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Haven Season 5 |OT| Audrey's gone and the bitch is back

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Post Count: 9999
Some more musings ...

1) Did we ever find out what supposedly came through with Dave at the lighthouse? For all we know that could have been Charlotte. Timing makes sense.

2) Mara is more fucked up than we thought. Cutting off her toe? Why? How was that even necessary? Seems she's not simply a sociopath, but actually psychotic.

3) Given how little we know about these beings ... what constitutes a 'mother' may not even mean what we think it means. Even with humans, we sometimes use 'mother' as a way to refer to our relationship with something we create. Charlotte may have created Mara?

Really there's a million ways this can go lol.

While it could still refer to Mara, this obviously opens it up to many other possibilities as well.

Well... it's difficult to say. But I am definitely more interested in the show now that they're focusing on the mythology behind it all.

And as for the variance in speed / flow of time in different realities: That is certainly true in the Dark Tower series (which is now linked to this one). Or at least some of the alternate Earths are older or younger than others.
I'm guessing no. He'd be way too powerful that way, and unless they introduce some silly rock/paper/scissors (kryptonite) which would be lame ... I'm guessing there are some major limitations. The writing here has typically been a fair bit better than Heroes.

Based on what happened I'd guess when he kills someone, he absorbs the aether that was used to create that person's trouble and then passes it on to the next person he touches ... unchanged (it was the same oxygen trouble).

The interesting question is whether he has any control over it. And with that in mind, whether he has access to the previous troubles he's 'removed'. Since we've never seen him absorb aether before, that would be kind of weak ... but I suppose they could write it off as having been contained in the blood he absorbed.

If I had to guess though, I bet it's only from this point on?

She's Mara's mother. Not sure what you mean about how does that work? Do you mean because of her age?

We really have little information on who they are, what they are, or where they come from. It could simply be that time moves differently on the other side. Since Mara (in whatever form she happens to take) only comes over for a limited time and then goes back in for a generation ... she doesn't really age. Then again, for all we know Mara and the others don't even age (or age slowly) even while here. I imagine this will get explained in due time.

One possible scenario is that they do age while here (but don't on their side) and Mara actually was originally young when she first started coming over. That could explain their ages seeming similar. Only problem with that is so far they seem to have implied a start date (Croatoan?) ... and all examples of Mara have been around the same age. Then again, that might be a red herring and it's been going on far longer?

Main problem with that theory is that would mean Mara was that fucked up as a young girl ... and was 'cursed' or whatever to try and stop her as a child. I guess that isn't so much a problem, just that it's pretty fucked up lol :p

Anyway, I'm gonna assume Charlotte was either released when the barn imploded or came through a thinny.

Duke's tears in the end looked like ether to me. Then he absorbed it again which seems to indicate that he can release and absorb it now. As for Mara, it was all part of getting him into that emotional state. Taking advantage of his abandonment issues, even having sex with him before stabbing him in the back and then further messing with his mind by sending him the toe.

As for Charlotte, what I'm saying is that there's a ton of possible interpretations. Obviously she isn't literally Audrey's mother since Audrey is a just a part of Mara, her being Mara's mother is the most likely scenario. I wonder what her intentions are. If she just wants to stop Mara she could've used a more direct approach. She went through a lot of trouble to get Dwight on her side before exposing herself and would she really need to gather intel about the troubles and Audrey's previous incarnations? It would've been easier for her to just be straight with them since they have a common goal. She's probably worse than her daughter, we just don't know it yet.


Post Count: 9999
Duke's tears in the end looked like ether to me. Then he absorbed it again which seems to indicate that he can release and absorb it now.
Oh agreed. I'm only pondering what limitations exist if that wasn't clear.

As for Mara, it was all part of getting him into that emotional state. Taking advantage of his abandonment issues, even having sex with him before stabbing him in the back and then further messing with his mind by sending him the toe.
I don't think that's the case. Or at least not the full story.

Remember she has the aether now, which is what is needed to grant or modify troubles. My guess is she banged him so she could have her hands all over him. I'm pretty sure she used aether to modify his trouble from one that can end a family trouble through killing, to one that absorbs and transfers the trouble through killing.

It doesn't fit the mythos that his trouble could have been modified in this way simply through emotion. From what we've seen, the only 'change' that can occur in a trouble from the troubled person themselves is it being repressed through acceptance of their underlying emotional issue. Initially that seemed to require Mara-Audrey, but we've seen recent examples of others being able to get the job done. However I can't recall any example of any other sort of changes. The fact Mara has the aether seems to point to no change in the mythology - they just didn't want to make it obvious Duke's was changed by her until he used it for dramatic reasons.

Or am I forgetting something?

As for Charlotte, what I'm saying is that there's a ton of possible interpretations. Obviously she isn't literally Audrey's mother since Audrey is a just a part of Mara, her being Mara's mother is the most likely scenario. I wonder what her intentions are. If she just wants to stop Mara she could've used a more direct approach. She went through a lot of trouble to get Dwight on her side before exposing herself and would she really need to gather intel about the troubles and Audrey's previous incarnations? It would've been easier for her to just be straight with them since they have a common goal. She's probably worse than her daughter, we just don't know it yet.
Yeah definitely. Really could be a million things without them breaking mythology. Should be an exciting season!


Well, that was kind of disappointing.

Can we all agree that exploding guy was the best part of the episode?
I liked the finale but getting "our Audrey" healthy again was too easy, I was expecting some kind of struggle between both personalities, but anyway, they already did that in previous episodes.

After next year is the end of the show, right?, is confirmed?.
It did feel a bit too easy but by doing that she did trigger Duke so it wasn't a complete win-win. Dealing with that is going to be crazy. I'm gonna miss Mara, I suppose the focus will be on the Croatoan arc for the last season.
Overall this season wasn't as good as 4, William was a fantastic villain which led to some really tense episodes.

So regarding Mara, she became a bitter person because of the loss of her dad and then when she met William, who was just completely twisted, she turned into the Mara we saw, using the ether to release her frustration. Her mother made her atone by making her fight the troubles with alternate personalities but at the end of S4 the real Mara returned and then Audrey split off from her. Now Charlotte decided to give up on her real daughter and preserve the good part of her. I guess that's it in a nutshell.


So I began to marathon Haven a few weeks back and I'm happy to say that I am fully caught up with the show.

For the most part I think the quality has stayed relatively the same throughout. The earlier seasons may have been a little better but I still had fun with the later seasons as well.

The Season 5 cliffhanger was fun in typical Haven fashion. Definitely looking forward to watching more of this show whenever it comes back on.

I'm hearing that there may be a big shake up in the world of Haven when it returns. Or so I read. I think that could be a great thing to help keep the show feeling fresh. It has gotten a little slower lately and a little stale I suppose so doing something quite different may be the shot in the arm that the series needs.

Personally I would love the see the other worlds and maybe get even more lore and mythology about the other worlds (and I think that we will).

William Shatner being in the next four episodes should be fun as well. I am really hoping that SyFy doesn't cancel this show after the other 13 episodes airs. If they are planning on ending the show then I hope they at least give it a season to wrap up the story.

8/10 is what I would give this show so far.


Seriously, whatever happened to this show? Didn't they have another 13 episodes filmed since like last fall (with William Shatner in it)? Is it ever going to air or did SyFy just forget this ever existed? Been waiting forever for more Haven. :/


Seriously, whatever happened to this show? Didn't they have another 13 episodes filmed since like last fall (with William Shatner in it)? Is it ever going to air or did SyFy just forget this ever existed? Been waiting forever for more Haven. :/
Should be back in the fall.


Seriously, whatever happened to this show? Didn't they have another 13 episodes filmed since like last fall (with William Shatner in it)? Is it ever going to air or did SyFy just forget this ever existed? Been waiting forever for more Haven. :/
I was thinking the same thing; I always remembered Haven being a Summer series, but The last 2 seasons started in September, so the next one will probably start then, too.


It's cancelled? noooo

I hope it has a decent ending then. The show lasted for a good while. 5, basically 6 seasons is a good run for any show, and especially for one to be so consistently good throughout.

Deleted member 20920

Unconfirmed Member
Yeah, expected after the delay.

Does anyone know whether the Shatner thing is even happening anymore?

They finished filming months ago so everything should be finished by now, including Shatner's scenes. It's still sad knowing that Haven actually already ended maybe way back in Jan when they wrapped up filming.

Anyway, I think it's for the best. Season 5A had weird pacing issues. Scenes feel more dragged out.


Expected as much when it got twice as many episodes after its last renewal. There doesn't really seem like there's much left to tell so I'm okay with it as long as it's satisfying.


I thought it was already known this was the last season? Doesn't come a surprise. Good to read it was treated as the final season already, so at least they can give it a decent ending.
UK premier date:

Haven returns to Syfy for a final season on Wednesday October 14th at 9pm. There's going to be trouble...https://twitter.com/SyfyUK/status/642270341709082624

I'm shocked its so soon, less than a week from the US. This is great.

New Trailer:
Who will end #Haven? Final episodes return Thursday October 8th at 10/9c on @Syfy! #SaveHavenhttps://twitter.com/HavenHerald/status/642456034120892416
Syfy will end Haven

I thought it was already known this was the last season? Doesn't come a surprise. Good to read it was treated as the final season already, so at least they can give it a decent ending.

I was initially upset with the news, I should've seen it coming especially with Syfy running the show. I truly hope it gets a decent ending.


Damn, just caught up on Haven, was hoping for a active HavenGaf.
Anyway just watched the latest episode and was half expecting Nathan to sleep with Lucy when I found out he was going to that time period.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
I just finished the finale and I liked it, nearly everyone got some form of a happy ending. I'm glad they got a chance to finish the series properly.
Finally watched the last 6 episodes, great finale for a great show, really happy they let the show end with dignity.

I was hoping for something better for Duke though.

Deleted member 325805

Unconfirmed Member
Finally watched the last 6 episodes, great finale for a great show, really happy they let the show end with dignity.

I was hoping for something better for Duke though.

I really hated his scary voice though :D
Very lttp but my ban was only lifted today.

I didn't like the ending at all.
Too many inconsistencies.

Nathan didn't even try to go with Aydrey into the barn, it's ridiculous. After all this he just accepted it. I thought he would try and then she would talk him out of it or maybe even let him, but no, he just ler go.

If she could go back as Audrey, why wouldn't she? Why throw everything they built away willingly? Because she knew that they'd fall in love again? Sure, I can see where the writers are coming from and it's a nice idea but by having Vince and Croatoan say that it was optional it becomes hard to swallow, because it's out of character.

Vince just chilling with the guy who had just killed his brother? Seriously?

I thought Audrey was going to use the ether to nuke Croatoan. All it took was Nathan taking a "bullet" for Audrey and some talking to change Croatoan's mind completely. That was a very poor climax.
I just feel that this show deserved a more memorable ending. It was a really good show with great characters and I don't feel that the finale did it justice at all.
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