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Has Telltale Games responded to the save game glitch in TWD?


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
I played a PS3 version and game freezes all the time. I've missed counters and trying to aim and execute an action is maddening. I don't know how many times I had to replay the part where you jump across an alley and you have to grab a person's hand. I fell at least 4 or 5 times before eI aimed correctly.

I dont know if FPS is a correct assessment of the problem. Its more like a lag or freeze.

Stuttering, yeah. The 360 version did this for me as well.


I didnt see many sites running to get a PS3 copy to check if it was any good or comparable after launch

Why would they? Publishers sending out only 360 copies of a game isn't uncommon, even when the PS3 version is fine. It's not as though they could get their hands on PS3 copies any faster than fans. Either way, consumers are going to find out first.


Do we have any idea how many people this has happened to, or is it a vocal minority? I played through the game just fine, and so did all of my friends. Not defending this, and of course it sucks that it happened to some people, but if it was like <1% of people then I don't think it could ever serve as a remark against GOTY nominations.

I am not defending the problem either, but I do want to point out that it seems most people who have the problem the "time stamp" trick fixes it. It did for me. I hope people who run into the era realize that there ARE ways to get it fixed for most people and restore your saves. Don't just assume because the game doesn't recognize your saves all of a sudden that you are fucked.

I recommended the game to 4 friends. Out of the 5 of us, I am the only one who encountered the bug and I was able to fix it relatively easily using that solution that I googled. The issue should definitely be addressed but people who haven't played it should not get the impression that the game is broken for everybody or even the majority of players.


On a side note, a pretty weird glitch happened to me. After finishing episode 1, I got sent to the menu screen as usual and hit Resume Game. For some reason it threw me the intro re-cap scene from episode 3 (which I didn't realize until it had spoiled some things from episode 2, nothing that major though), no idea how that happened. I just hit Main Menu and I could start from episode 2, so it was easily fixed. But still strange as hell.


I bought this and was planning to start it soon. I swear that if I have this glitch, and I can't get around it, I'm not giving Telltale another cent ever again. It's inexcusable that they would be unable to fix something as seemingly simple as this.


a) They probably can't talk about it contractually
b) Aren't they designers/writers? They're not the technical staff, nor the management/producers

Being a gaming podcast they can ask for an official response.

Otherwise they are not much of a legit podcast.


Because Fallout 3 and New Vegas ran like ass and their PS3 only owning readers would care to know beforehand. But hey, I guess its easier to score games on different platforms the same.

They don't apply one score to both versions, but I'm glad you're righteously indignant or whatever. Thanks for skipping the part about the press not being able to find out these things before consumers, too.
Thanks for skipping the part about the press not being able to find out these things before consumers, too.
Really? Cause Im pretty sure ign c and p'd their review.

Why wouldnt they be able to find out? If they have access to the game when consumers do and its their job to play games to begin with, it would seem more likely that they would find out before consumers. But hey like I said, easier to pretend theyre the same and call it a day.
I wish I was able to finish the game. If they had said something... ANYTHING regarding the save issues, I'd understand. But we've got absolutely nothing from them. It's despicable. I'm never buying a Telltale game at full price again. 80% off or bust.
Being a gaming podcast they can ask for an official response.

Otherwise they are not much of a legit podcast.
What does this mean?

They enjoy talking about games, their experiences when playing and general game design. They rarely focus on industry news or topics.

In a perfect world where employees could say anything about their employer or work then sure, but this ain't that.


Well maybe they can talk about this.

If they cant I can talk about them not talking about it.

They shouldnt adveritise who they are publicly otherwise.

Theres loads of people that dont say who they are in public and post here and they dont get bothered. If you come out you gotta face the facts.

Never forget Denys Dyack.


Really? Cause Im pretty sure ign c and p'd their review.

Why wouldnt they be able to find out? If they have access to the game when consumers do and its their job to play games to begin with, it would seem more likely that they would find out before consumers. But hey like I said, easier to pretend theyre the same and call it a day.

IGN doesn't count. They're the bottom of the barrel.

Why would it be more likely that journalists would find out before consumers? They have things to do, unlike people who stand around outside of GameStop for six hours waiting for the midnight release, and then go home and play nonstop for a week until they've 100%-ed it.
IGN doesn't count. They're the bottom of the barrel.

Why would it be more likely that journalists would find out before consumers? They have things to do, unlike people who stand around outside of GameStop for six hours waiting for the midnight release, and then go home and play nonstop for a week until they've 100%-ed it.
Those people dont count, theyre the bottom of the barrel. Not like normal people with school or day and night jobs.
Well this certainly will keep me from buying the bundle. I played through some of Back to the Future and really disliked the quality and effort behind it.


Those people dont count, theyre the bottom of the barrel. Not like normal people with school or day and night jobs.

So people who don't have the time or interest to sit down and play a game nonstop without eating or sleeping find out about bugs from those bottom of the barrel types, because there's no way those types aren't going to find out first. And then post about it all over the internet.


Neo Member
For the record, I had save issues on PC (on which I purchased the game on day 1) and 360 (on which I received codes for eps 1-3 from TT and purchased 4 and 5 myself after they stop returning my emails).

I was never able to fix the PC version, but I was able to fix the save problems on 360. The save issues held it back from being our GOTY, and was noted in the post.
So people who don't have the time or interest to sit down and play a game nonstop without eating or sleeping find out about bugs from those bottom of the barrel types, because there's no way those types aren't going to find out first. And then post about it all over the internet.
As opposed to people whove made it their day job playing and reporting on video games. Guess these people are doing the press' job better than the press, haha.
Man, this and VLR (3DS)... great games overshadowed by horrible save bugs. :(
On the plus... side...... VLR's is guaranteed but avoidable, and this is rare but could happen at any time. :\

I can't imagine how someone would react to either if they didn't have a warning or possible troubleshoots from a gaming site.


As opposed to people whove made their day job playing and reporting on video games. Guess these people are doing the press' job better than the press, haha.

Members of the press don't spend 23 hours a day playing a game and not creating any content about it, especially when it's very possible that nothing noteworthy is going to come of it anyway. That's completely unreasonable and a great way to go broke.


I had no save issues playing all episodes in separate sessions on my laptop, but a friend who played the episodes in the exact same ways ended up solving it by copying his prefs.prop file either from the save folder to his steamapps/common/the walking dead folder or the exact other way. Prefs.prop seems to hold which episodes you have finished and apparently the game liked to update the wrong one when you finish an episode on some computers.

I think the technical issues suck, although the only two I'm aware of are the save glitches and occasional moments where the game will load dialogues for way too long, resulting in Lee staring creepily into nowhere for ten seconds before the sound loads. Immersion breaking and sometimes hilarious.


I think this is the second or third thread I've seen about this problem here. I dunno how it affects other people who read this forum, but if it makes you feel any better, each time I see one of these threads and the problem still isn't fixed, it keeps me from buying The Walking Dead or any future Telltale product.
Thank you. I wish more people would do the same.
Members of the press don't spend 23 hours a day playing a game and not creating any content about it, especially when it's very possible that nothing noteworthy is going to come of it anyway. That's completely unreasonable and a great way to go broke.
And you think these gamestop midnight launch goers do? Now that seems a lot more unreasonable. I dont personally think that anyone spends that much time a day playing games nor do I think the press should either.

I dont think so dude, seems very possible that they would run into something knowing the company's past track record. Or maybe they were ignorant of it, wouldnt be that surprising.

Anyway, this topic is about telltale doing a bad job of communicating with the consumer and not fixing their press endorsed game, not the unfortunate Skyrim situation of 2011.


As far as I know, this bug happened when people finished an episode before the next one was downloaded. So if you're just starting now, you should be fine.

No, there are still several different types of ways the game can screw up your save file or how it reads your save file, at least on PC.


i downloaded all 5 and the bug still happened. Happened to me at the end of episode 4. Had to generate new characters for episode 5. Complete shit.
The save bug hasn't happened to me yet in my PC version, but just hearing about this mess is making me regret my purchase a bit. I'm already very unhappy with the stuttering in Episode 1 - it's the worst stuttering I've seen in any game (PC or console) in a LONG time.

Telltale's blatant apathy towards this problem makes the situation worse than PS3 Skyrim, IMO. And yes I do suspect that Telltale knew about both the save bug and the stuttering prior to release - yet decided to ship the product anyway. Inexcusable.
Still waiting to finish the game because of the bugs, not going to waste my time again doing three chapters and then having the game mess up. Can't believe Telltale's done such a lousy job responding to the complaints, I don't think I'll be buying one of their games for full price again any time soon.

Some of my issues:
- audio cutting in and out
- subtitles were useless (not in sync with what's going on)
- near the end of chapter three when you need to walk toward the train station, or whatever it was, the game force closed and the "there was a problem" error message showed up. Tried this a few times, tried taking some advice on here, nothing worked. Game basically wouldn't let me continue.
- save bug so now I couldn't try chapter three where I left off anyway

Was playing on Mac


Neo Member
Still waiting to finish the game because of the bugs, not going to waste my time again doing three chapters and then having the game mess up. Can't believe Telltale's done such a lousy job responding to the complaints, I don't think I'll be buying one of their games for full price again any time soon.

I played through chapter 1 like 4 times due to trying different things and continually losing saves.


Didn't get the memo regarding the 14th Amendment
I think this is the second or third thread I've seen about this problem here. I dunno how it affects other people who read this forum, but if it makes you feel any better, each time I see one of these threads and the problem still isn't fixed, it keeps me from buying The Walking Dead or any future Telltale product.

Good. Because I've had the save issue glitch happen and I'm not playing TWD or buying anymore TT games until it's fixed.
When it happened to me the game had created two different save folders. It was easily fixed by dragging and dropping.

Same here. It was still super annoying and Telltale is irresponsible for not addressing it. Makes me less enthusiastic about supporting them in the future. That's all we can really do. Developers that behave like this should not be supported. Plain and simple.


I had no save issues playing all episodes in separate sessions on my laptop, but a friend who played the episodes in the exact same ways ended up solving it by copying his prefs.prop file either from the save folder to his steamapps/common/the walking dead folder or the exact other way. Prefs.prop seems to hold which episodes you have finished and apparently the game liked to update the wrong one when you finish an episode on some computers.

I had to do this at the end of episodes 2, 3 and 4.

Technical issues aside (framerate drops, cut audio, incorrect subtitles) the most ridiculous thing I came across was in episode 3.
Pulled out the pin to get the train going, met Chuck, talked to the group etc. Went back to Kenny who said we were still connected to the rest of the train. Went back outside to see Chuck had disappeared and Katjaa was holding an invisible Duck. Reloading didn't fix it. Pulled the pin out a 2nd time. Met Chuck a 2nd time, only this time he was "holding" the guitar (it was clipping through his stomach). Duck was still invisible. The guitar was now clipping through Chuck's legs. Pulled the pin out a 3rd time and it fixed everything.


People are surprised the gaming press doesn't care about this? Does no one remember broken ass Skyrim getting multiple GOTY awards?

The enthusiast press is shit, and always will be.


This happened on my OSX version as well.
At the end of every episode, i was told what percentage of players did for choices, except my choices were labeled "?".


As far as I know, this bug happened when people finished an episode before the next one was downloaded. So if you're just starting now, you should be fine.

This is incorrect. I lost my save after episode 1 on PC and I didn't even download the game until end of December.


As far as I know, this bug happened when people finished an episode before the next one was downloaded. So if you're just starting now, you should be fine.

Nope, I bought it last week and it happened to me

Sucks since the story and characters really are as good as people said, but I'm never giving Telltale another dime. If it's impossible to patch (yeah right) or they just don't have the resources, then fine, but say something. I wouldn't have been happy but I would be a little more tolerable. As it stands they've burned away all their goodwill with me

(?) Murrah will remember this
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