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HDR comparison shots

Yes the colours seem nicer.

But it's not the kind of "I must have one of these" moments that my first look at HD content caused.

I guess its just a law of diminishing returns with this stuff. By the time they are trying to push 8K nobody is going to be overly impressed.


could never
Lol. This thread. You can't really see HDR in a photo and you definitely can't see 4K resolution in an of screen photo that is less than 4K itself...

Yeah... well er I'm just looking at what OP has provided.

Planning on going to a TV store next week to take a look at some 4K HDR displays. Pro is pre-ordered so I'm nearly all set. Just need to figure out wth I'm going to be buying.


Yeah, those OP shots don't look good for HDR and I could take it or leave it with those Dolby Vision shots i.e. SDR seems just as good.

I need to see a real source for these comparisons because looking at HDR on SDR screens doesn't do itself justice.


Might need to stop sniffing glue

It was one of the 2015 models that had HDR patched in recently. 50 in. of deliciousness picked up on clearance for $599.

I wonder how much difference in image quality between that and the SUHD models. That looks fantastic.


Only way to get decent image for comparison is to take bracketed shot and turn it to proper HDR image.
With proper tonemapping software one could view it in a way that would show the dynamic range, at least partially.

Iit would show the point in which normal TV set would just show white and where HDR set would give more detail.


Guys I'm going to try and make a thread for this. Come in later and help me update the OP so we can avoid HDR being merely a good source of jokes haha



This is really funny!

I chuckled. Well done
You can add those from this post to OP too: https://www.avforums.com/threads/sa...e-owners-thread.1953353/page-16#post-23942617

Non HDR:


You cna watch the video in youtube on a PC without HDR and notice : that you get the results from first picture: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=batm06FN8Hg

You can download the direct feed HDR video from here: http://demo-uhd3d.com/fiche.php?cat=uhd&id=145 and compare:and check if you get the quality of pciture 2


It really is difficult to 'show off' HDR content from pictures taken on a phone, but let me try as well. I took this a few weeks ago. Samsung is amazing.


I can confiirm in that video that same person looks way more natural with HDR.


Thread should be locked because it's an incorrect and misleading comparison.

Here's the best way to understand HDR if you don't have a HDR display. Look at an outdoor scene on your TV (SDR) and then look out the window. HDR is like looking out the window.

If the HDR mode on your TV just makes the colours over saturated then it's either not set up correctly or it's just not a very good implementation.
Guys keep in mind they sell TV's to most consumers but ramping up the brightness, contrast and saturation on TV's at places like Best Buy. Most people don't understand what HDR is at all. In fact the people who would come in and drop the most money on TV's and stuff usually knew absolutely nothing about what they were buying. They were often just like "wow that color pops". It's disheartening. Those are the people when you talk to them about calibration (because they want it all) you know that if someone does it for them they'll be back in a few days complaining about how wierd their TV looks and wanting a recalibration because it didn't look like it did in store.

I really wish they didn't so that in store either. They have these comparison images and DVD's running everywhere too that ever further confuses the issue as it's basically false advertisement.


Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
Yeah... well er I'm just looking at what OP has provided.

Planning on going to a TV store next week to take a look at some 4K HDR displays. Pro is pre-ordered so I'm nearly all set. Just need to figure out wth I'm going to be buying.

Yeah not meaning anything against you, it's just although this thread has great intentions, a lot of people can't and won't fully appriciate a 4K HDR image until they see it from the comfort of their own home or a friends. In store demos can sometimes do an alright job, but often times fall short.

A true 4K image is a sight to behold, as is an HDR image.

The two combined, like say a 4K HDR game or a 4K HDR Blu Ray, are mind blowing.
You can add those from this post to OP too: https://www.avforums.com/threads/sa...e-owners-thread.1953353/page-16#post-23942617

Non HDR:


You cna watch the video in youtube on a PC without HDR and notice : that you get the results from first picture: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=batm06FN8Hg

You can download the direct feed HDR video from here: http://demo-uhd3d.com/fiche.php?cat=uhd&id=145 and compare:and check if you get the quality of pciture 2
Just looks over saturated.


The problem I find is that most of the new display tech only really gets justified in the landscape/city/wildlife tech demo films they show on the TVs in stores and whatnot. They're filmed with the goal to show that off.

The rest of the time, films and series are typically more concerned about getting the right compositions for the drama and action.


What kind of comparison is this?? lmao

Tbh. i am not liking what i'm seeing. Specially not for the games. I always turn these kind of effects off if i can. Because it just looks bad imo. It's oversaturated and sky/lights usually look blown out.

You do realise this thread is stupid right? You can't see the effects of hdr without an hdr screen. All you're seeing is a pic with different filters. It's like me buying $1000 headphones and having people listen to them by recording the sound from my phones microphone and uploading it to YouTube.

I don't think it's possible to see HDR without a HDR screen so these comparisons are pointless.

Well. The first looks so pale and skin colours is abnormal in every character. Her lipstick isn't even lipstick at all without HDR.

The king in the video is pale too and you can't even notice the sub surface scattering in his ears in non HDR. The centurion is very pale too while with HDR he looks normally tanned.


All of these comparisons will not do it justice and do more harm than good. Taking a picture of an image that has HDR will not magically let your display device see the wider color gamut and brightness that an HDR image can display. Just because you see a difference does not mean you are seeing what HDR looks like in a comparison photo.

It's one of those things you just have to see for yourself on a display that does HDR to see the difference.
Well. The first looks so pale and skin colours is abnormal in every character. Her lipstick isn't even lipstick at all without HDR.

The king in the video is pale too and you can't even notice the sub surface scattering in his ears in non HDR. The centurion is very pale too while with HDR he looks normally tanned.

So everyone looks pale without HDR? Not sure what you're getting at.
I doubt I'd want to have HDR in the long run in my home. I think TVs are bright enough already. Often end up turning my brightness way down over time.
HDR displays are actually less bright overall. They have to be, in order to make the bright areas higher contrast with the rest of the image.

There is really NO WAY to show any advantage of the HDR without seeing it on a HDR screen.. It's the worse the industry can do. It only shows the result as some different color grading on the same screen.... I was surprised Cerny even tempted to do that..
They had to do something, since HDR is a selling feature. And for the people in the theater, Cerny's demonstration was accurate, since that display was HDR. Streamers missed the effect, but there's not much they can do about that.

honestly i don't think HDR really matters too much. sure if you're comparing both side by side there is a difference but if you don't have it you're really not missing out on much.
Your opinion is free, but HDR is far more subtle and powerful than any comparison you've seen online. You should only judge in person.
So everyone looks pale without HDR? Not sure what you're getting at.

Trust me it is the case. Without HDR they all look pale and the colours even in clothes look unnatural.

Read the description here: http://demo-uhd3d.com/fiche.php?cat=uhd&id=115.


Demo HDR (High Dynamic Range) by Samsung.


HDR ! So your TV has to be able to play this format ! Otherwise, the picture will be very bright and without contrast.

/!\ Read this file from USB (high bitrate).
No snark, but just based on the photos in the thread (and having not seen an HDR TV live) the pop in HDR is a bit cartoonish to me.

Not to say I don't like it, but seems almost unnatural? Or is it just like never realising you need glasses until you get it?

I can t afford one anytime soon anyway. My living space in London is so tiny, I've opted for a 1080p projector in the meantime. Probably a good couple of years before I take the jump. Guess I'm saving £1000 for an HDR and Scorpio.
You can see a difference if you take a photo off-screen which the comparison does. That's why Sony also showed the comparison off-screen at their meeting!
I hope you're being sarcastic. And even if you are, this is how less knowledgeable folks get misled. To be very clear: you can only see HDR effects if two things are true:

1. The content was mastered in HDR.
2. The display you're looking at is HDR capable.

So the guy who took the thread photos could actually see the difference. As could the people in the theater during Sony's meeting. But everyone viewing that stuff on other displays without HDR aren't seeing squat.


Sadly the PS4 pro won't be bringing the 4k part
The truth is that 4k doesn't mean a whole lot with UHD, It is one of the bigger reason to the fact that HDR has been applied to resolutions below 4k. High Dynamic Range is a much bigger visual improvement to all resolutions in the HD, and higher, range.

Still, even with that... the transition will take time, and it's still rather early.


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
Both on warm 2 and calibrated with spears.
I guess you tried, but every single shot of yours has the left set blue/cold up the wazoo. Of course, that could be entirely thanks to the camera settings you've used - so the right set is closer to the tonality of the camera setup. Which is another reason why such 'homemade' comparisons are largely useless - all the imaging equipment has to be calibrated to the same tonality, in the same space, which is pretty darn hard, and people fail 99 out of 100 tries. All this of course before considering what monitors your public will be viewing this on.


I could do the same comparison with my Panasonic Plasma next to my Samsung LED LCD TV in Vivid mode if you wanted. The TV on the left needs some work done, did you actually use it like that?


Just my luck I'll buy one of these HDR 4k tvs and in a few months they will release SHDR then I'll feel like a complete asshole lol.
PSY・S;216473487 said:
The demo is entirely pointless for people with regular displays. Why even post it?

I posted to read the description that clearly states that without HDR, the picture will look washed out.


You know these pics are SDR pics take from HDR display and that kills the comparison because you need HDR pics showing in HDR display to see the real beneficies.

You won't see HDR advantages in a SDR display.


All HDR means for display purposes is at its core that you have more discrete steps available between full intensity and no intensity when representing colors. The comparisons images these companies keep making are ridiculous and dishonest. You're not going to lose any significant contrast or saturation like all these dumb 8 bits-per-channel images tries to convince you.

What you're going to get is basically much nicer gradients, not some insanely saturated LSD-vision.
I guess you tried, but every single shot of yours has the left set blue/cold up the wazoo. Of course, that could be entirely thanks to the camera settings you've used - so the right set is closer to the tonality of the camera setup. Which is another reason why such 'homemade' comparisons are largely useless - all the imaging equipment has to be calibrated to the same tonality, in the same space, which is pretty darn hard, and people fail 99 out of 100 tries. All this of course before considering what monitors your public will be viewing this on.

Again that's how I saw it, and the phone picture held up to the screen looked the same, my eyes arnt deceiving me, I even turned off HDR at ran the same clips with manual backlight and contrast maxed and it looked like shit. The Sony doesn't have that info to go on, and for whatever reason looked blue with the warmest setting.

It was blue in real life! Lol

Ran rp

I posted to read the description that clearly states that without HDR, the picture will look washed out.

You posted the comparison pics which aren't an accurate representation of what the video would look like if it was in the proper format for either regular or hdr displays since it's practically "broken" for all of us on regular displays. There's no point in trying to compare them.

At least with offscreen shots you can compare the contrast between the displays.
PSY・S;216474099 said:
You posted the comparison pics which aren't an accurate representation of what the video would look like if it was in the proper format for either regular or hdr displays since it's practically "broken" for all of us on regular displays. There's no point in trying to compare them.

At least with offscreen shots you can compare the contrast between the displays.

It wasn't me who made those comparison pics anyway. It was a user from the avs forums.

They are just to give an idea of the difference which isn't very far from the reality if anyone who has a HDR capable TV to compare.


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
Again that's how I saw it, and the phone picture held up to the screen looked the same, my eyes arnt deceiving me, I even turned off HDR at ran the same clips with manual backlight and contrast maxed and it looked like shit. The Sony doesn't have that info to go on, and for whatever reason looked blue with the warmest setting.
It doesn't matter what you saw. We can only judge by the pictures you've posted. And they're useless.

Here's a rule of thumb of color calibration for you:

1. Calibrate whatever you feel like, using whatever tools you deem necessary
2. Show the same white image on both sets. Does the tonality look the same? If yes, proceed to the next steps.
3. Take a picture of the sets side by side.
4. Show it on your monitor. Does the tonality look the same? If yes, you have material to make a point. If no, calibrate your camera.
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