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Halo |OT| HaloGAF Evolved

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Ghal toss this shit up there with the others

banner of the year, all years.
hahaha, SERIOUSLY?

Man, the MLG community is seriously amazing, like the past 5-6 games I've tried have had quitters/afkers, awesome, would play again.

Never play without a party of 4 and then the trick is to try to match parties of four by backing out when you get individual players before the lobby completes. A lot of the blame has to do with the lack of a ranking system. The playlist is viewed upon as a joke to most of the community because of how hard it is to get a competitive match.


Never play without a party of 4 and then the trick is to try to match parties of four by backing out when you get individual players before the lobby completes. A lot of the blame has to do with the lack of a ranking system. The playlist is viewed upon as a joke to most of the community because of how hard it is to get a competitive match.

I barely have 3 people playing this game whenever I decide to play it for a bit.

Somehow missed this, so done. :lol

Ghaleon supports bullying, confirmed.
AL doesn't do shit but give you a couple more seconds to live. The other AA's I listed break maps. I would much rather face a team of AL's on Sanctuary than a group of Jetpacker's or people using Inviz or Evade.

My main issue is how it breaks the flow of the game, you just kinda stop and wait, where as the other AAs you continue to play in one form or another. AL is definitely (for me at least) the most disruptive AA, and is really aggravating when fighting.


My main issue is how it breaks the flow of the game, you just kinda stop and wait, where as the other AAs you continue to play in one form or another. AL is definitely (for me at least) the most disruptive AA, and is really aggravating when fighting.

The solution here would be to remove it from lists where people don't like it, and not half a drain mechanism that turns out to be a complete waste of a grenade or sniper shot to do so.

The only change that made a little bit of sense to me was the stickies not being knocked off by going into lock, but they should have adjusted it's normal drain rate to be really fast so it was more of a parry than a block. You should also not get the EMP burst if you take damage to be delocked.

As it is, the hit drain makes it so when you sword an AL user, you'll instantly knock them out of AL and lose all your shields and can be instantly melee'd by them for a kill because they can turn the camera toward you and mash B to melee halfway out of the animation.

It's a shame that AL was removed from Squad Slayer so people had an AL free list to play in Vanilla settings and then they made the list 100% TU settings when AL wasn't even in it in the first place. It seemed like Bungie was heading towards optimizing AL's presence in the game and 343 went "nope lol" and reintroduced it to show off that they had changed in the TU I guess


AL changes: No EMP on hit drain, maximum one use. Keep in lists 6v6 and above. Fix bug where you can walk around armor locked. Make more of parry.

Evade change: Reduce physics pulse massively, one use per charge. Introduce Elites in more gametypes and make this their featured AA.

Jetpack: Make height ceiling lower (the engine seems to determine how high the jetpack will take you by the last geometry you touched with your feet, and ignores the actual "force" of the jetpack pushing you up otherwise)

Hologram change: allow two holograms to be deployed at the cost of half the deploy time. Hologram should expire once meter recharges, not some nebulous time afterwards.

Sprint: fix that freaking animation bug where your first person view goes super speed sometimes when you sprint and jump because it freaks me the fuck out each time it happens

Camo: Firing drains camo meter on per weapon basis. Keep at launch time. One sniper rifle shot drains 3/4ths of meter for example, PP drains a little tiny chunk. Introduce longer recharge period between uses if you allow it to drain all the way. Try to feature this AA more on Elites in MM.

Drop Shield: needs to be completely reworked. I'd just drop it from everything except Invasion. If I had infinite time and access to the code I'd re-use the assassination animation subsystem and make it a true "Medic" loadout where you have the biofoam from ODST on your back. When you engage it near a player, you go into third person, grab the player (leaving both of you exposed) and inject the biofoam into them to restore health. It'd have a lengthy cooldown. If no players are in range you just biofoam yourself. It was like they wanted to bring the concept of the bubble shield and the regen from Halo 3 but I think this is the one AA that would have definitely worked better as a pickup item.


In all honestly, what MLG has done with this game is pretty amazing considering.
They took the crappy parts in 3 and made it play 2x better, also (removed equipment, better movement in maps, faster base speed). But I still am not a fan of the Evade pickup, it's still garbage, pick up item or not.
Drop Shield: needs to be completely reworked. I'd just drop it from everything except Invasion. If I had infinite time and access to the code I'd re-use the assassination animation subsystem and make it a true "Medic" loadout where you have the biofoam from ODST on your back. When you engage it near a player, you go into third person, grab the player (leaving both of you exposed) and inject the biofoam into them to restore health. It'd have a lengthy cooldown. If no players are in range you just biofoam yourself. It was like they wanted to bring the concept of the bubble shield and the regen from Halo 3 but I think this is the one AA that would have definitely worked better as a pickup item.

That could be abused though; Imagine a player with low health walking around the map, minding his own business when a teammate suddenly heals him, which leaves him vulnerable against his will.

A better way to have a medic AA/equipment would be BF3 style health packs IMO. You can drop one healthpack per charge, tapping the button will do an animation of your spartan dropping a healthpack. When you place another healthpack while there is still another healthpack you dropped earlier, the oldest one despawns.

This way, you can heal other people without the possibility of disruptive behavior. You could even give credits to the guy with the medic AA/equipment when a teammate picks up your healthpack.
Marcus Lehto started a blog:

During this time, I kept in contact with my friends at Bungie to discuss some possible opportunities that didn’t exist prior to my leaving. It was sad to leave behind a company that I helped create, but I was ready to make a change and start something new. Well, my discussions continued to develop with Bungie and soon we had a plan together that made a ton of sense. Why slave over the difficulties of building a studio from scratch when I could start something new, working on a brand new IP right within Bungie itself?

So, it is with great care that I will be venturing back to Bungie on Monday. I will be teaming up with my longtime colleague, Joe Tung, to start the construction of a brand new team and project.
We will be a lean and mean organization for a while until our first game pitch is ready, and then grow from there.

Another new (smaller) IP? Something for Aerospace perhaps? This is awesome news.

I'm really glad to see Marcus back at Bungie.


During this time, I kept in contact with my friends at Bungie to discuss some possible opportunities that didn’t exist prior to my leaving. It was sad to leave behind a company that I helped create, but I was ready to make a change and start something new. Well, my discussions continued to develop with Bungie and soon we had a plan together that made a ton of sense. Why slave over the difficulties of building a studio from scratch when I could start something new, working on a brand new IP right within Bungie itself?

So, it is with great care that I will be venturing back to Bungie on Monday. I will be teaming up with my longtime colleague, Joe Tung, to start the construction of a brand new team and project. We will be a lean and mean organization for a while until our first game pitch is ready, and then grow from there.

Translation: Whoa shit this game development thing is a lot harder when you don't have an old movie theater complex to work out of and hundreds of employees to help out.


Translation: Whoa shit this game development thing is a lot harder when you don't have an old movie theater complex to work out of and hundreds of employees to help out.


I figured it was a bad move when Marcus left Bungie. My guess was he got so burnt out on Halo and possibly Sci-Fi that he just needed to leave.
Marcus Lehto started a blog:

Another new (smaller) IP? Something for Aerospace perhaps? This is awesome news.

I'm really glad to see Marcus back at Bungie.
Why does every game designer write that no one really cares about their development process? It's one of the interesting thing to read about. What was the purpose of xy in my favorite level, what could have been etc? (I'm talking about his first entry).

Translation: Whoa shit this game development thing is a lot harder when you don't have an old movie theater complex to work out of and hundreds of employees to help out.
Dude! Don't destroy Monkey's dream.

I figured it was a bad move when Marcus left Bungie. My guess was he got so burnt out on Halo and possibly Sci-Fi that he just needed to leave.
I'm sure the development of Reach drained him, but I don't think he regrets leaving:

This time I took was astonishingly more valuable to me than I had ever dreamt.
During this time, I kept in contact with my friends at Bungie to discuss some possible opportunities that didn’t exist prior to my leaving. It was sad to leave behind a company that I helped create, but I was ready to make a change and start something new. Well, my discussions continued to develop with Bungie and soon we had a plan together that made a ton of sense.

It wasn't "I made a huge mistake leaving Bungie to make smaller games."
It was "I left to spend time with my kids and it turns out Bungie now makes smaller games."
I remember Marco being very enthousiastic about Reach. He had his own blog about Reach's development which doesn't seems like something you would do if you aren't psyched about the thing you're doing.
I remember Marco being very enthousiastic about Reach. He had his own blog about Reach's development which doesn't seems like something you would do if you aren't psyched about the thing you're doing.
Of course he was psyched about Reach. That doesn't mean it wasn't a demanding workload.

Enthusiasm only takes you so far; you can be excited for a project but spending 60 hours a week on it will still drain you both physically and mentally.

On one side, more games to play from Bungie yes please. But on the other, taking the team away from the main game doesn't sound too good.
I don't think this would take anyone important away from Destiny. The studio has grown quite a bit and not everyone will stay busy over the entire course of development.


On one side, more games to play from Bungie yes please. But on the other, taking the team away from the main game doesn't sound too good.

To be honest, I don't think Bungie operating as a single game studio was going to last long. If you have multiple projects for people to go to, it'd keep people from being burned out. I'd say it's an indicator that they feel Destiny is doing well enough that it's off the ground to the point where they can think about a second project.

But seriously, show your new game already Bungie. That first Weekly Update since the transition is going to buckle their servers.
Bungie has said they'd wanted to be a multi-project studio. Why not work on something else on the side?

Two Bungie projects? Yes please.

As long as they're not both MMO's.

Does the second game fall under their publishing agreement with Activision?

You on today? I'll be on from 7-9.30, got to get off early as I have an exam tomorrow.

Anyone else is also welcome play reach with moi aswell, except for Myyke.

You too, huh. Good luck!
I have a question for you please?
Why I can't create a new thread in this forum? :'(
Lehto said:
I do not enjoy very complex games made just for gamers since they are generally too exclusive and defeat a vision that I have of making interactive entertainment more approachable to a broader audience. But, this never means building anything for the lowest common denominator!
That bit.. well I'm glad he's honest, but where does one draw the line of having that mentality ye making exactly just that, a game for gamers i.e. Reach ?

I have a question for you please?
Why I can't create a new thread in this forum? :'(
You've posted this in 12+ threads in the past 30 minutes. Please stop.
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