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Halo Reach Reveal Thread - Matchmaking/Multiplayer Details Revealed


People called Romanes they go the house?
Damn, I've missed out by way of running through Mass Effect again. Needs to get me some LIVE cards shipped out faster.

Ram always did that to me back in the day too, he's always been a jerk.



I apologize, Trasher is the only one I meant to hurt, and that video shows the shot clearly hitting the driver side, not the back of the hog!


Pennybags said:
Regarding EDGE...

Is it expected to contain new information, or just a more detailed preview and fresh batch of pictures?
I would assume the latter. Chances are that EDGE received the same exposure to the game as GI. However, EDGE's style and overall knowledge of Halo is leaps and bounds ahead of GI, which should supply us with lots of new information. Even if it is simply descriptions about weapon changes.

It must be in subscriber's hands now, the thing hits newsstands on Thursday.


duk said:
is this issue in stores yet?

Yeah I found and bought Reach at my local GAME store yesterday, midway through the second level right now.
Oonsk playable character!!! Way better than the Arbiter from Halo 2 :lol

I skipped the word 'issue' =( In stores Thursday in the UK, right?


nice moustache and side burns :lol


Zeouterlimits said:
Yup, I'll be picking it up in store, <3 Edge.

Same. If the information hits the internet tomorrow I may just avoid it so I get that initial wow factor when opening the issue for the first time.


Zeouterlimits said:
Yup, I'll be picking it up in store, <3 Edge.





urk said:
So gonna adopt Oonsk as the official Halo: Reach mascot. Already have Visual Design reworking the initial posters and visual ID and we're regrouping with agency to spin up the brand new, Oonsk-inspired marketing campaign. Expect the official paperwork on Monday, Letters and Flipyap.

Birth of Spartan-101.


urk said:
Noble Seven.


Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
Letters said:
The hell? I missed that urk post. What did I do? Actually, nevermind, I'll gladly take the Bungie money.

You helped changed the course of Halo Reach marketing and interrupted the game's development. I bet it's been delayed a year to implement the changes and Edge has been been delayed due to fact that Oonsk will now be on the cover, they had to tear up thousands of already printed magazines.

In short, you've ruined Halo and cost Bungie and Edge millions in loses.

Jerk. =P

Ramirez said:

I apologize, Trasher is the only one I meant to hurt, and that video shows the shot clearly hitting the driver side, not the back of the hog!

T'is cool. I knew exactly what happened, but the situation was funny and thought it would make a good clip. =)
Just joined, completely off topic at this point but I've been wanting to share my list of hopeful changes in Halo: Reach. I know some of these changes have been confirmed, but I'll list them anyways, and hopefully they are implemented correctly.

-Improved weapon mechanics/feel of the weapons. I want to feel powerful, I want recoil, I want to know these weapons I'm bearing could kill 1000 innocent civilians in a snap (evil, I know, but thats how I guage these things). The balance has always been good in halo games, but the weapons feel very recycled at this point. I need something that feels new. A few new weapons are welcome, but are not as important to me as enhanced old ones (because I know they will have most of the old weapons). And do we really need the plasma pistol? Who still uses that thing?

-More of a feeling of weight when moving/improved physics. I think most of the game's physics are great, and even close to the best in the industry (you can see something you've never seen before after playing 1000 games), however running and jumping need definite improvement. In Halo 3 I feel like I'm riding on a really slow segway when I'm running and I'm basically pogo-sticking it up on the moon when I'm jumping. Do they know how to implement the 9.8 fps/s (i think thats the right rate for earth's gravity) in video games yet, cause it feels like the velocity of the fall stays the same, which is floaty and unrealistic. When you hit the ground, your legs should buckle a bit or something as well; use your hands to gain your balance quickly and then be on your merry way.

-Sprinting! I know this will be in the game, but as to how it will affect the gameplay, who knows. Will it still feel like halo? I think so. It will have a more dynamic feel to it, no doubt about it; now I will be able to catch up with lug nuts up there trying to evade my every attack. I can flank, and I can spank!

-Armor/weapon upgrades in multiplayer, please! I know the armor upgrades may already be happening, I just hope they do it correctly. Who wants to unlock their armor in the campaign then use it in multiplayer? I want to see the direct result of my hours upon hours of playing multiplayer to result in sweeter and sweeter gear; I even think the armor should affect gameplay. Just like in rainbow six: vegas, the heavy armor should increase the damage you can take and decrease mobility, and then vice versa with lighter armor. As far as weapon upgrades, I know it would be difficult considering you only start with one weapon, the others are found throughout the given map. But could that one weapon you begin with be upgraded with a better scope? A supressor? More accuracy and less power or the reciprocal? I'd like it!

-Choose your gametype/map in matchmaking! Why don't they do this? They could keep a randomized choice, of course, but I want to be able to choose where and what I'm playing, even if I can't choose who I am playing with. I personally hate anything other than slayer/brs in halo 3 (maybe a little swat), and I only want to play on about half of the maps. So why do I have to go through endless rounds of rocket launchers or duals on snowbound when I really don't want to?

-Better graphics. I know this has been a big cause for debate in this thread, so I'll keep it short. The main thing I want as an improvement is the feeling that I am actually part of the halo environment. Trees swaying in the wind, dust particles flying behind me as I run, birds flapping their wings over my head, bushes giving heed as I brush by them, pieces of rock shooting in all directions when I hit a boulder with my weapon. Just make me feel like I'm really affecting this world that I'm in. Other than that, yes higher definition, some more fluid movement, some improved textures, and that should just about do it for me!

Sean P.

AllIsOneIsNone said:
And do we really need the plasma pistol? Who still uses that thing?

Tell that to 7/8's of the covenant army.

Most of your suggestions have merit, but you need to keep in mind the simple competitive nature of Halo's gameplay. All this knee buckling and aim adjustment from certain events would kill the style that I LOVE about Halo, it focuses on the gameplay more than the realism and that is what gives it its definitive edge to me.

Armor upgrades in matchmaking would make a bigger scandal than using elites
Thanks for the warm welcome, guys!

Sean P. said:
Tell that to 7/8's of the covenant army.

Most of your suggestions have merit, but you need to keep in mind the simple competitive nature of Halo's gameplay. All this knee buckling and aim adjustment from certain events would kill the style that I LOVE about Halo, it focuses on the gameplay more than the realism and that is what gives it its definitive edge to me.

Armor upgrades in matchmaking would make a bigger scandal than using elites

I agree that having your legs buckle under you would be annoying if it actually disabled you from shooting or moving, i more meant it to give realism to the look of the game, not the actual gameplay. If I look at someone else hitting the ground, I'd want it to look as realistic as possible. I would not want it to actually stop someone from moving for more than a part of a second; that would disrupt the flow of the halo game style. I still think gravity could be more thoughtfully implemented, though. One should feel like they're jumping and falling, not floating up and floating down.

As far as armor upgrades go, you're right in the sense that more experienced players might have an edge over less experienced players. But I think as long as bungie balanced mobility vs. dmg taken correctly, it would be no different that knowing where the good weapons are or something else that gives the experienced player an edge. If you are referring to the actual size of the armor, then I understand what you mean. If you're bigger, you're easier to hit. But that too, could be balanced out...it would actually make it fair if you could take more damage but were easier to hit.

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
AllIsOneIsNone said:

Welcome on board the HaloGAF train. Next stop is Edge Station.Inexpensive Oonsk plush children's toys can be purchased from the vendor at the back. Please retain your ticket for inspection.

AllIsOneIsNone said:
-Improved weapon mechanics/feel of the weapons. I want to feel powerful, I want recoil, I want to know these weapons I'm bearing could kill 1000 innocent civilians in a snap (evil, I know, but thats how I guage these things). The balance has always been good in halo games, but the weapons feel very recycled at this point. I need something that feels new. A few new weapons are welcome, but are not as important to me as enhanced old ones (because I know they will have most of the old weapons). And do we really need the plasma pistol? Who still uses that thing?

Never doubt the PP. Team it up with a weapon like the BR and it's great. In Reach, I think you'll find the shield removing ability quite useful, what with all the recharging shielded Elites running around and all.

The good news is, from the looks of things, the older weapons have been re-hauled, given a new look and the sounds have all been recorded, essentially giving most if not all the older weapons a new coat of paint. We also know of at least two new weapons and the new Armour upgrades that replace equipment, all and all a fine evolution of the Halo weapon sandbox that should keep the smile on our faces and keep things feeling fresh for the years to come.

AllIsOneIsNone said:
-More of a feeling of weight when moving/improved physics. I think most of the game's physics are great, and even close to the best in the industry (you can see something you've never seen before after playing 1000 games), however running and jumping need definite improvement. In Halo 3 I feel like I'm riding on a really slow segway when I'm running and I'm basically pogo-sticking it up on the moon when I'm jumping. Do they know how to implement the 9.8 fps/s (i think thats the right rate for earth's gravity) in video games yet, cause it feels like the velocity of the fall stays the same, which is floaty and unrealistic. When you hit the ground, your legs should buckle a bit or something as well; use your hands to gain your balance quickly and then be on your merry way.

Know thist, the whole jumping about business is what makes Halo, Halo. The ability to jump around the environment is a signature style of gameplay that few other games try to emulate with good reason, it's hard to get it just right and Halo is damm near perfect in doing what it does.

ODST did change things up a bit, you received damage when you fell from heights, like the original Halo, and it also reduced the jumping significantly, so there was dramatically less jumping around as seen in the main Halo games. You may find what you are looking for in ODST rather than Reach.

In Reach, like the other main Halo games, you are a Spartan, a bad ass super soldier in a super power suit (looking at it simply). You are jumping great distances without a second thought, you can fall from a great height and simply keep on going instead of buckling under the forces involved.

One thing to note that Reach does feature some subtle additions. The animation has been retuned, you will notice your Spartan change strides and animate differently from standing still, to walking, running and full out sprinting. This is a big change from Halo where it simply looked like your character was sped up. Also, when you look around, your character's body will turn and move his legs as he moves around on the stop, this feature alone will make past Halo title's magical super on the spot spinning around look outdated and comical in comparison.

Not every game will meet everyone's expectations and wants, but between ODST and Reach, I think you'll be satisfied on this point, certainly more than Halo 3.

AllIsOneIsNone said:
-Armor/weapon upgrades in multiplayer, please! I know the armor upgrades may already be happening, I just hope they do it correctly. Who wants to unlock their armor in the campaign then use it in multiplayer? I want to see the direct result of my hours upon hours of playing multiplayer to result in sweeter and sweeter gear; I even think the armor should affect gameplay. Just like in rainbow six: vegas, the heavy armor should increase the damage you can take and decrease mobility, and then vice versa with lighter armor. As far as weapon upgrades, I know it would be difficult considering you only start with one weapon, the others are found throughout the given map. But could that one weapon you begin with be upgraded with a better scope? A supressor? More accuracy and less power or the reciprocal? I'd like it!

From the information we currently have and the leak all we know is that we know nothing at this point really.

There does appear to be some kind of XP system in the campaign, from the leak, but this has yet to be backed up with official information. The new Armour system may or may not be tied to that XP system but how will that tie into multiplayer? Will it be part of a new beefed up Firefight and leave the traditional multiplayer alone? Who knows!

Feature parity is confirmed, thankfully. Now we can sit back and await the surprises that lay ahead. Some folks around here have some kick ass ideas, especially about Firefight and other multiplayer aspects. It's really exciting because everything is just speculation at this point.

AllIsOneIsNone said:
-Choose your gametype/map in matchmaking! Why don't they do this? They could keep a randomized choice, of course, but I want to be able to choose where and what I'm playing, even if I can't choose who I am playing with. I personally hate anything other than slayer/brs in halo 3 (maybe a little swat), and I only want to play on about half of the maps. So why do I have to go through endless rounds of rocket launchers or duals on snowbound when I really don't want to?

Halo already has a perfectly good matchmaking system, but it is not perfect. The whole online environment has changed over the past three years and have the expectation of gamers from what they want to see in an online matchmaking service. Despite this, Halo 3 has remained the most played online on the 360.

I hope they can balance it out, updating the veto system, map loading et al yet retaining that addictive and truly Halo flavour that has kept millions of players coming back for years.

AllIsOneIsNone said:
-Better graphics. I know this has been a big cause for debate in this thread, so I'll keep it short. The main thing I want as an improvement is the feeling that I am actually part of the halo environment. Trees swaying in the wind, dust particles flying behind me as I run, birds flapping their wings over my head, bushes giving heed as I brush by them, pieces of rock shooting in all directions when I hit a boulder with my weapon. Just make me feel like I'm really affecting this world that I'm in. Other than that, yes higher definition, some more fluid movement, some improved textures, and that should just about do it for me!

Go read the OP, specifically the section from the Game Informer information about the new engine.

I think you'll find that they are really making some great improvements in a lot of key areas. From bullets falling over rock textures to the multiple times more lighting sources from shiny Plasma Pistol bursts buzzing over your head from the dozens of enemies that will be surrounding you as the rain lashes down from over head. Exciting stuff.
Dani, thank you for the thorough reply. It is all really exciting stuff, its a bit of a problem that I'm THIS hyped THIS early...such is life. As for the jumping, I understand that it is one of the signature gameplay mechanics of halo, however it seems they are changing other signatures, so why not this one? Sprinting seems to be very uncharacteristic of a halo game, and will completely change the dynamic of the gameplay. Why cant a jump just feel like more of a jump? I still think it should be a massive 10 foot high jump (or more), but I would prefer more gravity that gives my strength and agility real power behind them. I'm not asking for realism as a sacrifice for fun. I'm asking for realism to make it more fun, to make me feel more powerful, more involved in a cohesive environment in which there are rules, but rules that i can bend or even break (matrix anyone? haha).

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
AllIsOneIsNone said:
Dani, thank you for the thorough reply. It is all really exciting stuff, its a bit of a problem that I'm THIS hyped THIS early...such is life. As for the jumping, I understand that it is one of the signature gameplay mechanics of halo, however it seems they are changing other signatures, so why not this one? Sprinting seems to be very uncharacteristic of a halo game, and will completely change the dynamic of the gameplay. Why cant a jump just feel like more of a jump? I still think it should be a massive 10 foot high jump (or more), but I would prefer more gravity that gives my strength and agility real power behind them. I'm not asking for realism as a sacrifice for fun. I'm asking for realism to make it more fun, to make me feel more powerful, more involved in a cohesive environment in which there are rules, but rules that i can bend or even break (matrix anyone? haha).

Here's a question, Spartan armour, essentially a mini-nuclear power station that weights half a ton, why does it not leave a single indentation on any surface?

If something weighing half a ton fell on a patch of grass from a heigh, you'd expect quite a mess.

If it rains, why doesn't the ground get muddy? Where's the streams of water that would collect during a heavy downpour and evaporate in the intense sun?

To be honest there's a million and one little touches they could add, but at the end of the day, they still have a deadline and sometimes something an end user sees as a simple addition can be far from it.

I think we haven't seen the last of the new additions Reach will bring, there may many more tiny additions still behind the curtain.


AllIsOneIsNone said:
Dani, thank you for the thorough reply. It is all really exciting stuff, its a bit of a problem that I'm THIS hyped THIS early...such is life. As for the jumping, I understand that it is one of the signature gameplay mechanics of halo, however it seems they are changing other signatures, so why not this one? Sprinting seems to be very uncharacteristic of a halo game, and will completely change the dynamic of the gameplay. Why cant a jump just feel like more of a jump? I still think it should be a massive 10 foot high jump (or more), but I would prefer more gravity that gives my strength and agility real power behind them. I'm not asking for realism as a sacrifice for fun. I'm asking for realism to make it more fun, to make me feel more powerful, more involved in a cohesive environment in which there are rules, but rules that i can bend or even break (matrix anyone? haha).

That's all sensory. The jumps in Halo 3 seem soft and floaty because the floor doesn't crack when you jump up and there's no thud when you land. Crackdown makes you feel like a total badass even though you can jump over buildings. If you shattered the ground and a cloud of smoke rose around you every time you jumped, it would make the Spartans seem more powerful. Unfortunately that stuff would be impossible to implement in multiplayer. Not only because something like a mandatory roll animation when landing a high jump would ruin just about every gametype but also because all those little flairs chip away at a steady framerate.

I hope Bungie keeps the same grenade and character jumping arc that's in Halo 3. I never realized how good it was until I played ODST. The slight tweaks made to the character movement made playing that game less fun.

Slightly Live

Dirty tag dodger
kylej said:
That's all sensory. The jumps in Halo 3 seem soft and floaty because the floor doesn't crack when you jump up and there's no thud when you land. Crackdown makes you feel like a total badass even though you can jump over buildings. If you shattered the ground and a cloud of smoke rose around you every time you jumped, it would make the Spartans seem more powerful. Unfortunately that stuff would be impossible to implement in multiplayer. Not only because something like a mandatory roll animation when landing a high jump would ruin just about every gametype but also because all those little flairs chip away at a steady framerate.

I hope Bungie keeps the same grenade and character jumping arc that's in Halo 3. I never realized how good it was until I played ODST. The slight tweaks made to the character movement made playing that game less fun.

Holy shit, I agree with every single word you posted. :lol

That's a first. Totally agree.


ZZMitch said:
Still no Edge info? Did all the trucks carrying the magazines to subscribers fall off the edge of the Earth or something?

Welcome, new people. I look forward to getting shot in the face by you.


Welcome new guys!

You will be informed shortly about the HaloGAF rites of passage (and they'll be humiliating) before you become an official member.

Dax01 is our ruler. Praise him and you'll be fine. Feel free to hate on Gui_PT.
I agree entirely on adding all the little touches
subtle beauty
that give the game quality feedback for your actions.

When jumping I want to get a sense of the power of the servos or whatever in this suit flinging me into the air with some energy, and landing with some weight. It just feels floaty right now, which makes the heavy armored suit feel more like a leotard. It just doesn't have the oomph.

Same thing with the weapons. They're mostly muted and need to pack more of a sonic punch. I do like the shotgun though.

Last bit would be the armor itself. I'd like to see and hear a noticeably different effect when hitting shield and armor. The shield hits work well right now as you get the shimmer and sizzle. But when the shields are down I'd like to hear the sound of projectiles or energy hitting whatever space-age metal that the Spartan suits are made of. Picture Robocop getting shot by tons of random bad dudes in a warehouse and you'll see what I'm getting at.

None of these suggestions need to alter the actual mechanics themselves, or change the underlying numbers. This is purely for effect, for feedback, and selling the illusion.


squidhands said:
Welcome to NeoGAF, and how dare you besmirch the Plasma Pistol! No better way to piss off another player than the PP+melee (besides the AR, of course). :D

Squidhands! I had no idea you were a member here, I just got approved today.
I'm really craving the Edge news I will be looking for a copy of the magazine when it hits stores not sure if they sell it in Ireland though.
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