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Have you ever given up on a game completely...at the final boss?


Not the last boss, but some non-memorable mid game boss in FF 13. Wasn't having much fun in the game up to that point, and after a few deaths felt like a good reason to just give up on the game completely.


It doesn't matter who we are, what matters is our plan.
This motherfucker:




Kingdom Hearts 2 when I was younger and it first came out. I got to the final form of the Xehanort fight and died at the light beam stage where you just deflect all the beams. I'd been playing for a bit and was kinda frustrated so I took a break and in the time before I got back, my little brother had taken KH2 out to play his own game, which meant I'd have to do the whole boss fight again from Stage 1 which was a big deal for me at that age so I just didn't do it.


I'm fairly sure I've done it more than once but the time I distinctly remember was with Spider-Man 2 (Dock Ock), because a year or so later I went back, replayed it and won.

Yu Furealdo

Demon's Souls. I was starting to get burnt out on the game at that point, and the boss wasn't interesting enough to make it worth putting up with his frustrating aspects. I think I only attempted the fight about 5 times.


Final Fantasy 7. I just could not win the last fight, and I didn't want to grind in that stupid mountain so I just moved on. 10 years later I beat it for good though.

Same here, although it was definitely less than 10 years for me.

Paper Mario: Color Splash
Fuck that boss fight. 100%ed everything in that game and the final stretch just broke me. The game wasn't good enough to suffer through that crap multiple times.


Uncharted 2. I only fought the boss one time, died, hated the encounter and realized I didn't care enough about any of it to bother finishing the story.


Ninja Gaiden PS3


I wasn't good enough. I just wasn't enough.
Paper Mario 2. Died with final boss on 2hp. Began skipping through insanely long pre-boss cutscene again. Took the disc out, put it in the case and never played the game again.
I got to the final battle with Bowser in Paper Mario and never finished it. I got to him on my last day before college started up and after the semester had started I just kind of forgot about it. I no longer have the Wii that has that save file on it, so I'll probably never completely finish it. Unless they put it on the Switch or an N64 Classic.
Off the top of my head:

Oh, and the first Prinny game, which fucking sucked because I somehow beat the entire (really difficult, especially for me at that time) game up until that point only to not be able to mash buttons fast enough to kill it. As in I memorized its entire pattern and could survive till the end of the battle’s time limit, but couldn’t kill it.

This. I almost 100% the main game (outside of the last optional dungeon which is HARD) but couldnt beat the boss.

My thumbs were literally hurting pretty bad and i just realized it easnt worth it.


I've lost interest around the final level or boss a few times, but the only one that I can remember where I just said "Nope, enough, fuck this" was Metal Gear Rex in MGS1.
Never recently, but when I was a kid (like... 13 and younger or so), I did it a few times.

Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door - Same story as everyone else. Loads of text before the fight. Easy first form. Loads of text after first form. Very strong second form. Just didn't feel like trying any more after a point. I'd very much like to replay it sometime, being (much) better at RPGs and character building now than as a kid. The badge system in those games seems like a lot of fun in retrospect.

Breath of Fire IV - I got all the way up to the final fight and couldn't even beat the first form consistently. I did so once and absolutely could not get past the second form because I was severely under-leveled and refused to grind more. In retrospect, I have no idea how I got that far as a kid. I ran away from most random encounters, didn't pay much mind to some of the late game combos, and just bashed my head against bosses until they died.

Super Mario RPG - Summer break as a kid. Got up to the final boss, wasn't having any trouble with it, got called up for lunch, and after I just kind of... never got back to the game. I really don't know why. Never felt like it, I guess?


I didn't really give up. I just had to return Ratchet and Clank to the video store before I could beat him.

I did however give up on The Evil Within in the final level


A handful actually. Stopped at the final boss of both Darksiders and Mario and Luigi Partners in Time.

However earlier this week I went back, loaded up my save file, and beat PiT no problem. Started when I was a little kid, now a finale 12 years in the making.
Not exactly giving up, but I’ve not attempted the final boss of Dark Souls 3 yet. I finished all of the main game content, but wanted to wait until I’d finished with the then-unreleased and unseen DLC before taking on whatever lay beyond the final fog door. I bought the first expansion but didn’t think much of it, so I put it down one day and never went back, so big boss remains unbeaten.


Time Traveler
Sticker Star, but not because the final boss was hard.
More like, I was surprised I didn't quit the whole game sooner.
Final boss was bullshit. Read a faq and just loled, watched a let's play of that part and left satisfied.

Valdis Story is another one. Pure bullshit. The problem is that characters were so different that they had to make a boss like this; again, watched a let's play of it and called it a day. Mediocre game IMO, but still had fun with it.

I also quit at the final boss in Metroid Prime in hard mode, because it was so damn hard, never could unlock the original Metroid.

Quit at the last stage of Suikoden Tierkreis, because the game was mediocre and I was underleveled, it was a chore.
Be glad you didn't make it to the optional stuff just past that area, where there's time pressure and the puzzles change every attempt.

Yeah I heard. Tbh I wouldn't have minded that stuff at least since
both time limits and changing puzzles can be seen as legitimate extra challenges. It's changing the very format of the puzzles themselves out of nowhere that I thought was bullshit
Not final boss but almost gave up on Killzone Shadow Fall on that fallig part. It was the "final" boss to me.

It used to happen in fighter, but it's not the same.
Fallout New Vegas. Got to the final boss of the NCR storyline and found out I was not prepared at all lol. Didn't have nearly enough equipment to take him and his allies out.
I didn't feel like going back to an earlier save and stocking up so I just let it go.

Ended up just watching the ending on YouTube lol.
Persona 3 Portable almost made me quit on the last boss. I just got Persona 4 Golden and was trying to finish P3P before starting P4G. I was on that boss battle for over 30min it had half health and it killed me, I Noped out of that game and proceeded to put P4G in my Vita, but something told me to stop and go back and I did. Turns out I was like 10 lvls to low for the final boss, so i has to grind a couple hours and was finally able to be him, and get to P4G.


Not really a boss fight but back on Xbox 360 I played splinter cell conviction all the way to the last mission then for some reason which I don’t even remember never went back and finished it. Then like 2 years later maybe more I replayed the whole thing on PC and that’s how I found out it was the last mission I stopped on. I enjoyed the game at least enough to try it a second time so I don’t know why I stopped.


Final Fantasy X. I'm not sure it it was the final but it was at least the start of the end boss fights.

Couldn't get past sin I think (was a long time back with the original, I think it was a multi headed one if I remember right). And sad thing was I think I would have tried more times but there was a long cut scene at the start that I got really sick of having to wait through so I finally just said fuckit. Years later some one told me I could have run back to the save point after it before starting the battle.


Deus Ex Mankind Divided

trash game overall and I couldnt bother dealing with the final boss as I was mainly doing a stealth run


I remember having to give up on FFIX when I was younger because I couldn't get past one of the end game bosses.


Final Fantasy X. I'm not sure it it was the final but it was at least the start of the end boss fights.

Couldn't get past sin I think (was a long time back with the original, I think it was a multi headed one if I remember right). And sad thing was I think I would have tried more times but there was a long cut scene at the start that I got really sick of having to wait through so I finally just said fuckit. Years later some one told me I could have run back to the save point after it before starting the battle.

I had the opposite experience, as I made the mistake of doing most of the sidequests before finishing the game first. Clocking about 270 hours before the last boss. There was no challenge whatsoever, and it went down with only few hits. Since then I've been avoiding to repeat the mistake.
It was Manus on DS1 on NG plus. This was years ago and DS was my first souls game even. I almost gave up on Watchdogs boss in chalice dungeon after my 65th attempt.


Neo Member
I think I've done it a few times over the years, but most recently: Pier Solar HD. Last boss was incredibly frustrating in what I felt was a frustrating game in general. After 5 tries, I'd had enough. Looked the ending up online.

Almost did the same in FFXIII. Ended up cheesing the boss with poison to get the W.
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