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Hearthstone |OT8| Elise's Extremely Irresponsible Field Trip To Un'Goro

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I mean seriously, you're already at card disadvantage from playing your quest. Then paladin loses their strongest card draw in this meta to boot.
This quest has literally the same issue handbuff paladin has. Running out of steam, half your deck would have to be card draw and then you need to draw the majority of your buff spells and find time to hero power or develop a board.
If the murloc discovered a buff spell instead of a secret then we could be talking but so far we've seen zero support for this type of deck. And the 2nd best buff spell is rotating in seal of champions.

Blizzard has no clue what to do with this class.

Humility would work as well.


I really don't think that it's that hard to get out considering the tools at the paladins disposal. Lots of cards that really have never seen play for the most part. The challenging part will be putting together the rest of the deck that works along with it once you fill it with the buffs and Galvadon. I expect we'll see a couple (or one) more buff cards as well considering they've pushed a couple other classes towards being able to complete their quests.


a card you use when you want

Ah, ok. I get it now. Thanks.

From the wiki:
A Quest is a spell card featuring a conditional reward.

SO I do get the card to use when I want but within the match.

For a moment I thought this was their terrible replacement for adventures. I thought I had to earn a quest card, then do a match where I fill the requierements, then it gets replaced by the reward.

It's actually a spell/minion within the match.

Thanks again. It's clear now.


Corporate Apologist
The quest could work in wild. You just play some mechs that generate spare parts.

Maybe they will reprint Explorer's Hat, but for Paladin this time.


it includes all spells you target a minion, for example, lay on hands would work if you cast it on a minion you have.

all the first you mentioned work, all the seconds you mentioned don't except for dinosize

Yes, not sure why I put Dinosize in the other batch.

It means targeted spells but yes the healing and other cards mentioned should work if there is a minion on the field. Hand buffs and mass debuffs/buffs will not work.

So far seems like the hardest Quest to complete, but I'm pretty sure Blizzard will reveal a couple cards to support it.


Yeah Pally's gonna need some OP support to make that one happen. Otherwise you'll get blown out every game once one of your buffs gets 2 for 1'd by removal. Like it always happens.


If you REALLY wanted to make the quest work you could for paladin but your deck would be littered with 1 mana buffs and card draw in order for that to happen and even then you have to ask if the quest reward is worth it when it is inevitably removed. Meanwhile Priest can drop a 5 mana 8/8 that works as a super reno.


You guys really want to play a game where people are racing to pump out galvadon by turn 6 and killing you turn 7? It would be more annoying than miracle rogue where you lose as soon as turn 6 or 7 gadget/prep/conceal turn.

I'm pretty glad it should be an occasional win condition. Although I could see someone making an Anyfin style paladin work where you stall the game out while completing the quest and end with stealth/windfury galvadon.


Unconfirmed Member
Yeah no thanks. That paladin quest is HOT GARBAGE.

You are required to play stuff like Blessing of Kings, Dinosize, and Blessing of Might? NO CHANCE. Those are cards you throw in to an aggressive Divine Favor deck because you can't find any other good minions or charge effects. I can't see any deck ulitilizing those cards being any good at all. A zoo-style paladin deck isn't a bad idea, but being forced to go into card disadvantage in order to make it work and not having the warlock hero power makes this completely garbage tier. Easily the hardest quest to fulfill. I expect to never see Galvadon in ladder play.


Into Maelstrom Portal (no coin). :D Or those stupid Whirlwinds, since the new Warrior legendary can make use of em.

Hey I'm not saying it's a good idea! But there's easy ways to generate tokens and buff them for cheap if you want to try to rush galv out. More likely we'll probably see a tier 3 deck like Manhack posted. I just believe that if he's good enough to be a win the game card (which he appears to be) then it's likely that a deck will find the way.

..and I'm still not sure how much play mosh will get, so we'll see about those whirlwinds.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
The Paladin quest has to be getting some support that we haven't seen yet. Especially since Seal of Champions is getting rotated out.


Super Sleuth
The Paladin quest has to be getting some support that we haven't seen yet. Especially since Seal of Champions is getting rotated out.

It feels like they'd have to get a buff that gives them elusive so you could keep buffing one minion without worrying about hard removal. Even then it would suck against swarm decks.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
It feels like they'd have to get a buff that gives them elusive so you could keep buffing one minion without worrying about hard removal. Even then it would suck against swarm decks.

You can't direct buff minions that have elusive on them.



This could have been a great Paladin card, with the way how Paladins can summon Recruits, but yeah, Blizzard. :"D


Super Sleuth
You can't direct buff minions that have elusive on them.

Of course.

Maybe you could dump your entire hand of buffs onto a minion and play that one last or something. Putting any significant resources into a minion that can just be hexed just seems like a losing proposition.


crazy good in wild though, finally mech paladin got some support just 2 years late.

imagine if you could burgle it, rogue can complete that quite more reasonably than their own quest so far lol. Too bad you can't.


I easily got to rank 5 and beyond with a buff paladin deck before shaman/warrior got their stupid OP early game cards. It is almost impossible to make a buff deck work in the current meta. The cards that even enabled the deck to work are rotating out too: Djinni, and the sisters. Since most of the stuff that punishes a buff paladin deck is not rotating out expect buff paladin to be DoA.

EDIT: I am assuming that they won't introduce any minions/spells that synergize with such a deck.
EDIT2: Now that I think about it, the deck really relied on muster for battle and spare parts. Just more reason it won't work now.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
I easily got to rank 5 with a buff paladin deck before shaman/warrior got their stupid OP early game cards. It is almost impossible to make a buff deck work in the current meta. The cards that even enabled the deck to work are rotating out too: Djinni, and the sisters. Since most of the stuff that punishes a buff paladin deck is not rotating out expect paladin to be DoA.

Just because the quest may be bad doesn't mean that Paladin is DoA. It's not like every meta deck is going to be playing Quests. I'd hazard a guess that most of them won't.


Super Sleuth
I think nearly every priest will have to run the quest, most warlocks will, some hunters will, and no paladin or rogue quests.
Just because the quest may be bad doesn't mean that Paladin is DoA. It's not like every meta deck is going to be playing Quests. I'd hazard a guess that most of them won't.
Galvadon was the one thing paladin had going for it revealed so far, now that's a bust.

Paladin is in a terrible state. The one viable deck is rotating, gadgetzan cards were absolute trash, OG cards are a weird mixture of bubble paladin, lategame and useless.
It's looking super bleak for Paladin right now I think. The only potentially playable card in my opinion is Sunkeeper Tarim and with four cards left to reveal for the class (and most likely one of them being a buff spell) it's hard to imagine much changing for Paladin going forward.


Sunkeeper is their legendary right? I'm not convinced that guy is that much better than Keeper of Uldaman actually. Not to say it's a bad card, but we had Keeper all year in the game, it didn't see much play and couldn't really carry paladin just because you can never get board anymore, same thing hurts this card, having taunt is great though. It's not a game changer so far, it need some support... a lot actually. If we're still limited to playing control style paladin, the card is worse than KoU in there which itself wasn't great to begin with. It's more suitable for a midrange deck that we don't have...

They have like 5 cards left still, I'm hoping they support recruits/midrange decks more than some quest buff deck as the first one has much more potential to be actually good than inconsistent buff decks.


Makes world leading predictions like "The sun will rise tomorrow"
It's looking super bleak for Paladin right now I think. The only potentially playable card in my opinion is Sunkeeper Tarim and with four cards left to reveal for the class (and most likely one of them being a buff spell) it's hard to imagine much changing for Paladin going forward.

I think Lost in the Jungle and Hydrologist are both solid.
There's been no synergy at all for paladin in the year of the kraken, this quests has the opposite deck constrictions handbuff has. It works well with the Karazhan cards and that's about it.


Unconfirmed Member
Nerubian Egg.

Nerubian Egg AND Haunted Creeper in Wild make this guy nuts.

Wild Zoo is seems to be getting insanely strong because Blizzard seems content to ignore the existence of Power Overwhelming now that it is in Wild.

This dude is probably better than Void Terror in those decks I think, so he has a home already even if nothing else is revealed.


Super Sleuth
Nerubian Egg AND Haunted Creeper in Wild make this guy nuts.

Wild Zoo is seems to be getting insanely strong because Blizzard seems content to ignore the existence of Power Overwhelming now that it is in Wild.

This dude is probably better than Void Terror in those decks I think, so he has a home already even if nothing else is revealed.

Void terror isn't really used outside dreadsteed decks as far as I've seen.


Yeah that quest is pretty hard to complete. Unless Paladin gets some extreme buff cards I am going to day that Quest is a bust.


You guys really want to play a game where people are racing to pump out galvadon by turn 6 and killing you turn 7? It would be more annoying than miracle rogue where you lose as soon as turn 6 or 7 gadget/prep/conceal turn.

I'm pretty glad it should be an occasional win condition. Although I could see someone making an Anyfin style paladin work where you stall the game out while completing the quest and end with stealth/windfury galvadon.

honestly anyone trying to make this quest just dies with a hand clogged with buff cards that don't do anything unless there is a serious enabler we haven't seen from paladin/ If you're forced to use your targeted buffs on silver hand recruits the turn they come into play you won't be winning the game.


The paladin quest is hot garbage.
Buffs were never great and for this card you to play at least 10 of them, which is a godawful idea.
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