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Have you ever given up on a game completely...at the final boss?


Paper Mario TTYD.

I came back to it years later when I figured out I had to grind to actually gain enough strength to defeat the final boss.
Hollow Knight. Technically I did see the credit role, but the final true boss is probably the hardest video game boss I have encountered. After 8 hours of trying I just gave up :-(. Not proud of myself. That's from someone who played all the Soul series + Bloodborne without much difficulty.


The Game of Thrones game on PS3 (that looked like a PS2 game). Throughout the game you alternate between playing the two main characters, and then in the last chapter you have to choose which one you will play as to complete the game,
with the final boss being the character you did not choose

It did not matter which character I played as, I could not beat the final boss. I barely even got close to winning. After hours and hours of trying I gave up and watched the multiple endings on YouTube.


Only once, Viking: Battle for Asgard. The whole game was v. easy but the final boss battle was ridiculous, gave up after a couple of hours, luckily only a rental..


It’s funny this thread was made just after I beat Rayman 2’s final boss on the N64. Fuck that boss. Seriously. I almost considered giving up on it because it was just so insanely difficult.

I’m surprised nobody has complained about it. I’m going to rant on it in my LTTP thread of the game. ._.


8 year old me gave up on Fable right when you fight Jack at the end and didn't play again until right before the 360 came out when I was like 13 and I literally beat him in like 5 mins. I remember thinking to myself like really is this what I thought was hard? Pretty funny.
FFXIII, Orphan has an instant kill, and I was too lazy to farm for the anti-1 shot item in Gran Pulse, so I just looked up the ending online.

Kind of sad because while it's not the best game I was really enjoying it up until that point, but now my view of the game is soured forever.
The fight against the other Ludger was a ridiculous difficulty spike as well, I think I turned it down to easy for that

That's generally my problem with the Tales games. The normal regular fights against the vast majority of enemies are super easy. However, when you reach a boss fight, the game requires you to play at a level that you are definitely not prepared for. There's probably a lot of depth to Xillia 2's combat, but I wouldn't know, because the game never demands much from you other than mostly button mashing for most encounters.

Tales of Berseria I think managed to find a good balance between the boss fights and fodder foes. How you go about fighting normal enemies can be applied mostly to the boss fights.



I’ve played Kingdom Hearta three times but gave up each time at Malificent
A. Spam Stop and summon Tinker bell to keep your UP up.

B. Alternatively stand on the thorns at the edge of the room and let your party members do the fighting for ya. You'll be out of reach of most of the dragon's attacks. Bring lots of ethers and have MP Gift on Goofy because you'll be healing your party constantly. Have Beast as the other member as he'll be The only one with decent damage output.

C. She ain't even remotely close to the last boss.

Yeah, I gave up Bioshock Infinite at the final battle, went to Gamestop the next day and traded for the new Tomb Raider. I spent 3hrs trying to beat it.

Clyde Donovan

Neo Member
Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn

The first Fire Emblem and tactical RPG I played. I was insistent on playing permadeath as it is how the game was suppose to be.

60+ hours later and I am scraping what's left of my party through the end game up until the final boss. The boss would wipe me in 3 or 4 hits. There was nothing I could do in the fight and I only had the save right before the boss. I backed myself into a corner with such a rookie mistake.

I tried to replay the game because I hate not finishing games, except this time no permadeath (reloading the game if someone died.) In the end, I felt I wasted too many hours on a game that I wasn't 100% into and it was soul destroying trying to replay it just to beat one boss.


I was close with Heavenly Sword. I remember struggling against that boss that I put the game away for months. My backlog was piling up and thought I should try and finish some games I have, starting with Heavenly Sword. It had been so long that I forgot the basics that I accepted it may take a few attempts just to refresh myself on how to play the game. It turns out I only needed that one attempt.


Got to the last boss in Dragon Quarter after hauling ass through the last 2 dungeons and had basically zero items and could effectively do zero damage to him. After getting dropped about 4 hours back to my last save point, that was the last time I ever touched that boring slog.


I gave up on the final boss of Dragon Quest VIII. I loved that game, but I just couldn't get him down, no matter how many times I tried. Years later I restarted the game and made sure to do more side stuff and level up more. After I did that, the boss fight was much easier since I had been quite underleveled in my previous save. Felt good to beat it and VIII is one of my favorite games of all time.


Shinobi (PS2) - It's infamous for a reason. I knew I could beat it with time but I got so sick of the repeated voice lines that I just walked away.

Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth - I enjoyed what I'd seen up to that point but I was running short on time to finish the game and was a bit under-levelled due to rushing through the game up to that point. I never did get around to grinding out what I needed to win.

Xenogears - I loved the game but was playing on an emulator which crashed after defeating (what I recall) was the first phase of the final boss. I could never be bothered to troubleshoot it so I just walked away. One day I'll replay it through the PSOne classic version and actually see it through.
Still haven’t beat Nasty Norc after all these years. If only I could’ve put Spyro on my Vita. Maybe I’ll try on the PSP go I picked up recently.


Assault Android Cactus. Didn't try much but its not the kind of game that I really enjoy. Getting to the boss is already good enough.
For me it was Paper Mario TTYD. The final boss is pretty hard, but more importantly, there's a really long unskippable cut scene in the middle. That really hurt my motivation to try it multiple times.


From what I remember I quit Shaolin Monks at the Shao Kan boss battle because I didn't have a coop partner and the A.I partner was to dumb to help me out. I remember it being a multi boss fight too and I didn't want to deal anyway cause its basically a retelling of Mortal Kombat 2. I didn't finish the secret final boss of cave story either because of bullshit design choices. I've probably done it as a kid during the 16 bit era since back then most games started over when you died and i didn't wanna play the whole game again.


The last boss of Fatal Frame has the ability to insta-kill you and takes a fair amount of shots to beat. By that point, I had already restarted the game once to un-fuck myself from lack of resources so I didn't have the patience for it.


PS3, Vanquish, the final challenge level. One trophy left, you've done all the work, beat all the other challenge levels, except the last one. Their used to be a 91% Completion Club back in the day. (last trophy plus platinum made up 9%)
Final Fantasy XV. I enjoyed that mess more than most, and even felt the emotional punch of the scenes right before the boss door. Then I just... didn't do it.
A. Spam Stop and summon Tinker bell to keep your UP up.

B. Alternatively stand on the thorns at the edge of the room and let your party members do the fighting for ya. You'll be out of reach of most of the dragon's attacks. Bring lots of ethers and have MP Gift on Goofy because you'll be healing your party constantly. Have Beast as the other member as he'll be The only one with decent damage output.

C. She ain't even remotely close to the last boss.

Thanks. That's crazy that's there been more of the game I've been missing out on.


Advance Wars GBA. Couldn’t defeat that Admiral dude. Been years but the save file is probably still on the cart, so I might go back for another shot at him one day.
Unless I missed someone's answer, really surprised I haven't seen any mention of SNK Boss Syndrome here; Fighting game bosses I imagine give lots of newer and sometimes experienced players a hard time, but I there's a reason SNK bosses in particular have developed their own syndrome back around Neo-Geo days, and even today. I've beaten them all eventually, but the desire to give up and/or use the options to lower health/start with max supers/etc. was always high.


Uncharted 2
I quitted right there, and watched the ending on YouTube. Such a frustrating chase boss, which really left a sour taste.

Killzone 2
I couldn't beat Radec on normal, and the game didn't allow me to change the difficulty level. It took me over three years, before I decided to restart it from the beginning on easy. Partly because I wanted to see how the game looked on HDTV.


Junior Member
Thank God I'm not the only one who had trouble with Braska's Final Aeon. I thought I was awful at the game or something when I heard longtime FF fans could easily beat that boss. Took me forever to beat him.


I could never beat the final boss in Xenosaga Episode III. I've beat every game in the series except that one. I just got on YouTube and watched the ending.
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