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Heroes of the Storm |OT3| Chromiehounds

What I mean is Blizzard took their old design and personalities instead of using the most recent ones like the current Jaina, she appears as a cameo in one of Jaina emojies.

Not counting Garrosh

Valeera, Ragnaros, Varian, Chromie, Greymane, Lili, Gazlowe, Falstad, and ETC are all characters from WoW.

Take Gaz and ETC, those guys are from Warcraft 3 expansion. Valeera was in the novels before WoW I think

Chromie was since the war of the ancient and Ragnaros (HOTS) accordin to his bios still havent meet his demise in Molten Core

I forgout about Greymane, that guys is from Cata, right?
They gave us classic SC1+BW recently. I would like WC3... used to own it on disc once upon a time ago lol

Man I remember back in the day I could just burn copies of my Starcraft disks for each computer...and those CDs had to stay in the computer for them all to work. LOL

Before anyone mentions piracy: you could use a single CD-Key to install each copy of the game as a "Network Only" game, which basically meant they couldn't do anything aside from play on a network with the master copy you made disk copies from.

I think Red Alert worked the same way. Used to play a lot with my Dad. But he would never play Starcraft with me. :(


I think a lot of people actually would play the game, because come on... it's a blizzard game. Are you guys nuts?

That said, the crossover is not hindering it in the slightest.

Unfortunately, this is the one game that has proven that is not the case. We've pushed our way to a healthy player base for sure (and 2.0/the Nexus Challenges helped immensely), but there's no denying this game is least popular of their releases and probably by a significant margin. Certainly so before 2017.

If it hadn't been for the tie-ins I'm not sure it would've sustained through the bungles of the beta then forced launch to get to the point where we are now. I loved it the whole way through, but many thought it was shit, or a babbies first MOBA, or what have you and that really hurt it early on...that and the Tech Alpha being viewable by all with so many common features missing and the typical Blizz polish not being there at that point. First impressions go a long way.
They need to make the 2.0 hero starter package a permanent offering. It's sad as hell to find newbies play this game and say they don't have any heroes to pick.
Hey guys! I am looking to buy a 300$ laptop from Walmart today and am wondering if modern tech will allow me to play StarCraft 2 on it. Any advice is great! 300$ is my budget so how do I do this?
Unfortunately, this is the one game that has proven that is not the case. We've pushed our way to a healthy player base for sure (and 2.0/the Nexus Challenges helped immensely), but there's no denying this game is least popular of their releases and probably by a significant margin. Certainly so before 2017.

If it hadn't been for the tie-ins I'm not sure it would've sustained through the bungles of the beta then forced launch to get to the point where we are now. I loved it the whole way through, but many thought it was shit, or a babbies first MOBA, or what have you and that really hurt it early on...that and the Tech Alpha being viewable by all with so many common features missing and the typical Blizz polish not being there at that point. First impressions go a long way.
this veers hard into the "what could have been direction" but you are right in so far that the IP mashup probably got the game through a couple rough patches Blizzard unkindly put on the devs and players.
Hots is a prime example of squandered chances, imagine the current dev team with ample time, budget and a ground up development cycle. We're lucky Blizzard stuck to it in the end and we are where we are today.


this veers hard into the "what could have been direction" but you are right in so far that the IP mashup probably got the game through a couple rough patches Blizzard unkindly put on the devs and players.
Hots is a prime example of squandered chances, imagine the current dev team with ample time, budget and a ground up development cycle. We're lucky Blizzard stuck to it in the end and we are where we are today.

Agree with you there. I'm glad they did. Now if we don't see more out of HGC viewership moving forward I hope they stick with that too.

Maybe he is seeing a issue with PvP?

Which is what I want fwi.

You can run HOTS on the lowest settings on some pretty old rigs. I have an old Mac that I've used from time to time on the low (McIntyre style) settings. I wouldn't recommend it if you want to actually enjoy the game, though. By just about any standards HOTS on super low settings is atrocious to look at.
I was under the impression i3 was a pretty significant step up over "Pentium", but maybe I'm wrong.

I wouldn't mind how it looks, as long as I can play online without the game crashing :) seems like we're making progress though. Should I buy it? Quoting you and above person indirectly.


I wouldn't say to buy it, but with that said it is Walmart. You can buy it, boot it up and install HOTS and see if it works and if it doesn't...back she goes.


What I mean is Blizzard took their old design and personalities instead of using the most recent ones like the current Jaina, she appears as a cameo in one of Jaina emojies.

Take Gaz and ETC, those guys are from Warcraft 3 expansion. Valeera was in the novels before WoW I think

Chromie was since the war of the ancient and Ragnaros (HOTS) accordin to his bios still havent meet his demise in Molten Core

I forgout about Greymane, that guys is from Cata, right?

I think he was around before then lore-wise since he's been ruling Gilneas for awhile but everything about him being a Worgen on is Cata related.

I *think* Brightwing is technically some very lowbie NM from WoW but I dunno which expansion that would be.

ETC is from BC since I think the Tauren Chieftains originally performed in Shatt City? And that random appearance in the BE home city.

Rexxar is from WC3 too. Muradin is also I think. Falstad I dunno. Malf, Gaz, Lunara, Rag, and Zujin I dunno if they had anything to do before WoW. The rest I think are covered.
Btw I would recommend to everyone to try out Chair League (or your regional equivalent). Doesn't matter if you are masters or bronze. The most fun you'll have in this game is 5 players on comms communicating.

Just finished our matches today and they had me hype.
we won :D


Won't be surprised if he bails sooner or later. Stream lost its momentum when he joined NVT and hasn't ever gotten it back, his team might push through but hard to see it being better than middle of the pack as constructed, and he doesn't appear to have another spot to jump to should his team not make it.


I've never been a fan of Mc, ever. Especially after watching his streams. He's so salty. Not like Mewn salt, but he has no issues calling his teammates on everything.

Overrated as hell.
Btw I would recommend to everyone to try out Chair League (or your regional equivalent). Doesn't matter if you are masters or bronze. The most fun you'll have in this game is 5 players on comms communicating.

Just finished our matches today and they had me hype.
we won :D

thats super cool, congratz!


I've never been a fan of Mc, ever. Especially after watching his streams. He's so salty. Not like Mewn salt, but he has no issues calling his teammates on everything.

Overrated as hell.

And hes got a dull personality. I never understood why his youtube channel got so popular.
I've never been a fan of Mc, ever. Especially after watching his streams. He's so salty. Not like Mewn salt, but he has no issues calling his teammates on everything.

Overrated as hell.
my mistake then, I remember shilling for Glau over Mc with a bunch of people ITT

In retrospective Glaurung still held on to his old habits back then which only ever put him into the mediocre camp.


TFW you're playing split push Zagara, but your team keeps trying to force fights 4v5 on Blackheart's Bay, and then yells at you for split pushing. Feelsbadman


TFW you're playing split push Zagara, but your team keeps trying to force fights 4v5 on Blackheart's Bay, and then yells at you for split pushing. Feelsbadman

It's true. Though for QM it's probably like:

TFW you or your teammate is playing _________ which requires your team to adjust their typical bash their face into the enemy's face at every objective strategy, you suggest at the start of the match what to do and they ignore you, and then later they bitch and blame you or whoever the off meta or late game hero was.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
next week stuff

Upcoming Hero Sales
Dehaka — Sale Price: 375 Gems
Jaina — Sale Price: 250 Gems

The following Skins and Mounts will enter the Featured Item Rotation, and will be unlockable using Gems until next week's Collection Update:

Upcoming Featured Skins
Prototype Mecha Dehaka
Crimson Succubus Kerrigan
Kaldir Abathur
Quartz High Gravity Zarya
Albino Funny Bunny Murky
Cryo Spectre Tracer
Azure StormPunk Kael'thas
Crimson Apothecary Morales

Upcoming Featured Mounts
Rainbow Unicorn
Big Top Ringmaster's Pride
Mc is ok. He is responsive to chat, usually has a good playlist going, and streams the game at a high level. I don't watch him that often anymore but it seems he has dialed back the salt, no? I usually watch Fan if I'm up during that timeslot anyway


Guess I've won 5 chests, unless it's something they gave to everyone. I'm not seeing any email.
They had 3 legendaries, Mecha Queen Kerrigan (the d.va one, I'm not sure that's its name) and 2 surfboards.
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