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Happy 20th anniversary Chrono Trigger!

Only game I ever ordered from Chips & Bits because I had to absolutely be sure that it was in my hands on release. Saved up my allowance all summer and waited for the mailman every day. It arrived the evening before my first day of 8th grade. Made it to the future and then got on the bus.


I remember getting it release day in the US, it is the only game to this day that I got every possible ending in. I would have been in middle school I guess. This, FF6 and Lunar for the SCD are my top three RPGs of my childhood.


Happy Anniversary! Chrono Trigger is one of the greats. Such a magical game, and it's still a joy to play. Unfortunately, my current copy is the one from Final Fantasy Chronicles(PS1) so it's not the ideal method.
Yesss. Memories of sneaking to the basement and playing this in an old CRT to get all the endings and my grandparents watching me play. It was such a golden few years for gaming memories.

It's so weird, 20 years later my obsession with Schala and Zeal Kingdom never faded. I always assumed I'd just stop caring but I replay the game each year and still look forward to getting to 12000 BC like nobody's business.


The sprite of Glenn is cute but the DBZ looking anime of him was not. I don't know why it was so diff.

Love the game and so many great memories. Also I had a commitment of trying to find schala after the events on the black omen. Sadly it wasn't possible :(


Wow, happy 20th birthday! I was too young to play it then, but i did play the ps1 version, so it doesnt feel that old to me. Its really surprises me to know that chrono trigger came out on the same date as the 3/11 earthquake that hit japan though.


Happy 20th Birthday terrisus!

...Oh, Chrono Trigger as in the game.

Hah, the fact that this was the first post makes me extremely happy =)
EDIT: And a bunch of replies in the thread already as well <3

Seriously though, Chrono Trigger played a significant part in my life, and my life wouldn't be anywhere even close to the same without this game.
I'm very thankful for having found it, and fallen in love with it.

Side note:
My Chrono Trigger guide

Not the most detailed/complete thing in the world, but I had fun doing it.
And, geeze, it's been over 10 years since I did that now too. Time flies >.>

EDIT: Also, related, my 20th Anniversary of the Greatest Year in Gaming (1995) thread from the beginning of the year <3

Azure J

Such a lovely title. My first time playing it was on the DS last generation, but I could immediately see why it was so revered in gaming.


seriously though how did terrisus not make this thread.

Only one explanation:

Happy birthday to the greatest video game ever made! Many fun adventures have been had therein, and many more will discover it in the years to come.

Makes me happy, it does.



My favorite game. I would love a modern remake even if a sequel is impossible. Or I could just play the game again, still haven't gone through the SNES version.

Today I shall drink to you, Chrono Trigger. I wonder what would be most appropriate? Camus? Dom Perignon? ... Nihonshu?
What's the best way to place this game these days?

DS port?

Modded Wii Emulation?

Purchased off of Wii VC on either a Wii or Wii U. I feel the game deserves to be heard on a nice sound setup. DS version is nice, but it doesn't add anything of note. The added quests were total throwaways imo. And I don't like the DS translation as much as the SNES one.


A timeless game, and one of the all time greatest.

I don't think we'll see a "Dream Team" come together like we saw with Chrono Trigger ever again.
God, how time flies. My favorite game of all time, period. Nothing else even approaches it, it's just that peerless.

I've been gaming since I was four years old, but no single game has had nearly as large an impact on my life as Chrono Trigger has. What a special game. I'd give almost anything to experience it for the first time again.

Thanks for all the fun, feelings, and memories, Chrono Trigger. :)


I was expecting it to be Terrisus after his 1995 thread from a little while back. This game(and Shadowgate) make me think of the guy.

Well darn, for all the wrong that I'm doing, I must be doing something right for this kind of stuff to get said/associated with me <3
Well darn, for all the wrong that I'm doing, I must be doing something right for this kind of stuff to get said/associated with me <3
It might also be that.you're almost never on the gaming side and you never make threads.

Side note: I may not like this game but.I sure do love your avatar. Such great pixel art. <3

Hibiki Rush

Neo Member
Finished this for the first time ever about two weeks ago. What a terrific game, I couldn't put it down. And that developers hidden ending was really neat.


It might also be that.you're almost never on the gaming side and you never make threads.

Side note: I may not like this game but.I sure do love your avatar. Such great pixel art. <3

Hey, I venture into Gaming-side periodically... :þ

And yes, Chrono Trigger looks absolutely stunning <3
I'll ignore the other comment >.>


I was there day one in line to get it.

I could not wait for it after reading Nintendo Power's excellent coverage of the game. Nintendo Power had me salivating.



"As the biggest and best RPG nears its release date"
"Destined to be the biggest game ever."
"A new standard for RPGs."
"It improves on Final Fantasy in every area. In fact, once you begin playing Chrono Trigger, you'll wonder how you were ever happy with anything less."
"As for the music, it challenges Donkey Kong Country and Killer Instinct for the best of any video game."
"If all this sounds a little too good to be true, that's what we thought too until we started playing it and fell in love with it."
"If you love FF3, Mana, or Zelda, Chrono Trigger is guaranteed to become your new passion."

Don't you miss magazines?


I was there day one in line to get it.

I could not wait for it after reading Nintendo Power's excellent coverage of the game. Nintendo Power had me salivating.



"As the biggest and best RPG nears its release date"
"Destined to be the biggest game ever."
"A new standard for RPGs."
"It improves on Final Fantasy in every area. In fact, once you begin playing Chrono Trigger, you'll wonder how you were ever happy with anything less."
"As for the music, it challenges Donkey Kong Country and Killer Instinct for the best of any video game."
"If all this sounds a little too good to be true, that's what we thought too until we started playing it and fell in love with it."
"If you love FF3, Mana, or Zelda, Chrono Trigger is guaranteed to become your new passion."

Don't you miss magazines?

Nintendo Power always had great coverage of SNES RPGs.
Their guide for Chrono Trigger is great as well.


My favorite game of all time. Recently imported the DS version which I plan to play once I'm done with Fire Emblem Awakening.

Man this game brings some good memories.

Mikey Jr.

Daggers in my heart.

How does a masterpiece like this just get constantly ignored, yet we're on FF 15.

It boggles the fucking mind.

And I already know what someone is gonna say.

"do you want chrono trigger 2 without the original team? "

And I say fuck yes. Akira would be on board.

Masato is freelance, so I'm sure he could come back.

It won't have everyone, but fuck it. We need more chrono.

Edit: or a remake. Like, an actual proper remake, not some mobile bullshit or something.


I still claim that this is the most technically flawless game that I've ever played. I just can't find a reason to dislike it. One of my all time favourites.

I prefer Chrono Cross because of its dream-like quality and mood, but Chrono Trigger just had the greatest pacing and never let go.

Schala and Zeal are unforgettable. That part of the game was incredible. Schala's probably my favourite character in any game but she was barely in the game lol. She just had this intriguing air to her.

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