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HEY! C'MON C'MON: It's the Giga Powered Neo Geo Appreciation Thread


Well, the games I need the scans for are

Last Blade 2 (JP)
Andro Dunos (US, but JP would work too)

One day I came about those games in loose condition, and considering my limited budget, I bought them. There was someone who told me he'd scsn the inserts for me so I felt secure I would be able to make them shelf-worthy, so to say, but alas, he fell of the face of the earth. Seriously, I'm quite worried about him....he's been gone for over half a year now. But that's another story.

I can't use the Southtown versions because those are versions for MVS carts, I think. At least they are not accurate covers for the AES games. And there once was a scan of LB2 floating around on the interwebs but the quality wasn't very good.

So I got those two carts, I got cases for them, even the booklet for "Andro Dunos", but I desperately, and by that I mean DESPERATELY, need the inserts.

Could anyone help me out here?

(if going to a copy shop and having them scanned would be an option, I'd pay for that, of course!)

It would be amazing if anyone would be able to help me!

So that's it. Thanks for letting me ask this.
If anyone has a MV2F metal cover they'd like to get rid of, PM me. I'm not looking for the fancy repro ones. Just an ugly used one.

Does anyone have any other solutions to protect the mvs and hold the carts? I was thinking about making a custom one out plywood or plastic, but I'd need to be fairly precise.

Ban Puncher

I've contacted the Vidya Gaem Poleece, they will be at your home soon.

They knocked on my door and said I was a pillar of the community and made me an officer for a day and gave me a badge and a baton and took me for a ride along and we spent the day bustin' scum who try to peddle shallow arcade conversions as full price console releases. We then got pizza at Pizza Hut ironically.

Winners Don't Use Crazy Taxis.


They knocked on my door and said I was a pillar of the community and made me an officer for a day and gave me a badge and a baton and took me for a ride along and we spent the day bustin' scum who try to peddle shallow arcade conversions as full price console releases. We then got pizza at Pizza Hut ironically.

Winners Don't Use Crazy Taxis.

oh man, this is ripe for neo-geo jokes but lemme not


I'm having an interesting issue with my MVS. Some stuff appears in the correct location, but actual gameplay stuff appears only on one half of the screen and is flipped horizontally. Same issue with other games I've put into it.


Sorry for the crappy picture, my phone wouldn't focus properly.


huh...what are you playing it on, and how is it connected?

It's a 1-slot MVS board. It was originally a Centipede cabinet, which was turned into a JAMMA cabinet. I didn't do any of the converting, so I can't really tell you much more than that. I'll probably try to get some help from the friend I bought it from, he knows more about it than I do. I swapped out the power supply and turned it on to find this issue, and that was pretty much the first time I'd really done anything inside the machine other than swap out carts.

Ban Puncher

Finally found a copy of The King of Fighters 2001 AES in reasonable condition that wasn't going for a silly price. Comes with the bonus phone card too.

Ring ring hello yes I'll accept the charges from one of the worst games in the series.

Just 2000 and 2003 to go until I have the full KoF AES set.


Finally found a copy of The King of Fighters 2001 AES in reasonable condition that wasn't going for a silly price. Comes with the bonus phone card too.

Ring ring hello yes I'll accept the charges from one of the worst games in the series.

Just 2000 and 2003 to go until I have the full KoF AES set.

Phone card? What in the world? What WAS it?
Huh! I had no idea. Are they just like, international / long distance cards or something? Worth $5-10?

You know, I'm not really sure of the monetary value of them. They often have different art variations and are an interesting thing to have for collectors though. It is my understanding that some publishers place unique art on these cards that aren't available anywhere else, even in art books and stuff like that. The idea is that if you really like a character, you'll pre-order from the place that has their exclusive phone card.

Ban Puncher

They still do collectable phone cards for pre-order bonuses in Japan but I wonder if there is actually any way to still use them like back in the day.

Not that a collector would actually use their rare phone card to holla at someone.


I like it, but to me,woodgrain is ataris thing. I'd just get an omega and use the leftover $100 or so on a stick/multicart


Analogue CMVS is hot fire

I took delivery of my CMVS about two weeks ago. Unfortunately, I was experiencing issues with it. There was a pixel-ish noise scrolling through the image. It was happening with both RGB and component and on two different displays with no other devices in between. It was clearly coming from the CMVS.

I reached out to Analogue and spoke with Chris, who was very helpful. I ended up sending it back to them. When they received it, they discovered no issues with the unit. After some correspondence we came to the conclusion that it had to be the PSU (which was not sent back). They also discovered the LED was broken, which is another clue the PSU may have been at fault.

It's on its way back along with a new PSU. I should receive it on Wednesday. Fingers crossed this indeed takes care of the issue.


Analogue CMVS is hot fire

The insides aren't so hot looking through. People over at Neo-Geo.com have pretty much run this guy off the site for good... lots of interesting threads bashing his sales tactics and his workmanship. Additionally, these things sometimes develop cracks in the wood.
The insides aren't so hot looking through. People over at Neo-Geo.com have pretty much run this guy off the site for good... lots of interesting threads bashing his sales tactics and his workmanship. Additionally, these things sometimes develop cracks in the wood.

You'd think getting into that business, your product would make it past those guys.


Finally found a copy of The King of Fighters 2001 AES in reasonable condition that wasn't going for a silly price. Comes with the bonus phone card too.

Ring ring hello yes I'll accept the charges from one of the worst games in the series.

Just 2000 and 2003 to go until I have the full KoF AES set.

Oh, 2001 is the last KOF I'm missing! Where did you find it? Were there more copies available? :)
(well, eBay, I presume)


You'd think getting into that business, your product would make it past those guys.

I'm not quite sure what you mean?

The general consensus is that Christoph borrowed heavily from information shared between members for their own CMVS builds, offered nothing back to the community in that regard, and then proceeded to make an extremely expensive product based on that free information.

Heck, NG in general is very different right now; members who don't contribute as the moderators desire are no longer allowed into the sales forum. I openly admit I was frequenting the sales page daily to just check for anything interesting, and not posting enough in other areas. I don't know if the site policy changes will do much to halt the steady price increases on MVS and AES stuff, but at least people who are really in to that community have a place to trade with each other for fair deals.
The insides aren't so hot looking through. People over at Neo-Geo.com have pretty much run this guy off the site for good... lots of interesting threads bashing his sales tactics and his workmanship. Additionally, these things sometimes develop cracks in the wood.
That's a shame. Sounds like they don't offer a premium product to match their premium price. And they sound shady as fuck after the NT debacle.


Hey everyone, I just had a quick question if someone would be kind enough to answer or point me in the right direction.

I was just wondering if there is such a thing as an MVS cabinet/modded MVS cabinet that comes with every neo geo game released already installed or able to easily download new games?
I'm fascinated by the neo geo and want to experience all the games with out the ridiculous prices haha. I looked at mame cabinets but I don't think I can get mvs games on that. Any help is greatly appreciated!!

Wow, I'm not touching any of that with a ten foot pole. Come on dude.


Yikes. Had no idea prior to ordering the Analogue CMVS what was going on behind the scenes. That said, I had no issues whatsoever dealing with Christopher. He responds quickly and offered good service. If I get a machine that works as intended tomorrow, I'll be a happy camper.

If I'm not happy in some way, I'll sell it (maybe even make a profit?) and go for the Omega. Also, the joystick I ordered through Analogue is great and is a major upgrade from the original AES sticks.

Anyway, fingers crossed.


If I'm not happy in some way, I'll sell it (maybe even make a profit?) and go for the Omega. Also, the joystick I ordered through Analogue is great and is a major upgrade from the original AES sticks.

is it? ive always fancied the AES sticks, and this knockoff Gold X one i got doesn't cut it. what's different? Mark from CGR highlighted the size & build.


Oh sorry, did I break the rules, should I delete my post?
I just noticed people discussing the 161-1 game cart, so I was just wondering of there was a cart/multiple carts that had all the games, not just 161.
Sorry again if I broke the rules, that was not my intention

The 161 cart is a pirated item. SNK never produced them. They're knockoffs. You can talk about them in terms as if they exist.

However, you want to avoid asking for where to obtain them or posting where you can buy them since the producers are infighting on SNK copyrights.

So you can talk about them, just not ask where to obtain them nor sell them in the Buy sell threads. Linking to pirated sites or items is against the terms of service here.


The 161 cart is a pirated item. SNK never produced them. They're knockoffs. You can talk about them in terms as if they exist.

However, you want to avoid asking for where to obtain them or posting where you can buy them since the producers are infighting on SNK copyrights.

So you can talk about them, just not ask where to obtain them nor sell them in the Buy sell threads. Linking to pirated sites or items is against the terms of service here.

Ah ok. Thanks man, won't be doing that again haha. Deleting my posts now.
Sorry again, I never meant to break the rules, definitely not happening again.


it's cool, man - i don't think you specifically did a thing wrong. i too am interested in multi-carts & have talked about em on here too, just not asked where to find em. for instance, a few have commented on the mixed bag you get - i wanna say i've heard nearly half the games are legit, the rest an assortment of hacks & such? i'd love specifics one day, since it's not like we're seeing an everdrive for the system.


is it? ive always fancied the AES sticks, and this knockoff Gold X one i got doesn't cut it. what's different? Mark from CGR highlighted the size & build.

Yes, the stick is nice. Of course this is all very subjective and I don't dislike the AES sticks, but they feel cheap compared to this. Partially because of the thin plastic and in part because the buttons/stick aren't of the same quality.

The Analogue uses a Seimitsu stick and buttons, just like you'd find in Japanese arcades and many custom sticks people make. It feels much better than the default AES stick does. The build is great too, on the outside at least. Posts above make me question the internals, but it certainly feels solid.

If you have the money, patience, and don't want to create a custom stick or mod your AES stick, this is a solid option.

The 161 cart is a pirated item. SNK never produced them. They're knockoffs. You can talk about them in terms as if they exist.

I got a chance to try it out in the Arcade Emporium bar in Chicago. I didn't realize they had the 161 until my second visit, when I noticed a different game being played and wanted to figure out if this was a multislot MVS.

Per the instructions on the top of the cabinet I held the start button for 5 seconds and was presented with the game selection menu -- a giant list with a ton of hacks, but a decent selection of originals as well. Surprisingly, considering the giant selection, a good amount of high regarded originals are missing.

I could see a use for the cart, however. It would certainly be very convenient to have access to so many games without switching carts. And, of course, there are some high value games on there which would cost a fortune otherwise. I'm not endorsing the purchase of this, though!


AES sticks are nice for the time, but suck by modern standards. The actual lever is some kind of Seimitsu with a very short shaft under the panel, a custom order of some sort. The buttons, on the other hand, are pure garbage. Fortunately, you can replace them with actual Sanwa or Seimitsu screw-ins... not the full size arcade ones though.

I did one a while ago, actually, before I built my HSS-0130. Can't seem to find my pictures, but here's something almost identical by someone else:


Okay, as for the Multi-Carts.

They're... they're something. Most of the games in them are bad hacks of OTHER games in them, and a bunch of the "real" games have funky glitches. For the most part, they work fine and the casual player wouldn't notice any issues. A big problem with usage on a CMVS would be memory card stuff though; I don't believe Mutli-Carts support proper Memory Card usage. Further, check the games lists for each cart... the 121 in 1 has stuff the 161 in 1 doesn't, and vice versa. You still aren't getting all the stuff, oddly.

All the same, they're Chinese pirate cartridges. The Neo Geo Virtual Console stuff on the Wii runs more glitch free frankly.
I don't like the AES sticks. That button arrangement has too dramatic an arc for me. Really uncomfortable.

I use a Playstation controller adapter and my HRAP2 for Neo games.


All the same, they're Chinese pirate cartridges. The Neo Geo Virtual Console stuff on the Wii runs more glitch free frankly.

From what I gathered on the Neo-Geo forums, the glitches are as follows:

Aero Fighters 3 - Has a game breaking bug
Garou MOTW - Is the prototype version, which has a few issues (back when it came out these roms were dumped before the original)
Samurai Shodown - Kyoshiro sprite glitch, not game breaking
Samurai Shodown II - Audio is a little more muffled(?) (don't think this is verified)
Sengoku - glitches in the high score list

There may be more but this is all I was able to gather from reading a few pages of the forum.


I personally like the original Last Blade more than the sequel, but it depends on the person I guess.


Is Last Blade 1 worth owning if you already own Last Blade 2?

Not really, all the characters in 1 are in 2. It's not like Samurai Shodown where some characters got dropped along the way.

The bandaged head guy was not wearing his bandages though! I think he's some sort of zombie in 2, while he was still alive in 1. But don't quote me on that.
I'm not quite sure what you mean?

The general consensus is that Christoph borrowed heavily from information shared between members for their own CMVS builds, offered nothing back to the community in that regard, and then proceeded to make an extremely expensive product based on that free information.

Heck, NG in general is very different right now; members who don't contribute as the moderators desire are no longer allowed into the sales forum. I openly admit I was frequenting the sales page daily to just check for anything interesting, and not posting enough in other areas. I don't know if the site policy changes will do much to halt the steady price increases on MVS and AES stuff, but at least people who are really in to that community have a place to trade with each other for fair deals.

I was referring to the workmanship meeting the standards of that community.


The irony of "standards" coming from a forum that is barely readable because more than half of every post's content is cluttered with completely retarded sigs.

Makes you truly appreciate how NeoGAF doesn't support sigs at all.
The irony of "standards" coming from a forum that is barely readable because more than half of every post's content is cluttered with completely retarded sigs.

Makes you truly appreciate how NeoGAF doesn't support sigs at all.

why do you sound so bitter lol. You can disable sigs, by the way.


Got my first ever conversion today, Puzzle Bobble on AES.

It was cheap and looks really good but I still feel kinda dirty.

I accidentally got one like that, didn't realize it was a conversion. I would have kept it, but the sound didn't work. I believe that this is the most common conversion.
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