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Hard Reset - PC exclusive fps from people behind Painkiller/Witcher 2!




I guess they could do worse than a weathered Val Kilmer as the protagonist.


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
IoCaster said:
Done on a shoestring budget. They're probably hoping to make enough money to be able to afford PS360 dev kits. This gen has really spawned an unhealthy level of cynicism in me. :/

a PS3 kit costs 2000 dollars...
Strangely reminiscent of the new epic engine trailer and of the whole Prey 2 look/feel!

I'll play the shit out of it anyway, anyhow!

My body is ready!


Addressing some questions or whatever (I do PR on this one, along with stuff like Witcher 2, S8: Prejudice, and whatnots).

- The screenshots and trailer don't do the visuals justice. It looks awesome, and the atmosphere is wicked.
- These guys came to me with a near-finished game at E3 and said "can we release this in september?" I said, "shit yeah, we can" and started setting the announcement in motion. I wish every developer/publisher kept things to a two-month PR campaign; sustaining interest over two years isn't the easiest thing to do, and most of your hype happens around release anyway!
- If you like fast-paced shooters, you should like this.
- Trailer is not CG
- It's a small dev team, so going multiplatform is pretty much a crazy idea. Also, team is quite happy to squeeze more power out of the PC that just isn't available on consoles.
- We'll have a lot more gameplay footage and such out soon. Hell, preview builds will be in media's hands within a few weeks.

Eh? How about a bit more faith that games don't have to have year-long hype campaigns and 300-person dev teams to be worth your time? :)


EvolveTom said:
Addressing some questions or whatever (I do PR on this one, along with stuff like Witcher 2, S8: Prejudice, and whatnots).

- The screenshots and trailer don't do the visuals justice. It looks awesome, and the atmosphere is wicked.
- These guys came to me with a near-finished game at E3 and said "can we release this in september?" I said, "shit yeah, we can" and started setting the announcement in motion. I wish every developer/publisher kept things to a two-month PR campaign; sustaining interest over two years isn't the easiest thing to do, and most of your hype happens around release anyway!
- If you like fast-paced shooters, you should like this.
- Trailer is not CG
- It's a small dev team, so going multiplatform is pretty much a crazy idea. Also, team is quite happy to squeeze more power out of the PC that just isn't available on consoles.
- We'll have a lot more gameplay footage and such out soon. Hell, preview builds will be in media's hands within a few weeks.

Eh? How about a bit more faith that games don't have to have year-long hype campaigns and 300-person dev teams to be worth your time? :)
I will be playing with max settings.
Very interested in this but I promised myself I wouldn't buy more games until I cleared my backlog. Perhaps I'll pick it up in the holiday sales.
Preview: http://beefjack.com/features/hard-reset-preview-pc/

One day, the machines will take over. That’s been a prominent paranoid theory for as long as modern technology has existed, and it seems like the theme’s still going strong. Today, Polish studio Flying Wild Hog announces its debut: a dark, science-fiction FPS going by the name of Hard Reset - and in it, the robots are very much in control.

This is a PC-exclusive shooter from a studio which, while new, contains some exquisite talent. The development team’s individual CVs list credits such as The Witcher 2, Bulletstorm, Painkiller and, slightly less impressively, Sniper: Ghost Warrior. Together, they’ve spent the last two years working secretly towards a single goal: to create a game with old-school FPS values, but with a compelling story to get stuck into if you want.

That story isn’t necessarily top priority, and it certainly won’t be forced upon you. The developers at Flying Wild Hog are keen to emphasise the game’s pure blaster heritage, and a narrative that you can read into as much as you want. “There is an intriguing and non-trivial story told through animated, comic-style cutscenes in between game levels,” explains Klaudiusz Zych, the company’s co-founder. “It’s not something you have to pay attention to if you don’t want to – you could just storm through the levels.”

But to Zych’s mind, it’s unlikely that people will do this then leave the game for dust. He thinks Hard Reset’s narrative is engaging enough to demand return visits. “From our experience,” he says, “if they skip the story on their playthrough, won’t players want to play again to find out what was it all about?”

So what is it all about? Well, players step into the shoes of Major Fletcher, a citizen of the city Bezoar and an army veteran. He finds himself caught up in a battle between the world’s major powers: the robots, who dominate; and the humans, who are putting up a valiant last stance against their mechanical enemies.

At its core, it’s a traditional, balls-to-the-wall FPS. “It’s a classic first-person shooter with loads of physics, destruction, and hordes of enemies,” says Zych. What he hopes sets it apart, though, is an experience-based upgrade system, which Flying Wild Hog reckon will add some depth to your action plans as you progress through the game. “It’s a Painkiller-meets-Diablo kind of game,” Zych smiles.

The crux of this is a weapons upgrade system, which – for the moment – the devs are keeping tight to their chests. But they’ve also yet another trick up their sleeves: a dynamic environment that will bring this sinister, future universe to life. The game boasts a strong and prominent physics system – and although we’ve yet to see it fully in action, the prospect of a changeable, cyberpunk world sounds enticing.

The game’s singleplayer-only, which is almost a shame in this game world: it means definitely no stomping about in big mech suits en masse, for one thing. But Flying Wild Hog seem entirely focused on their aims: to create a classic first-person shooter with an oppressive atmosphere looming over it.

That will be helped by the proprietary engine, certainly. Hard Reset looks gorgeous – with full dynamic lighting and some incredible, high-future art design. The city seems to stretchout spectacularly, while the effects – fire, electricity and the like – look to be frankly stunning. Meanwhile, the mix of concrete and metal feels properly authentic. Beozar looks like it’ll be a very palpable place in which to stay.

The little we’ve seen of it suggests a game that knows what it wants to do, and has set about doing it well. Whether its minor innovations will form the basis of a wonderful videogame is yet to be seen – but for the moment, I think it’s safe to say we should be keeping our eyes on this one.
EvolveTom said:
Eh? How about a bit more faith that games don't have to have year-long hype campaigns and 300-person dev teams to be worth your time? :)

I will follow you anywhere.

Edit: Holy shit, Painkiller meets Diablo?! If this game fits the description "Like Borderlands but not shit" I'm going to love it.
jim-jam bongs said:
I will follow you anywhere.
Hear hear.

(I can't believe I'm cheering on the words of a PR monkey).

Also that face could have easily been real time, it's just a nice high res texture on a slightly higher than average polycount head, he doesn't even have any hair to render in that picture.
Looks good though.

The samaritan tech demo guy's face looked more like cg than this.


EvolveTom said:
Eh? How about a bit more faith that games don't have to have year-long hype campaigns and 300-person dev teams to be worth your time? :)
You're preaching to the choir here, but preach on sir. Preach on.


Love reading the following:

"At its core, it’s a traditional, balls-to-the-wall FPS. “It’s a classic first-person shooter with loads of physics, destruction, and hordes of enemies"

"The game’s singleplayer-only"


The link has an amazing new gameplay trailer make sure you watch it!

Some interesting parts:

GameSpot: We understand that Hard Reset is a PC exclusive. Why make this choice? What do you think the game gains by being a PC exclusive?

Michal Szustak: For a new studio it's always easier to make a single-platform game, and we really wanted to create and use our own tech. Our engine was built with one thought--to be used in a first-person shooter that uses lots of physics and destruction, with outstanding graphics and also optimized to do the job well. There are many games published on PCs that are just ports from consoles, and we all know that today the power of a current-gen console is similar to a four- to five-year-old PC.

If you want to show some amazing graphics, it's better and easier to develop the game for PCs. Also, in the era of movie-like shooters almost "on rails," with player-environment interaction as limited as possible, we wanted to create a game for old-school PC players, raised on all those forgotten Dooms, Quakes, and Painkillers.

GS: What type of game is Hard Reset? Is it more of an open-world shooter like the Far Cry series, or something more linear, such as the Modern Warfare games?

MS: Hard Reset is definitely not an open-world shooter like Far Cry, but it's also not a shooter on rails, the kind that Modern Warfare is. It's rather similar to old-school shooters like Doom, where you had to search the level to get a key card, and where you will find secrets--sometimes really challenging ones.

GS: On the topic of gameplay, what more can you reveal about the interface featured in a few of the screenshots you've released? What do the different bars and icons refer to?

MS: As you know, we don't have regenerating health, so one of the bars is used to display health. We also have a shield meter, stamina for sprint, energy/ammunition for weapons, and, of course, the N.A.N.O. bar. N.A.N.O. is the currency that you will gather to buy new weapons and upgrades.

GS: Given that Hard Reset will be a PC exclusive, how hard will it push modern computers? Will PC gamers need a space-age computer in order to run it, or will the performance be fairly scalable?

MS: We will announce official hardware requirements soon, but I'm sure you will be surprised. We've got some really good engine programmers, and I can promise you that even a five-year-old PC will be sufficient to play Hard Reset. But if you own a pimped-up gaming rig, the experience will be much more intense.

GS: What were some of your sources of inspiration for Hard Reset, either for the story or gameplay?

MS: A lone hero lost in a dark, futuristic city--I could list many cyberpunk books or movies utilizing this motive. William Gibson, Neal Stephenson, Philip K. Dick--we love them all. Regarding the gameplay, we wanted to create a game where you eliminate hordes of enemies, using not only interesting weapons, but the environment as well. There are many destructible objects in the game, such as cars or explosive barrels that you can blow up, dealing damage to your enemies, and we also have a spectacular electricity system; for example, destroying a cash machine will electrocute all nearby enemies. So the main inspiration were games with such a gameplay style--again, Doom, Painkiller, or Serious Sam--but I must say that Hard Reset came out pretty unique since there are loads of destructibles that you can use to your advantage.

GS: Are there any other points you'd like to highlight about Hard Reset?

MS: If you're tired of all the boring shooters on rails where all the encounters are heavily scripted and you can't even move too much, Hard Reset is for you. Hard Reset gives you the opportunity to eliminate hordes of enemies each time in a different way, so maybe you'll want to play again and again just to see how you can use our gravity mines in different ways or why an electric grenade and stasis field are such a great combo. And you want to beat the game at least twice, since finishing Hard Reset once is not enough to check out all the cool weapons and upgrades.

Shooter of the Year 2011!!!


We should have preview builds out to a bunch of folks early next week. Lots more to come! Oh, and the game's out in like 6 weeks or something. :)


It's looking good, but I'll wait for (GAF) impressions on how well it holds up. I truly hope it does hold the complex Doom level design philosophy and that it's more fun than Painkiller.
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