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Heroes of Newerth |OT| Free-To-Play [PC /Mac /Linux]


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
Ultimoo said:
I honestly don't even know why you guys are fighting.

Some of the things that get said around here get on my nerves sometimes. Some of it is uncalled for.


Ultimoo said:
I honestly don't even know why you guys are fighting.

Me neither. It's an In-House game with buddies from GAF, where everybody wins gold coins in the end, and the video in question just depict stuff that happens in basically every game that we play. Why this time deserves an apology or an MMR-e-peen contest, I have no idea.


You guys.

Guesong said:
So which is it? You brothers can't go all offended and mighty when Sanjay to obey's Loki orders, making his own decision that attacking that tower at that moment was not a good one, and then tell us how disappointed you are when we don't make our own decisions.

I don't think this is the right situation to bring this up to be honest. I remember this game (I've only played 7, :lol). It wasn't a case of Sanjay making his own decision (whether he was or wasn't is his call) vs Loki's, but more about the fact that Sanjay literally just stopped doing anything for the 5 or so seconds while Loki tanked the tower. Up until this point the game was in our favour and everything had been going smoothly too. Loki and Sanjay got into it on mumble and it was pretty heated between them before Kag was able to get them to calm down and move on. Thankfully we didn't throw or anything and closed it out or it could have been bad.

Guesong said:
Me neither. It's an In-House game with buddies from GAF, where everybody wins gold coins in the end, and the video in question just depict stuff that happens in basically every game that we play. Why this time deserves an apology or an MMR-e-peen contest, I have no idea.

You're right, this isn't the type of thing that might warrant an apology, considering what we've seen from other people lately. At the same time, though, Sanjay might have pushed it with his own comments/sarcasm too so maybe Loki is within his own rights to ask for one. Besides/in any case, it's between them and again, I don't think it fits with what you're arguing Gues. I'm in agreement with what you're saying otherwise though, so don't take this the wrong way!


Ultimoo said:
I honestly don't even know why you guys are fighting.
Once you start assuming nothing in this thread save for MrMr posts are serious, your enjoyment of the trolls goes up 100%.


Sebulon3k said:
Once you start assuming nothing in this thread save for MrMr posts are serious, your enjoyment of the trolls goes up 100%.

I love how Sanjay got serious replies to his 'WHO IS CHANSTAA?!' posts :lol


Neo Member
Sebulon3k said:
Sanjay sitting doing nothing, could've killed the demented shaman way earlier then he did, would've probably escaped the pebbles gank, could have attacked the tower when valk was tanking it with the cata attacking so they'd have the catapult for the next wave.

Minor mistakes that probably made loki furious.

Also when he dived the demented shaman I'm not sure if they saw pebbles and predator incoming on wards but if they did going for DS was a bad idea at the time because they would have been in a bad position to deal with the gank.

The video is in a post by Sanjay earlier on this page

yoh swag. thank you so much for detailing every furious moment at that time. I explained all these to sanjay but i got sarcasmed back?

I forgot about this tbh but seems sanjay thinks he was right and tries to troll me? get facepalmed sanjay. you're wrong. read the advice for mrmister and lets see if you're gonna apologize. if not GTFO of my face ok?


loki_demi said:
yoh swag. thank you so much for detailing every furious moment at that time. I explained all these to sanjay but i got sarcasmed back? kthx I wont tolerate another mrmister here.
Np I got you bro.


Neo Member
Guesong said:
I just find it hilarious that Thor comes out saying

When - and Alumnus / TUSR can back me up on this - he got mad/salty at us in that Drunken Master game, saying something along the lines of "I expected you guys to make your own decisions once in a while and not ask me".

So which is it? You brothers can't go all offended and mighty when Sanjay to obey's Loki orders, making his own decision that attacking that tower at that moment was not a good one, and then tell us how disappointed you are when we don't make our own decisions.

Was it a good call or bad call by Sanjay? To each his own opinion ; quite possibly for Sanjay, at that moment, in the heat of the game, staying back was the right thing to do. But Loki kept telling him to go in, so he eventually did - quite sadly at the worst time for Loki - and then he got raped and raged.

As tomat rightfully said, shit happens. Being 1700 MMR, being 1300 or being 2100 does not mean you are free of mistakes. Perhaps Sanjay made one ; but what the fuck is that attitude that you guys are adopting. Loki going all MrMr and demanding apologies else he won't ever play with him again?!? wtfisthishit.gif

Simply despicable.

yoh guesong. I forgot about that game already but if you guys start posting videos and being sarcastic thinking you were actually right even though the whole team disproved you. idk guesong maybe you need to start thinking about my teammates said about it


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
Ultimoo said:
but these people are being serious, wat.

So basically if I assume everything everyone says around here is a joke 100% of the time then I'll be better off?



loki_demi said:
yoh swag. thank you so much for detailing every furious moment at that time. I explained all these to sanjay but i got sarcasmed back? kthx I wont tolerate another mrmister here..

Am I the only one seeing the Shyamalan twist in there?


loki_demi said:
yoh sanjay. your sarcasm is offending. I'm gonna give you the chance to apologize. Your video is a perfect example of you afking while pushing and I have witnesses of me shouting at you to push the tower. If i dont get an apology from you soon i swear i wont play with you ever.

Yeah that was pretty much the point, at no point did I hear the words "sanjay tank this tower I want to quickly take it down" I mean your a pro level player, just give simple like orders to us grunts.

The best way for me to explain what happened

1.Loki repeatedly says "hello"
2.I press hold on my character to see what was happening mid lane as I see enemies dots on a friendly, I look some and realize I can't help to tp there as mid tower was gone.
3.Back on my character, loki is fuming hellos.
4.SUP loki, ooo friendly creep wave, lets dive this shaman, man loki will be impressed with this kill.
5.loki dies.
6.oh boy.
7.loki gets mad.
8.why you mad Loki, not like you gave me instructions.
9.I don't really recall what loki was saying word for word after his death but most of it was nonsense driven by rage.
10.I did try to have a formal disccusion, asking what did you want me to do and why did you not just tell me what to do instead of constantly saying hello.
11.And then it came, eat a dick.
10.Bigger man, went under the radar for the rest of the night on mumble.

I'm sorry I could not read your mind. So then I do apology your holiness for not being telepathic.

And if this offended you? grow some.

Sebulon3k said:
Sanjay sitting doing nothing, could've killed the demented shaman way earlier then he did, would've probably escaped the pebbles gank, could have attacked the tower when valk was tanking it with the cata attacking so they'd have the catapult for the next wave.

Minor mistakes that probably made loki furious.

Also when he dived the demented shaman I'm not sure if they saw pebbles and predator incoming on wards but if they did going for DS was a bad idea at the time because they would have been in a bad position to deal with the gank.

The video is in a post by Sanjay earlier on this page

You tell me to do something, I will do it. But you say hello to me, not so much. Oh we did have wards, shows up as a red dot on the map on replays btw.

Guesong said:
I just find it hilarious that Thor comes out saying

When - and Alumnus / TUSR can back me up on this - he got mad/salty at us in that Drunken Master game, saying something along the lines of "I expected you guys to make your own decisions once in a while and not ask me".

So which is it? You brothers can't go all offended and mighty when Sanjay to obey's Loki orders, making his own decision that attacking that tower at that moment was not a good one, and then tell us how disappointed you are when we don't make our own decisions.

Was it a good call or bad call by Sanjay? To each his own opinion ; quite possibly for Sanjay, at that moment, in the heat of the game, staying back was the right thing to do. But Loki kept telling him to go in, so he eventually did - quite sadly at the worst time for Loki - and then he got raped and raged.

As tomat rightfully said, shit happens. Being 1700 MMR, being 1300 or being 2100 does not mean you are free of mistakes. Perhaps Sanjay made one ; but what the fuck is that attitude that you guys are adopting. Loki going all MrMr and demanding apologies else he won't ever play with him again?!? wtfisthishit.gif

Simply despicable.

My god Guesong, some one who understands the premise of my point, but how is this possible? hes learning tier, or is he?

To the bold part, Loki did not give me orders to attack the tower or what ever, if he did I would go head first. I guess they are twins.

That's the problem I had with Loki and tried to argue my point after his death but to deaf ears.

Thor "I expected you guys to make your own decisions once in a while and not ask me".

If Thor said this then hes so wrong. You do not make your own decisions in a team game, this is what costs you games. No matter at what level you look at, anything that is competitive and is team focused, there will always be people giving out orders. Do you know why? because its a team game and not solo.

Sebulon3k said:
Sanjay is way above that play lol.

That play was great, in some other community based world that the dice that rolled, valk used her ulti and we all got away safe.

Ultimoo said:
I honestly don't even know why you guys are fighting.

Well we are adults here and don't only read ponygaf and have every post be a catchphrase that starts with Get & Only.

But I do love you other then this post that says otherwise.

And just to be clear, Loki, YOU DID NOT GIVE ME ORDERS.

1. Sanjay, you're right under a tower. If someone TP'd to that tower from off vision and they went on you, you would've gotten trucked because you're not watching/ There are times where you just have to rely on the minimap alone and listen to your team mates for if you need to TP. Also, even if you were looking to see if you needed to TP or not, you should've been able to tell at a glance whether there was enough health/people there to successfully defend it or if you should just go for the trade/kill.

2. This is just going off Sanjay's version of the story, but if Loki just said "Hello? Hello?" that's just not enough. I'm only really posting this point because this happens to be a pet peave of mine, but I hate when people are trying to get you to do something but don't sufficiently communicate what they're actually trying to get you to do. Yes, you can't hold people's hands or control their character for them while you're playing the game, but if you're trying to get someone to do something but they're not doing it, then they obviously have a differing opinion of what is the best action at that point (or just not paying attention) and you should say what you want to convince them, not QQ after its over. Yes there are times when its just a short moment and there's not enough time and you need someone to instantly realize the opportunity, but there's 5 different brains on your team, they're not always going to be in sync.

3. So Neki doesn't have to post it: HonGAF gonna HonGAF. Get Salty. Only the saltiest players in HonGAF. Big salts! Daaaaaaamn.


Wanna hear a good joke? Waste your time helping me! LOL!
Teknopathetic said:
Watch this space for a post regarding sanjay v loki as soon as I get to my keyboard.

Shit I was hoping you would have mailed us a Kodak of a response you wrote up on your typewriter.


Forever Platinum
Did you really just take a shot at Neki for no reason? Goddam.

Guys, can we try to leave some of this salt in game? There's no need to make a scene.


Sanjay said:
If Thor said this then hes so wrong. You do not make your own decisions in a team game, this is what costs you games. No matter at what level you look at, anything that is competitive and is team focused, there will always be people giving out orders. Do you know why? because its a team game and not solo.
Now, I don't wanna act like I don't ask the kagbros for advice, because I do it a lot, but you have to realize there's a point where they cant be answering questions and have to focus on what they're doing, and this is where your own decision making comes into play. You can't completely rely on them to tell you everything to do, you have to make some choices on your own. The whole 'teamgame' vs solo thing, If you expect them to tell you what to do every step of the way, how is that any less of a solo game than them telling you nothing?
shoutouts to swiftlame, #1 soloplayer cy@

Sanjay said:
Well we are adults here and don't only read ponygaf and have every post be a catchphrase that starts with Get & Only.
Cold blooodeddddd
yo this sucks, i keep missing awesome drama.

someone go propose to HBO to make HonGaf of our lives.

Sanjay, moody is 100% right on that matter. Loki simply assumes that you played the game long enough to know what to do under that circumstance (I would too). You hold position for no reason for half of that video, then finally decides to take initation. You coulda either attack the tower, or just initate. Next time, just tell him you had pop up or something. ezpz


Teknopathetic said:
1. Sanjay, you're right under a tower. If someone TP'd to that tower from off vision and they went on you, you would've gotten trucked because you're not watching/ There are times where you just have to rely on the minimap alone and listen to your team mates for if you need to TP. Also, even if you were looking to see if you needed to TP or not, you should've been able to tell at a glance whether there was enough health/people there to successfully defend it or if you should just go for the trade/kill.

Well I was Kraken, some one jumps on me its a free initiation for me but yeah I should be using the side things more. I guess the shock was seeing no tower, I would have been able to help if there was one, should have been keeping track of towers, I just assumed we had one.

Teknopathetic said:
2. This is just going off Sanjay's version of the story, but if Loki just said "Hello? Hello?" that's just not enough. I'm only really posting this point because this happens to be a pet peave of mine, but I hate when people are trying to get you to do something but don't sufficiently communicate what they're actually trying to get you to do. Yes, you can't hold people's hands or control their character for them while you're playing the game, but if you're trying to get someone to do something but they're not doing it, then they obviously have a differing opinion of what is the best action at that point (or just not paying attention) and you should say what you want to convince them, not QQ after its over. Yes there are times when its just a short moment and there's not enough time and you need someone to instantly realize the opportunity, but there's 5 different brains on your team, they're not always going to be in sync.

A pet pee of mines too and why I tried to argue afterwards.

bzm said:
Now, I don't wanna act like I don't ask the kagbros for advice, because I do it a lot, but you have to realize there's a point where they cant be answering questions and have to focus on what they're doing, and this is where your own decision making comes into play. You can't completely rely on them to tell you everything to do, you have to make some choices on your own. The whole 'teamgame' vs solo thing, If you expect them to tell you what to do every step of the way, how is that any less of a solo game than them telling you nothing?

I'm not really arguing for advice like asking for game information during a game, but stuff like when to go in, who to attack etc is vital information where no information results is bad results most the time.

Also by having such orders will never result in rage salt etc, It will all ways be sorry I thought it would work etc and no one will be mad. I guess having accountability in it self is to much pressure for the top players, but I frankly would never care if it goes wrong, your either all in or out in a teamgame with no blame game going on.

Sebulon3k said:
Sanjay asleep at the wheel, Loki gets mad when he dies because of Sanjay's inattentiveness.

Sigh. If I did push like Loki wanted to then It would have been me who got hit by the tower then hellbourne comes in and kills me and valk leaps away, the end happy story. Noob got killed, Sanjay going to Sanjay. I would not QQ to Loki as I know the roles and he was the agility hero.
Okay, you all got me to watch that stupid video.

It doesn't seem to me that sanjay did anything wrong. Looks like a miscomunication, on top of that there's no way you were gonna fight 3v2 or 4v2. It was a misplay from loki(not leaping away in time after the arrow wiff), he could've done that and left sanjay to die, really was the only thing to do.


PillowKnight said:
It doesn't seem to me that sanjay did anything wrong. Looks like a miscomunication, on top of that there's no way you were gonna fight 3v2 or 4v2. It was a misplay from loki(not leaping away in time after the arrow wiff), he could've done that and left sanjay to die, really was the only thing to do.

PuppetYuber said:
why would you take PillowKnight's comment seriously, look at his ranking in IHL

why do black people slap each other?

Who would you rather listen to, dude who rage quit uninstalled hon, or dude who made dude ragequit uninstall hon.


Just reading this thread is as entertaining as playing.

Edit for substance: Moody sums it up pretty well. If there wasn't a clear command given to Sanjay on Loki's intentions then they are both at fault.

The tower definitely should have fallen, given the mini-map info that HB had at the time, even if TPs from bot were coming in valk and kraken can escape easily. I would have arrowed Dsham when he got stuck on those creeps, though. The lowest mmr player in HoN would then understand to also attack.
Sure, go to Control Panel >> Uninstall Programs >> Select HoN and hit OK.

First lesson is free of charge, if you need further lessons it will be $25/hr


Neo Member
Sanjay said:
Sigh. If I did push like Loki wanted to then It would have been me who got hit by the tower then hellbourne comes in and kills me and valk leaps away, the end happy story. Noob got killed, Sanjay going to Sanjay. I would not QQ to Loki as I know the roles and he was the agility hero.

To those other people commentating without proper assessment of the situation

I'll make it clear on these points.

okay. look at your items. 1.5k life. level 5 dsham on our lane. 4 people in our minimap with CLEAR vision on were they were. we had wards if ever they were walking or even tping since we were in front of the tower.

Pillow. Sanjay goes in on demented shaman. i want to help the dive by trying to stop pebbles BECAUSE AS WE CAN SEE WITH OUR 2 WARDS THAT THEY WERE GOING TOP AND SANJAY DIVES!?!?! WTF IS THAT SHIT.

Dont tell me i'm wrong because if you guys watch the video that sanjay posted It clearly shows him being idle and idiotic in his decisions.


Neo Member
PuppetYuber said:
why would you take PillowKnight's comment seriously, look at his ranking in IHL

PillowKnight said:
It doesn't seem to me that sanjay did anything wrong. Looks like a miscomunication, on top of that there's no way you were gonna fight 3v2 or 4v2. It was a misplay from loki(not leaping away in time after the arrow wiff), he could've done that and left sanjay to die, really was the only thing to do.

After what pillow said. I really believe you're right puppet. Watch my movements pillow maybe you can see my hesitation on sanjay diving when we can see clearly that pebbles and predator incoming. Yes it was a misplay by me because i wanted to help sanjay but since you guys are telling me its really my fault for not leaping away then i should go to the conclusion that sanjay's gonna sanjay? meaning he just goes in whenever theres 3 people incoming to our disadvantage AMIRITE?

gg thanks for the input guys but id rather not talk about stuff that was forgotten by me long before.

I'll just stick to what i said before and never play with sanjay again.
loki_demi said:
To those other people commentating without proper assessment of the situation

I'll make it clear on these points.

okay. look at your items. 1.5k life. level 5 dsham on our lane. 4 people in our minimap with CLEAR vision on were they were. we had wards if ever they were walking or even tping since we were in front of the tower.

Pillow. Sanjay goes in on demented shaman. i want to help the dive by trying to stop pebbles BECAUSE AS WE CAN SEE WITH OUR 2 WARDS THAT THEY WERE GOING TOP AND SANJAY DIVES!?!?! WTF IS THAT SHIT.

Dont tell me i'm wrong because if you guys watch the video that sanjay posted It clearly shows him being idle and idiotic in his decisions.
Let's do a bit of math.

Max pebbles combo +auto attacks(After dmg reduction from armor, vanguard, mystic vestments) : around 900 dmg.
Max dmg pred leap+two auto attacks: around 400 dmg.
Both of these values are on the high end of what they would actually deal.

Both of these are probably on the high end. Sanjay could have survived the pebbles combo, the pred follow up, and still walked away with about 200 hp. Had you leapt away in time and deflected the pebbles combo onto kraken, you may have just been able to pull off some kind of counter initiation on them while their skills were on CD.

The guy who tp'd(Foresaken archer) actually died before finishing the tp, so sanjay's crazy dive actually cost them a death on their carry.

I'm sorry loki. But this is a case of when manning up goes right. Granted, Sanjay prob went in because of bad map awareness, but it worked out.


guys, if thor isn't going to let me have #1 spot in the IHL, can you guys at least let me have my sayings. first moodyshuffle takes it, and now loki does? I hate you guys.



PillowKnight said:
I'm sorry loki. But this is a case of when manning up goes right. Granted, Sanjay prob went in because of bad map awareness, but it worked out.
Still could have killed DS much earlier, take tower, and walk away before pebbles and Pred would have been within initiation range.


PillowKnight said:
Let's do a bit of math.

Max pebbles combo +auto attacks(After dmg reduction from armor, vanguard, mystic vestments) : around 900 dmg.
Max dmg pred leap+two auto attacks: around 40000 dmg.
Both of these values are on the high end of what they would actually deal.

Both of these are probably on the high end. Sanjay could have survived the pebbles combo, but fuk dat da pred follo up HHEELLA DAMAGE shit son thatll take otu ur whole TEAM pceeee.
yo i fixed that for you
Really though, wouldnt fighting under the tower have added more than enough damage to kill sanj?
Ultimoo said:
guys, if thor isn't going to let me have #1 spot in the IHL, can you guys at least let me have my sayings. first moodyshuffle takes it, and now loki does? I hate you guys.

your sayings? you fucking stole everything you say from someone else in hongaf cy@


Neo Member
Sanjay said:
Yeah that was pretty much the point, at no point did I hear the words "sanjay tank this tower I want to quickly take it down" I mean your a pro level player, just give simple like orders to us grunts.

The best way for me to explain what happened

1.Loki repeatedly says "hello"
2.I press hold on my character to see what was happening mid lane as I see enemies dots on a friendly, I look some and realize I can't help to tp there as mid tower was gone.
3.Back on my character, loki is fuming hellos.
4.SUP loki, ooo friendly creep wave, lets dive this shaman, man loki will be impressed with this kill.
5.loki dies.
6.oh boy.
7.loki gets mad.
8.why you mad Loki, not like you gave me instructions.
9.I don't really recall what loki was saying word for word after his death but most of it was nonsense driven by rage.
10.I did try to have a formal disccusion, asking what did you want me to do and why did you not just tell me what to do instead of constantly saying hello.
11.And then it came, eat a dick.
10.Bigger man, went under the radar for the rest of the night on mumble.

I'm sorry I could not read your mind. So then I do apology your holiness for not being telepathic.

And if this offended you? grow some.

You tell me to do something, I will do it. But you say hello to me, not so much. Oh we did have wards, shows up as a red dot on the map on replays btw.

My god Guesong, some one who understands the premise of my point, but how is this possible? hes learning tier, or is he?

To the bold part, Loki did not give me orders to attack the tower or what ever, if he did I would go head first. I guess they are twins.

That's the problem I had with Loki and tried to argue my point after his death but to deaf ears.

Thor "I expected you guys to make your own decisions once in a while and not ask me".

If Thor said this then hes so wrong. You do not make your own decisions in a team game, this is what costs you games. No matter at what level you look at, anything that is competitive and is team focused, there will always be people giving out orders. Do you know why? because its a team game and not solo.

And just to be clear, Loki, YOU DID NOT GIVE ME ORDERS.

Just for the record to you sanjay and the other people who agrees with him.

Match id : 64467122

Download replay and start watching from 19:00.

Me not telling sanjay not to push?
hmm maybe the ping and typing p wasn't enough. with sanjay skill level maybe i shoulda paused and told him the plans to push right guys?
I haven't watched the replay, but it seems like you guys are making mountains out of molehills. People make mistakes. Learn from them and move on.


Bull on a Donut
Ultimoo said:
yo so sick, leave me alone. carrying anbokr to an immortal when I'm deathly ill.

Woooo first soulstealer immortal (in the 1600 bracket /flex). I think this is the first immortal I didn't have to rush to. I was two shotting these guys for 30 minutes and alumnus/neki were just pkeying in on magmus and behe, and they waited for us to well camp them and kill their tree. So nice.

btw puppetyuber, alumnus and neki don't complain when they go in, ulti, and die, after which I finally sweep in to take all the kills and glory. suck it.
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