, ARC or Stormbreak.

Really what I'm saying is that ARC and Stormbreak are fairly poorly designed, with Apex being my favorite map because of its aesthetics giving me a nostalgic stiffy for Silent Cartographer and the vehicle gameplay being absolutely on point with Darkstar at a close second with Noctus at third. ARC and Stormbreak are just really, honestly poorly designed maps. ARC less so, but certainly Stormbreak.


I think Arc is the worst Warzone map. I rarely see the game make it to the Warden, because capping a garage almost garauntees you'll cap the second armory.

I like all the other maps, and I love Darkstar. I really wish they didn't recycle bases though... So tacky
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