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Heroes of Newerth |OT| Free-To-Play [PC /Mac /Linux]


Freakinchair said:
Just a warning to anyone who downloaded Rise of Immortals - I just caught it (thank god) but it installs "Pando Media Booster" for downloading the game. Make sure you uninstall it because it uses up about 4-5 gigs of upload a day. Ruined my cap for this month :(
get crunched by canadian bandwidth caps.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
Freakinchair said:
Just a warning to anyone who downloaded Rise of Immortals - I just caught it (thank god) but it installs "Pando Media Booster" for downloading the game. Make sure you uninstall it because it uses up about 4-5 gigs of upload a day. Ruined my cap for this month :(

This just in: Any F2P game made after 2009 uses Pando.


$60 bucks a month for 350 gigs >.< Plus I have to pay extra for access to the cable so it comes out to like.... $120 a month.

Plus thats REAL dollars, Aussie bucks which are much better and worth more than the fake US or Canadian ones >.>

Also we've had bandwidth caps since before they were cool!
Procarbine said:
Moraxus is a hero that fills more or less the same role as Hammerstorm or Pestilence, just not as well, which is why you don't see him.

As for the BH situation, you didn't really make it clear whether or not it was ganks or facing him in mid.

With regard to ganks, you need to have wards and team support to deal with him. Meaning, your team needs to teleport to come help you. Either that or you need to have a teleport to escape with, since BH has no way to prevent this, just like arachna, warbeast, etc. He's only really an issue when he's way ahead in farm and levels, otherwise if he tries to solo gank you, you can just stand your ground and beat him up. Map awareness comes with experience, and since you seem to be getting ganked, try to pay more attention to the mini map/where the opposing heroes are to avoid getting caught in a vulnerable position.

As for BH middle, you need to take as much of his last hits as you can, both kills and denies, and harass the crap out of him. Creep kill healing is what makes him strong early on, so you have to prevent it. If he silences you, use that +20% damage to give him more damage back. BH is a very powerful hero in the lower brackets of play because he exploits lack of team play, map awareness, and easy last hitting. Take these things away and he's a virtually useless hero with nothing more than an auto-attack and a silence.

I played against a BH mid today on SS, take a look at match 61787427 for an example of beating one. I don't know what your rating is, but I'm guessing it's in the 1500s or 1600s, so the BH should be at around your level.

Also, a lot of players coming from LoL seem to have the mindset of learning one hero, playing them over and over. I'm of the opinion that you should play as wide a range of heroes as you can to gain a more comprehensive understanding of the game and see what you like/are good at. HoN's new FTP model makes this more difficult though, I don't know if you're legacy or not.

Thanks for the info guys. I am actually in the 1500 range like you said, but I normally don't have as bad of problem against him in mid as I normally do in side lanes. It seems to me that when he has another partner to use his ult and their stuns and skills that he seems a lot more deadly. That, or when he is mid and gets higher level and comes to gank me at tower. I saw that replay, but I normally play as Moraxus or Flint, and they don't really seem to have much burst damage until later levels, so I try to last hit creeps and deny as much.

I'm wondering about other STR heroes that seem kinda cool. Seems Pharaoh and Maliken are heroes that get banned or picked a lot, that sound right?


Tomat said:
AT&T has bandwidth caps.
That's because AT&T is commieland. Time Warner was going to do something like that but they canceled it here because it was so unpopular. The moment they have caps, I'm switching to Verizon FIOS and their unlimited bandwidth.


delirium said:
That's because AT&T is commieland. Time Warner was going to do something like that but they canceled it here because it was so unpopular. The moment they have caps, I'm switching to Verizon FIOS and their unlimited bandwidth.
Why wait now? Unless the one you have is more cheap. But verizon fios is amazing.


StickSoldier said:
I'm wondering about other STR heroes that seem kinda cool.

I'm a new big fan of Pandamonium ; a fast auto-attack, above-average attack damage at level 1 makes last hitting easier than on other heroes, and he's full of disabling and ganking potential. Try him out.

Drunken Master is similar to Panda in a way, but he boasts way more survivability at the cost of disables. With Drink and Blood Chalice, you barely ever leave your lane to replenish at the well.

Flux is unique, as he is one of the two sole ranged strength heroes ; a somewhat mediocre range, but it gets decent once you fully upgrade his skills. He can push and pull enemies, which makes him a great asset when chasing down heroes and initiating team fights.

Another favorite of mine is Electrician, who can basically use his 3rd skill to harass enemy heroes for free in the laning phase. With his grip and some help from your laning partner, you can go for a kill as early as level 2.

Other honorables mentions are Armadon, Midas (but still in Early Access atm) and Amun-Ra.
markot said:
$60 bucks a month for 350 gigs >.< Plus I have to pay extra for access to the cable so it comes out to like.... $120 a month.

Plus thats REAL dollars, Aussie bucks which are much better and worth more than the fake US or Canadian ones >.>

Also we've had bandwidth caps since before they were cool!

I get 120gigs a month for 80$...



Kaper said:
wtf kind of internet costs 80 bucks a month? MTS is pretty chill, 50 bucks for decent speeds, no cap

Canadian internet/ISPs are a joke. I pay $60/mo for 60 gigs @ less than 10 up/1 down. Thank god for Teksavvy


Freakinchair said:
Just a warning to anyone who downloaded Rise of Immortals - I just caught it (thank god) but it installs "Pando Media Booster" for downloading the game. Make sure you uninstall it because it uses up about 4-5 gigs of upload a day. Ruined my cap for this month :(
LoL has this shit too.


Meeru said:
Why wait now? Unless the one you have is more cheap. But verizon fios is amazing.
Because I get cable + 10 mbps down for about $40/month. With Verizon I think its about twice as expensive.
Conceptor said:
Canadian internet/ISPs are a joke. I pay $60/mo for 60 gigs @ less than 10 up/1 down. Thank god for Teksavvy
Move out west. No bandwidth caps here.
And then we can stop playing on USE servers.

Flux's ult is great for countering low-range skills. I believe it can break Panda's ult. Once I had a teammate being charged by Rampage and right before he popped his ult (I even heard the "Ha Ha") I ulted him away and he had to retreat.
wait I downloaded ROI, but I dont have this Panda Media Booster shit, where do i find it fuck



Card Boy

Freakinchair said:
I get 120gigs a month for 80$...


I can't belive Australia has bigger quota, cheaper, faster internet than you guys. I pay 50bucks for 500gig. 250gig on and 250gig off peak. for $60 i can get unlimited.




PuppetYuber said:
wait I downloaded ROI, but I dont have this Panda Media Booster shit, where do i find it fuck


not sure what you were thinking. did you not see the screenshots of that abdomination before downloading it?


Can someone explain to me how to do combos with Monkey King? Extremely bad ass hero but I can't seem to chain his spells into definite combos like I want to. I played him for the first time yesterday and even though I did well with him (won the game, was mid solo got many kills/assists) I still wasn't even close to what I have seen other people do with him.

Basically what I try to do is to get in with Dash, hit once, Dash, hit, Vault and then the 3rd level stun. I am also confused as to when to use the 2nd Vault and when not to.


Dahbomb said:
Can someone explain to me how to do combos with Monkey King? Extremely bad ass hero but I can't seem to chain his spells into definite combos like I want to. I played him for the first time yesterday and even though I did well with him (won the game, was mid solo got many kills/assists) I still wasn't even close to what I have seen other people do with him.

Basically what I try to do is to get in with Dash, hit once, Dash, hit, Vault and then the 3rd level stun. I am also confused as to when to use the 2nd Vault and when not to.

It's written in the guide though!

Slam --> Autoattack 1 and Dash 1 --> Vault them (it push them back into the slam for extra damage once it explode) --> Autoattack 2 and Dash 2


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Shift + WEW

This cancels the first W with E, allowing you to hit your target with the AoE damage from W. This also keeps them in position when E pops.

Then use Q as needed to finish off.


Conceptor said:
Canadian internet/ISPs are a joke. I pay $60/mo for 60 gigs @ less than 10 up/1 down. Thank god for Teksavvy

Im on Shaw in Kelowna, BC and I have 50Mb/s down and 5Mb/s up and 500GB a month.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
Nome said:
Comcast is capped at 120 gb/month here in Michigan. My town at least. Sucks.
Ohshi, I forgot some of you (or most of you?) worked in Michigan.

So when can I get a job there? You guys need a janitor or something?

Archie said:
You just want to flirt with MsPudding. :mad:
wouldn't have the balls to
. Just interested in the fact that there's a game developer relatively close to home.


Second-rate Anihawk
Tomat said:
Ohshi, I forgot some of you (or most of you?) worked in Michigan.

So when can I get a job there? You guys need a janitor or something?

You just want to flirt with MsPudding. :mad:


S2 definitely has to step it up in the art department. I mean, just look at the competition:





I'm not going to lie, nearly every piece of art i've seen from Rise of Immortals has made my day.


Kapura said:
iirc wasn't the top one (dota 2) created by a community member, not valve?
Top and second both created by same person, kunkka. He's been doing loading screen artwork for a long time


Squire Felix said:
Im on Shaw in Kelowna, BC and I have 50Mb/s down and 5Mb/s up and 500GB a month.

**** you


I hate Rogers. Thank god I'm not stuck with Videotron like Frakinchair, though. No overage fee cap! He could be paying like $10,000 in a month.

Sanjay said:
Talking about something new, I tried out the new Dominion mode in LoL, prettay, prettay, prettay, pretty good.

It's out? As much as I dislike LoL, I am curious to try something that deviates from the DotA formula.
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