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Hideki Kamiya annoyed on twitter, tells fanboy to use his own brain

これはこれは経営指南まで… RT @nayuta_hiiragi: はい、今週のハード売上でWiiUがとうとう4桁になったそうだね。おたくの将来のためにもベヨネッタ2をWiiU用に作るのは考え直した方がいいのでは?いっそ開発中止にしてPS3or4用にシフトすべきだと思うな。

What now?An economics coach... RT @nayuta_hiiragi: Yes, it seems that in this week's sales figures, Wii U has dropped to four figure sales. For your [studio's] future, shouldn't you be rethinking making Bayonetta 2 a Wii U exclusive? I think you should stop development or make it for PS3 or 4 [instead].

ツイッターに書き込む前に行きなさい… RT @yumi_sakuta_lov: このままだと101買うお金もないのでハローワークに行ってこようと思います。

You should go there before you write about it on Twitter... RT @yumi_sakuta_lov: If stuff continues on this way, I won't have the money to buy TW101, so I think I should go to an employment agency.

来週の…ゲーム雑誌に… RT @sabuakaunnto: PS4の参入メーカーらしいですがなにかE3で発表する予定ありますか?

Next week...in games magazines...RT @sabuakaunnto:You seem to be a PS4 developer, so do you plan on announcing something at E3?

<3 Kamiya


Next week... RT @UltimaDaz: when are you going to pop the question to Nintendo about making a Star Fox game?

He said previously he hasn´t done the Iwata Asks yet, so next week finally true?
doubt it
&#12371;&#12428;&#12399;&#12371;&#12428;&#12399;&#32076;&#21942;&#25351;&#21335;&#12414;&#12391;… RT @nayuta_hiiragi: &#12399;&#12356;&#65380;&#20170;&#36913;&#12398;&#65418;&#65392;&#65412;&#65438;&#22770;&#19978;&#12391;WiiU&#12364;&#12392;&#12358;&#12392;&#12358;4&#26689;&#12395;&#12394;&#12387;&#12383;&#12381;&#12358;&#12384;&#12397;&#65377;&#12362;&#12383;&#12367;&#12398;&#23558;&#26469;&#12398;&#12383;&#12417;&#12395;&#12418;&#65421;&#65438;&#65430;&#65416;&#65391;&#65408;2&#12434;WiiU&#29992;&#12395;&#20316;&#12427;&#12398;&#12399;&#32771;&#12360;&#30452;&#12375;&#12383;&#26041;&#12364;&#12356;&#12356;&#12398;&#12391;&#12399;?&#12356;&#12387;&#12381;&#38283;&#30330;&#20013;&#27490;&#12395;&#12375;&#12390;PS3or4&#29992;&#12395;&#65404;&#65420;&#65412;&#12377;&#12409;&#12365;&#12384;&#12392;&#24605;&#12358;&#12394;&#65377;

&#12484;&#12452;&#12483;&#12479;&#12540;&#12395;&#26360;&#12365;&#36796;&#12416;&#21069;&#12395;&#34892;&#12365;&#12394;&#12373;&#12356;… RT @yumi_sakuta_lov: &#12371;&#12398;&#12414;&#12414;&#12384;&#12392;&#65297;&#65296;&#65297;&#36023;&#12358;&#12362;&#37329;&#12418;&#12394;&#12356;&#12398;&#12391;&#12495;&#12525;&#12540;&#12527;&#12540;&#12463;&#12395;&#34892;&#12387;&#12390;&#12371;&#12424;&#12358;&#12392;&#24605;&#12356;&#12414;&#12377;&#12290;

&#26469;&#36913;&#12398;…&#12466;&#12540;&#12512;&#38609;&#35468;&#12395;… RT @sabuakaunnto: PS4&#12398;&#21442;&#20837;&#12513;&#12540;&#12459;&#12540;&#12425;&#12375;&#12356;&#12391;&#12377;&#12364;&#12394;&#12395;&#12363;E3&#12391;&#30330;&#34920;&#12377;&#12427;&#20104;&#23450;&#12354;&#12426;&#12414;&#12377;&#12363;&#65311;

<3 Kamiya
Oh wow LOL!


&#12371;&#12428;&#12399;&#12371;&#12428;&#12399;&#32076;&#21942;&#25351;&#21335;&#12414;&#12391;… RT @nayuta_hiiragi: &#12399;&#12356;&#65380;&#20170;&#36913;&#12398;&#65418;&#65392;&#65412;&#65438;&#22770;&#19978;&#12391;WiiU&#12364;&#12392;&#12358;&#12392;&#12358;4&#26689;&#12395;&#12394;&#12387;&#12383;&#12381;&#12358;&#12384;&#12397;&#65377;&#12362;&#12383;&#12367;&#12398;&#23558;&#26469;&#12398;&#12383;&#12417;&#12395;&#12418;&#65421;&#65438;&#65430;&#65416;&#65391;&#65408;2&#12434;WiiU&#29992;&#12395;&#20316;&#12427;&#12398;&#12399;&#32771;&#12360;&#30452;&#12375;&#12383;&#26041;&#12364;&#12356;&#12356;&#12398;&#12391;&#12399;?&#12356;&#12387;&#12381;&#38283;&#30330;&#20013;&#27490;&#12395;&#12375;&#12390;PS3or4&#29992;&#12395;&#65404;&#65420;&#65412;&#12377;&#12409;&#12365;&#12384;&#12392;&#24605;&#12358;&#12394;&#65377;

&#12484;&#12452;&#12483;&#12479;&#12540;&#12395;&#26360;&#12365;&#36796;&#12416;&#21069;&#12395;&#34892;&#12365;&#12394;&#12373;&#12356;… RT @yumi_sakuta_lov: &#12371;&#12398;&#12414;&#12414;&#12384;&#12392;&#65297;&#65296;&#65297;&#36023;&#12358;&#12362;&#37329;&#12418;&#12394;&#12356;&#12398;&#12391;&#12495;&#12525;&#12540;&#12527;&#12540;&#12463;&#12395;&#34892;&#12387;&#12390;&#12371;&#12424;&#12358;&#12392;&#24605;&#12356;&#12414;&#12377;&#12290;

&#26469;&#36913;&#12398;…&#12466;&#12540;&#12512;&#38609;&#35468;&#12395;… RT @sabuakaunnto: PS4&#12398;&#21442;&#20837;&#12513;&#12540;&#12459;&#12540;&#12425;&#12375;&#12356;&#12391;&#12377;&#12364;&#12394;&#12395;&#12363;E3&#12391;&#30330;&#34920;&#12377;&#12427;&#20104;&#23450;&#12354;&#12426;&#12414;&#12377;&#12363;&#65311;

<3 Kamiya

Love it! Even with Japanese people he still acts the same.


I heard a rumor that you like to remake your DMC at PlatinumGames. Is this true?
HK: Who said such a thing. You?

Best part of the "interview" lol

Lol, never noticed it XD


Unconfirmed Member
Edit: (Above) I always thought Joe was doing the "shocker"...

&#12371;&#12428;&#12399;&#12371;&#12428;&#12399;&#32076;&#21942;&#25351;&#21335;&#12414;&#12391;&#8230; RT @nayuta_hiiragi: &#12399;&#12356;&#65380;&#20170;&#36913;&#12398;&#65418;&#65392;&#65412;&#65438;&#22770;&#19978;&#12391;WiiU&#12364;&#12392;&#12358;&#12392;&#12358;4&#26689;&#12395;&#12394;&#12387;&#12383;&#12381;&#12358;&#12384;&#12397;&#65377;&#12362;&#12383;&#12367;&#12398;&#23558;&#26469;&#12398;&#12383;&#12417;&#12395;&#12418;&#65421;&#65438;&#65430;&#65416;&#65391;&#65408;2&#12434;WiiU&#29992;&#12395;&#20316;&#12427;&#12398;&#12399;&#32771;&#12360;&#30452;&#12375;&#12383;&#26041;&#12364;&#12356;&#12356;&#12398;&#12391;&#12399;?&#12356;&#12387;&#12381;&#38283;&#30330;&#20013;&#27490;&#12395;&#12375;&#12390;PS3or4&#29992;&#12395;&#65404;&#65420;&#65412;&#12377;&#12409;&#12365;&#12384;&#12392;&#24605;&#12358;&#12394;&#65377;

&#12484;&#12452;&#12483;&#12479;&#12540;&#12395;&#26360;&#12365;&#36796;&#12416;&#21069;&#12395;&#34892;&#12365;&#12394;&#12373;&#12356;&#8230; RT @yumi_sakuta_lov: &#12371;&#12398;&#12414;&#12414;&#12384;&#12392;&#65297;&#65296;&#65297;&#36023;&#12358;&#12362;&#37329;&#12418;&#12394;&#12356;&#12398;&#12391;&#12495;&#12525;&#12540;&#12527;&#12540;&#12463;&#12395;&#34892;&#12387;&#12390;&#12371;&#12424;&#12358;&#12392;&#24605;&#12356;&#12414;&#12377;&#12290;

&#26469;&#36913;&#12398;&#8230;&#12466;&#12540;&#12512;&#38609;&#35468;&#12395;&#8230; RT @sabuakaunnto: PS4&#12398;&#21442;&#20837;&#12513;&#12540;&#12459;&#12540;&#12425;&#12375;&#12356;&#12391;&#12377;&#12364;&#12394;&#12395;&#12363;E3&#12391;&#30330;&#34920;&#12377;&#12427;&#20104;&#23450;&#12354;&#12426;&#12414;&#12377;&#12363;&#65311;

<3 Kamiya
Haha, nice! Can I play?

&#23567;&#23798;&#12373;&#12435;&#12376;&#12419;&#12394;&#12363;&#12387;&#12383;&#12387;&#12369;&#8230;&#65311; RT @youkajimamk2: &#26469;&#36913;&#12398;&#12466;&#12540;&#12512;&#38609;&#35468;&#12395;&#31070;&#35895;&#12373;&#12435;&#12475;&#12511;&#12492;&#12540;&#12489;&#25522;&#36617;&#12387;&#12390;&#26412;&#24403;&#12391;&#12377;&#12363;

Wasn't that Kojima...? RT @youkajimamk2: Is it true that Kamiya's going semi-nude in games magazines next week?

I heard a rumor that you like to remake your DMC at PlatinumGames. Is this true?
HK: Who said such a thing. You?
Hahaha "You?" is just too cute.


I dunno, I don't follow him or anything so I dont have a really good perspective on what he does with his account. But he just strikes me as the type of guy who probably shouldn't be on Twitter.


I dunno, I don't follow him or anything so I dont have a really good perspective on what he does with his account. But he just strikes me as the type of guy who probably shouldn't be on Twitter.

We already had 20 pages of fun because of him. That's as good a reason to be on Twitter as any.
I dunno, I don't follow him or anything so I dont have a really good perspective on what he does with his account. But he just strikes me as the type of guy who probably shouldn't be on Twitter.

No no no my fellow Junior. He is the type of guy who should be on twitter. We need more Kamiya. More...


I think it's this one.


I have no idea what he says though.

I had my SO (who is japanese) translate it for us. Bare in she doesn't know who Hideki is and thought it's a little weird that he responded like this. She kind of found it insulting. Sort of like "Why would you say that?"

This is in the order of the tweets.

1)I have to work part time to pay half my tuition fees.I heard the experience I have had from the job is trash and not going to help him in the future (aka meaningless).

2)Dont just think this is just a meaningless endeavour.Shift your way of thinking so that you can use your experience to better prepare for the future.

3)Thank you I understand. I have been having a tough time as a student financially and I will respect that way of thinking.

4 (Hideki) : Is your life just about part time jobs?


The whole platinum deal (bayonetta 2, w101) reaks of another aliens colonial marines to me. Kamiya is not developing the game actively but rather spends time with trolls and the company as a whole probably sees the titles as a good opportunity to get money from nintendo to put it in real projects like metal gear solid rising.

The stance of platinum regarding games like bayonetta 1 or mgr on wiiu just makes me think that they are not interested in bayonetta 2 or w101 selling and they are probably not spending resources on it.


The whole platinum deal (bayonetta 2, w101) reaks of another aliens colonial marines to me. Kamiya is not developing the game actively but rather spends time with trolls and the company as a whole probably sees the titles as a good opportunity to get money from nintendo to put it in real projects like metal gear solid rising.

The stance of platinum regarding games like bayonetta 1 or mgr on wiiu just makes me think that they are not interested in bayonetta 2 or w101 selling and they are probably not spending resources on it.

Wow. What the hell goes on in your head?


The whole platinum deal (bayonetta 2, w101) reaks of another aliens colonial marines to me. Kamiya is not developing the game actively but rather spends time with trolls and the company as a whole probably sees the titles as a good opportunity to get money from nintendo to put it in real projects like metal gear solid rising.

The stance of platinum regarding games like bayonetta 1 or mgr on wiiu just makes me think that they are not interested in bayonetta 2 or w101 selling and they are probably not spending resources on it.
Not enough :lols for this post.


The whole platinum deal (bayonetta 2, w101) reaks of another aliens colonial marines to me. Kamiya is not developing the game actively but rather spends time with trolls and the company as a whole probably sees the titles as a good opportunity to get money from nintendo to put it in real projects like metal gear solid rising.

The stance of platinum regarding games like bayonetta 1 or mgr on wiiu just makes me think that they are not interested in bayonetta 2 or w101 selling and they are probably not spending resources on it.

What is this shit? Platinum has zero choice on which platforms Bayonetta and MGR are released on, as they have no rights to them.


The whole platinum deal (bayonetta 2, w101) reaks of another aliens colonial marines to me. Kamiya is not developing the game actively but rather spends time with trolls and the company as a whole probably sees the titles as a good opportunity to get money from nintendo to put it in real projects like metal gear solid rising.

The stance of platinum regarding games like bayonetta 1 or mgr on wiiu just makes me think that they are not interested in bayonetta 2 or w101 selling and they are probably not spending resources on it.

I can't even make sense of this on any level. So you're saying they're taking Nintendo's money to work on 101 and Bayo 2, but instead of working on them they are giving that money to Konami, who is using that to pay them to make a game that already came out? And I guess the stuff we've seen about 101 and Bayonetta 2 was all a mockup thrown together to throw us off their dirty scheme? And Kamiya is somehow at the center of all this, doing nothing all day except replying to tweets.

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